The Inscription at the Tomb of Khri Lde Srong Brtsan

H. E. Richardson

In JRAS, 1964, I edited an eighth-century inscription from 'Phyong rgyas known only through its survival in a collection which once belonged to Rig-'dzin Tshe-dbang Nor-bu of Ka-thog monastery, a famous lama of the 18th century (hereafter referred to as RT). The present article is concerned with his copy of another inscription described as “at Srong-brtsan Bang-so”. That is the popular name not only for the tumulus called Bang-so dMar-po and known as that of Srong-brtsan sGam-po but also of the whole burial area near 'Phyong rgyas. The inscription comes from a pillar near the tumulus attributed to Khri IDe Srong brTsan, who reigned from c. 804–815. Professor Giuseppe Tucci, the first Western visitor to examine the royal burial ground, has edited it in his Tombs of the Tibetan kings (TTK), Rome, 1950; and in CAJ, June 1963,1 have added some information about the pillar and the burial ground as a whole as the result of a visit in 1949, not long after Professor Tucci. Describing the pillar in TTK, p. 36, Professor Tucci writes “the surface of the stone is nowadays much damaged and a great part of the inscription is effaced. The lower portion is completely gone and a few lines are underground.”

Kadmos ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 58 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 33-48
Alwin Kloekhorst

Abstract Following Rieken’s 2008 establishment that the Anatolian hieroglyphic sign *41 (CAPERE/ta) denoted the syllable /da/, with lenis /d/, Yakubovich (2008) argued that the sign’s phonetic value was acrophonically derived from the Hittite verb dā-i/d- ‘to take’. In the present article it is argued that this view can no longer be upheld in view of new proposals regarding the phonetic value of sign *41 (rather [da]) and the interpretation of Hitt. dā-i/d- (rather [tʔā-]). It is proposed that the value of sign *41 has instead been derived from the Luwian verb ‘to take’, lā-i/l-, which from a historical linguistic perspective must go back to earlier *.ā-i/ *.-. This acrophonic assignment of the value [da] to sign *41 must then be dated to the beginning of the 18th century BCE at the latest, which implies that already by that time the Anatolian hieroglyphs were in use as a real script that made use of phonetic signs.

1970 ◽  
Vol 28 ◽  
pp. 55-72
Bente Kiilerich

The Barletta colossus is the sole large-scale statue in bronze preserved of a late antique emperor; the only comparable image is the even larger, but fragmentary, Constantinian emperor in Rome. According to local tradition, the Barletta colossus depicts the Byzantine emperor Heraclius (610-641). Modern researchers tend to regard this attribution as mere folklore and fiction. But while there is a general consensus that the statue does not portray Heraclius, there is no agreement as to whom it may have been intended to portray. About a dozen different emperors have been proposed, suggested dates ranging from the fourth to the eighth century. The present article reviews the evidence and discusses the methodological problems we face when dealing with this enigmatic work.

1970 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-56 ◽  
Dan Fenno Henderson

AbstractIn die pre-modern Chinese codes, Yoshimune (8th Tokugawa Shogun, 1716–1745) found much of use to him in his attempt to reform the administration of justice in early eighteenth century Japan. Building on an interest kindled by studies of Ming law in his native han, Wakayama, Yoshimune gathered about him a cluster of confucianists, including Ogyu Sorai and his brother Hokkei (Kan), and they in turn developed a new Chinese-based jurisprudence with new legislative concepts and roles for law generally. Hokkei did a recension of die Ming penal code supplied with diacritics, and Sorai did a commentary to the code, explaining its meaning in simple Japanese; together these two works vastly increased die accessibility of Ming law to Japanese scholars especially after these works came out in a wood-block publication.Also, Yoshimune put several other groups of scholars to work on other Chinese legal sources—the T'ang codes, the Ch'ing codes and the eighth century T'angderivative Japanese codes (ritsuryō). At die same time the largest daimyo, Maeda Tsunanori, built up his own extensive collection of Chinese legal sources and encouraged their study in Kanazawa han. Similar studies and uses of Chinese law are found in several han later, notably Kumamoto, Wakayama, Aizu and Hirosaki. Thus a minor reception of Chinese law in Tokugawa Japan has been heretofore largely overlooked between the major eighdi century reception of T'ang law and the massive nineteenth century reception of European law a millcnium later.

Aurèlia Pessarrodona

Resum: La recent troballa de dos cançoners al convent de Santa Teresa de Vic, datables al segle XVII, ve a ampliar i enriquir de manera considerable el que ja se sabia sobre la creació literària conventual i la presència de música, cants i altres manifestacions performatives dins de la clausura del Carmel descalç femení durant l’Edat Moderna. En aquest article es fa una primera aproximació a aquests cançoners, que posa de manifest les diferències entre ambdós: un recull repertori forà més antic, del segle XVI i inici del XVII, entre el que hi destaca la curiosa presència de moltes de les ensalades editades per Mateu Fletxa el Jove a Praga l’any 1581; i l’altre és un excel·lent exemple de la creació literària de les pròpies monges, amb obres que abarcarien tot el segle XVII i inicis del XVIII. A més de descriure els manuscrits i apropar-se al seu contingut situant-lo en el seu context, en el present article es reflexiona sobre la possible praxi performativa del repertori, especialment sobre les ensalades.   Paraules clau: carmelites descalces, clausura, cançoners, ensalades, Mateu Fletxa   Abstract: The recent finding of two songbooks in the convent of Saint Therese in Vic (Barcelona), dated to the 17th century, broadens and enriches strikingly what was already known about the literary creation in monasteries and performative manifestations —music, theater, dance— in the enclosed life of female discalced Carmel during the Modern Age. This article provides a first approach to these songbooks, that shows significant differences between them. The first one collects a foreign and older repertory, from 16th and early 17th centuries, that includes the unusual presence of ensaladas edited by Mateu Fletxa the Youger in 1581. The other one is an excellent example of literary creation of the nuns, with works dated from 17th to early 18th century. As well as a description of the manuscripts, an approximation to their content and placing them in their context, the article includes some reflections concerning the performative practice of this repertory, above all of the ensaladas.   Keywords: discalced carmelites, cloister, songbooks, ensaladas, Mateu Fletxa

2014 ◽  
Vol 19 (4) ◽  
pp. 287-291 ◽  
Morteza Emami ◽  
Mohammad Ali Nazarinia ◽  
Hussein Rezaeizadeh ◽  
Mohammad M. Zarshenas

The present article aimed to compile information on the nutritional management for geriatric people. Popular textbooks of Persian medicine from 10th to 18th century were studied to derive relative viewpoints and considerations. The temperament, which is defined as the combination of 4 main elements (fire, air, water, and soil) and 4 humors made subsequently (black bile, yellow bile, phlegm, and blood), changes during age periods. Imbalance in proportional amounts of humors in elderly should be corrected with food and medicaments having opposite nature to the current condition. Traditional foods included mostly well-cooked soups, pottages, and porridges containing fresh sheep or chicken meat. Mono-ingredient foods were also administered according to their medical properties. Nutritional recommendations were also concerned with geriatrics’ physiological conditions such as constipation, sleep disorders, and memory deficits. Many of traditional geriatric nutritional requirements are relevant in the present day. However, there are still notes that may be beneficial for consideration.

2011 ◽  
Vol 106 ◽  
pp. 247-273 ◽  
Anastasia Gadolou

In memoriam Eos Zervoudaki2The terracotta model presented in this article depicts the roof of a small temple or naiskos. It was discovered during the excavation of a Late Geometric apsidal temple, probably dedicated to Poseidon Heliconius, at Nikoleika near Aegion. An account of the excavation can be found in the article by Erophile Kolia in this volume. The present article focuses on interpretation and analysis of the model in the context of the religious, social and political life of Achaea during the second half of the eighth century bc.

1970 ◽  
Vol 22 (2(28)) ◽  
pp. 123-138
Katarzyna Szoblik

Some aspects of the 15th‑18th century native American texts translation The artistic verbal expression of the native inhabitants of the pre‑Hispanic Mesoamerica presented great variety of forms, among which there could be distinguished, for example, solemn speeches, ritual songs and even very complex performances, that could be compared to some forms of the European theatre. Most of these pieces were destroyed with the conquest and colonization of America. Some of them, however, survived, mainly thanks to the effort that some missionaries and their indigenous students made to register parts of the native oral tradition in the alphabetic writing. The present article presents chosen problems related with the translation of this kind of texts, one of the most important difficulties being a huge distance in time and space that separates the source and the target cultures.

Manuel Barbosa

O discurso pedagógico em torno da autonomia não é uma invenção recente, antes se prolonga nos anais da história, pelo menos a meados do século XVIII, altura em que se começaram a vislumbrar os princípios constitutivos de uma pedagogia da autonomia. Recentemente, e numa conjuntura que "obriga" as pessoas a serem autónomas, que as torna responsáveis por todos os aspectos das suas vidas, tenham ou não condições e recursos para os controlarem, esse discurso passou a ocupar um lugar de destaque nas reformas educativas, de tal modo que é hoje considerado uma nova ortodoxia da mudança pedagógica. O presente artigo arranca desta constatação e questiona se a pedagogia da autonomia não está ferida por uma série de suspeições que lhe retiram credibilidade, nomeadamente a que a associa à promoção do ideário neoliberal de indivíduo auto-suficiente. A terminar, perguntamos se ainda há lugar para a pedagogia da autonomia, não obstante as dúvidas e as perplexidades que levanta. A resposta é positiva e passa pela definição, não apenas da meta actual dessa pedagogia, o empowerment, mas também pelos princípios que a devem reger numa démarche de projectos educativos, assim como pelas tarefas de mediação e animação que cabem ao educador protagonizar. Palavras-chave: Pedagogia, Autonomia, Dúvidas e Perplexidades, Perspectivas Actuais Abstract: The pedagogical speech around the autonomy is not a recent invention; it is drawn out in the annals of history, at least since the middle of the 18th century, when it started to glimpse the constitutive principles of a pedagogy of autonomy. Recently, in a conjuncture that "compels" people to be autonomous, that makes them responsible for all the aspects of their lives, whether they have or not the conditions and resources to control them, that speech started to occupy a place of prominence in the educative reforms, in such a way that, nowadays, it is considered a new orthodoxy of the pedagogical change. The present article has its beginning in this perception and it questions if the pedagogy of autonomy is not wounded by a series of suspicions that remove its credibility, namely the one that associates it to the promotion of the neoliberal collection of ideas of the self-sufficient individual. To finish, we ask if there is still a place for the pedagogy of autonomy, notwithstanding the doubts and the perplexities that raise. The reply is positive and it passes for the definition, not only of the current goal of this pedagogy, the “empowerment”, but also for the principles that should conduct it in a démarche of educative projects, as well as for the mediation and animation tasks that the educator must carry out. Keyword: Pedagogy, Autonomy, Doubts and Perplexities, Actual Perspectives

Joaquim Prats

Resum: La universitat de Cervera, fundada per Felip V, suposà una fita important per a Catalunya: per un costat, naixia com un projecte borbònic de futur i, per un altre, significava que les universitats catalanes històriques havien estat abolides, en virtut de la política repressora del nou monarca. El present article analitza aquella institució i el fracàs d’aquell projecte. La creació de la Universitat ha de situar-se en un context reformista de tall centralista, propi de les noves monarquies europees que van prendre com a imatge la cort i l’acció en política interna de Lluís XIV. Tanmateix, amb el pas dels anys, aquella proposta es va veure frustada. Paraules clau: Universitat de Cervera, orígens, declivi, Catalunya, segle XVIII Abstract: The University of Cervera, founded by Philip V, was an important milestone for Catalonia: on the one hand, it was born as a Bourbon project for the future and, on the other, it meant that historic Catalan universities had been abolished, under the policy repressive of the new monarch. This article discusses that institution and the failure of that project. The creation of the University must be situated in a reformist context of a centralist nature, typical of the new European monarchies that took as their image the court and action in domestic politics of Louis XIV. However, over the years, that proposal was thwarted. Key words: University of Cervera, foundation, declivity, Catalonia, 18th. century

Tlalocan ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 25 ◽  
pp. 287-342
Hans Roskamp ◽  
Cristina Monzón

Primordial titles form an important category in the extensive corpus of native documents from 17th and 18th century New Spain. Generally made by local scribes (carariecha) or regional specialists who combined information from older documents and oral tradition, they emphasize the foundation of the villages and the boundaries of their lands. These local histories were —and often still are— used whenever the territorial integrity of the community was threatened by their neighbors. The present article includes the transcription, translation and analysis of a primordial title written in the Tarascan or P’urhépecha language. The document, now kept in the National Library of Anthropology and History (BNAH) in Mexico City, originally comes from Tócuaro, a small village on the southern shores of Lake Pátzcuaro in Michoacán.

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