communication strategies
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Agronomy ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 200
Sukanya Sereenonchai ◽  
Noppol Arunrat

The adoption of rice straw and stubble management approaches can be affected by various factors. To understand the psychological factors influencing Thai farmers’ adoption of rice straw and stubble management approaches, three integrated behavioral theories were employed: the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), the Value-Belief-Norm (VBN) and the Health Belief Model (HBM). Then, a practical communication framework was synthesized and proposed to promote rice straw utilization for social-ecological benefits to achieve more sustainable agricultural production. Through a questionnaire survey and in-depth interviews with 240 local farmers, a statistical analysis was performed employing cross-tab, stepwise multiple linear regression, one-way ANOVA and descriptive content analysis using QDA lite miner software. The key results clearly showed that perceived pro-environmental personal norms, perceived cues to rice straw utilization, perceived behavioral control, perceived severity of rice straw burning, perceived ascription of responsibility, and the perceived benefits of rice straw utilization were significantly negatively influenced by burning, and that there was a significantly negative difference to non-burning approaches. Meanwhile, cost savings as perceived benefits of the current option of burning showed a significantly positive difference when compared with incorporation and free-duck grazing options. In communication strategies to promote rice straw utilization for achieving sustainable agriculture, key messages should highlight the clear steps of rice straw utilization, as well as the costs and benefits of each option in terms of economic, health, environmental and social perspectives. Moreover, messages designed to promote action knowledge and self-efficacy at the group level, to promote perceived responsibility via self-awareness and self-commitment, and convenient channels of communication to the farmers can help to achieve more effective non-burning rice straw and stubble management.

2022 ◽  
pp. 000992282110703
Ellen Wagner ◽  
Omar Jamil ◽  
Bethany Hodges

While discussing obesity with pediatric patients and their families can be difficult, it is an essential step toward appropriate weight management. There is paucity of data regarding language preferences when discussing obesity in this population. In this pilot qualitative study, we interviewed 8 parents of patients diagnosed with obesity to identify language and communication preferences for discussing their child’s weight. Interviews were analyzed for emerging themes. Important trends appeared revealing that parents prefer neutral, medical terms discussed at well-child checks or obesity-specific visits. Providers should frame lifestyle changes as positive for all patients and set achievable goals with the help of visual aids. Our analysis uncovered several important communication strategies that can better equip providers to discuss obesity with their pediatric patients. This research may serve as a foundation for larger studies into the topic.

2022 ◽  
pp. 136216882110670
Sheila Busteed

The Covid-19 pandemic creates physical barriers and raises issues about online learning and course design. These must be overcome in order to continue teaching three English language support papers in a transnational education programme. This autoethnography explores online communication strategies and their effect on students’ learning experience. Moodle logs, teacher observations and other qualitative data from the first year of emergency online teaching were evaluated. This analysis prompted several improvements to communication strategies. Additional forum activities, scaffolding and feedback have had a positive effect, and increased use of informal communication via WeChat has bolstered learner persistence. These findings can be applied to the design of other online and blended courses, especially those linked to English language teaching in China.

Luisa Lopes ◽  
Lara Santos ◽  
Salete Esteves

The future will no longer be like the past as the world witnesses constant changes that affect people’s everyday life. In fact, with the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, organizations were challenged to adapt their business to the changes, and brands were forced to quickly manage their business to survive and be connected to the new world. Several approaches were carried on using different communication strategies.

Ilyas Yakut ◽  
Erdogan Bada

Language learners employ communication strategies (CSs) to avoid communication breakdowns in times of difficulty, and such strategies develop within strategic competence thanks to exposure to a target language. This research is designed as a developmental study aiming to investigate the possible effects of exposure to English as a foreign language on the use of CSs in the interlanguage of Turkish speakers of English. To attain this aim, we chose 20 Turkish learners of English from the beginner level, and they designated the topics they would speak and write about. Their oral and written performances on the topics were tested at the beginning prior to instruction, in the middle, and at the end of the academic year to observe whether CS usage altered over time. The findings revealed that participants resorted to different types of CSs in their speaking and writing tasks. The comparison of CS employment in each test showed that learners’ CS preferences, as well as L1 and L2-based CSs, changed over time in both speaking and writing. Therefore, it is concluded that exposure to the target language may have a significant effect on the preference of CSs. The results of this study are significant as they suggested that CSs in interlanguage evolves from L1-based to L2-based strategies. The findings of this study have important implications for teaching English as a foreign language in reference to the effects of language exposure on the use of CSs in both oral and written performances of L2 learners.

Aksara ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
pp. 257-268
Bakdal Ginanjar ◽  
Dwi Purnanto ◽  
Hesti Widyastuti ◽  
Chattri S. Widyastuti

AbstrakPenelitian ini diarahkan pada kajian teks wacana pariwisata dengan pendekatan analisis wacana. Permasalahan yang dikaji adalah aspek kebahasaan pembangun kepaduan teks wacana berupa kohesi gramatikal referensi persona pada teks pariwisata di laman Tujuannya adalah untuk mendeskripsikan aspek kebahasaan kohesi gramatikal referensi persona pada teks pariwisata dalam media digital yang hasilnya dapat dipakai sebagai salah satu dasar merespons tuntutan kualitas strategi komunikasi promosi yang kreatif.  Penelitian ini berjenis kualitatif deskriptif dalam linguistik. Sumber data berasal dari situs/laman pesonaindonesia.kompas.combulan Januari—Oktober 2019. Data berwujud teks wacana pariwisata. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode simak. Data dianalisis dengan metode agih dengan teknik ganti. Kajian ini menemukan pendayagunaan referensi pronominal persona yang difungsikan untuk membangun teks wacana yang khas dari teks pariwisata secara koheren. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa teks pariwisata menggunakan aspek-aspek gramatikal kohesi referensi persona pertama, kedua, ataupun ketiga. Referensi persona kedua mendominasi dalam teks pariwisata di laman guna menciptakan keutuhan dan kepaduan wacana. Lebih lanjut, pemilihan referensi persona tersebut ditujukan untuk mendekatkan diri dengan pembaca dan terkandung implikasi persuasif bagi pembaca. Kata kunci: kohesi, referensi persona, teks pariwisata, wacana AbstractThis research is directed at the study of tourism discourse texts with the discourse analysis approach. The problem studied is the linguistic aspects of the building of the discourse text cohesion in the form of grammatical cohesion of persona references in the pariwisa text on the page. The aim is to describe the linguistic aspects of grammatical cohesion of references to charms in the tourism text in digital media, the results of which can be used as a basis for responding to the demands of the quality of creative promotional communication strategies. This research is a descriptive qualitative type in linguistics. The data source is from website / page from January to October 2019. The data is in the form of a tourism discourse text. The method of data collection is done by referring to the method. Data were analyzed by the method of distribution. The results showed that the tourism text uses grammatical aspects of the first, second, and third persona reference cohesion. The second persona reference dominates in the tourism text on the page. in order to create wholeness and cohesiveness of discourse. Furthermore, the selection of the reference persona is intended to get closer to the reader and has persuasive implications for the reader.Keywords: discourse, cohesion, personal pronouns, tourism text

2022 ◽  
pp. 142-160
Till Neuhaus

Human action is not rational, and this irrationality manifests itself especially in decisions under uncertainty – the COVID-19 pandemic is one example of many in this respect. At the same time, various branches of research have been able to identify systematic patterns in irrational human behavior, and these have been attempted to be subsumed under the umbrella term of 'nudging'. Nudging describes the intentional change of decision architectures with the purpose of transforming irrationalities and/or distortions of human perception into predictable action. Thus, nudging represents a potent communication tool, especially in crisis communication scenarios. After presenting the basic theoretical assumptions of nudging, two examples of highly effective crisis communication strategies employed during the COVID-19 pandemic will be used to illustrate, contextualize, and reflect on central mechanisms and workings of nudging. This chapter ends with a summary of the most central findings as well as a critical reflection on potential future fields of action.

2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-95 ◽  
Stefano Brilli ◽  
Laura Gemini

In the theatre sector, many companies, festivals and theatres have integrated promotional videos into their communication strategies. This recent development is undoubtedly due to the rise of social media and the increasing accessibility of video technologies, but also to the need for theatre companies to publicize their work in a media that combines creative autonomy with economic efficiency. Despite this widespread use, trailers in the performing arts have received little attention in academic literature. This article offers the first, exploratory study on the use of promotional videos in the field of contemporary theatre in Italy and on the connections between the current creation of digital promotional clips and the heritage of the Italian video-theatre. Through in-depth interviews with sixteen of the leading Italian companies, this research aims to bring out the role theatre trailers play for performance artists.

Use and control over natural resources was the main agenda behind ecological movements in India. Environmental movements brought environmental sensitivity. Uttarakhand has had been a beautiful state but the region remained isolated and unsung for a longer period of time. However, the local organizations and protests linked the region with the rest of the country. The central motivation of the study is to trace out the tactics adopted when hardly any tech-based communication existed to set Chipko as the mass movement. The study is exploratory in nature and data has been gathered using Schedule which has been analyzed via percent analysis. Results of the study approves that Chipko validated nonviolent resistance and brought out unique strategies to sustain the Chipko as the movement. Chipko was a continuation of the old peasant struggle where the population mainly stressed on the group communication.

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