philosophy of science
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2022 ◽  
nur rois

The Article discusses jurisprudence in terms of the philosophy of science; so far, there have been doubts in the study of jurisprudence due to the object, whether jurisprudence is included in science or only knowledge of legislation. In discussing jurisprudence, the author uses literature research methodology (library research) using the Philosophy of Science approach, specifically Epistemology, Ontology, and Axiology. The Philosophy of science approach will reveal the meaning of science on Jurisprudence.

2022 ◽  
Daniel J. Dunleavy

Despite continued attention, finding adequate criteria for distinguishing “good” from “bad”scholarly journals remains an elusive goal. In this essay, I propose a solution informed by thework of Imre Lakatos and his methodology of scientific research programmes (MSRP). I beginby reviewing several notable attempts at appraising journal quality – focusing primarily on theimpact factor and development of journal blacklists and whitelists. In doing so, I note theirlimitations and link their overarching goals to those found within the philosophy of science. Iargue that Lakatos’s MSRP and specifically his classifications of “progressive” and“degenerative” research programmes can be analogized and repurposed for the evaluation ofscholarly journals. I argue that this alternative framework resolves some of the limitationsdiscussed above and offers a more considered evaluation of journal quality – one that helpsaccount for the historical evolution of journal-level publication practices and attendantcontributions to the growth (or stunting) of scholarly knowledge. By doing so, the seemingproblem of journal demarcation is diminished. In the process I utilize two novel tools (themistake index and scite index) to further operationalize aspects of the MSRP.

2022 ◽  
Amrina Rosada Dhuhuriyah ◽  
Aprilia Dewantari ◽  
Tiara Alifia Rahmatika ◽  
Gisela Rose Karita ◽  
Moses Glorino Rumambo Pandin

Indonesian is the identity of all Indonesian citizens. Language itself is very important for human life. With language, we can communicate with one another, considering that humans are social creatures who cannot live without each other's help. However, the use of language should not be underestimated. The use and pronunciation must be properly understood so that there are no misunderstandings or other unwanted things. The development of the times and globalization have affected the existence of languages that are currently starting to lose their authenticity. One example is the use of slang as a daily word until the authenticity (original word) is slowly forgotten. As well as the use of foreign languages that are more attractive to the millennial generation. The lack of interest of the younger generation in learning linguistic rules is also one of the factors in changing the existence of Indonesian. The background of the research is about the existence of language, especially Indonesian to the changing era. The purpose of writing this paper is to show the public, especially the millennial generation the importance of maintaining the existence of linguistic rules. Because as good citizens we must maintain and preserve our national identity.

Joaquín Borrego-Díaz ◽  
Juan Galán Páez

AbstractAlongside the particular need to explain the behavior of black box artificial intelligence (AI) systems, there is a general need to explain the behavior of any type of AI-based system (the explainable AI, XAI) or complex system that integrates this type of technology, due to the importance of its economic, political or industrial rights impact. The unstoppable development of AI-based applications in sensitive areas has led to what could be seen, from a formal and philosophical point of view, as some sort of crisis in the foundations, for which it is necessary both to provide models of the fundamentals of explainability as well as to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different proposals. The need for foundations is also linked to the permanent challenge that the notion of explainability represents in Philosophy of Science. The paper aims to elaborate a general theoretical framework to discuss foundational characteristics of explaining, as well as how solutions (events) would be justified (explained). The approach, epistemological in nature, is based on the phenomenological-based approach to complex systems reconstruction (which encompasses complex AI-based systems). The formalized perspective is close to ideas from argumentation and induction (as learning). The soundness and limitations of the approach are addressed from Knowledge representation and reasoning paradigm and, in particular, from Computational Logic point of view. With regard to the latter, the proposal is intertwined with several related notions of explanation coming from the Philosophy of Science.

Erkenntnis ◽  
2021 ◽  
Michael Toppel

AbstractThe so-called Ramsey–Carnap approach, or Ramseyfication, has gone out of fashion in the philosophy of science. Advocates have tried to argue for a revival by writing methodological and metatheoretical studies of Ramseyfication. For this paper I have chosen a different approach; I will apply Ramseyfication to infrared spectroscopy—a method used in analytical chemistry—in order to logically analyse the relation between measurements and mathematical structures. My aim in doing so is to contribute to the debate about the Application Problem of Mathematics, thereby making a case for Ramseyfication as a method of study for scientific theories.

Marllon Moreti de Souza Rosa ◽  
Laíse Vieira Gonçalves ◽  
Antônio Fernandes Nascimento Júnior

This paper aims to report and analyze a pedagogical practice developed for Public Health Policies teaching in a course held at the Federal University of Lavras, in the first semester of 2018. For the development of this paper, a class was created and taught in a Public Health Policies teaching course based on the History and Philosophy of Science and Problem-solving Methodology, seeking to understand how these pedagogical strategies contribute to the teaching of this theme and its connection with the environment. At the end of the class, students were asked to evaluate the practice, pointing out the strengths and points to be improved. These feedbacks were organized and analyzed qualitatively through the Content Analysis and, later, were discussed. The results of the analyzes indicate that Environmental Education cannot be conservative of social conditions, but rather present the connection between man and nature, highlighting the link between the exploration of nature and the production of goods. In addition, the History and Philosophy of Science, starting with questions about the reality of students, can enhance the teaching-learning process, since it can avoid fragmentation of knowledge, allowing an approximation of students to scientific knowledge and its social use.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
Michael Pauen

One of the reasons why the Neural Correlates of Consciousness Program could appear attractive in the 1990s was that it seemed to disentangle theoretical and empirical problems. Theoretical disagreements could thus be sidestepped in order to focus on empirical research regarding the neural substrate of consciousness. One of the further consequences of this dissociation of empirical and theoretical questions was that fundamental questions regarding the Mind Body Problem or the “Hard Problem of Consciousness” could remain unresolved even if the search for the neural correlates had been successful.Drawing on historical examples, a widely held consensus in the philosophy of science, and actual NCC research we argue that there is no such independence. Moreover, as the dependence between the theoretical and the empirical level is mutual, empirical progress will go hand in hand with theoretical development. Thus, contrary to what the original NCC program suggested, we conclude that NCC research may significantly take advantage from and contribute to theoretical progress in our explanation and understanding of consciousness. Eventually, this might even contribute to a solution of the Hard Problem of Consciousness.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (12) ◽  
pp. 119626-119638
Mauro Azevêdo ◽  
Diogenes José Gusmão Coutinho

Science (from Latin  scientia,  "knowledge") or systematic practice. It is a product derived from systematized searches, so a method is required. For Lakatos (2011), it is the systematization of knowledge, a grouping of logically related prepositions on the behavior of certain phenomena that one intends to study. Interdisciplinarity serves asa link between the curricular components of a school institution, so it is a model with a new division ofknowledge,  allows interaction, communication between disciplines seeking to integrate knowledge in a harmonious and meaningful way. Therefore, with this fusion of curricular knowledge, an important, scientific community is formed that provides high school with a quality in the learning process and, finally, the production of knowledge. By epistemology (it is the right knowledge, science. Logos:  speech, study. It's the philosophy of science.) freirean, it is critical, of interactionist basis, in which knowledge results from constructions of the subject with interaction with the world, society or culture. It is in this epistemology that dialogicity occurs, there is a process of constant construction in which the epistemic subject teaches and learns, learns and teaches. It is in high school, this school stage in which adolescents study, the presence of science permeating, instrumentalizing and boosting knowledge in classes and causing learning within the curriculum.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 51-58
Marek Sikora

The article is a voice in the discussion on Wojciech Sady’s book Struktura rewolucji relatywistycznej i kwantowej w fizyce [The Structure of Relativistic and Quantum Revolution in Physics]. The author points out that the central idea of this book directly refers to the works of Thomas Kuhn, who emphasized the role of revolutions in the process of scientific development. Sady criticizes this position, claiming that the development of science is primarily determined by systematic research. The author also argues with Sady’s thesis that an important consequence of the relativistic and quantum revolution in physics is the fundamental questioning of the value of Kant’s philosophy. The text tries to show that Kantism is still present in contemporary philosophy of science.

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