New records of the occurrence of biting midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) species in rural area of Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, in the South of Brazil

Julia Somavilla Lignon ◽  
Emanuelle de Souza Farias ◽  
Felipe Arley Costa Pessoa ◽  
Eduarda Maria Trentin Santi ◽  
Lucas Alexandre Farias de Souza ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 1268
Maicon Moraes Santiago ◽  
Gabriel Borges dos Santos ◽  
Iulli Pitone Cardoso ◽  
André Becker Nunes

Particles of soot from forest fires are transported by the wind, reaching distant locations and being deposited on the soil through precipitation, which clears the atmosphere, taking suspended particulate matter into its drops. The general circulation over South America indicates the possibility of soot from forest fires in the Amazon and Pantanal to be transported to southern Brazil. The event called “black rain” was observed in the period from 11 to 13 September 2020 at São Francisco de Assis City, in Rio Grande do Sul State (RS), and so this work aims to analyze if there were any anomalies of the flow that favored the occurrence of this event, given that there was a large number of fires in this period. Through ERA5 reanalysis data and GOES-16 satellite images, it was observed that on the three days under study low-level flow to the south of Brazil was more intense than normal, with the Low Level Jet occurrences, and on days 12 and 13 such flow to the south was also observed at 500 hPa. The precipitation was due to the instability of an extended trough from the Northwestern Argentinean Low. Thus, it is believed that there was a contribution from circulation at low and mid levels in the occurrence of black rain over RS.

2011 ◽  
Vol 19 ◽  
pp. 14
Denise Regina Quaresma da Silva ◽  
Oscar Ulloa Guerra

This article approaches a characterization of the practices of sexual education in educative institutions in Novo Hamburgo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, where the precocious gestations have a significative extension. We rescued some theoretical contributions to understand the sexual education, specifically from the pos-structuralism, and from current researches about this topic. Besides, we show qualitative results from the interviews with directives and teachers of the fifty six schools of the municipality.

Check List ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 187 ◽  
Sabrina Amaral Pereira ◽  
Cláudio Rossano Trindade Trindade ◽  
Edélti Faria Albertoni ◽  
Cleber Palma-Silva

The aim of this study was to document the richness of aquatic macrophytes in six shallow lakes at Federal University of Rio Grande - FURG, Rio Grande, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Qualitative surveys were carried out during 2008. Specimens were deposited at the university herbarium (HURG). We recorded 44 species belonging to 35 genera and 21 families. The majority of species were present all year. The family with highest diversity was Cyperaceae (eight species). Other studies have reported approximately 170 species for wetlands in the south of Brazil. This study documented approximately 25% of these species. The flora of the area should be preserved and monitored. 

Check List ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 496 ◽  
Edegar Fronza ◽  
Alexandre Specht ◽  
Elio Corseuil

The result of an inventory on the lepidopteran fauna associated with the South American Holly (erva-mate) is described. This inventory was based on a bibliographic review, the examination of specimens deposited in scientific collections from the state of Rio Grande do Sul, the systematic collection within commercial erva-mate farms located in Anta Gorda, RS, and on the occasional collections from native trees within the Região dos Vinhedos campus of the Universidade de Caxias do Sul. Every fifteen days between 20 August 2005 and 19 August 2006, 150 trees were visually inspected and all Lepidoptera were collected. A list of 75 lepidopteran taxa belonging to 16 families is presented, including 27 new occurrences for the erva-mate crop, of which 14 species represent new records for the state. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 95-106 ◽  
Cibele Sastre

This article presents Laban/Bartenieff movement studies (LBMS) experiments through pedagogical procedures and creative processes. It comprises artistic and performative perspectives in choreography and dance education from a nineteen years’ research within master and doctorate studies. Laban’s Motif writing shifts its main function to act as a trigger for creative processes. Besides, somatic serenities, as an important body state for the production of presence, are encouraged in somatic‐performative practices that include LBMS into dance programme courses in Rio Grande do Sul. The concept of somatic serenities is introduced to develop an inner‐outer body connection state as an intimate experience with dance, which produces knowledge. This text considers performative dance practices and practice as research as an LBMS teaching methodology in dance courses in the south of Brazil.

2009 ◽  
Vol 38 (2) ◽  
Odete Pereira da Silva Menon ◽  
Edson Domingos Fagundes ◽  
Loremi Loregian-Penkal

This study introduces the Project that gave origin to one of the most important databases about oral language in Brazil. The Project on Urban Linguistic Variation in the South of Brazil (VARSUL), that started in 1990, initially comprised the three federal universities of the three States of Southern Brazil: Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) and Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). In 1993, the Project began to also rely on the Pontific Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUC–RS). The VARSUL Project aims at storing samples of speech realizations by inhabitants of socio-representative urban areas from each of the three states of the South of Brazil, stratified by location, age range, gender and education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. ec03023
Rita T. L. Da Silva ◽  
Amália L. W. Berté ◽  
Gabriel L. Bizarro ◽  
Angelica Sulzbach ◽  
Vinicius L. Da Silva ◽  

The South of Brazil is the largest producer of grapes, however this production is affected by climate and herbivores such as phytophagous mites. The aim of this work was to associate the mite fauna with the grape cultivars Chardonnay, BRS Lorena and hybrid cultivars rootstock Paulsen 1103, in trellising and espalier systems, in the municipalities of Bento Gonçalves and Garibaldi, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. The cultivars were: Chardonnay trellis (Cl) Chardonnay espalier (Ce), BRS Lorena trellis (Ll), BRS Lorena espalier (Le) and the hybrid cultivars Paulsen rootstock 1103 (Pa). Monthly samplings were carried out from November 2016 to April 2017. Twenty plants per area were randomly sampled, from each plant three apical leaves were collected, apical, median and basal branches (60 leaves / area). In total, 6,865 mites belonging to seven families, 13 genera and 22 species were collected. The most abundant phytophagous belong to Tarsonemidae and Tenuipalpidae, the predators to Phytoseiidae and the generalists to Tydeidae and Iolinidae. The cultivars Lorena Ll was the greatest similarity (82.39%) among species mites, followed by Paulsen Pa (72.54%), Lorena Le (70.67%), Chardonnay Cl (31.79%) and Chardonnay Ce (31.48%). The highest dissimilarity among the cultivars occurred between Chardonnay Ce and Lorena Le (66.49%), followed by Chardonnay Ce, Chardonnay Cl (66.44%), Chardonnay Ce and Lorena Ll (61.49 %). Thus, there is homogeneity between the sampled cultivars and the conduction systems and the apical third of the leaves and the sampling period are important in determining the composition of the species.

2019 ◽  
Vol 50 (3) ◽  
pp. 175-190
Fernanda Santos Silva ◽  
Luiz Ricardo L. Simone ◽  
Rodrigo Brincalepe Salvador

The malacological collection of the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, curated by Dr. Carla B. Kotzian, has been recently donated to the Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo (MZSP, Brazil). The collection is rich in well preserved specimens of terrestrial gastropods from central Rio Grande do Sul state, in southernmost Brazil. That region, centered in the municipality of Santa Maria, represents a transitional area between the Atlantic Rainforest and Pampas biomes and has been scarcely reported in the literature. Therefore, we present a taxonomical study of these specimens, complemented by historical material of the MZSP collection. Overall, we report 20 species, mostly belonging to the Stylommatophora, from which four represent new records for Rio Grande do Sul: Adelopoma brasiliense, Happia vitrina, Macrodontes gargantua, and Cyclodontina corderoi. The present report of C. corderoi is also the first from Brazil. Two introduced species were found in the studied material: Bradybaena similaris and Zonitoides sp.

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
Aline Machado Feijó ◽  
Eda Schwartz ◽  
Fernanda Lise ◽  
Bianca Pozza dos Santos ◽  
Lílian Moura de Lima Spagnolo

Objetivou-se descrever as características sociodemográficas de homens com hemofilia em acompanhamento por um Hemocentro Regional situado no Sul do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo e descritivo, cuja coleta de dados ocorreu entre junho de 2014 e novembro de 2015. Aplicou-se a técnica de entrevista intensiva e notas de campo e a análise dos dados foi do tipo descritiva. Participaram 12 homens com a forma grave da hemofilia e idade entre 19 e 55 anos, a maioria com hemofilia A, são casados, residentes em municípios da zona Sul do Rio Grande do Sul, com doenças infectocontagiosas, sequelas articulares e histórico de antecedentes familiares de hemofilia que evoluíram para o óbito, e metade deles com filhos e aposentados por invalidez. Conclui-se que descrever as características sociodemográficas dos homens com hemofilia pode aproximar os profissionais de saúde, sociedade e família acerca de quem eles são, além de promover o conhecimento sobre a doença e suas consequências sociais e fomentar uma prática de cuidados voltada para as necessidades de saúde e promoção da qualidade de vida.

Adalvane Nobres Damaceno ◽  
Danieli Bandeira ◽  
Luciane Silva Ramos ◽  
Teresinha Heck Weiller

INTRODUÇÃO: O conhecimento sobre causas de morte provenientes das estatísticas de saúde são de importância fundamental, pois fornecem subsídios para analisar a situação de saúde das populações e para planejamento, monitoramento e a avaliação em saúde. OBJETIVO: Investigar as mortes por causas mal definidas e sem assistência notificadas no Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade (SIM). MÉTODO: Aplicação do instrumento da Autópsia Verbal na investigação dos óbitos por causas mal definidas/sem assistência, informados no Sistema de Informação sobre Mortalidade no ano de 2011, no município de Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. RESULTADOS: Dos 645 óbitos ocorridos no município em 2011 o capítulo das causas mal definidas/sem assistência representou 36,3% (n=234). CONCLUSÃO: Verificou-se a predominância de óbitos após investigação de Doenças do Aparelho Circulatório e Neoplasias, dessa forma contribui-se para a alteração do Sistema de Informação em Saúde do município.

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