scholarly journals Importance of the amino-acid composition of the shutter region of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 for its transitions to latent and substrate forms

2001 ◽  
Vol 268 (23) ◽  
pp. 6274-6283 ◽  
Martin Hansen ◽  
Marta N. Busse ◽  
Peter A Andreasen
1990 ◽  
Vol 265 (1) ◽  
pp. 109-113 ◽  
T L Lindahl ◽  
P I Ohlsson ◽  
B Wiman

The structural events taking place during the reaction between PAI-1 (plasminogen-activator inhibitor 1) and the plasminogen activators sc-tPA (single-chain tissue plasminogen activator) and tc-tPA (two-chain tissue plasminogen activator) were studied. Complexes were formed by mixing sc-tPA or tc-tPA with PAI-1 in slight excess (on an activity basis). The complexes were purified from excess PAI-1 by affinity chromatography on fibrin-Sepharose. Examination of the purified complexes by SDS/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis (SDS/PAGE) and N-terminal amino acid sequence analysis demonstrated that a stoichiometric 1:1 complex is formed between PAI-1 and both forms of tPA. Data obtained from both complexes revealed the amino acid sequences of the parent molecules and, in addition, a new sequence: Met-Ala-Pro-Glu-Glu-. This sequence is found in the C-terminal portion of the intact PAI-1 molecule and thus locates the reactive centre of PAI-1 to Arg346-Met347. The proteolytic activity of sc-tPA is demonstrated by its capacity to cleave the ‘bait’ peptide bond in PAI-1. The complexes were inactive and dissociated slowly at physiological pH and ionic strength, but rapidly in aq. NH3 (0.1 mol/l). Amidolytic tPA activity was generated on dissociation of the complexes, corresponding to 0.4 mol of tPA/mol of complex. SDS/PAGE of the dissociated complexes indicated a small decrease in the molecular mass of PAI-1, in agreement with proteolytic cleavage of the ‘bait’ peptide bond during complex-formation.

1998 ◽  
Vol 331 (2) ◽  
pp. 409-415 ◽  
Guang-Chao SUI ◽  

Thirteen amino acid substitutions have been introduced within the stretch Phe113 to Asp138 in the plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1) molecule by site-directed mutagenesis. The different proteins and wild-type (wt) PAI-1 have been overexpressed in Escherichia coliand purified by chromatography on heparin–Sepharose and on anhydrotrypsin–agarose. The PAI-1 variants have been characterized by their reactivity with tissue plasminogen activator (tPA), interactions with vitronectin or heparin, and stability. Most PAI-1 variants, except for Asp125 → Lys, Phe126 → Ser and Arg133 → Asp, displayed a high spontaneous inhibitory activity towards tPA, which did not change greatly on reactivation with 4 M guanidinium chloride, followed by dialysis at pH 5.5. The variants Asp125 → Lys and Arg133 → Asp became much more active after reactivation and they were also more rapidly transformed to inactive forms (t½ 22–31 min) at physiological pH and temperature than the other variants. However, in the presence of vitronectin they were both almost equally stable (t½ 2.3 h) as wtPAI-1 (t½ 3.0 h). The mutant Glu130 → Lys showed an increased stability, both in the absence and in the presence of vitronectin compared with wtPAI-1. Nevertheless a similar affinity between all the active PAI-1 variants and vitronectin was observed. Further, all mutants, including the three mutants with low activity, were to a large extent adsorbed on anhydrotrypsin–agarose and were eluted in a similar fashion. In accordance with these data, the three variants with a low activity were all to a large extent cleaved as a result of their reaction with tPA, suggesting that they occurred predominantly in the substrate conformation. Our results do not support the presence of a binding site for vitronectin in this part of the molecule, but rather that it might be involved in controlling the active PAI-1 to substrate transition. Partly, this region of the PAI-1 molecule (Arg115 to Arg118) seems also to be involved in the binding of heparin to PAI-1.

Endocrinology ◽  
1997 ◽  
Vol 138 (7) ◽  
pp. 2972-2978 ◽  
Taek Jeong Nam ◽  
Walker Busby ◽  
David R. Clemmons

Abstract Insulin-like growth factor binding protein-5 (IGFBP-5) has been shown to bind to the extracellular matrix (ECM) of both fibroblasts and smooth muscle cells. The ECM-IGFBP-5 interaction is mediated in part by binding to heparan sulfate containing proteoglycans. Because proteoglycans may not be the only components of ECM that bind to IGFBP-5, we have determined its ability to bind to other ECM proteins. When a partially purified mixture of the proteins that were present in fibroblast conditioned medium was purified by IGFBP-5 affinity chromatography, a 55-kDa protein was eluted. Amino acid sequencing of the amino terminal 28 amino acids showed that it was human plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1). To determine if this interaction was specific, purified human PAI-1 was incubated with IGFBP-5 and the IGFBP-5/PAI-1 complex immunoprecipitated with anti-PAI-1 antiserum. When the precipitate was analyzed by immunoblotting using anti-IGFBP-5 antiserum, the intensity of the IGFBP-5 band was substantially increased compared with controls that did not contain human PAI-1. A synthetic IGFBP-5 peptide that contained the amino acid sequence between positions 201 and 218 inhibited IGFBP-5/PAI-1 interaction. Coincubation of IGFBP-5 mutants that contained substitutions for specific basic residues located between positions 201 and 218 with PAI-1 indicated that some of these amino acids were important for binding. Two mutants that contained neutral substitutions for specific basic amino acids within the glycosaminoglycan binding domain had reduced binding to PAI-1. In contrast, three other mutants that also had substitutions for charged residues in the same region had no reduction in binding. Heparin and heparan sulfate inhibited the IGFBP-5/PAI-1 interaction; however, several other glycosaminoglycans had no effect. PAI-1 was determined to be an important ECM component for binding because approximately 27% of total ECM binding could be inhibited with anti-PAI-1 antiserum. Competitive binding studies with unlabeled IGFBP-5 showed that the dissociation constant of PAI-1 for IGFBP-5 was 9.1 × 10−8m. In summary, IGFBP-5 binds specifically to plasminogen activator inhibitor-1. Because this is present in the extracellular matrix of several cell types, it may be one of the important binding components of ECM. PAI-1 binding partially protects IGFBP-5 from proteolysis, suggesting that it is one of the ECM components that is involved in mediating this effect.

2021 ◽  
Zachary M Huttinger ◽  
Laura M Haynes ◽  
Andrew Yee ◽  
Colin A Kretz ◽  
David R Siemieniak ◽  

The serine protease inhibitor (SERPIN) plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) is a key regulator of the fibrinolytic system, inhibiting the serine proteases tissue- and urokinase-type plasminogen activator (tPA and uPA, respectively). Missense variants may render PAI-1 non-functional through misfolding, leading to its turnover as a protease substrate, or to a more rapid transition to the latent/inactive state. Deep mutational scanning was performed to evaluate the impact of amino acid sequence variation on PAI-1 inhibition of uPA using an M13 filamentous phage display system. The effects of single amino acid substitutions on PAI-1's functional inhibition of its canonical target proteases, tPA and uPA , have been determined for only a small fraction of potential mutations. To construct a more comprehensive dataset, a mutagenized PAI-1 library, encompassing ~70% of potential single amino acid substitutions, was displayed on M13 filamentous phage. From this library, the relative effects of 27% of all possible missense variants on PAI-1 inhibition of urokinase-type plasminogen activator were determined using high-throughput DNA sequencing with 826 missense variants demonstrating conserved inhibitory activity and 1137 resulting in loss of PAI-1 function. Comparison of these deep mutational scanning results to predictions from PolyPhen-2 and SIFT demonstrate the limitations of these algorithms, consistent with similar reports for other proteins. Comparison to common human PAI-1 gene variants present in the gnomAD database is consistent with evolutionary selection against loss of PAI-1 function. These findings provide insight into structure-function relationships for PAI-1 and other members of the SERPIN superfamily.

2017 ◽  
Vol 117 (05) ◽  
pp. 860-869 ◽  
Kotomi Nagahashi ◽  
Katsuhiro Takano ◽  
Katsue Suzuki-Inoue ◽  
Naohiro Kanayama ◽  
Kazuo Umemura ◽  

SummarySerpinopathy is characterised as abnormal accumulation of serine protease inhibitors (SERPINs) in cells and results in clinical symptoms owing to lack of SERPIN function or excessive accumulation of abnormal SERPIN. We recently identified a patient with functional deficiency of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), a member of the SERPIN superfamily. The patient exhibited life-threatening bleeding tendencies, which have also been observed in patients with a complete deficiency in PAI-1. Sequence analysis revealed a homozygous singlenucleotide substitution from guanine to cytosine at exon 9, which changed amino acid residue 397 from glycine to arginine (c.1189G>C; p.Gly397Arg). This glycine was located in strand 5B and was well conserved in other serpins. The mutant PAI-1 was polymerised in the cells, interfering with PAI-1 secretion. The corresponding mutations in SERPINC1 (anti-thrombin III) at position 456 (Gly456Arg) and SERPINI1 (neuroserpin) at position 392 (Gly392Glu) caused an anti-thrombin deficiency and severe dementia due to intracellular retention of the polymers. Glycine is the smallest amino acid, and these mutated amino acids were larger and charged. To determine which factors were important, further mutagenesis of PAI-1 was performed. Although the G397A, C, I, L, S, T, and V were secreted, the G397D, E, F, H, K, M, N, P, Q, W, and Y were not secreted. The results revealed that the size was likely triggered by the polymerisation of SEPRINs at this position. Structural analyses of this mutated PAI-1 would be useful to develop a novel PAI-1 inhibitor, which may be applicable in the context of several pathological states.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Zachary M. Huttinger ◽  
Laura M. Haynes ◽  
Andrew Yee ◽  
Colin A. Kretz ◽  
Matthew L. Holding ◽  

AbstractThe serine protease inhibitor (SERPIN) plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) is a key regulator of the fibrinolytic system, inhibiting the serine proteases tissue- and urokinase-type plasminogen activator (tPA and uPA, respectively). Missense variants render PAI-1 non-functional through misfolding, leading to its turnover as a protease substrate, or to a more rapid transition to the latent/inactive state. Deep mutational scanning was performed to evaluate the impact of amino acid sequence variation on PAI-1 inhibition of uPA using an M13 filamentous phage display system. Error prone PCR was used to construct a mutagenized PAI-1 library encompassing ~ 70% of potential single amino acid substitutions. The relative effects of 27% of all possible missense variants on PAI-1 inhibition of uPA were determined using high-throughput DNA sequencing. 826 missense variants demonstrated conserved inhibitory activity while 1137 resulted in loss of PAI-1 inhibitory function. The least evolutionarily conserved regions of PAI-1 were also identified as being the most tolerant of missense mutations. The results of this screen confirm previous low-throughput mutational studies, including those of the reactive center loop. These data provide a powerful resource for explaining structure–function relationships for PAI-1 and for the interpretation of human genomic sequence variants.

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