scholarly journals Classification of homogeneous bounded domains of lower dimension

1974 ◽  
Vol 53 ◽  
pp. 1-46 ◽  
Soji Kaneyuki ◽  
Tadashi Tsuji

The theory of classification of homogeneous bounded domains in the complex number space Cn has been developed mainly in the recent papers [10], [6], [3] and [7]. As a result, the classification is reduced to that of S-algebras due to Takeuchi [7] which correspond to irreducible Siegel domains of type I or type II (For the definition of irreducibility see § 1). On the other hand Pjateckii-Sapiro [5] found large classes of homogeneous Siegel domains obtained from classical self-dual cones. Even in lower-dimensional cases, however, there are still homogeneous Siegel domains which do not appear in his results.

Zootaxa ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4834 (4) ◽  
pp. 451-501

The morphology of the spermatheca is described in 109 species of 86 genera representing all four currently recognised subfamilies of Coreidae, covering the undivided Hydarinae, both tribes of Pseudophloeinae, all three tribes of Meropachyinae and 27 of the 32 tribes of Coreinae. Three types of spermatheca are recognised. Type I is bipartite, consisting only of a simple tube differentiated into distal seminal receptacle and proximal spermathecal duct and lacks the intermediate part present in most Pentatomomorpha, in which it serves as muscular pump. Type II is also bipartite but more elaborate in form with the receptacle generally distinctly wider than the duct. Type III is tripartite, with receptacle, duct and an often complex intermediate part. Four subtypes are recognised within type III. Type I is found only in Hydarinae and type II only in Pseudophloeinae. Type III is found in both Coreinae and Meropachyinae. Subtype IIIA (“Coreus-group”) unites many tribes from the Eastern Hemisphere and only one (Spartocerini) from the Western Hemisphere. Subtypes IIIB (“Nematopus-group”) and IIID (“Anisoscelis-group”) are confined to taxa from the Western Hemisphere and subtype IIIC (“Chariesterus-group”) is found in tribes from both hemispheres. The polarity of several characters of the intermediate part and some of the spermathecal duct is evaluated, suggesting autapomorphies or apomorphies potentially relevant to the classification of Coreidae at the sufamilial and tribal levels. Characters of the intermediate part strongly indicate that the separation of Meropachyinae and Coreinae as currently constituted cannot be substantiated. The tribes Anisoscelini, Colpurini, Daladerini and Hyselonotini are heterogeneous, each exhibiting two subtypes of spermatheca, and probably polyphyletic. Two tribes, Cloresmini and Colpurini, requiring further investigation remain unplaced. This study demonstrates the great importance of characters of the spermatheca, in particular its intermediate part, for research into the phylogeny and taxonomy of Pentatomomorpha. 

1998 ◽  
Vol 88 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-65 ◽  
Yusuf Ersşahin ◽  
Saffet Mutluer ◽  
Sevgül Kocaman ◽  
Eren Demirtasş

Object. The authors reviewed and analyzed information on 74 patients with split spinal cord malformations (SSCMs) treated between January 1, 1980 and December 31, 1996 at their institution with the aim of defining and classifying the malformations according to the method of Pang, et al. Methods. Computerized tomography myelography was superior to other radiological tools in defining the type of SSCM. There were 46 girls (62%) and 28 boys (38%) ranging in age from less than 1 day to 12 years (mean 33.08 months). The mean age (43.2 months) of the patients who exhibited neurological deficits and orthopedic deformities was significantly older than those (8.2 months) without deficits (p = 0.003). Fifty-two patients had a single Type I and 18 patients a single Type II SSCM; four patients had composite SSCMs. Sixty-two patients had at least one associated spinal lesion that could lead to spinal cord tethering. After surgery, the majority of the patients remained stable and clinical improvement was observed in 18 patients. Conclusions. The classification of SSCMs proposed by Pang, et al., will eliminate the current chaos in terminology. In all SSCMs, either a rigid or a fibrous septum was found to transfix the spinal cord. There was at least one unrelated lesion that caused tethering of the spinal cord in 85% of the patients. The risk of neurological deficits resulting from SSCMs increases with the age of the patient; therefore, all patients should be surgically treated when diagnosed, especially before the development of orthopedic and neurological manifestations.

2001 ◽  
Vol 38 (02) ◽  
pp. 542-553 ◽  
Ji Hwan Cha

In this paper two burn-in procedures for a general failure model are considered. There are two types of failure in the general failure model. One is Type I failure (minor failure) which can be removed by a minimal repair or a complete repair and the other is Type II failure (catastrophic failure) which can be removed only by a complete repair. During a burn-in process, with burn-in Procedure I, the failed component is repaired completely regardless of the type of failure, whereas, with burn-in Procedure II, only minimal repair is done for the Type I failure and a complete repair is performed for the Type II failure. In field use, the component is replaced by a new burned-in component at the ‘field use age’ T or at the time of the first Type II failure, whichever occurs first. Under the model, the problems of determining optimal burn-in time and optimal replacement policy are considered. The two burn-in procedures are compared in cases when both the procedures are applicable.

1915 ◽  
Vol 22 (6) ◽  
pp. 804-819 ◽  
Oswald T. Avery

1. At least three subgroups of Pneumococcus Type II may be recognized by specific immune reactions. They have been called Subgroups II A, II B, and II X. 2. That the organisms of these three subgroups are biologically related to Pneumococcus Type II is shown by the following facts: (a) Agglutination with Antipneumococcus Serum II. (b) Protection with Antipneumococcus Serum II, except Subgroup II X. (c) Absorption of Antipneumococcus Serum II with typical Type II pneumococcus removes the antibodies for all subgroups, (d) Absorption of Antipneumococcus Serum II with a member of Subgroups II A or II B removes only the antibodies for the homologous subgroup. Absorption of Antipneumococcus Serum II with any given member of Subgroup II X removes the antibodies for that particular strain only. 3. That the three subgroups, although biologically related to Pneumococcus Type II, possess, nevertheless, specific differential characterswhich separate them one from another, is evidenced by thefollowing facts: (a) The organisms of any subgroup are not agglutinated bythe antisera of the other two subgroups. (b) They are not protected against by the sera of the other subgroups. (c) They do not absorb from Antipneumococcus Serum II the specific immune bodies of the other subgroups. 4. Subgroups II A and II B are characterized by immunity reactions identical within the respective group. 5. Subgroup II X consists of heterogeneous strains which do not cross in their immunity reaction with each other or with Subgroups II A or II B.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (Supplement_2) ◽  
pp. ii129-ii129
Emilie Le Rhun ◽  
Patrick Devos ◽  
Johannes Weller ◽  
Katharina Seystahl ◽  
Francesca Mo ◽  

Abstract BACKGROUND The EANO ESMO guidelines have proposed a classification of leptomeningeal metastases (LM) based on clinical (typical/atypical), cytological (positive/negative/equivocal) and MRI (A linear, B nodular, C linear and nodular, D normal or hydrocephalus only) presentation. Type I LM is defined by the presence of tumor cells in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) (confirmed LM) whereas type II LM is defined by typical clinical and MRI signs (probable or possible LM). Here we explored the clinical utility of these EANO ESMO LM subtypes for choice of treatment and outcome. PATIENTS AND METHODS We retrospectively assembled data from 254 patients with newly diagnosed LM from different solid tumors, including as main primary tumors breast cancer (n=98, 45%), lung cancer (n=65, 25.5%) and melanoma (n=51, 13.5%). Survival curves were estimated using the Kaplan-Meier method and compared by Log-rank test. RESULTS Median age at LM diagnosis was 56.5 years (range 20-82 years). Typical clinical LM symptoms or signs were noted in 225 patients (88.5%); only 13 patients (5%) were clinically asymptomatic. The most common MRI subtype was A seen in 117 patients (46%). Types B (n=33, 13%), C (n=54, 21%) and D (n=50, 19.5%) were less common. Tumor cells in the CSF were observed in 186 patients (73%) whereas the CSF was equivocal in 24 (9.5%) and negative in 44 (17.5%) patients. Patients with confirmed LM had inferior outcome than patients with probable or possible LM (p=0.0063). Type I patients had inferior outcome than type II patients (p=0.0019). Nodular disease was a negative prognostic factor in type II LM, but not in type I LM (p=0.0138). CONCLUSION The EANO ESMO LM subtypes are highly prognostic and should be considered for stratification and overall design of clinical trials.

2016 ◽  
Vol 82 (8) ◽  
pp. 2467-2478 ◽  
Laura Terrón-González ◽  
Guadalupe Martín-Cabello ◽  
Manuel Ferrer ◽  
Eduardo Santero

ABSTRACTA metagenomic library of a petroleum-contaminated soil was constructed in a fosmid vector that allowed heterologous expression of metagenomic DNA. The library, consisting of 6.5 Gb of metagenomic DNA, was screened for extradiol dioxygenase (Edo) activity using catechol and 2,3-dihydroxybiphenyl as the substrates. Fifty-eight independent clones encoding extradiol dioxygenase activity were identified. Forty-one different Edo-encoding genes were identified. The population of Edo genes was not dominated by a particular gene or by highly similar genes; rather, the genes had an even distribution and high diversity. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that most of the genes could not be ascribed to previously defined subfamilies of Edos. Rather, the Edo genes led to the definition of 10 new subfamilies of type I Edos. Phylogenetic analysis of type II enzymes defined 7 families, 2 of which harbored the type II Edos that were found in this work. Particularly striking was the diversity found in family I.3 Edos; 15 out of the 17 sequences assigned to this family belonged to 7 newly defined subfamilies. A strong bias was found that depended on the substrate used for the screening: catechol mainly led to the detection of Edos belonging to the I.2 family, while 2,3-dihydroxybiphenyl led to the detection of most other Edos. Members of the I.2 family showed a clear substrate preference for monocyclic substrates, while those from the I.3 family showed a broader substrate range and high activity toward 2,3-dihydroxybiphenyl. This metagenomic analysis has substantially increased our knowledge of the existing biodiversity of Edos.

1998 ◽  
Vol 80 (2) ◽  
pp. 914-923 ◽  
Michinori Kubota ◽  
Ikuo Taniguchi

Kubota, Michinori and Ikuo Taniguchi. Electrophysiological characteristics of classes of neuron in the HVc of the zebra finch. J. Neurophysiol. 80: 914–923, 1998. Whole cell recordings were made from zebra finch HVc neurons in slice preparations. Four distinct classes of neuron were found on the basis of their electrophysiological properties. The morphological characteristics of some of these neurons were also examined by intracellular injection of Lucifer yellow. Type I neurons (21 of 65 cells) had longer time-to-peak of an afterhyperpolarization following an action potential than the other classes. They exhibited both fast and time-dependent inward rectification and an initial high-frequency firing followed by a slower constant firing. Type I neurons had large somata and thick dendrites with many spines. The axons of some of the neurons in this class projected in the direction of area X of the parolfactory lobe. Type II neurons (30 of 65 cells) had a more negative resting membrane potential than the other classes. They exhibited fast inward rectification. Type II neurons could be divided into two subclasses by the absence (IIa; 22 cells) and the presence (IIb; 8 cells) of a low-threshold transient depolarization. Type IIa neurons had relatively small somata and thin, spiny dendrites. The axons of some of the neurons in this class projected in the direction of the robust nucleus of the archistriatum (RA). Type IIb neurons had relatively large somata and thick dendrites with many spines. Type III neurons (6 of 65 cells) had a shorter action-potential duration than the other classes. They exhibited prominent time-dependent inward rectification and a regular tonic firing with little or no accommodation. Type III neurons had beaded, aspiny dendrites. Type IV neurons (8 of 65 cells) had a longer action-potential duration, a much larger input resistance, and longer membrane time constant than the other classes. Type IV neurons had small somata and thin, short, sparsely spiny dendrites. The axons of some of the neurons in this class projected in the direction of the RA. These classes of neuron may play distinct roles in song production and representation in the HVc.

1989 ◽  
Vol 257 (1) ◽  
pp. R87-R95 ◽  
A. Gnionsahe ◽  
M. Claire ◽  
N. Koechlin ◽  
J. P. Bonvalet ◽  
N. Farman

Distal segment of several amphibians exhibits aldosterone-modulated ion transport properties. On the other hand, A6 cells, derived from Xenopus laevis (XL) kidney, are aldosterone sensitive. We examined the distribution of aldosterone binding sites in isolated tubules of XL compared with rabbit. After incubation with 2 nM [3H]aldosterone, microdissected tubular segments from proximal (PT), distal straight segment (DST), and flask cell collecting (CT) tubules from XL and from rabbit cortical thick ascending limb (CTAL), connecting (CNT), and collecting (CCD) tubules were processed for dry film autoradiography. In XL, specific nuclear labeling of type I (mineralocorticoid) sites was restricted to DST. Labeling of type II (glucocorticoid) sites was present all along the tubule. No specific cytoplasmic labeling was observed, except for type II sites in PT. In the rabbit, aldosterone binds to both type I and type II sites in the three tubular segments studied. In these segments, the binding was about fourfold higher than in DST of XL. These results bring direct evidence in designating the distal tubule of amphibians as a target epithelium for aldosterone. In addition, they suggest that A6 cell line may derive from DST of the Xenopus nephron.

2001 ◽  
Vol 38 (5) ◽  
pp. 492-497 ◽  
Halfdan Lauridsen ◽  
Birgit Fischer Hansen ◽  
Ingermarie Reintoft ◽  
Jean W. Keeling ◽  
Inger Kjær

Objective: The purpose of the present study was to investigate the horizontal part of the palatine bone in palates from human fetuses with trisomy 21 to improve the phenotypic classification of the genotypic anomaly. Methods: Material from 23 human trisomy 21 fetuses was included in the study. The crown rump lengths of the fetuses ranged from 80 mm to 190 mm, corresponding to about 12 to 21 weeks of gestational age. The material was examined histologically. Results and Conclusions: Histological examination demonstrated four different palatal phenotypes on the basis of the development of the horizontal part of the palatine bone: type I, palatine bone complete; type II, the mesial region of the horizontal part of the palatine bone is lacking; type III, complete absence of the horizontal part of the palatine bone; and type IV, auxiliary bones in the region of the transpalatine suture. This finding shows that different types of malformations may occur in the horizontal part of the palatine bone in human trisomy 21 fetuses.

Toxins ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 262 ◽  
Sabine Brantl ◽  
Peter Müller

Toxin–antitoxin (TA) systems were originally discovered as plasmid maintenance systems in a multitude of free-living bacteria, but were afterwards found to also be widespread in bacterial chromosomes. TA loci comprise two genes, one coding for a stable toxin whose overexpression kills the cell or causes growth stasis, and the other coding for an unstable antitoxin that counteracts toxin action. Of the currently known six types of TA systems, in Bacillus subtilis, so far only type I and type II TA systems were found, all encoded on the chromosome. Here, we review our present knowledge of these systems, the mechanisms of antitoxin and toxin action, and the regulation of their expression, and we discuss their evolution and possible physiological role.

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