scholarly journals Effect of feeding level on the digestibility of alternative protein-rich ingredients for African catfish (Clarias gariepinus)

Aquaculture ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 737108
F.E. Elesho ◽  
S. Kröckel ◽  
D.A.H. Sutter ◽  
R. Nuraini ◽  
I.J. Chen ◽  
1987 ◽  
Vol 35 (4) ◽  
pp. 521-524
J.H. Boon ◽  
J.M. Smits ◽  
T. Wensing ◽  
E. Lo

The effect of feeding level and water supply on the total content of plasma protein (TPP) and fractions of these proteins (PPF) of young African catfish was studied. It was found that TPP can be divided into 4 fractions (PPF I-IV), of which PPF I is predominant. Analysis of the results showed a strong effect of feeding level on TPP and PPF I-IV. There was a positive correlation between TPP and the weights of PPF I-IV, and a negative correlation between PPF I and PPF II. The PPF I fraction might be usable as an indicator for the health status of young catfishes. (Abstract retrieved from CAB Abstracts by CABI’s permission)

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Syahrizal Syahrizal ◽  
Muarofah Ghofur ◽  
. Safratilofa ◽  
Rahmat Sam

AbstractThe feed as a source of energy for the growth of fish is a component of the most important costs 40-89% and the quality should be good. The solution is through research. Research in the form of meal cassava leaves (Monihot utilissima) parents as a source of alternative protein substitute for fish meal in feed formulation catfish (Clarias gariepinus). The design used Complete Random Design with 4 treatments and 3 repetitions. The results showed that for the growth and the survival between treatments were not significant (P <0.5), meaning that all treatments were no differences can be categorized and feed ingredients of flour cassava leaves can replace most of the presence of meal fish  in fish feed formulas African catfish. Growth of the best catfish are on treatment A (55% meal cassava leaf: 00% fish meal) with daily growth of 8.27 grams was 2.61% and the B (40%% meal cassava leaves: 15% meal fish) 5.28 gram with daily growth is 1.86%, followed by C (15%%  meal cassava leaves: 15% meal fish ) 1:51% and D (0% meal cassava leaves : 55% meal fish ) 1:33%. Catfish survival rate was not significant (P <0.5), and relatively equally well A (96.17%), B (94.77) and C (95.92) and the best in treatment for D (96.37 ). As users are advised to wear formulations in treatment B (40% meal fish and 15%  meal cassava leaves old). Keywords: Catfish, Ffeed, Meal fish, Meal cassava leaves AbstrakPakan sebagai sumber energi bagi pertumbuhan ikan  merupakan komponen biaya yang paling besar 40-89%  dan kualitasnya harus baik. Solusinya melalui penelitian. Penelitian berupa tepung daun  singkong (Monihot utilissima) tua sebagai sumber protein alternatif penganti tepung ikan dalam formulasi pakan ikan lele (Clarias gariepinus). Rancangan digunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan 4 perlakuan dan 3 kali ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa untuk pertumbuhan dan kelulusan hidup antar perlakuan tidak signifikan (P < 0,5), artinya semua perlakuan  tidak ada perbedaan dan dapat dikatagorikan bahan pakan dari tepung daun singkong dapat mengantikan sebagian keberadaan tepung ikan dalam formula pakan ikan lele dumbo. Pertumbuhan ikan lele terbaik terdapat pada perlakuan A (55% tepung daun singkong : 00% tepung ikan) 8,27 gram dengan pertumbuhan harian adalah 2.61% dan  pada B (40%  % tepung daun singkong : 15% tepung ikan) 5,28 gram dengan pertumbuhan harian adalah 1.86%, diikuti C (15% % tepung daun singkong :15% tepung ikan) 1.51% dan D (0 % tepung daun singkong : 55% tepung ikan) 1.33%. Tingkat kelangsungan hidup ikan lele tidak signifikan (P < 0,5), dan  relatif sama baiknya A (96,17%), B (94,77) dan C (95,92) dan terbaik pada perlakuan untuk D (96,37). Sebagai pengguna disarankan memakai formulasi pada perlakuan B (40% Tepung ikan dan 15% tepung daun singkong tua). Kata kunci: Ikan lele, Pakan, Tepung ikan, Tepung  Daun Singkong Tua

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Hamed H.E. Saleh

 No or little information on the use fresh (wet) housefly maggots (Musca domestica) in African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) fry feeding. Therefore, this study was conducted to investigate the effect of feeding on fresh (wet) housefly maggots with or without artificial diet on water quality, growth performance, survival percentage and feed utilization of African catfish fry under laboratory conditions. Housefly maggots produced from a mixture of poultry droppings and foods wastes, it was used to replace artificial feed at 0, 50 and 100% levels. Catfish were fed artificial diet alone (Feed 1), fresh (wet) housefly maggots alone (Feed 2), and 50% fresh housefly maggots with 50% artificial diet (Feed 3) were prepared and tested on triplicate groups of African catfish fry (initial weight of 0.25±0.02 g) for 60 days. Results showed that final weight (g/fish) was significantly highest (P£0.05) in fish fed feed 3 (6.03±0.08), followed by fish fed feed 2 (4.62±0.27), followed by fish fed feed 1 (3.15±0.68). Specific growth rate (%/day) was also significantly highest in fish fed feed 3 (5.31±0.10), followed by fish fed feed 2 (4.86±0.03), followed by fish fed feed 1 (4.18±0.24). The same trend was observed with total weight gain, percentage weight gain, daily growth rate and relative growth rate. Feed intake and protein intake were significantly highest (P£0.05) in fish fed feed 3 and fish fed feed 2, followed by fish fed feed 1. While, feed conversion ratio (FCR) and protein efficiency ratio were not significantly (P>0.05), but the improvement in FCR recorded in catfish fry fed feed 3 and feed 2 under the experimental conditions. Survival percentage was within the range 55–75%, with insignificant differences (P>0.05) among treatments. The water quality parameters such as temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, total ammonia, nitrite and nitrate were not significantly (P>0.05) among the treatments and were tolerable for fish culture. Accordingly, use of the 50% fresh (wet) housefly maggots with 50% artificial diet in African catfish fry feeding had positive effect on growth performance and reduce of the feed cost.

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