scholarly journals Integrated HPS? Formal versus historical approaches to philosophy of science

Synthese ◽  
2021 ◽  
Bobby Vos

AbstractThe project of integrated HPS (‘integrated history and philosophy of science’) has occupied philosophers of science in one form or another since at least the 1960s. Yet, despite this substantial interest in bringing together philosophical and historical reflections on the nature of science, history of science and formal philosophy of science remain as divided as ever. In this paper, I will argue that the continuing separation between historical and formal philosophy of science is ill-founded. I will argue for this in both abstract and concrete terms. At the abstract level, I reconstruct two possible arguments for the incompatibility of historical and formal philosophy of science and argue that they are both wanting. At the concrete level, I discuss how historical and formal philosophy of science have been brought together in practice, namely: in the form of a largely forgotten research tradition that I will refer to here as the study of formalized macro-units. After a brief exposition, I argue that this research tradition has been unduly overlooked by historically minded philosophers of science. Bringing together these observations, I argue that the divide between historical and formal philosophy of science is not grounded in any substantive arguments, but can be primarily attributed to disciplinary happenstance.

Philip Enros

An effort to establish programs of study in the history of science took place at the University of Toronto in the 1960s. Initial discussions began in 1963. Four years later, the Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology was created. By the end of 1969 the Institute was enrolling students in new MA and PhD programs. This activity involved the interaction of the newly emerging discipline of the history of science, the practices of the University, and the perspectives of Toronto’s faculty. The story of its origins adds to our understanding of how the discipline of the history of science was institutionalized in the 1960s, as well as how new programs were formed at that time at the University of Toronto.

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 275-288
Giuseppina D’Oro ◽  
James Connelly

Abstract The philosophy of history is undergoing something of a revival. Much has happened since its heyday in the 1960s when methodological discussions concerning the structure of explanation in history and the natural sciences were central to the philosophical agenda. This introduction revisits Collingwood’s contribution to the philosophy of history, his views on the relation between science and history, and the possibility of historical knowledge suggesting his work is of enduring relevance to contemporary debates. It locates his contribution in the context of the hermeneutic tradition and locates his defence of the methodological autonomy of history in the context of recent debates concerning the relation between science and the history of the philosophy of science.

2019 ◽  
Vol 18 ◽  
pp. 505-513 ◽  
Michał Kokowski

W artykule przedstawiono wyniki ewaluacji czasopism z historii nauki, historii, filozofii nauki oraz naukoznawstwa na podstawie „Wykazu czasopism MNiSW 2017”, „Wykazu czasopism MNiSW 2019” oraz „ICI Journal Master List 2014–2017”. Dodano także komentarz do tych wyników. Zwrócono uwagę na następujące fakty: a) fakt istnienia ujemnej korelacji między oceną czasopisma w „Wykazie czasopism MNiSW 2019” a oceną czasopisma na „ICI Journal Master List 2014–2017” dla czasopism z historii i historii nauki; b) fakt, że obecność czasopisma w DOAJ nie podniosła oceny ministerialnej czasopisma; c) fakt, że ocena czasopisma w bazie danych Scopus nie wpłynęła w znaczący sposób na wzrost oceny ministerialnej: ocena ta zależy od dyscypliny i subdyscypliny; d) fakt, że czasopisma z listy programu ministerialnego „Wsparcie dla czasopism naukowych 2019–2020” (WCN 2019–2020) oraz ERIH+ otrzymały od 20 do 70 punktów; ich ministerialna ocena zależy od dyscypliny i subdyscypliny. Ponadto wyrażono nadzieję, że dla dobra polskiej nauki w krótkim czasie usunięte zostaną pewne błędy „Wykazu czasopism MNiSW 2019”, gdyż niektóre czasopisma otrzymały nieadekwatne oceny (stwierdzenie to wynika z porównania dokonań czasopism, w tym wskaźników bibliometrycznych). “Lists of journals of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in Poland 2017 & 2019”, “ICI Journal Master List 2014–2017”, and the Polish journals on the history of science, history, philosophy of science and science of science Abstract The article presents the results of the evaluation of the Polish journals from the history of science, history, philosophy of science, and science of science, based on the “List of journals of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in Poland 2017 & 2019” and “ICI Journal Master List 2014–2017”. A comment has also been added to these results. The following facts were noted: a) the fact that there is a negative correlation between the journal’s rating in the “List of journals MNiSW 2019” and the journal’s ratings in the “ICI Journal Master List 2014–2017” for journals from the history and history of science; b) the fact that the presence of the journal in the DOAJ does not raise the ministerial rating of the journal; c) the fact that the evaluation of the journal in the Scopus database has not significantly affected the increase in the ministerial rating: the rating depends on the discipline and sub-discipline; d) the fact that journals from the ministerial program “Support for scientific journals 2019–2020” (WCN 2019–2020) and ERIH+ received 20 to 70 points; their ministerial ratings depend on discipline and sub-discipline. In addition, it was hoped that for the good of Polish science, some errors of the “List of journals of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Polish Republic 2019” would be removed in a short time, as some magazines received too low marks (this statement results from a comparison of journals’ achievements, including bibliometric indicators).

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (11) ◽  
pp. 5984
Ahmad Yaman Abdin ◽  
Claus Jacob ◽  
Lena Kästner

In the mid-1950s, Bert Lester Vallee and his colleague Marvin Margoshes discovered a molecule referred to today as metallothionein (MT). Meanwhile, MTs have been shown to be common in many biological organisms. Despite their prevalence, however, it remains unclear to date what exactly MTs do and how they contribute to the biological function of an organism or organ. We investigate why biochemical research has not yet been able to pinpoint the function(s) of MTs. We shall systematically examine both the discovery of and recent research on Dr. Vallee’s beloved family of MT proteins utilizing tools from philosophy of science. Our analysis highlights that Vallee’s initial work exhibited features prototypical of a developing research tradition: it was upward-looking, exploratory, and utilized mere interactions. Since the 1960s, MT research has increasingly become intervention- and hypothesis-based while it remained largely upward-looking in character. Whilst there is no reason to think that upward-looking research cannot successfully yield structure-function mappings, it has not yet been successful in the case of MTs. Thus, we suggest it might be time to change track and consider other research strategies looking into the evolution of MTs. Recent studies in mollusks render research in this direction worthy of pursuit.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-3 ◽  
Nadi Suprapto ◽  
Chih-Hsiung Ku ◽  
Tsung-Hui Cheng ◽  
Binar Kurnia Prahani

This small piece of the paper introduces the Studies in Philosophy of Science and Education (SiPoSE). As an international peer-reviewed journal, SiPoSE aware of the quality of the content. The rational, the purpose, and the scope are illustrated as the opening speech of the journal. Since the number of philosophy journals is still lacking in accommodating the ideas of philosophers in the world especially in the domain of science education and education in general, therefore, the existence of SiPoSE will fill the void of scientific discussion, especially in terms of Nature of Science (NOS), History of Science (HOS), Philosophy of Science (POS), and Philosophy of Education (POE).

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-16
Eva Ayu Yanuarti ◽  
Nadi Suprapto

History of science (HoS), nature of science (NoS), and philosophy of science (PoS) are three fundamental concepts in science and physics education. Specifically, this research explored ten years of research of HoS based on the Scopus database through a bibliometric study. The findings indicated some points: the number of articles in 2011-2020 tended to be stable. Sears dominated research on HoS as the top author. Meanwhile, Isis, Science & Education, and Nature were the top sources of research. The USA was a dominant country in researching HoS, followed by UK and Germany. Paper from Tewksbury et al. in the Journal of Bioscience has gained the most citations. Researchers on the world produced four clusters: historian along centuries, HoS in relating to philosophy and nature of science, HoS in connecting with timeline each country along years, and HoS in relating to university and relevant project. The researchers have also offered an advanced research model related to HoS.

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