The effect of vernalization on the heading of Wimmera ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) and on five cultivars of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne)

1964 ◽  
Vol 4 (15) ◽  
pp. 352 ◽  
JH Silsbury

The responses of annual and perennial ryegrass to 0, 6, and 12 weeks artificial seed vernalization were determined by recording the percentages of plants heading and the leaf numbers at heading for populations of 40 plants grown in a glasshouse under continuous light. All plants of the annual L. rigidum headed without vernalization but the vernalized plants headed at a much lower leaf number than did the unvernalized controls. At least six weeks of cold treatment were needed for complete induction of the five cultivars of L. perenne examined. The vernalization responses of cultivars of Mediterranean origin were similar to those of the Australian Colac. It was shown that late heading in L. perenne is not always associated with a large cold requirement and it is suggested that photoperiod may be an important factor controlling heading of ryegrass in southern Australia.

HortScience ◽  
1996 ◽  
Vol 31 (4) ◽  
pp. 581b-581
Erik S. Runkle ◽  
Royal D. Heins ◽  
Arthur C. Cameron ◽  
William H. Carlson

Thirty herbaceous perennial species were treated at 5°C for 0 or 15 weeks. Critical photoperiods for flower initiation and development with and without a cold treatment were determined. Photoperiods were 10, 12, 13, 14, 16, or 24 hours of continuous light or 9 hours plus a 4-hour night interruption. Continuous photo-periodic treatments consisted of 9-hour natural days extended with light from incandescent lamps. Species were categorized into nine response types based on the effects of cold and photoperiod on flowering. Plants had three flowering responses to cold treatment: obligate, facultative, or none. The perennials were obligate long-day, facultative long-day, or day-neutral plants. For example, Campanula carpatica `Blue Clips' had no response to cold and was an obligate long-day plant requiring photoperiods of 16 hours or longer or night interruption for flowering. Rudbeckia fulgida `Goldsturm' had a facultative response to cold and required photoperiods of 14 hours or longer or night interruption for flowering. Veronica longifolia `Sunny Border Blue' had an obligate cold requirement and was day-neutral. Some species responded differently to photoperiod before and after cold. Leucanthemum ×superbum `Snow Cap' flowered as an obligate long-day plant without cold and as a facultative long-day plant after cold. Response categories are discussed.

2011 ◽  
Vol 60 (1) ◽  
pp. 219-232 ◽  
Anita Jakab ◽  
János Kátai ◽  
Magdolna Tállai ◽  
Andrea Balláné Kovács

A tenyészedényes kísérletünket a DE AGTC MÉK Agrokémiai és Talajtani Intézet tenyészházában állítottuk be 2010. május 27-én. A kísérletben Debrecen-Látókép környékéről származó mészlepedékes csernozjom vályogtalajt alkalmaztunk, amely az alábbi jellemzőkkel rendelkezett: KA: 37,5; leiszapolható rész: 51%; pH(KCl): 5,5; pH(H2O): 6,6; Hu%: 2,8; AL-P2O5: 140 mg·kg-1; AL-K2O: 316,3 mg·kg-1. Az adatok alapján a kísérleti talaj gyengén savanyú, vályog kötöttségű, közepes nitrogén- és foszfor-, valamint jó kálium-ellátottsággal rendelkezett. A kísérletben kontroll-, műtrágya-, valamint szalmakezelést alkalmaztunk, melyeket bizonyos kombinációkban három különböző baktériumkészítménnyel (Bactofil A, EM-1, Microbion UNC) egészítettünk ki. A kísérletet három ismétlésben véletlenblokk elrendezésben állítottuk be. A tesztnövény angolperje (Lolium perenneL.) volt. A kísérlet kezdetétől számított 8. héten a talaj-, valamint a növényminták begyűjtésére került sor. Meghatároztuk a növényminták száraztömegét, a növény foszfor- és káliumtartalmát, valamint a talajminták nitrát-, valamint AL-oldható foszfor- és káliumtartalmát. Eredményeink alapján főbb megállapításaink a következők: – Az angolperje száraztömegét a műtrágyakezelés szignifikánsan növelte. A hatás a tápelem-ellátottság javulásával magyarázható. – A növény foszforkoncentrációja a műtrágyázás következtében csökkent, amelyet a hígulási effektussal magyarázhatunk. – A növény káliumkoncentrációját a műtrágya-, valamint a műtrágya+baktériumtrágya kezelések szignifikánsan serkentették. – A talaj nitráttartalma szignifikánsan növekedett a műtrágyakezelés kivételével minden kezelésben. – A talaj AL-P2O5-tartalma az NPK-műtrágyázás és az EM-1 kezelés következtében statisztikailag igazolható mértékben megnövekedett, míg az AL-K2O-tartalom kizárólag a szalmakezelés hatására nőtt. A baktériumkészítmények önmagukban alkalmazva általában nem eredményeztek jelentős változást a vizsgált paraméterekben, azonban a készítmények szerves/ásványi anyagokkal kombinált adagolása esetében különböző mértékben befolyásolták a vizsgált mutatókat.

M Gonzalez Yanez ◽  
R Mcginn ◽  
D H Anderson ◽  
A R Henderson ◽  
P Phillips

It Is claimed that the use of the correct enzyme system as an additive on grass silage will satisfactorily control the fermentation and reduce the cell-wall fibre content, thus preserving the nutrients In the silage and aiding their utilisation by the animal (Henderson and McDonald, 1977; Huhtanen et al, 1985; Raurama et al, 1987; Chamberlain and Robertson, 1989; Gordon, 1989;).The aim of the present experiment was to assess the effect of biological additives, enzymes or a combination of enzymes with an Inoculum of lactic acid bacteria, on the composition of silage and on its nutritive value when offered to store lambs as the sole constituent of their diet.On 1st June 1988, first cut perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L) at pre-ear emergence was ensiled direct cut untreated (U), treated with a commercial enzyme (E) or with a commercial inoculum of lactic acid bacteria with enzymes (I) in 6t capacity bunker silos. The grass was cut with a mower and lifted with a New Holland precision chop forage harvester. The additives were pumped onto the grass using a dribble bar sited over the pick-up drum.

1997 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-29 ◽  
Clyde L. Elmore ◽  
Victor A. Gibeault ◽  
David W. Cudney

Overseeding established kikuyugrass swards with tall fescue or perennial ryegrass reduced kikuyugrass cover. Renovation prior to seeding did not aid in the establishment of these two species. Increasing the seeding rate from 79 to 157 kg/ha improved the establishment of perennial ryegrass but not tall fescue. When kikuyugrass plugs were introduced into established turf, tall fescue reduced the invasion of kikuyugrass stolons more than perennial ryegrass. Tall fescue reduced percent kikuyugrass cover, number and spread of stolons, and biomass (compared to perennial ryegrass). The newer turf-type tall fescue cultivars ‘Bonsai,’ ‘Falcon,’ and ‘Olympic’ were more effective than the older tall fescue cultivar ‘Fawn’ in reducing kikuyugrass invasion by reducing stolon number, stolon length, and biomass.

Genome ◽  
2002 ◽  
Vol 45 (2) ◽  
pp. 282-295 ◽  
Elizabeth S Jones ◽  
Natalia L Mahoney ◽  
Michael D Hayward ◽  
Ian P Armstead ◽  
J Gilbert Jones ◽  

A molecular-marker linkage map has been constructed for perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) using a one-way pseudo-testcross population based on the mating of a multiple heterozygous individual with a doubled haploid genotype. RFLP, AFLP, isoenzyme, and EST data from four collaborating laboratories within the International Lolium Genome Initiative were combined to produce an integrated genetic map containing 240 loci covering 811 cM on seven linkage groups. The map contained 124 codominant markers, of which 109 were heterologous anchor RFLP probes from wheat, barley, oat, and rice, allowing comparative relationships between perennial ryegrass and other Poaceae species to be inferred. The genetic maps of perennial ryegrass and the Triticeae cereals are highly conserved in terms of synteny and colinearity. This observation was supported by the general agreement of the syntenic relationships between perennial ryegrass, oat, and rice and those between the Triticeae and these species. A lower level of synteny and colinearity was observed between perennial ryegrass and oat compared with the Triticeae, despite the closer taxonomic affinity between these species. It is proposed that the linkage groups of perennial ryegrass be numbered in accordance with these syntenic relationships, to correspond to the homoeologous groups of the Triticeae cereals.Key words: Lolium perenne, genetic linkage map, RFLP, AFLP, conserved synteny.

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