social skills
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2022 ◽  
Vol 121 ◽  
pp. 104152
Reina S. Factor ◽  
Hannah M. Rea ◽  
Angela V. Dahiya ◽  
Jordan Albright ◽  
Thomas H. Ollendick ◽  

Nancy Lau ◽  
Anna M. Zhou ◽  
Amanda Yuan ◽  
Ryan Parigoris ◽  
Abby R. Rosenberg ◽  

2022 ◽  
pp. 106342662110514
Cristin M. Hall ◽  
Karen L. Bierman ◽  
Linda N. Jacobson

A latent profile analysis was applied to explore heterogeneity in the social and classroom behaviors of 224 peer-rejected elementary school students (56% White, 68% male, Grades 1–4, Mage = 8.1 years). Profile indicators included teacher ratings of social skills and problem behaviors on the Social Skills Improvement System (SSIS) and peer nominations of prosocial, aggressive, and withdrawn behavior. Four profiles emerged. Two profiles where characterized by elevated externalizing problems by peer and teacher report, one with multiple co-occurring difficulties (multiproblem, 21% of the sample) and one characterized primarily by aggression (domineering, 32% of the sample). Another profile was characterized by deficits in social skills and viewed by teachers as internalizing and disruptive (internalizing-dysregulated, 26% of the sample.) The final profile was nondistinct on teacher ratings but defined by low rates of prosocial behavior by peers (teacher preferred, 21% of the sample.) Group comparisons revealed that students in the multiproblem and internalizing-dysregulated profile classes had lower-quality relationships with teachers and more academic difficulties than students in the other two profile classes. The findings are discussed in terms of implications for identifying peer-rejected students for Tier 2 interventions and tailoring those interventions to enhance impact.

Xiang Li ◽  
Dandan Jiao ◽  
Munenori Matsumoto ◽  
Yantong Zhu ◽  
Jinrui Zhang ◽  

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 335
Risma Margaretha Sinaga ◽  
Albet Maydiantoro ◽  
Onojah Amos Ochayi ◽  
Dwi Yulianti ◽  
Suparman Arif ◽  

Education serves the purpose of cultivating the capacity to shape character and civilisation in a dignified manner to advance the nation's intellectual life. Social studies education is an affective domain subject because it teaches students to see knowledge in social interactions and to apply it directly in the community environment. This study compares students' social skills acquired through moral reasoning-based cooperative learning to those acquired through simulation-based cooperative learning in order to determine the effectiveness of simulation-based and moral reasoning-based cooperative learning in improving students' social skills, as well as the interaction between the two. This research employed a quasi-experimental design with a comparative approach. The study was conducted in classes VIII A and VIII B, with 27 students and 26 students, respectively, at SMP N 27 Pesawaran, Lampung Province, Indonesia. The findings of this study indicate a significant difference in social skills between students taught using the Moral Reasoning cooperative learning model and students taught using the Simulation cooperative learning model in social studies subjects. Learning that employs the Moral Reasoning learning model is more effective than learning that employs the Simulation one.   Received: 2 September 2021 / Accepted: 5  December 2021 / Published: 3 January 2022

Stuart McNaughton ◽  
Naomi Rosedale ◽  
Tong Zhu ◽  
John Siryj ◽  
Jacinta Oldehaver ◽  

Lionel Sánchez-Bolívar ◽  
Sergio Escalante-González ◽  
Asuncion Martínez-Martínez

One of the relevant factors that explain human behavior, in the acts that develops in daily life, is motivation. The aim of this study was to determinate the level of motivation and social skills in nursing degree student and compare with the level of motivation of physical education students. A descriptive and correlational study, with a cross-sectional design was used in this research (n= 101; 22.03 + 5.8 years old), using the Spanish version of the Situational Motivation Scale (SIMS). It can be highlighted that there is a predominantly female student population in this campus, with a higher motivational level. The predominant religion is the Christian/Catholic, counting with mean values in identified regulation superior to those of the rest. Regarding social skills, thinking (optimistic or pessimistic), empathy and assertiveness are the skills that influence the degree of motivation of students. Regarding the level of motivation, Nursing students show a medium-high level and Physical Education, a high level. Motivation is intrinsic in nursing students and more extrinsic in Physical Education students, although there are also high levels of intrinsic motivation. Uno de los factores relevantes que explican el comportamiento humano, en los actos que se desarrollan en la vida diaria, es la motivación. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el nivel de motivación y habilidades sociales en estudiantes de enfermería y compararlo con la motivación de estudiantes universitarios de educación física. Para ello, se realizó un estudio descriptivo y correlacional, con un diseño transversal, en (n=101; 22.03+5.8 años), utilizando la Escala de Motivación Situacional (SIMS). Se puede resaltar que hay una población estudiantil predominantemente femenina, con un mayor nivel de motivación, hecho que se repite en estudiantes de Educación Física. La religión predominante es la cristiana/católica, contando con valores medios en una regulación identificada superior a la del resto. El pensamiento, la empatía y la asertividad son las habilidades que influyen en el grado de motivación de los estudiantes. Existe una relación negativa entre la motivación intrínseca y la pasividad y entre la motivación intrínseca y la agresividad. En cuanto al nivel de motivación, el alumnado de Enfermería manifiesta un nivel medio-alto y el de Educación Física, un nivel alto. La motivación es intrínseca en estudiantes de enfermería y más extrínseca en el alumnado de Educación Física, aunque también, existen altos niveles de motivación intrínseca.

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Maiyida Safita ◽  
Delfi Eliza

Education during the COVID-19 pandemic has created many things that need to be considered by providing education from parents and families, so that every child's development can develop optimally. One of the developments of children that must be developed during this pandemic is social development. This study aims to find out ways that can be done to develop social development. This research was conducted using a literature study research method, in this case the researcher used several relevant research sources in the form of previous books, articles and journals, which became the focus of this research, namely developing social skills in early childhood through role playing methods, when Children's social skills can develop optimally so that later children can solve problems and make decisions without having to depend on others in the future. From the results of the study, it can be seen that one of the most appropriate ways to develop social skills in early childhood is to use the role playing method. This can be proven from several previous research results that are relevant to developing social skills through role playing methods in early childhood.

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