Ultrastructural assessment of cryofractured primate spermatozoon by analytical scanning electron microscopy

R. P. Apkarian ◽  
K. Gopalkrishnan

A cryofracture technique for scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was developed to provide an ultrastructural assessment of large numbers of chimpanzee sperm from a single centrifuged pellet. Normal spermatozoon observed in an analytical SEM at high magnification were used to determine the suitability of this technique for preserving the ultrastructural features of many sperm fractured through different regions. Although transmission electron microscopy (TEM) provides fine ultrastructural imaging of primate spermatozoon, this imaging mode does not provide large numbers of sperm in a single sample which can be rapidly scanned for profiles of ultrastructural abnormalities useful in infertility screening.

Ronald M. Anderson ◽  
Fred W. Schneider

It is often desirable to make high-magnification observations of the internal structure of green sheet ceramic. Scanning electron microscopy and replication microscopy have been unsatisfactory in studying the structure of green sheet ceramic. The feasibility of another technique, that of combining ultramicrotomy with transmission electron microscopy (TEM), seemed, therefore, worth investigating. Mullite and alumina green sheets were studied.Narrow (1 × 10mm) strips of green sheet ceramic were cut and mounted in “Beem” microtome capsules. A mixture of Cargille NYSEM epoxy embedding materials was prepared and poured into the capsules, care being taken to keep the specimen centered, especially at the tapered end of the capsule.

Nakazo Watari ◽  
Yasuaki Hotta ◽  
Yoshio Mabuchi

It is very useful if we can observe the identical cell elements within the same sections by light microscopy (LM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and/or scanning electron microscopy (SEM) sequentially, because, the cell fine structure can not be indicated by LM, while the color is; on the other hand, the cell fine structure can be very easily observed by EM, although its color properties may not. However, there is one problem in that LM requires thick sections of over 1 μm, while EM needs very thin sections of under 100 nm. Recently, we have developed a new method to observe the same cell elements within the same plastic sections using both light and transmission (conventional or high-voltage) electron microscopes.In this paper, we have developed two new observation methods for the identical cell elements within the same sections, both plastic-embedded and paraffin-embedded, using light microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and/or scanning electron microscopy (Fig. 1).

Venita F. Allison ◽  
J. E. Ubelaker ◽  
J. H. Martin

It has been suggested that parasitism results in a reduction of sensory structures which concomitantly reflects a reduction in the complexity of the nervous system. The present study tests this hypothesis by examining the fine morphology and the distribution of sensory receptors for two species of aspidogastrid trematodes by transmission and scanning electron microscopy. The species chosen are an ectoparasite, Cotylaspis insignis and an endoparasite, Aspidogaster conchicola.Aspidogaster conchicola and Cotylaspis insignis were obtained from natural infections of clams, Anodonta corpulenta and Proptera purpurata. The specimens were fixed for transmission electron microscopy in phosphate buffered paraformaldehyde followed by osmic acid in the same buffer, dehydrated in an ascending series of ethanol solutions and embedded in Epon 812.

Thomas P. Turnbull ◽  
W. F. Bowers

Until recently the prime purposes of filters have been to produce clear filtrates or to collect particles from solution and then remove the filter medium and examine the particles by transmission electron microscopy. These filters have not had the best characteristics for scanning electron microscopy due to the size of the pores or the surface topography. Advances in polymer chemistry and membrane technology resulted in membranes whose characteristics make them versatile substrates for many scanning electron microscope applications. These polysulphone type membranes are anisotropic, consisting of a very thin (0.1 to 1.5 μm) dense skin of extremely fine, controlled pore texture upon a much thicker (50 to 250μm), spongy layer of the same polymer. Apparent pore diameters can be controlled in the range of 10 to 40 A. The high flow ultrafilters which we are describing have a surface porosity in the range of 15 to 25 angstrom units (0.0015-0.0025μm).

John F. Mansfield

The current imaging trend in optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) or transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is to record all data digitally. Most manufacturers currently market digital acquisition systems with their microscope packages. The advantages of digital acquisition include: almost instant viewing of the data as a high-quaity positive image (a major benefit when compared to TEM images recorded onto film, where one must wait until after the microscope session to develop the images); the ability to readily quantify features in the images and measure intensities; and extremely compact storage (removable 5.25” storage devices which now can hold up to several gigabytes of data).The problem for many researchers, however, is that they have perfectly serviceable microscopes that they routinely use that have no digital imaging capabilities with little hope of purchasing a new instrument.

1997 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 14-15
John F. Mansfield

The current imaging trend in optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) or transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is to record all data digitally. Most manufacturers currently market digital acquisition systems with their microscope packages. The advantages of digital acquisition include: almost instant viewing of the data as a high-quality positive image (a major benefit when compared to TEM images recorded onto film, where one must wait until after the microscope session to develop the images); the ability to readily quantify features in the images and measure intensities; and extremely compact storage (removable 5.25” storage devices which now can hold up to several gigabytes of data).

2012 ◽  
Vol 174-177 ◽  
pp. 508-511
Lin Lin Yang ◽  
Yong Gang Wang ◽  
Yu Jiang Wang ◽  
Xiao Feng Wang

BiFeO3 polyhedrons had been successfully synthesized via a hydrothermal method. The as-prepared products were characterized by power X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The possible mechanisms for the formation of BiFeO3 polyhedrons were discussed. Though comparison experiments, it was found that the kind of precursor played a key role on the morphology control of BiFeO3 crystals.

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