Predicting Total Nitrogen, Total Phosphorus, Total Organic Carbon, Dissolved Oxygen and Iron in Deep Waters of Swedish Lakes

2015 ◽  
Vol 20 (5) ◽  
pp. 411-423 ◽  
Peter H. Dimberg ◽  
Andreas C. Bryhn
2016 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 305
Ivalde Belluta ◽  
Sílvio Alexandre Jesus ◽  
Márcio Piedade Vieira ◽  
Nelita Maria Corrêa ◽  
Vera Lúcia Mores Rall ◽  

O estudo das cargas orgânica e de nutrientes de uma sub-bacia hidrográfica é importante para quantificar o fluxo de energia ao longo de um rio até que chegue a um reservatório ou uma barragem. O objetivo deste estudo foi estimar a carga orgânica (CO) e as cargas de nitrogênio (CN) e fósforo (CP) na foz da sub-bacia do córrego da Cascata e avaliar a qualidade da água e sua contribuição na eutrofização do reservatório de Barra Bonita (rio Tietê, SP). Foram coletadas mensalmente (de maio/2011 a junho/2012) amostras de água e medidas de vazão (V) na foz do córrego da Cascata, junto ao córrego Água Fria. Foram determinados o pH e as concentrações de carbono orgânico total (COT), nitrogênio total (NT), fósforo total (PT), oxigênio dissolvido (OD); a demanda bioquímica de oxigênio (DBO5,20); a condutividade elétrica (CE); o cloreto (Cl). Foram realizadas análises microbiológica (coliformes termotolerantes (CT)) e estatística descritiva. Avaliou-se a influência do índice pluviométrico (IP) na vazão e nas cargas dos parâmetros analisados. A V média mensal na foz do córrego da Cascata foi de 81,5 L.s-1; a CO foi 1,35 g.s-1 ou 3,6 g.s-1 em OD; a CN, 0,21 g.s-1 e a CP, 0,007 g.s-1. A CE esteve acima do normal (100 uS/cm) em duas coletas, e a CT atingiu 1,1x105 NMP em uma amostragem. As sub-bacias contribuem para a eutrofização, e seu controle evita aumento de nutrientes em suas águas. O córrego da Cascata possui boa qualidade de água, e eventuais lançamentos de resíduos são facilmente assimilados e passíveis de controle.    A B S T R A C T The study of organic and nutrient loading of a subbasin is important to quantify the flow of energy along a river until it reaches a reservoir or dam. The goal of this study was to estimate the organic loading (OL) and the nitrogen (NL) and phosphorus (PL) loadings in the mouth of the subbasin of Cascata brook and assess the water quality and its contribution to the eutrophication of Barra Bonita Reservoir (Tietê River, São Paulo-Brazil). Water samples and flow measurements (F) were collected every month (from May/2011 to June/2012) at the mouth of Cascata brook. It were analyzed: the pH and total organic carbon concentration (TOC); the total nitrogen (TN); the total phosphorus (TP); the dissolved oxygen (DO); the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5,20); the electrical conductivity (EC); and the chloride (Cl). Microbiological analysis (thermotolerant coliforms (TC)) and descriptive statistics were performed. The influence of the precipitation index (PI) over the flow and over the parameters loads was analyzed. The average monthly V at the mouth of Cascata brook was 81,5 L.s-1; the OL was 1,35 g.s-1 or 3,6 g.s-1 in DO; the NL, 0,21 g.s-1 and the PL 0,007 g.s-1. The EC was above the standards (100 µ in two samples, and the TC reached 1,1.x.105 MPN in one of the samples. The subbasins contribute to the eutrophication and maintaining them prevents the increase of nutrients in their waters. The Cascata brook has good water quality, and any waste releases are easily assimilated and can be controlled. Keywords: Eutrophication, total organic carbon, total nitrogen, total phosphorus.  

2014 ◽  
Vol 931-932 ◽  
pp. 762-767
Wassana Taenkaew ◽  
Suhainee Samo ◽  
Prukraya Pongyeela ◽  
Juntima Chungsiriporn ◽  
Jutarut Pornpunyapat

A survey of cooperative concentrated rubber latex industry in southern Thailand showed that most of them do not have adequate treatments for their wastes. Especially, skim latex serum (SS) with high source of ammonia is a main wastewater generated from their industries and concentrated latex sludge (CS) with high source of phosphorus is a main solid waste obtained from their industries. It was noted that both of the wastes cause environment problems. Water pollution and bad smell of NH3from these waste systems have also been generated and affected to human health. One low investment possibility is the elaboration of these wastes by composting because these wastes contain some nutrients (N, P, K) in available forms resulting in high potential to add value for fertilizer production. However, both of the wastes have a small amount of organic matter content that need to be mixed with other materials with high organic matter such as sawdust (SD). Thus, the aim of this research was to investigate the utilization of these wastes to produce compost. In this work, the SS, CS and SD were composted in specially designed composting vessel (6L) with various mixing ratios of the SS, CS and SD in order to examine the optimized mixing condition and physical properties of the compost. Each treatment was composted with 60 days of composting duration. The performance of composting process was analyzed in term of the following: temperature, pH, electric conductivity, total organic carbon, total nitrogen, total phosphorus and C/N ratio. The analysis of temperature, pH, and electric conductivity was measured every day while the analysis of total organic carbon, total nitrogen, total phosphorus and C/N ratio was investigated every 10 days. According to the results, the optimized mixing ratio of SS, CS and SD for composting was 1:1:1. The final resultant compost was feasible for agricultural use. From the view point of compost qualities, it was in the range of the Thai compost standard with 7.91 of pH, 15.06 (%w/w) of total organic carbon, 1.24 (%w/w) of total nitrogen, 0.69 (%w/w) of total phosphorus and 21.6 of C/N ratio.

2020 ◽  
Vol 42 (12) ◽  
pp. 603-609
Jeong-Hwan Choi ◽  
Dong-Hun Shin ◽  
Hye-Bin Kim ◽  
Jong-Gook Kim ◽  
Kitae Baek

Objective:This study proposed the simultaneous multi-oxidation of total organic carbon, total nitrogen, and total phosphorous using modified wet chemical oxidation method.Methods:The multi oxidation process was based on the dual radical system with sulfate and hydroxyl radicals. The sodium persulfate (Na2S2O8) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH) were activated at 40℃ and UV irradiation with 254 nm to generate the sulfate radical and hydroxyl radical. The organic matters were oxidized by the dual radicals, and TOC, TN, and TP values were compared with the control group.Results and Discussion:The dual radical system oxidized organic carbon to carbon dioxide effectively, and the TOC values were similar to the value obtained from the high-temperature combustion technique. However, the residual persulfate after oxidation process interfered the absorbance for TN and inhibit the complexation in TP measurement. The residual persulfate was effectively converted to sulfate by longer heating and UV irradiation, and the interferences were more sensitive to reaction temperature than UV irradiation time. As a result, a higher temperature condition was more effective and enhanced the applicability of multi-oxidation.Conclusions:The multi oxidation of TOC, TN, and TP was demonstrated by wet chemical oxidation, and the proposed method is expected to secure the sample and reduce the analytic time. However, the more suitable condition to enhance the accuracy of TOC, TN, and TP in the multi-oxidation system should be studied further.

2020 ◽  
Vol 39 ◽  
pp. 101452
Luis H. Poersch ◽  
William Bauer ◽  
Mônica Wallner Kersanach ◽  
Wilson Wasielesky

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
ATTOUNGBRE Kouakou Séverin ◽  
NIAMIEN-EBROTTIE Julie Estelle ◽  
KOUAMÉ Kouamé Martin ◽  
BOUSSOU Koffi Charles ◽  
ALIKO N’Guéssan Gustave ◽  

The objective is to study the phytoplankton community of Dohou Lake in order to contribute to the knowledge of its ecological quality. For this purpose, monthly samplings were carried out annually between October 2017 and September 2018. The studied physicochemical parameters (Temperature, Electrical conductivity, pH, Dissolved oxygen, Transparency, Depth, Total nitrogen, Nitrate, Nitrite, Total phosphorus) varied significantly over time. During the rainy season months, Dohou Lake is influenced by high values of total phosphorus, total nitrogen, conductivity, nitrate, pH, transparency and depth. However, in the dry season, the lake is characterized by high values of temperature, nitrite, dissolved oxygen and conductivity. For the phytoplankton community, 373 phytoplankton taxa divided into 111 genera, 51 families, 24 orders, 11 classes and 7 phyla (Chlorophyta, Euglenophyta, Cyanobacteria, Bacillariophyta, Pyrrophyta, Chrysophyta and Xanthophyta) have been identified. Chlorophyta with 50.67% is the most represented in the taxonomic richness of the environment. Total phytoplankton densities oscillate between 100 105 cells / L (August) and 321 105 cells / L (February) with high proportions of Cyanobacteria greater than 45% during each month of the rainy season. The highest values of Shannon and Equitability diversities are observed during the dry season months.

2008 ◽  
Vol 171 (6) ◽  
pp. 854-857 ◽  
Reiner Ruser ◽  
Judith Riehle ◽  
Mario Schenck zu Schweinsberg-Mickan ◽  
Maria Ruckwied ◽  
Torsten Müller

2016 ◽  
Juan Velásquez ◽  
Arístide Márquez ◽  
Ivis Fermín ◽  
Fabiola López ◽  
Deudedit Hernández ◽  

This research aims to evaluate some chemical parameters of surface sediments of La Restinga coastal lagoon, located in Margarita Island, Nueva Esparta State, Venezuela. Using classical methodology for geochemical studies, grain size and texture of sediment percentage of organic carbon and total organic matter, as well as calcium carbonate were analyzed. Additionally, the concentrations of total nitrogen, total phosphorus and aliphatic hydrocarbons were determined. The results showed that in La Restinga lagoon sedimentary sandy texture dominate above sandy-loam and sandy-clay. The percentages of total organic carbon, total organic matter and calcium carbonate respectively varied as follows: 1.70-25.53%, 11.10-82.10% and 2.93-44.01%. Concentrations of 282.10-1571.80 mg kg-1 in total nitrogen, 419.50-2033.70 mg kg-1 in total phosphorus and 5.65-63.18 mg kg-1 for aliphatic hydrocarbons were determined. The total organic matter in the lagoon La Restinga is distributed based on the fine particles of sediment and the presence of mangroves, in turn calcium carbonate, was associated mainly to contributions from organisms with calcareous shell. The low values of the ratio NT/PT (under 5) suggest limitation of nitrogen in the ecosystem, and natural or anthropogenic enrichment of phosphorus in the sediment. The levels found of certain aliphatic hydrocarbons, are not considered as contamination levels as established by CARIPOL (1980), except in the eastern end of the main body of the lagoon. According to the points made in this study, we can infer that La Restinga Lagoon showed symptoms of degradation product of human intervention in the ecosystem.

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