Science (from Latin scientia, "knowledge") or systematic practice. It is a product derived from systematized searches, so a method is required. For Lakatos (2011), it is the systematization of knowledge, a grouping of logically related prepositions on the behavior of certain phenomena that one intends to study. Interdisciplinarity serves asa link between the curricular components of a school institution, so it is a model with a new division ofknowledge, allows interaction, communication between disciplines seeking to integrate knowledge in a harmonious and meaningful way. Therefore, with this fusion of curricular knowledge, an important, scientific community is formed that provides high school with a quality in the learning process and, finally, the production of knowledge. By epistemology (it is the right knowledge, science. Logos: speech, study. It's the philosophy of science.) freirean, it is critical, of interactionist basis, in which knowledge results from constructions of the subject with interaction with the world, society or culture. It is in this epistemology that dialogicity occurs, there is a process of constant construction in which the epistemic subject teaches and learns, learns and teaches. It is in high school, this school stage in which adolescents study, the presence of science permeating, instrumentalizing and boosting knowledge in classes and causing learning within the curriculum.