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Research related to sustainable management is rapidly increasing in quantity and is found in divergent literature and disciplines. Now is the time to offer a comprehensive review that identifies, synthesizes, and integrates previous research and highlights knowledge gaps and the way forward. This methodical literature search helped systematize 86 articles in the Scopus database published by 2018. Using a systematic and in-depth content analysis using bibliometric techniques, the authors reviewed the articles and identified the main theories used and the methodological orientations in these. articles. This review helps to identify significant knowledge gaps in terms of theoretical orientation and core content. The main contributions of this paper are: to outline and summarize a multilevel analysis of emerging sustainable management literature; integrate and extract potential theoretical contributions in this field; and indicate directions for future research.

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Nguyen Minh Sang ◽  

This paper aims to apply the bibliometrics method to investigate the research trends in the study of microcredit, specifically analyzing the quality of the research productions by the citation status and the mutual influence of these publications. This study has used the bibliometric method for an overview analysis of all 382 publications on the topic of microcredit indexed in the Scopus database for the period of 1994 to 2021. The results of the study provide an overview of the publication trend on the microcredit topic, such as (i) the most influential publications; (ii) the most cited authors; (iii) the most cited journals by publications on the microcredit topic; (iv) the main research keywords that network linked among publications on the microcredit topic; (v) the most productive institutions; (vi) the trend of research collaboration among countries in publications on the microcredit topic. The article provides an objective overview of the microcredit topic development and is a valuable reference for scholars studying finance, economics, and business management.

2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 557-571
Udin Supriadi ◽  
Tedi Supriyadi ◽  
Aam Abdussalam ◽  
Aam Ali

<p style="text-align: justify;">This bibliometric study aims to map the value education model research to provide direction for future research, especially in education and teaching. It is essential because value is the core of education. After all, in addition to opening the window of knowledge, education also has a role in transferring values for internalizing them in the education model. Therefore, conducting studies related to the concept and model of value education is essential for an educator. The focus of this study is to examine the bibliography related to the value education model based on the Scopus database in the period 2011-2020. This research took four stages; first: using Publish or Perish application to search articles from Scopus database. Second, performing filter by setting bibliographic criteria to be analyzed. Third, checking and completing articles' metadata through the EndNote reference manager application. Fourth, perform bibliometric analysis through the VOSviewer application. Through these four stages, seven analyses were explored; the trend of publications related to the value education model, analysis of the keywords used, collaboration of authors, citation patterns, institutions, and countries that were contributors to the study of the value education model, and abstract analysis. The results of this exploration conclude that there is a tendency for academics to pay less attention to the value education model when viewed from the number of publications related to the topic. The contribution of this research can be expected to provide direction for other researchers in conducting research and development related to educational models.</p>

2022 ◽  
Ancuţa Lucaci ◽  
Mihaela Sarafescu ◽  

The new global economy requires innovative businesses that can respond to all major challenges around the world. Innovative Entrepreneurship is an active field of research since innovation is nowadays crucial for the development of any business in the world. Policymakers are also focusing their attention on innovation in business because Innovative Entrepreneurship contributes to economic growth and job creation. To create an environment that supports Innovative Entrepreneurship it is appropriate to provide access to knowledge, labour, finance, and specific policies and regulations. Innovative Entrepreneurship has a new role in the economic development of any country that is interested in creating a competitive business environment. This paper aims to identify the most relevant research concerning Innovative Entrepreneurship and realize a bibliometric mapping of the information gathered during the investigation. To perform the bibliometric analysis was used a Scopus database which included articles related to Innovative Entrepreneurship. The processing of data has been carried out using VOSviewer, an effective tool for the visualization of bibliometric networks. The bibliometric mapping included multiple analysis such as co-authorship, citation, and co-occurrence. The results of this research can be a basis for present and future researchers who are operating in the field of entrepreneurship and who intend to investigate more thoroughly the importance of innovation for business development. Another important issue to be investigated is the development of innovative business models that can strengthen the business environment.

InFestasi ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. Inpres
Dian Agustina

 This paper provides a systematic literature review in light of performance measurement based on the Scopus database using bibliometric analysis. Performance measurement is a compelling research topic because of its imperativeness in entity success. There is no literature in regard to the analysis of the development of performance measurement research using a bibliometric analysis based on the Scopus database. This paper useful for researchers working in performance measurement research to understand the evolution of the literature and to capture future research opportunities. The core of this research is the development of performance measurement topics over several decades, from 1986-2020 using bibliometric analysis. This paper uses citation/co-citation analysis related to performance measurement to investigate the development of performance measurement research over the last three decades. 1,882 articles are investigated in this bibliometric analysis. This research figures out that performance measurement topics alter every period. The predominating performance measurement topic is benchmarking. This research also indicates that performance measurement-related research increases based on the number of publications and changes of research issues every period. This research can be used as one of the theoretical bases to observe performance measurement-related topics.   Penelitian ini bertujuan meninjau literatur secara sistematis terkait pengukuran kinerja berdasarkan basis data Scopus dengan analisis bibliometrik. Pengukuran kinerja menarik untuk diteliti karena berperan penting dalam kesuksesan suatu entitas. Belum terdapat literatur terkait analisis perkembangan riset pengukuran kinerja menggunakan analisis bibliometrik berdasarkan basis data Scopus. Penelitian ini bermanfaat bagi peneliti yang bekerja di penelitian pengukuran kinerja untuk memahami evolusi literatur dan untuk menangkap peluang penelitian di masa depan. Penelitian ini berfokus pada perkembangan topik terkait pengukuran kinerja yang dibagi menjadi beberapa dekade dari tahun 1986 hingga 2020. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis kutipan/ko-sitasi terkait dengan pengukuran kinerja untuk menyelidiki perkembangan kinerja penelitian pengukuran selama tiga dekade terakhir. 1.882 artikel diselidiki menggunakan analisis bibliometrik. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa topik pengukuran kinerja berubah setiap periode. Topik pengukuran kinerja yang mendominasi adalah benchmarking. Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa penelitian terkait pengukuran kinerja meningkat berdasarkan jumlah publikasi dan perubahan isu penelitian setiap periode. Penelitian ini dapat dijadikan sebagai salah satu landasan teori untuk mengamati topik terkait pengukuran kinerja.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Tancredi Pascucci ◽  
Giuseppina Maria Cardella ◽  
Brizeida Hernández-Sánchez ◽  
Jose C. Sánchez-García

The theory of separation assumes, with provocation, that an organization cannot reconcile profits and social function. Organizations can reconcile these two, apparently contrasting, missions, by considering emotions, especially moral emotions, to create a genuine motivation for focusing on goals beyond simple economic earnings and protecting organizations or groups of people from dysfunctional attitudes and behaviors, as well as considering the important role of the stakeholder accountability. Using the PRISMA method, we created a review of records using keywords relating to a socio-emotional value within organizations, with a particular focus on the last 20 years. We used the SCOPUS database and, after removing irrelevant records, we used the VOSviewer tool to create a cluster map of different areas in this topic. Some records cite the socio-emotional value that is related to organizational and employee suffering, while other articles consider it a positive factor that improves performance and prevents problems in organizations.

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Pisuko Herawati - ◽  
Sawitri Budi Utami ◽  
Nina Karlina

Bibliometric analysis is a popular method for exploring and analyzing large amounts of scientific data. This article is a bibliometric analysis using Scopus indexed journals on program coordination using VOSviewer application. The purpose of bibliometric analysis in this research is to identify the development of studies related to program coordination. Specifically, this article discusses citation developments, publications trends, authors’ collaboration, trending term titles, trend term author keywords, trend term abstracts, and country statistics with the topic of program coordination 1943-2021. The data was collected from Scopus database using keyword “coordination program.” Furthermore, the author uses VOSviewer software to analyze and visualize the database obtained. The results showed that the results of the citation analysis showed the number of citations per year from 1943-2021 was 4.304 citations. Irvine, M.K is a researcher who has the largest productivity, which is ten publications. In the analysis of the trend term author keywords, it can be seen that there are 676 author keys used in selected articles using a minimum of five events, resulting nine author keywords that have a strong connection. The term “care coordination” is the term most frequently used by the author with 23 entries. Moreover, the country that published the most program coordination articles was the United States with 246 articles.

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-19
Duruh Restu Barkah ◽  
Ira Irawati ◽  
Ahmad Buchari

This article is a bibliometric analysis of articles published in Scopus indexed journals that discuss land certificates. Knowing how studies related to land certificates are progressing is the aim of this research. Data was collected from the Scopus database by using the keyword term "land certificate". The researchers analyzed and visualized the database obtained in the VosViewer software. The highest number of citations occurred in 2016-2020 was 31 citations. The most publication trend occurred in 2019 with 40 articles. Articles from the collaboration of three authors include 12 articles from Deininger K., 8 from Ritz B. 8 and 3 from Zhang I. The most common title terms are “policy, demography” (2000) 20 items, “environmental protection” (2005) 55 items, “human, female, male” (2010) 23 items, “certification, land tenure, land use” (2015) 24 items. Abstract as many as 52 items 'human', 41 items 'humans', 23 items 'certificate', and 21 items 'land use'. Moreover, the country that published the most land certificate articles was the United States with 64 articles, followed by China with 29 articles and Germany with 21 articles. Citation analysis in the article the land certificate shows an increase as well as a decrease. The highest citation rate occurred in 2020, while the citation of land titling articles decreased in 2021.

Buildings ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 37
Zhiwen Xiao ◽  
Yong Qin ◽  
Zeshui Xu ◽  
Jurgita Antucheviciene ◽  
Edmundas Kazimieras Zavadskas

The journal Buildings was launched in 2011 and is dedicated to promoting advancements in building science, building engineering and architecture. Motivated by its 10th anniversary in 2021, this study aims to develop a bibliometric analysis of the publications of the journal between April 2011 and October 2021. This work analyzes bibliometric performance indicators, such as publication and citation structures, the most cited articles and the leading authors, institutions and countries/regions. Science mappings based on indicators such as the most commonly used keywords, citation and co-citation, and collaboration are also developed for further analysis. In doing so, the work uses the Scopus database to collect data and Bibliometrix to conduct the research. The results show the strong growth of Buildings over time and that researchers from all over the world are attracted by the journal.

The paper aims to examine the publications on turnaround strategies and identify scientific gaps. Hence, bibliographic couplings of countries, institutions, journals, publications, authors, and co-occurrences of the author keywords were analyzed. Bibliographic methods were employed to examine and visualize the characteristics of the publications with the aid of VOSViewer software. Using 174 articles from the Scopus database, the results revealed that corporate distress, turnaround, organizational decline, turnaround strategies, corporate strategy, financial distress, retrenchment, turnaround strategy, and turnarounds were among the most studied key concepts in this area, The “Journal of Strategy and Management” and “European Management Journal” were the top journals. United States, United Kingdom, and India were the most influential countries. The Fort Hays University and McMurry University were top research institutions. Notably, Huang, Y., Reddy, K.S., and Xie, E. were the most influential authors in this research area. These results will help academicians and practitioners.

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