scholarly journals Direct Involvement of Yeast Type I Myosins in Cdc42-Dependent Actin Polymerization

2000 ◽  
Vol 148 (2) ◽  
pp. 363-374 ◽  
Terry Lechler ◽  
Anna Shevchenko ◽  
Andrej Shevchenko ◽  
Rong Li

The generation of cortical actin filaments is necessary for processes such as cell motility and cell polarization. Several recent studies have demonstrated that Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (WASP) family proteins and the actin-related protein (Arp) 2/3 complex are key factors in the nucleation of actin filaments in diverse eukaryotic organisms. To identify other factors involved in this process, we have isolated proteins that bind to Bee1p/Las17p, the yeast WASP-like protein, by affinity chromatography and mass spectroscopic analysis. The yeast type I myosins, Myo3p and Myo5p, have both been identified as Bee1p-interacting proteins. Like Bee1p, these myosins are essential for cortical actin assembly as assayed by in vitro reconstitution of actin nucleation sites in permeabilized yeast cells. Analysis using this assay further demonstrated that the motor activity of these myosins is required for the polymerization step, and that actin polymerization depends on phosphorylation of myosin motor domain by p21-activated kinases (PAKs), downstream effectors of the small guanosine triphosphatase, Cdc42p. The type I myosins also interact with the Arp2/3 complex through a sequence at the end of the tail domain homologous to the Arp2/3-activating region of WASP-like proteins. Combined deletions of the Arp2/3-interacting domains of Bee1p and the type I myosins abolish actin nucleation sites at the cortex, suggesting that these proteins function redundantly in the activation of the Arp2/3 complex.

2001 ◽  
Vol 155 (2) ◽  
pp. 261-270 ◽  
Terry Lechler ◽  
Gudrun A. Jonsdottir ◽  
Saskia K. Klee ◽  
David Pellman ◽  
Rong Li

The establishment of cell polarity in budding yeast involves assembly of actin filaments at specified cortical domains. Elucidation of the underlying mechanism requires an understanding of the machinery that controls actin polymerization and how this machinery is in turn controlled by signaling proteins that respond to polarity cues. We showed previously that the yeast orthologue of the Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome protein, Bee1/Las17p, and the type I myosins are key regulators of cortical actin polymerization. Here, we demonstrate further that these proteins together with Vrp1p form a multivalent Arp2/3-activating complex. During cell polarization, a bifurcated signaling pathway downstream of the Rho-type GTPase Cdc42p recruits and activates this complex, leading to local assembly of actin filaments. One branch, which requires formin homologues, mediates the recruitment of the Bee1p complex to the cortical site where the activated Cdc42p resides. The other is mediated by the p21-activated kinases, which activate the motor activity of myosin-I through phosphorylation. Together, these findings provide insights into the essential processes leading to polarization of the actin cytoskeleton.

2004 ◽  
Vol 165 (1) ◽  
pp. 99-109 ◽  
Dina Matheos ◽  
Metodi Metodiev ◽  
Eric Muller ◽  
David Stone ◽  
Mark D. Rose

During mating, budding yeast cells reorient growth toward the highest concentration of pheromone. Bni1p, a formin homologue, is required for this polarized growth by facilitating cortical actin cable assembly. Fus3p, a pheromone-activated MAP kinase, is required for pheromone signaling and cell fusion. We show that Fus3p phosphorylates Bni1p in vitro, and phosphorylation of Bni1p in vivo during the pheromone response is dependent on Fus3p. fus3 mutants exhibited multiple phenotypes similar to bni1 mutants, including defects in actin and cell polarization, as well as Kar9p and cytoplasmic microtubule localization. Disruption of the interaction between Fus3p and the receptor-associated Gα subunit caused similar mutant phenotypes. After pheromone treatment, Bni1p-GFP and Spa2p failed to localize to the cortex of fus3 mutants, and cell wall growth became completely unpolarized. Bni1p overexpression suppressed the actin assembly, cell polarization, and cell fusion defects. These data suggest a model wherein activated Fus3p is recruited back to the cortex, where it activates Bni1p to promote polarization and cell fusion.

1995 ◽  
Vol 128 (4) ◽  
pp. 599-615 ◽  
R Li ◽  
Y Zheng ◽  
D G Drubin

We have established an in vitro assay for assembly of the cortical actin cytoskeleton of budding yeast cells. After permeabilization of yeast by a novel procedure designed to maintain the spatial organization of cellular constituents, exogenously added fluorescently labeled actin monomers assemble into distinct structures in a pattern that is similar to the cortical actin distribution in vivo. Actin assembly in the bud of small-budded cells requires a nucleation activity provided by protein factors that appear to be distinct from the barbed ends of endogenous actin filaments. This nucleation activity is lost in cells that lack either Sla1 or Sla2, proteins previously implicated in cortical actin cytoskeleton function, suggesting a possible role for these proteins in the nucleation reaction. The rate and the extent of actin assembly in the bud are increased in permeabilized delta cap2 cells, providing evidence that capping protein regulates the ability of the barbed ends of actin filaments to grow in yeast cells. Actin incorporation in the bud can be stimulated by treating the permeabilized cells with GTP-gamma S, and, significantly, the stimulatory effect is eliminated by a mutation in CDC42, a gene that encodes a Rho-like GTP-binding protein required for bud formation. Furthermore, the lack of actin nucleation activity in the cdc42 mutant can be complemented in vitro by a constitutively active Cdc42 protein. These results suggest that Cdc42 is closely involved in regulating actin assembly during polarized cell growth.

1997 ◽  
Vol 138 (1) ◽  
pp. 95-103 ◽  
Terry Lechler ◽  
Rong Li

We have developed a biochemical approach for identifying the components of cortical actin assembly sites in polarized yeast cells, based on a permeabilized cell assay that we established for actin assembly in vitro. Previous analysis indicated that an activity associated with the cell cortex promotes actin polymerization in the bud. After inactivation by a chemical treatment, this activity can be reconstituted back to the permeabilized cells from a cytoplasmic extract. Fractionation of the extract revealed that the reconstitution depends on two sequentially acting protein factors. Bee1, a cortical actin cytoskeletal protein with sequence homology to Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein, is required for the first step of the reconstitution. This finding, together with the severe defects in actin organization associated with the bee1 null mutation, indicates that Bee1 protein plays a direct role in controlling actin polymerization at the cell cortex. The factor that acts in the second step of the reconstitution has been identified by conventional chromatography. It is composed of a novel protein, Pca1. Sequence analysis suggests that Pca1 has the potential to interact with SH3 domain-containing proteins and phospholipids.

2002 ◽  
Vol 22 (22) ◽  
pp. 7889-7906 ◽  
Alexandre Soulard ◽  
Terry Lechler ◽  
Vladislav Spiridonov ◽  
Andrej Shevchenko ◽  
Anna Shevchenko ◽  

ABSTRACT In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the WASP (Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein) homologue Las17p (also called Bee1p) is an important component of cortical actin patches. Las17p is part of a high-molecular-weight protein complex that regulates Arp2/3 complex-dependent actin polymerization at the cell cortex and that includes the type I myosins Myo3p and Myo5p and verprolin (Vrp1p). To identify other factors implicated with this complex in actin regulation, we isolated proteins that bind to Las17p by two-hybrid screening and affinity chromatography. Here, we report the characterization of Lsb7/Bzz1p (for Las seventeen binding protein 7), an Src homology 3 (SH3) domain protein that interacts directly with Las17p via a polyproline-SH3 interaction. Bzz1p coimmunoprecipitates in a complex with Las17p, Vrp1p, Myo3/5p, Bbc1p, Hsp70p, and actin. It colocalizes with cortical actin patches and with Las17p. This localization is dependent on Las17p, but not on F-actin. Bzz1p interacts physically and genetically with type I myosins. While deletion of BZZ1 shows no obvious phenotype, simultaneous deletion of the BZZ1, MYO3, and MYO5 genes is lethal. Overexpression of Bzz1p inhibits cell growth, and a bzz1Δ myo5Δ double mutant is unable to restore actin polarity after NaCl stress. Finally, Bzz1p in vitro is able to recruit a functional actin polymerization machinery through its SH3 domains. Its interactions with Las17p, Vrp1p, and the type I myosins are essential for this process. This suggests that Bzz1p could be implicated in the regulation of actin polymerization.

2002 ◽  
Vol 13 (11) ◽  
pp. 4074-4087 ◽  
Fatima-Zahra Idrissi ◽  
Bianka L. Wolf ◽  
M. Isabel Geli

Mutations in the budding yeast myosins-I (MYO3 andMYO5) cause defects in the actin cytoskeleton and in the endocytic uptake. Robust evidence also indicates that these proteins induce Arp2/3-dependent actin polymerization. Consistently, we have recently demonstrated, using fluorescence microscopy, that Myo5p is able to induce cytosol-dependent actin polymerization on the surface of Sepharose beads. Strikingly, we now observed that, at short incubation times, Myo5p induced the formation of actin foci that resembled the yeast cortical actin patches, a plasma membrane-associated structure that might be involved in the endocytic uptake. Analysis of the machinery required for the formation of the Myo5p-induced actin patches in vitro demonstrated that the Arp2/3 complex was necessary but not sufficient in the assay. In addition, we found that cofilin was directly involved in the process. Strikingly though, the cofilin requirement seemed to be independent of its ability to disassemble actin filaments and profilin, a protein that closely cooperates with cofilin to maintain a rapid actin filament turnover, was not needed in the assay. In agreement with these observations, we found that like the Arp2/3 complex and the myosins-I, cofilin was essential for the endocytic uptake in vivo, whereas profilin was dispensable.

2002 ◽  
Vol 13 (7) ◽  
pp. 2334-2346 ◽  
Makoto Kanzaki ◽  
Robert T. Watson ◽  
June Chunqiu Hou ◽  
Mark Stamnes ◽  
Alan R. Saltiel ◽  

TC10 is a member of the Rho family of small GTP-binding proteins that has previously been implicated in the regulation of insulin-stimulated GLUT4 translocation in adipocytes. In a manner similar to Cdc42-stimulated actin-based motility, we have observed that constitutively active TC10 (TC10/Q75L) can induce actin comet tails in Xenopus oocyte extracts in vitro and extensive actin polymerization in the perinuclear region when expressed in 3T3L1 adipocytes. In contrast, expression of TC10/Q75L completely disrupted adipocyte cortical actin, which was specific for TC10, because expression of constitutively active Cdc42 was without effect. The effect of TC10/Q75L to disrupt cortical actin was abrogated after deletion of the amino terminal extension (ΔN-TC10/Q75L), whereas this deletion retained the ability to induce perinuclear actin polymerization. In addition, alteration of perinuclear actin by expression of TC10/Q75L, a dominant-interfering TC10/T31N mutant or a mutant N-WASP protein (N-WASP/ΔVCA) reduced the rate of VSV G protein trafficking to the plasma membrane. Furthermore, TC10 directly bound to Golgi COPI coat proteins through a dilysine motif in the carboxyl terminal domain consistent with a role for TC10 regulating actin polymerization on membrane transport vesicles. Together, these data demonstrate that TC10 can differentially regulate two types of filamentous actin in adipocytes dependent on distinct functional domains and its subcellular compartmentalization.

1998 ◽  
Vol 111 (2) ◽  
pp. 199-211 ◽  
A.Y. Chan ◽  
S. Raft ◽  
M. Bailly ◽  
J.B. Wyckoff ◽  
J.E. Segall ◽  

Stimulation of metastatic MTLn3 cells with EGF causes the rapid extension of lamellipods, which contain a zone of F-actin at the leading edge. In order to establish the mechanism for accumulation of F-actin at the leading edge and its relationship to lamellipod extension in response to EGF, we have studied the kinetics and location of EGF-induced actin nucleation activity in MTLn3 cells and characterized the actin dynamics at the leading edge by measuring the changes at the pointed and barbed ends of actin filaments upon EGF stimulation of MTLn3 cells. The major result of this study is that stimulation of MTLn3 cells with EGF causes a transient increase in actin nucleation activity resulting from the appearance of free barbed ends very close to the leading edge of extending lamellipods. In addition, cytochalasin D causes a significant decrease in the total F-actin content in EGF-stimulated cells, indicating that both actin polymerization and depolymerization are stimulated by EGF. Pointed end incorporation of rhodamine-labeled actin by the EGF stimulated cells is 2.12+/−0.47 times higher than that of control cells. Since EGF stimulation causes an increase in both barbed and pointed end incorporation of rhodamine-labeled actin in the same location, the EGF-stimulated nucleation sites are more likely due either to severing of pre-existing filaments or de novo nucleation of filaments at the leading edge thereby creating new barbed and pointed ends. The timing and location of EGF-induced actin nucleation activity in MTLn3 cells can account for the observed accumulation of F-actin at the leading edge and demonstrate that this F-actin rich zone is the primary actin polymerization zone after stimulation.

Development ◽  
1995 ◽  
Vol 121 (11) ◽  
pp. 3495-3503 ◽  
M.K. Jaglarz ◽  
K.R. Howard

We describe our analysis of primordial germ cell migration in Drosophila wild-type and mutant embryos using high resolution microscopy and primary culture in vitro. During migratory events the germ cells form transient interactions with each other and surrounding somatic cells. Both in vivo and in vitro they extend pseudopodia and the accompanying changes in the cytoskeleton suggest that actin polymerization drives these movements. These cellular events occur from the end of the blastoderm stage and are regulated by environmental cues. We show that the vital transepithelial migration allowing exit from the gut primordium and passage into the interior of the embryo is facilitated by changes in the structure of this epithelium. Migrating germ cells extend processes in different directions. This phenomenon also occurs in primary culture where the cells move in an unoriented fashion at substratum concentration-dependent rates. In vivo this migration is oriented leading germ cells to the gonadal mesoderm. We suggest that this guidance involves stabilization of states of an intrinsic cellular oscillator resulting in cell polarization and oriented movement.

2001 ◽  
Vol 280 (4) ◽  
pp. C782-C788 ◽  
Peter Höök ◽  
Vidyasagar Sriramoju ◽  
Lars Larsson

The effects of aging on the mechanical properties of myosin were measured in 87 fibers from muscles of humans ( n = 40), rats ( n = 21), and mice ( n = 26) using a single fiber in vitro motility assay. Irrespective of species, an 18–25% aging-related slowing in the speed of actin filaments was observed from 62 single fibers expressing the slow (type I) β-myosin heavy chain isoform. The mechanisms underlying the aging-related slowing of motility speed remain unknown, but it is suggested that posttranslational modifications of myosin by oxidative stress, glycation, or nitration play an important role. The aging-related slowing in the speed of actin filaments propelled by the type I myosin was confirmed in three mammalian species with an ∼3,400-fold difference in body size. Motility speed from human myosin was 3-fold slower than from myosin of the ∼3,400-fold smaller mouse and approximately twofold slower when compared with the ∼130-fold smaller rat, irrespective of age. A strong correlation was observed between the log values of actin sliding speed and body mass, suggesting that the effects of scaling is, at least in part, due to altered functional properties of the motor protein itself.

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