scholarly journals Recent WSRT and VLA Observations of the Jet Radio Galaxy NGC 6251

1982 ◽  
Vol 97 ◽  
pp. 141-144 ◽  
A. G. Willis ◽  
R. G. Strom ◽  
R. A. Perley ◽  
A. H. Bridle

NGC 6251, a 14th mag elliptical galaxy, was shown by Waggett et al. (1977) to have large-scale radio emission features with a total angular extent of ∼ 1.1°, which corresponds to a projected linear size of about 1.7 Mpc (HO = 75 km s−1 Mpc−1). A bright radio jet links a central core source embedded in NGC 6251 to the extended emission on the northwest side of the galaxy.

L Hernández-García ◽  
F Panessa ◽  
L Bassani ◽  
G Bruni ◽  
F Ursini ◽  

Abstract Mrk 1498 is part of a sample of galaxies with extended emission line regions (extended outwards up to a distance of ∼7 kpc) suggested to be photo-ionized by an AGN that has faded away or that is still active but heavily absorbed. Interestingly, the nucleus of Mrk 1498 is at the center of two giant radio lobes with a projected linear size of 1.1 Mpc. Our multi-wavelength analysis reveals a complex nuclear structure, with a young radio source (Giga-hertz Peaked Spectrum) surrounded by a strong X-ray nuclear absorption, a mid-infrared spectrum that is dominated by the torus emission, plus a circum-nuclear extended emission in the [OIII] image (with radius of ∼ 1 kpc), most likely related to the ionization of the AGN, aligned with the small and large scale radio jet and extended also at X-rays. In addition a large-scale extended emission (up to ∼ 10 kpc) is only visible in [OIII]. These data show conclusive evidence of a heavily absorbed nucleus and has recently restarted its nuclear activity. To explain its complexity, we propose that Mrk 1498 is the result of a merging event or secular processes, such as a minor interaction, that has triggered the nuclear activity and produced tidal streams. The large-scale extended emission that gives place to the actual morphology could either be explained by star formation or outflowing material from the AGN.

2020 ◽  
Vol 494 (3) ◽  
pp. 3712-3727 ◽  
Adam E Lanman ◽  
Jonathan C Pober ◽  
Nicholas S Kern ◽  
Eloy de Lera Acedo ◽  
David R DeBoer ◽  

ABSTRACT The 21 cm hyperfine transition of neutral hydrogen offers a promising probe of the large-scale structure of the universe before and during the Epoch of Reionization (EoR), when the first ionizing sources formed. Bright radio emission from foreground sources remains the biggest obstacle to detecting the faint 21 cm signal. However, the expected smoothness of foreground power leaves a clean window in Fourier space where the EoR signal can potentially be seen over thermal noise. Though the boundary of this window is well defined in principle, spectral structure in foreground sources, instrumental chromaticity, and choice of spectral weighting in analysis all affect how much foreground power spills over into the EoR window. In this paper, we run a suite of numerical simulations of wide-field visibility measurements, with a variety of diffuse foreground models and instrument configurations, and measure the extent of contaminated Fourier modes in the EoR window using a delay-transform approach to estimate power spectra. We also test these effects with a model of the Hydrogen Epoch of Reionization Array (HERA) antenna beam generated from electromagnetic simulations, to take into account further chromatic effects in the real instrument. We find that foreground power spillover is dominated by the so-called pitchfork effect, in which diffuse foreground power is brightened near the horizon due to the shortening of baselines. As a result, the extent of contaminated modes in the EoR window is largely constant over time, except when the Galaxy is near the pointing centre.

N. Seymour ◽  
M. Huynh ◽  
S. S. Shabala ◽  
J. Rogers ◽  
L. J. M. Davies ◽  

Abstract We present a detailed analysis of the radio galaxy PKS $2250{-}351$ , a giant of 1.2 Mpc projected size, its host galaxy, and its environment. We use radio data from the Murchison Widefield Array, the upgraded Giant Metre-wavelength Radio Telescope, the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder, and the Australia Telescope Compact Array to model the jet power and age. Optical and IR data come from the Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA) survey and provide information on the host galaxy and environment. GAMA spectroscopy confirms that PKS $2250{-}351$ lies at $z=0.2115$ in the irregular, and likely unrelaxed, cluster Abell 3936. We find its host is a massive, ‘red and dead’ elliptical galaxy with negligible star formation but with a highly obscured active galactic nucleus dominating the mid-IR emission. Assuming it lies on the local M– $\sigma$ relation, it has an Eddington accretion rate of $\lambda_{\rm EDD}\sim 0.014$ . We find that the lobe-derived jet power (a time-averaged measure) is an order of magnitude greater than the hotspot-derived jet power (an instantaneous measure). We propose that over the lifetime of the observed radio emission ( ${\sim} 300\,$ Myr), the accretion has switched from an inefficient advection-dominated mode to a thin disc efficient mode, consistent with the decrease in jet power. We also suggest that the asymmetric radio morphology is due to its environment, with the host of PKS $2250{-}351$ lying to the west of the densest concentration of galaxies in Abell 3936.

1978 ◽  
Vol 77 ◽  
pp. 49-55
R.D. Ekers

If we look at the radio properties of the nearby ellipticals we find a situation considerably different from that just described by van der Kruit for the spiral galaxies. For example NGC 5128 (Cen A), the nearest giant elliptical galaxy, is a thousand times more powerful a radio source than the brightest spiral galaxies and furthermore its radio emission comes from a multiple lobed radio structure which bears no resemblance to the optical light distribution (e.g. Ekers, 1975). The other radio emitting elliptical galaxies in our neighbourhood, NGC 1316 (Fornax A), IC 4296 (1333–33), have similar morphology. A question which then arises is whether at lower levels we can detect radio emission coming from the optical image of the elliptical galaxies and which may be more closely related to the kind of emission seen in the spiral galaxies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (4) ◽  
pp. 287-313
M. A. Sidorchuk ◽  
N. M. Vasilenko ◽  
O. M. Ulyanov ◽  
O. O. Konovalenko ◽  

Purpose: The results of research in continuum decameter-wave radio emission of the Galaxy background, ionized hydrogen regions, supernova remnants, extragalactic discrete sources, extended galaxies, galactic clusters, extragalactic background are given. The aim of this work is reviewing the results achieved for over 50-years of the UTR-2 radiotelescope research of our Galaxy and its population, as well as extragalactic radio sources in the continuum radio emission spectrum at extremely low frequencies for the ground based observations. Design/methodology/approach: The review, analysis, collection of archival data in various publications related to the subjectof this work. Findings: The basic results of studying the ionized hydrogen regions, supernova remnants, Galaxy background emission and its large-scale structure are given, and the maps of these sources are obtained. The catalog of extragalactic discrete radio sources of the most Northern sky part and the cosmological conclusions based on its analysis are described; the estimate of the isotropic extragalactic background brightness temperature is obtained; for the first time, the observational results for the Andromeda galaxy and two galactic clusters Coma and A2255 are given briefly. Conclusions: All the results presented here emphasize the uniqueness and importance of research in the decameter wavelength range, and the large area, flexibility of structure, continuous improvement make the UTR-2 radio telescope an indispensable tool for solving the most important tasks of modern radio astronomy, despite its respectable age. For example, only in the range of 10 to 30 MHz the ionized part of the most common element in the universe, the hydrogen, becomes optically thick and begins to absorb the synchrotron emission on the line of sight, which allows rather easy separation of thermal and non-thermal components of radioemission. This property allows to determine the ionized hydrogen regions’ electron temperature and the electron concentration on the line of sight independently in studying the hydrogen emission regions. When studying the supernova remnants, we can determine the ionized matter location by their spectrum drops ‒ before, inside or behind the remnant. Based on the HB3 supernova remnant radio imagies, an assumption was made on the existence of an ionized hydrogen relic shell aroundit, being caused by the initial ultraviolet flash of a supernova. For the first time, the maps of the Northern sky large-scale structure in the declination range from ‒15° to +85° at extremely low frequencies 10, 12.6, 14.7, 16.7, 20 and 25 MHz for the ground-based observations are published, which, besides their own scientific value, may allow to correct the UTR-2 radio telescope imaging results. Using the full-resolution UTR-2 maps and the developed method of multifrequency T‒T diagrams, it was possible to separate the background radiation into galactic and extragalactic components and construct the spectrum of the latter. From the analysis of the most complete decameter wavelength range catalog of discrete sources, it follows that there is a gap in the redshift spatial distribution for all classes of extragalactic sources. The existence of an ionized hydrogen ring in the Andromeda Nebula disk has been suggested. It is shown that the main partof the galaxy clusters decameter-wave emission comes from haloes and relics. Key words: decameter range; discrete sources; supernovaremnants; catalog; continuum radio emission; HII regions; UTR-2; background emission

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (S359) ◽  
pp. 427-428
Luis G. Dahmer-Hahn ◽  
Rogério Riffel ◽  
Tiago V. Ricci ◽  
João E. Steiner ◽  
Thaisa Storchi-Bergmann ◽  

AbstractWe analyzed the inner 320 × 535 pc2 of the elliptical galaxy NGC 1052 with integral field spectroscopy, both in the optical and in the near-infrared (NIR). The stellar population analysis revealed a dominance of old stellar populations from the optical data, and an intermediate-age ring from NIR data. When combining optical+NIR data, optical results were favoured. The emission-line analysis revealed five kinematic components, where two of them are unresolved and probably associated with the active galactic nucleus (AGN), one is associated with large-scale shocks, one with the radio jets, and the last could be explained by either a bipolar outflow, rotation in an eccentric disc or a combination of a disc and large-scale gas bubbles. Our results also indicate that the emission within the galaxy is caused by a combination of shocks and photoionization by the AGN.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (S359) ◽  
pp. 188-189
Daniela Hiromi Okido ◽  
Cristina Furlanetto ◽  
Marina Trevisan ◽  
Mônica Tergolina

AbstractGalaxy groups offer an important perspective on how the large-scale structure of the Universe has formed and evolved, being great laboratories to study the impact of the environment on the evolution of galaxies. We aim to investigate the properties of a galaxy group that is gravitationally lensing HELMS18, a submillimeter galaxy at z = 2.39. We obtained multi-object spectroscopy data using Gemini-GMOS to investigate the stellar kinematics of the central galaxies, determine its members and obtain the mass, radius and the numerical density profile of this group. Our final goal is to build a complete description of this galaxy group. In this work we present an analysis of its two central galaxies: one is an active galaxy with z = 0.59852 ± 0.00007, while the other is a passive galaxy with z = 0.6027 ± 0.0002. Furthermore, the difference between the redshifts obtained using emission and absorption lines indicates an outflow of gas with velocity v = 278.0 ± 34.3 km/s relative to the galaxy.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (S356) ◽  
pp. 375-375
Sarah White

AbstractLow-frequency radio emission allows powerful active galactic nuclei (AGN) to be selected in a way that is unaffected by dust obscuration and orientation of the jet axis. It also reveals past activity (e.g. radio lobes) that may not be evident at higher frequencies. Currently, there are too few “radio-loud” galaxies for robust studies in terms of redshift-evolution and/or environment. Hence our use of new observations from the Murchison Widefield Array (the SKA-Low precursor), over the southern sky, to construct the GLEAM 4-Jy Sample (1,860 sources at S151MHz > 4 Jy). This sample is dominated by AGN and is 10 times larger than the heavily relied-upon 3CRR sample (173 sources at S178MHz > 10 Jy) of the northern hemisphere. In order to understand how AGN influence their surroundings and the way galaxies evolve, we first need to correctly identify the galaxy hosting the radio emission. This has now been completed for the GLEAM 4-Jy Sample – through repeated visual inspection and extensive checks against the literature – forming a valuable, legacy dataset for investigating relativistic jets and their interplay with the environment.

2012 ◽  
Vol 8 (S292) ◽  
pp. 188-188
J. R. Allison ◽  
E. M. Sadler ◽  
S. J. Curran ◽  
S. N. Reeves

AbstractRecent targeted studies of associated H i absorption in radio galaxies are starting to map out the location, and potential cosmological evolution, of the cold gas in the host galaxies of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). The observed 21 cm absorption profiles often show two distinct spectral-line components: narrow, deep lines arising from cold gas in the extended disc of the galaxy, and broad, shallow lines from cold gas close to the AGN (e.g. Morganti et al. 2011). Here, we present results from a targeted search for associated H i absorption in the youngest and most recently-triggered radio AGN in the local universe (Allison et al. 2012b). So far, by using the recently commissioned Australia Telescope Compact Array Broadband Backend (CABB; Wilson et al. 2011), we have detected two new absorbers and one previously-known system. While two of these show both a broad, shallow component and a narrow, deep component (see Fig. 1), one of the new detections has only a single broad, shallow component. Interestingly, the host galaxies of the first two detections are classified as gas-rich spirals, while the latter is an early-type galaxy. These detections were obtained using a spectral-line finding method, based on Bayesian inference, developed for future large-scale absorption surveys (Allison et al. 2012a).

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