scholarly journals Continuous and discrete symmetries of renormalization group equations for neutrino oscillations in matter

Shun Zhou

Abstract Three-flavor neutrino oscillations in matter can be described by three effective neutrino masses mi (for i = 1, 2, 3) and the effective mixing matrix Vαi (for α = e, µ, τ and i = 1, 2, 3). When the matter parameter a ≡ 2√2GFNeE is taken as an independent variable, a complete set of first-order ordinary differential equations for m2 i and |Vαi|2have been derived in the previous works. In the present paper, we point out that such a system of differential equations possesses both the continuous symmetries characterized by one-parameter Lie groups and the discrete symmetry associated with the permutations of three neutrino mass eigenstates. The implications of these symmetries for solving the differential equations and looking for differential invariants are discussed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (12) ◽  
Sebastian A. R. Ellis ◽  
Kevin J. Kelly ◽  
Shirley Weishi Li

Abstract The unitarity of the lepton mixing matrix is a critical assumption underlying the standard neutrino-mixing paradigm. However, many models seeking to explain the as-yet-unknown origin of neutrino masses predict deviations from unitarity in the mixing of the active neutrino states. Motivated by the prospect that future experiments may provide a precise measurement of the lepton mixing matrix, we revisit current constraints on unitarity violation from oscillation measurements and project how next-generation experiments will improve our current knowledge. With the next-generation data, the normalizations of all rows and columns of the lepton mixing matrix will be constrained to ≲10% precision, with the e-row best measured at ≲1% and the τ-row worst measured at ∼10% precision. The measurements of the mixing matrix elements themselves will be improved on average by a factor of 3. We highlight the complementarity of DUNE, T2HK, JUNO, and IceCube Upgrade for these improvements, as well as the importance of ντ appearance measurements and sterile neutrino searches for tests of leptonic unitarity.

2009 ◽  
H. Fritzsch ◽  
Vladimir Lebedev ◽  
Mikhail Feigel’man

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (4) ◽  
D. M. Barreiros ◽  
F. R. Joaquim ◽  
R. Srivastava ◽  
J. W. F. Valle

Abstract We propose simple scoto-seesaw models to account for dark matter and neutrino masses with spontaneous CP violation. This is achieved with a single horizontal $$ {\mathcal{Z}}_8 $$ Z 8 discrete symmetry, broken to a residual $$ {\mathcal{Z}}_2 $$ Z 2 subgroup responsible for stabilizing dark matter. CP is broken spontaneously via the complex vacuum expectation value of a scalar singlet, inducing leptonic CP-violating effects. We find that the imposed $$ {\mathcal{Z}}_8 $$ Z 8 symmetry pushes the values of the Dirac CP phase and the lightest neutrino mass to ranges already probed by ongoing experiments, so that normal-ordered neutrino masses can be cornered by cosmological observations and neutrinoless double beta decay experiments.

2016 ◽  
Vol 66 (4) ◽  
Veronika Chrastinová ◽  
Václav Tryhuk

AbstractThe article treats the geometrical theory of partial differential equations in the absolute sense, i.e., without any additional structures and especially without any preferred choice of independent and dependent variables. The equations are subject to arbitrary transformations of variables in the widest possible sense. In this preparatory Part 1, the involutivity and the related standard bases are investigated as a technical tool within the framework of commutative algebra. The particular case of ordinary differential equations is briefly mentioned in order to demonstrate the strength of this approach in the study of the structure, symmetries and constrained variational integrals under the simplifying condition of one independent variable. In full generality, these topics will be investigated in subsequent Parts of this article.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (10) ◽  
Samuel Abreu ◽  
Ruth Britto ◽  
Claude Duhr ◽  
Einan Gardi ◽  
James Matthew

Abstract The diagrammatic coaction maps any given Feynman graph into pairs of graphs and cut graphs such that, conjecturally, when these graphs are replaced by the corresponding Feynman integrals one obtains a coaction on the respective functions. The coaction on the functions is constructed by pairing a basis of differential forms, corresponding to master integrals, with a basis of integration contours, corresponding to independent cut integrals. At one loop, a general diagrammatic coaction was established using dimensional regularisation, which may be realised in terms of a global coaction on hypergeometric functions, or equivalently, order by order in the ϵ expansion, via a local coaction on multiple polylogarithms. The present paper takes the first steps in generalising the diagrammatic coaction beyond one loop. We first establish general properties that govern the diagrammatic coaction at any loop order. We then focus on examples of two-loop topologies for which all integrals expand into polylogarithms. In each case we determine bases of master integrals and cuts in terms of hypergeometric functions, and then use the global coaction to establish the diagrammatic coaction of all master integrals in the topology. The diagrammatic coaction encodes the complete set of discontinuities of Feynman integrals, as well as the differential equations they satisfy, providing a general tool to understand their physical and mathematical properties.

2020 ◽  
Vol 69 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-11
A.K. Abirov ◽  
N.K. Shazhdekeeva ◽  
T.N. Akhmurzina ◽  

The article considers the problem of solving an inhomogeneous first-order differential equation with a variable with a constant coefficient in a hypercomplex system. The structure of the solution in different cases of the right-hand side of the differential equation is determined. The structure of solving the equation in the case of the appearance of zero divisors is shown. It turns out that when the component of a hypercomplex function is a polynomial of an independent variable, the differential equation turns into an inhomogeneous system of real variables from n equations and its solution is determined by certain methods of the theory of differential equations. Thus, obtaining analytically homogeneous solutions of inhomogeneous differential equations in a hypercomplex system leads to an increase in the efficiency of modeling processes in various fields of science and technology.

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