The Neoliberal Targeted Social Investment State: The Case of Ethnic Minorities

2018 ◽  
Vol 48 (2) ◽  
pp. 207-225

AbstractNeoliberal governance has been associated with rising inequality and economic exclusion. Recent scholarship proposes that the social investment state (SIS) is a turn away from such inequality and exclusion-enhancing neoliberalism. The ideal SIS responds to neoliberalism-generated social ills by investing in the productive capacities of all its citizens. However, commentators ask whether an SIS addresses the plight of weaker elements in society, specifically that of disadvantaged ethnic minorities. This paper looks specifically at this question by utilising a critical-case study research design of a surprising example of social investment in disadvantaged ethnic minorities: the extensive labour market policies for Israeli Arabs. This paper introduces the concept of a neoliberal targeted SIS in which social investment programmes are developed for economic reasons, promoted by neoliberal actors (right-wing parties and Ministries of Finance), target narrow groups instead of being applied to all, and the preferred mode for the delivery of services is private. Egalitarian outcomes – to the extent that they materialise – might be thought of as a policy by-product.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 89-100
Santi Susanti ◽  
Sumardi Sumardi ◽  
Akhmad Nugraha

ABSTRACTSocial skills of children aged 5-6 years is part of the maturation of social development of children in the transition from pre operational entering a concrete operational period. The ability of children aged 5-6 years in social skills can be seen from the behaviors that can be achieved in the child's ability to build interpersonal relationships and intrapersonal relationships. This research was conducted in kindergarden which aims to describe social ability of children aged 5-6 years and look for factors that affect the social skill ability of children. Subjects in this study were one of B Group students who had low social skills. This research uses qualitative approach with case study research method. Data collection techniques used in this study are observation, interview and documentation. Instruments in this research use obsevation sheet and interview sheet. From the data collected and then processed to be used as a whole data. Based on the results of research that has been done in Group B Kindergarden related social skills of children aged 5-6 years, this study can be concluded as follows: social skills of children aged 5-6 years in group B TK Aisyiyah 2 Kota Tasikmalaya reach BG criteria ( Beginning to Grow) with the underlying cause of the lack of opportunities to get along with the people around him with different ages and backgrounds, lack of interest and motivation for children, lack of guidance and teaching from others, which is usually a model for children and lack of ability communicate well to the child. ABSTRAKKeterampilan sosial anak usia 5-6 tahun merupakan bagian dari pematangan perkembangan sosial anak dimasa peralihan dari pra operasional memasuki masa operasional konkrit. Kemampuan anak usia 5-6 tahun dalam keterampilan sosial dapat dilihat dari perilaku-perilaku yang dapat dicapai anak dalam kemampuan anak menjalin hubungan interpersonal dan hubungan intrapersonal. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Taman Kanak-Kanak yang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kemampuan sosial anak usia 5-6 tahun dan mencari faktor yang mempengaruhi kemampuan keterampilan sosial anak. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah salah satu siswa Kelompok B yang memiliki keterampilan sosial rendah. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode penelitian studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Instrumen dalam penelitian ini menggunakan lembar obsevasi dan lembar wawancara. Dari data yang yang terkumpul kemudian diolah untuk dijadikan data yang utuh. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan terkait keterampilan sosial anak usia 5-6 tahun, maka penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut: keterampilan sosial anak usia 5-6 tahun di kelompok B Taman Kanak-kanak  mencapai kriteria MB (Mulai Berkembang) dengan faktor penyebab kurangnya kurangnya kesempatan untuk bergaul dengan orang-orang yang ada disekitarnya dengan berbagai usia dan latar belakang, kurangnya minat dan motivasi anak untuk bergaul, kurangnya bimbingan dan pengajaran dari orang lain, yang biasanya menjadi model untuk anak dan kurangnya kemampuan berkomunikasi yang baik yang dimiliki oleh anak.

2015 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 200
Juju Saepudin

<p><em></em><em>The establishing a pesantren in a prostitution area is a very interesting topic to be<br />studied. This is because the challenge would be different from building a pesantren in<br />other community situations. This article based on the research on the roles of Darut<br />Taubah pesantren in teaching of moral values to commercial sex workers at Saritem<br />prostitution area. This is a qualitative  case study research using a phenomenology <br />approach. Data was gathered using observation, in-depth interview, and documentary <br />research. Data was analyzed utilizing inductive approach. Finding of this study shows<br />that the establishment of Darut Taubah pesantren was motivated by cultural and<br />structural factors. Moreover, teaching of moral values was conducted through reorganizing structural and instrumental elements using many ways namely; persuasive method and prioritizing the roles of pesantren, teaching moral values and developing the social roles. After the existence of Darut Taubah pesantren in Saritem area, the prostitution<br />activities decrease significantly either in terms of quantity or intensity.</em></p><p><strong><em> </em></strong></p>

2010 ◽  
Vol 132 (11) ◽  
Jonathan R. A. Maier ◽  
Timothy Troy ◽  
P. Jud Johnston ◽  
Vedik Bobba ◽  
Joshua D. Summers

Case study research in engineering design, while not as formalized and accepted as in the social sciences, is growing in popularity because of its ability to yield significant insights into how designers interact with design problems, processes, artifacts, and each other. A wealth of evidence for use in case studies exists in the form of undergraduate senior design courses, which produce documentation related to the design of new artifacts every academic semester. The resulting documentation can be effectively mined to test hypotheses about design processes and designer behaviors. In this paper, we offer an example application of how to apply case study research to a completed senior design project in order to test a theory for how designers, users, and artifacts behave as a complex adaptive system. The evidence from the case study supports the descriptive power of the theoretical framework and supports the practical conclusion that effective communication between designers and users is particularly important and should be strengthened to foster overall project success, especially during the problem definition stage of design.

2022 ◽  
pp. 568-586
Beatrice Ngulube

The reputation of case study research has grown as a research strategy for developing theories and as a method for investigating and understanding world complex issues. The purpose of this chapter is to demonstrate how the case study research can add value to a research project. Case study research, although becoming increasingly popular is not adequately utilised in information science research. The chapter draws on the literature on case study research in various fields and uses examples to inform research in information science. Case study research have been used across a number of disciplines, particularly, in the social sciences, education and business to address real world problems. Many researchers tend to use case study research because of the numerous advantages it offers. For instance, the employment of multiple data collection instruments maximises the depth of information, which in turn increases transferability of the findings. Additionally, the use of multiple cases and multiple data collection instruments make generalisation easy and valid. Maximising generalisability of findings is the ultimate goal of research.

Beatrice Ngulube

The reputation of case study research has grown as a research strategy for developing theories and as a method for investigating and understanding world complex issues. The purpose of this chapter is to demonstrate how the case study research can add value to a research project. Case study research, although becoming increasingly popular is not adequately utilised in information science research. The chapter draws on the literature on case study research in various fields and uses examples to inform research in information science. Case study research have been used across a number of disciplines, particularly, in the social sciences, education and business to address real world problems. Many researchers tend to use case study research because of the numerous advantages it offers. For instance, the employment of multiple data collection instruments maximises the depth of information, which in turn increases transferability of the findings. Additionally, the use of multiple cases and multiple data collection instruments make generalisation easy and valid. Maximising generalisability of findings is the ultimate goal of research.

Stijn Oosterlynck ◽  
Yuri Kazepov ◽  
Andreas Novy

In this introductory chapter, we present our understanding of the core concepts of this book, namely social innovation and poverty, and situate these concepts in contemporary debates on the governance of welfare provision. We define social innovation as actions that satisfy social needs through the transformation of social relations, which crucially implies an increase of the capabilities and access to resources of people living in poverty. Poverty is not reduced to a lack of monetary income, but refers to a range of processes of social exclusion in various spheres of life that hinders people’s full participation in society. We outline the aim of this book as a sustained attempt to analyse how the social innovation dynamics of localised initiatives are shaped by the welfare regime context with its specific spatial and institutional characteristics. Finally, we discuss the methodological strategy of the comparative case study research on which this book is based.

2019 ◽  
Vol 55 (1) ◽  
pp. 100-111 ◽  
Adriana Roseli Wünsch Takahashi ◽  
Luis Araujo

Purpose The case study approach has been widely used in management studies and the social sciences more generally. However, there are still doubts about when and how case studies should be used. This paper aims to discuss this approach, its various uses and applications, in light of epistemological principles, as well as the criteria for rigor and validity. Design/methodology/approach This paper discusses the various concepts of case and case studies in the methods literature and addresses the different uses of cases in relation to epistemological principles and criteria for rigor and validity. Findings The use of this research approach can be based on several epistemologies, provided the researcher attends to the internal coherence between method and epistemology, or what the authors call “alignment.” Originality/value This study offers a number of implications for the practice of management research, as it shows how the case study approach does not commit the researcher to particular data collection or interpretation methods. Furthermore, the use of cases can be justified according to multiple epistemological orientations.

2019 ◽  
pp. 1-17
Zulkifli Hasan

This paper argues that while significant concerns have been invoked on the material aspects of Islamic finance such as financial growth and products sophistication, it is nevertheless observed that equal emphasizes have not been given on social objectives of Islamic Financial Institutions (IFIs) as part of its value-oriented frameworks. In the absence of extensive discourse on corporate governance and its roles on CSR, this paper attempts to highlight the importance of corporate governance in stimulating the social function of IFIs within the Islamic ethical dimension paradigm. This paper aims at expanding the normative objective function of IFIs by advocating corporate social responsibility (CSR) via strengthening the corporate governance framework. Unlike the western concept of corporate governance, which is based on the western business morality that derived from “secular humanist”, this paper suggests that corporate governance in IFIs is founded on the epistemological aspect of Tawhid, Shari’ah and ethics. This paper employs theoretical and case study research method to develop understanding and to advocate the notion of value oriented Islamic finance practices. The study utilizes descriptive, comparative and critical analysis approaches in extracting and analyzing the information.

2020 ◽  
Vol 59 (3) ◽  
pp. 484-504
Tomasz Zarycki

This article proposes to look at the current moment in the recent history of the so-called Central-European countries, with Poland as a critical case study, through a structural comparison with an earlier historical cycle, that is one of the first three decades of the communist rule in the region. Thus, I propose to compare the social and economic situation in Poland of circa 1975 with that of 2019, so 30 years after the establishment of a new given political order (30 years after 1945 and 1989 respectively). The paper will offer a general overview of the trajectory of Poland in the post-war era, based primarily on the perspective of the world-system theory and that of the critical sociology of elites, one which will also point to the essential structural contexts of the post-communist dynamics of society. This paper will be based on a basic observation: even if both the 1970s and late 2010s can be considered as periods of relative political stabilization and economic growth for the region as such, and Poland in particular, these countries are, at the same time, subjected to a considerable and even increasing economic dependence on the Western core. In the conclusions, it is argued that the proposed comparative approach, taking into account both an earlier historical cycle and the broader structural dependency of the region, may allow to cast a new light on the nature of current dynamics in Polish politics as well as on the possible future trajectories of the country.

2015 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 210-241 ◽  
Oana Mihaela Apostol

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to look more closely, in the context of a given case study, at the role of civil society’s counter-accounts in facilitating democratic change in society, as an essential goal of an emancipatory and radical social accounting project. Design/methodology/approach – A case study of a Canadian company’s plans to open a gold mine in western Romania is here analysed. Civil society’s opposition to the mining project gave rise to an unprecedented social movement contesting the project’s utility for Romanian society. The role played by counter-accounts produced by civil society groups is investigated. Findings – Counter-accounts produced by civil society played multiple roles in the case study analysed. First, counter-accounts indicated the failure of corporate reports to present the gold mining project in a balanced manner. Second, counter-accounts were successful in problematizing the corporate approach to addressing the social, cultural and environmental impacts of the project, while also nurturing societal debate on these issues. Third, counter-accounts exposed the ideological inclinations of state institutions to favour economic interests over the social, cultural and environmental ones. As a result of these contributions, even if the counter-accounts were subjective, this study claims that they form a good basis for the development of emancipatory accounting. Research limitations/implications – Limitations associated with an interpretative approach and case study research apply. Originality/value – The paper illustrates the potential of civil society’s counter accounts to enable societal debates, as means towards democratic, transformative change.

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