Digital Gameplay for Autonomous Foreign Language Learning: Gamers’ and Language Teachers’ Perspectives

Alice Chik
2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 173-199
Mahrus Asʾad ◽  
Ahmad Bukhori Muslim ◽  
Wagdi Rashad Ali Bin-Hady

Abstract Similar to other theistic texts, the Qurʾan has some figurative languages which require deep thought for good comprehension. However, how these rhetorical imageries can inspire the development of higher order thinking skills (HOTS) and religious tolerance among language learners, two necessary skills in the information-laden era, is still less known. This study explores how the Qurʾan’s figurative languages serve as an inspiring basis to develop Bloom’s revised taxonomy of analyzing and evaluating thinking skills in foreign language learning. Document analysis shows that many verses in Sura (Chapter) Joseph and other five chapters contain some simile, personification, and metaphor in recounting past prophetical and scientific events humans need to learn for life. Incorporated into learning materials, these figurative languages require the foreign language learners to use their skills of sensing, imagining, and making logical reasoning to discern the real meanings. The discussion of Sura Joseph in the Qurʾan which recounts some prophets of Abraham’s descendants can also increase religious tolerance among young followers of Abrahamic religions. The study recommends some strategies on how language teachers base their teaching and learning practices on these religious scriptures to develop students’ critical thinking and create a more harmonious global citizenship.

2011 ◽  
Vol 39 (5) ◽  
pp. 645-653 ◽  
Julide Inozu

Teachers' beliefs and theoretical knowledge have important effects on their classroom practice and teaching methodology. As trainee teachers' beliefs are critical to their professional development, and ultimately to their learners' improvement, an investigation of the language learning beliefs of trainee English as a foreign language teachers is particularly important. In keeping with this idea, the author examined the key beliefs trainee teachers held relating to language learning during their period of training. Although a few developmental changes were found over the period of training, the overall responses of the trainee teachers remained the same throughout the years of training in most of the beliefs researched.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (5) ◽  
pp. 116
Dilek Cakici

The primary aim of current study was to investigate the possible relationship between Metacognitive Awareness (MA) and Critical Thinking Skills (CTS) in a foreign language learning context. In addition, this research aimed to probe the effect of gender and years of pre-service English language teachers on the relation between metacognitive awareness and critical thinking abilities. 218 pre-service EFL (English as a Foreign Language) teachers participated in the study. Metacognitive Awareness Inventory and Critical Thinking Questionnaire were employed to gather necessary data. Obtained results confirmed that there existed a highly significant positive correlation between MA and CTS. Besides, the results indicated that there was a strong relation between the years of pre-service EFL teachers and their MA and CTS. Seniors were found to be more metacognitively aware and critical thinkers than their counterparts. Conversely, it was revealed that there was no gender effect on both MA and CTS. Finally, certain suggestions were set for tertiary institutions to develop metacognition and critical thinking skills in foreign language classroom settings.

1987 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 25
Maria da Conceição Magalhães Vaz de Mello

This paper presents an analysis of the errors which occurred in translations from Portuguese into English written by Brazilian students. This topic has been chosen because there are few studies of errors made by Brazilian students In the process of learning English and also because many language teachers still consider interference from the mother tongue the only source of errors in foreign language learning. Errors due to interference from the foreign language itself have often been disregarded. In order to explain the causes of the errors five categories were established: errors due to LI interference, errors due to L2 interference, errors due to LI and/or L2 interference, errors due to communication strategies and errors of Indeterminate origin. Errors due to communication strategies were classified according to three different types, proposed by Tarone (1977). The first is topic avoidance, the second is paraphrase and the third is conscious transfer. Errors of indeterminate origin are unsystematic and cannot be assigned to any of the other four categories. My claim In this paper is that since the speech of children learning their first language contains many errors, foreign language learners should be allowed to make errors. By making errors learners provide the teacher with information about what they haven't learned. Este artigo apresenta uma analise dos erros que ocorreram em versões do português para o inglês feitas por alunos brasileiros. Este tópico foi escolhido porque ha poucos estudos sobre erros feitos por alunos brasileiros durante o processo de aprendizagem do inglês e também porque muitos professores de línguas ainda consideram a interferência da língua materna como a única fonte de erros na aprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira. Erros de interferência da própria língua estrangeira freqüentemente não são considerados. Para explicar as causas dos erros cinco categorias foram estabelecidas: erros de interferência da LI, erros de interferência da L2, erros de interferência da LI e/ou da L2, erros de estratégias de comunicação e erros de origem indeterminada. Os erros de estratégia de comunicação foram classificados de acordo com três tipos diferentes sugeridos por Tarone (1977). O primeiro é abstenção de tópico, o segundo, paráfrase e o terceiro, transferência consciente. Erros de origem indeterminada não são sistemáticos e não podem ser classificados de acordo com nenhuma das outras quatro categorias. Um dos objetivos deste trabalho é provar que, do mesmo modo que a fala de crianças aprendendo sua língua materna apresenta muitos erros, alunos aprendendo uma língua estrangeira também deveriam poder fazer erros. Ê através dos erros de seus alunos que o professor consegue informação sobre aquilo que eles ainda não aprenderam.

2017 ◽  
AWEJ for Translation & Literary Studies ◽  

Foregrounding the paramount role of translation to boost foreign language learning at all educational strata, this reflective paper investigates whether translation is deemed a means to teach foreign languages or an end to prepare foreign language learners as prospective professional translators. Precisely, this reflective analysis aims to discuss these two research questions: do foreign language teachers simply use some amateur translation activities to upgrade their learners’ linguistic proficiency? Or do they find it necessary to teach translation models and techniques proper, targeting translational proficiency along with linguistic ability? Drawing on the researcher’s experience and specialist authorship, translation approaches and techniques as related to foreign language teaching/learning and 2) translation pedagogy types that govern the appropriate selection of translation techniques are the foundational units of this analytic endeavour. This analysis revealed that the basics of most well-known translation approaches and techniques are genuinely present in diverse foreign language classes. Additionally, teaching these translation approaches and techniques for general linguistic aims and for specific professional purposes are two different contexts where the former is shaped by presenting some mere language-based translation techniques and the latter by teaching much more specialist and profession-related ones. This categorisation inescapably determines the quality and quantity of translation practice and the nature of the teacher-learner pedagogical contract, aiming at foreign language learning per se, translation proficiency or both. According to either context, teachers should be aware of translation basics or translation proper to avoid ad hoc instruction and ‘translationese.’

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 579-606
Raees Calafato

To boost the foreign language learning process, language teachers need to know how to implement a multilingual pedagogy, that is, they should be able to draw on their and their students’ knowledge of other languages during lessons. This qualitative study explored the extent to which 21 foreign language teachers in Norwegian and Russian upper-secondary schools were willing and able to implement multilingual teaching practices and the factors that they thought affected this implementation. The findings revealed three main factors, namely, their language knowledge, their positioning as language learners, and the level of support they received, which the participants reported as strongly influencing the extent to which they were able and willing to draw on their and their students’ multilingualism as a pedagogical resource. The findings also indicated that participants did not implement multilingual teaching practices differently based on the languages they taught, although there were differences between the participants from Norway and Russia concerning the teaching of English. The study has important implications for research on language teaching and learning in multilingual environments, educational institutions, and teacher development programs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 251-263
Marcela Šarvajcová ◽  
Monika Štrbová

Aim. The aim of the research study was to investigate the opinions of the Slovakian secondary school foreign language teachers and learn about their views on the system of education in the field of enhancement of teachers` professional qualifications. Methods. To perform the results of the study the method of focus group was used. Results. The results of the presented research show the differences between the perception of foreign language education in the past and how it appears today through the views of selected number of foreign language teachers in Slovakia. The pivotal role is played by the technological skills of the students and their ability to use information technologies instructed in foreign languages. The research results also indicate the possibilities of teachers to get in direct contact with the target foreign language as a part of their professional development. The research participants also specified the factors that they considered the most influential in the process of foreign language learning. Conclusion. The purpose of the article is to discuss the urge to achieve highly professional foreign language education in today`s technological society. As shown by the results obtained from the focus group, the teachers/participants agreed on a single highly impactful factor: family.

2011 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 117-126 ◽  
Taghi Jabbarifar

Two decades have now passed since Bandura (1986) introduced the concept of self-efficacy within the social cognitive theory of human behavior. He defined it as "people's judgments of their capabilities to organize and execute courses of action required to attain designated types of performances (1986). Much empirical evidence now supports the idea that self-efficacy touches almost every aspect of people's lives including foreign language learning; However, it has apparently received the least attention compared to other cognitive and affective issues. The present article attempts to shed some light on importance of the concept of self-efficacy, the role it can play in foreign language learning and the pedagogical implications it may have for foreign language teachers and the students of English language in the end of the first decade of the twenty first century.

2020 ◽  
Vol 88 ◽  
pp. 02005
Anna Melkonyan ◽  
Armine Matevosyan

The article goes along the lines of language learning in the digital age. Technology and the advancement of digital media not only have the potential to change the way we learn languages, but also the way foreign language teachers learn to teach. Managing learning platforms, using learning software and educational apps effectively, designing complex web–based tasks are just a few examples of digital media use in the foreign language instruction of today’s schools. The article aims at showing of what types of skills and knowledge language teachers need to become digitally literate. Also we will focus on some challenges that an educator faces while teaching foreign language in the digital age.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 285
Yunjun Kong

In teaching writing in English as a foreign language (EFL) context, a little information is known about teachers’ knowledge base of writing. The current study, therefore, used the case of Chinese context to explore how TEFL (teaching English as a foreign language) teachers understand writing and what impacts their conceptions. A questionnaire containing the natures, functions, and development of writing, and text features of good writing were developed to collect data online; items had 5-point Likert scales. 490 (female 76.3%) participants were engaged in the sample. Respondents generally identify linguistic, cultural and cognitive natures of writing, but many question its social nature, and a few are in trouble with recognizing the multifaceted concepts of writing. Participants highlight writing functions related to the self and self-expression but fail to note those targeting the addressees. The majority accede to the facilitation of other language skills and writing instruction to the development of writing, but lay the greatest stress on the transfer effects of reading. When evaluating texts, they do not seem to focus on linguistic features more relevant to foreign language learning (e.g. vocabulary, grammar). Demographic components (gender, teaching experience, school level, class size, and frequency of writing instruction) do not influence their conceptions systematically. These findings may be of interest for in-service teacher trainers.

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