Changing Times

2021 ◽  
pp. 123-140
Christine Jackson

Returning to England, Herbert found James I’s court and government in disarray but was forced to witness events from the side-lines due to illness. Chapter 6 explores his re-engagement with his family, estates, and court politics and his interest in the religious conflict of the period. It looks at his response to the trial of the earl and countess of Somerset for Sir Thomas Overbury’s murder, the removal of the Howard family from royal office, and the rising influence of the earl of Pembroke and his protégé, Sir George Villiers. It examines Herbert’s intellectual engagement with the soteriological conflict between Gomarists and Arminians in the United Provinces over the doctrine of predestination and his growing interest in Arminian and Socinian religious teaching. The development of his religious thinking is captured in letters written to Sir Robert Harley during 1617 to 1619, critiquing hard-line Calvinist teaching on salvation, and clearly influenced the writing of De Veritate which he drafted during the same period. The chapter ends with his return to court circles and successful application (with the support of Villiers, created earl and later duke of Buckingham by the besotted king) to advance his career as ambassador to the court of Louis XIII following the outbreak of rebellion in Bohemia.

2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 395
Fathurrahman Muhtar

Abstract: The study has attempted to explain several issues, namely, the causes of religious and ethnic conflicts that occurred in Indonesia, the history of the success of Islam in decreasing conflict by developing tasamuh and various social-religious approaches that can be used as an effort to resolve religious conflicts. This research was library research by interpreting several references for collecting information related to the background of the conflict in Indonesia. The findings showed that There are several pint which worth noting. Firstly, that religious conflict in Indonesia is triggered by social, economic and political problems. Secondly, the presence of religious texts that tends to produce radical meaning, such as the interpretation of jihad and infidels. Thirdly, the existence of religious teaching integration into the culture. This study offers three forms of conflict resolution: The first resolution is that create religion as a form of reconciliation as it was the practice of tasamuh at the time of the Prophet Muhammad. Secondly: develop the theology of religious pluralism. The last is that understand religious reality with a multi-method approach including the history of religion, anthropology, sociology, philosophy and psychology.الملخص: تشرح هذه الدراسة عدة مواضيع هامة بما في ذلك الأسباب المختلفة للصراعات الدينية والعرقية التي حدثت في إندونيسيا. ثانيا: شرح تاريخ نجاح الإسلام في الحد من الصراع بتطوير التسامح الإسلامي. ﺛﺎﻟﺜﺎً: ﻣﺨﺘﻠﻒ اﻟﻨﻬﺞ اﻻﺟﺘﻤﺎﻋﻴﺔ - اﻟﺪﻳﻨﻴﺔ اﻟﺘﻲ ﻳﻤﻜﻦ اﺳﺘﺨﺪاﻣﻬﺎ ﻟﺤﻞ اﻟﻨﺰاﻋﺎت اﻟﺪﻳﻨﻴﺔ. تستخدم هذه الدراسة طريقتان وهما دراسة مكتبية وتاريخية فالأولى تستخدم في بيان شكل عدة الصراعات التي وقعت في إندونيسيا. ودراسة تاريخية تستخدم  لتحليل  معلومات حول خلفية النزاع في إندونيسيا. بعض النتائج التي توصلت إليها هذه الدراسة هي: أولا ، أن الصراع الديني في إندونيسيا ناجم عن مشاكل اجتماعية واقتصادية وسياسية. ثانياً: معنى النصوص الدينية التي تميل إلى أن تكون جذرية ، مثل معنى الجهاد ، ومعنى الكفار وما إلى ذلك. ثالثًا: إضفاء الطابع الرسمي على التعاليم الدينية في الثقافة. ومن أجل التغلب على أنواع الصراعات المختلفة ، يقدم هذا البحث ثلاثة أشكال لحل النزاعات ، وهي أولاً: جعل الدين شكلاً من أشكال السلام ، كما كان ممارسة تساموه في زمن النبي محمد. ثانيًا: تطوير علم اللاهوت للتعددية الدينية. ثالثًا: فهم الواقع الديني بمقاربة متعددة الاتجاهات بما في ذلك تاريخ الدين والأنثروبولوجيا وعلم الاجتماع والفلسفة وعلم النفس.Abstrak: Kajian ini menjelaskan beberapa topik penting di antaranya, yaitu pertama berbagai macam penyebab konflik agama dan etnik yang pernah terjadi di Indonesia.  Kedua, menjelaskan  sejarah keberhasilan Islam dalam meredam konflik dengan mengembangkan tasamuh Islam. Ketiga, berbagai   pendekatan-pendekatan sosial keagamaan yang dapat dijadikan sebagai upaya dalam menyelesaikan konflik agama. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kepustakaan berupa beberapa referensi tentang konflik yang pernah terjadi di Indonesia. Referensi tersebut digunakan untuk menggali informasi tentang latarbelakang terjadinya konflik di Indonesia. Beberapa temuan penelitian ini adalah: pertama, konflik agama di Indonesia disebabkan oleh masalah sosial, ekonomi dan politik.  Kedua: Pemaknaan atas teks-teks  agama yang cenderung radikal, seperti makna jihad, makna kafir dan sebagainya. Ketiga:  formalisasi ajaran agama kedalam budaya.  Maka untuk mengatasi berbagai macam konflik tersebut, penelitian ini menawarkan tiga bentuk penyelesaian konflik, yaitu pertama: menjadikan agama sebagai bina damai, sebagaimana praktek tasamuh pada masa Nabi Muhammad Saw. Kedua: Mengembangkan teologi pluralism agama. Ketiga: Memahami realitas keagamaan dengan pendekatan multimetodik diantaranya sejarah agama, antropologi, sosiologi, filsafat, psikologi.

Imam Tholkhah

This particular writing describes research upon the interest of students towards religious education and a developing potency for intolerance in public and religious schools. The research indicates that the students show a rather high interest towards religious teaching in schools. Teachers still can make religious teachings attractive. On the other hand, a minor amount of students still appear to be less interested in religious teachings. The minority stated that this is because of the monotonic and unattractive ways in which the teacher in conveys the information. Fortunately, the majority of the students continue to apply a high level of tolerance to religious teachings. This fact shows that religious teachers are still capable of teaching religious education that is relevant to the national education standards. However, there still remain students who lack tolerance towards religious teaching.  There  are  indications  that  they  provide  support  towards  groups  who  apply  discrimination,  lack  of respect, and intolerance to other groups with different practices or religion. Even though the level of intolerant students is low, the fact that it could expand remains possible, so precaution is still needed. If this particular potential for expansion is taken lightly, it may become a threat towards the nation because it has a potential to be a source of religious conflict. The development of multicultural understanding and tolerance in public or religious schools is one way to resolve this problem. Tulisan ini merupakan temuan penelitian yang menggambarkan minat siswa terhadap pendidikan agama dan potensi intoleransi keagamaan siswa yang berkembang di sekolah dan madrasah. Temuan itu menunjukkan bahwa minat siswa terhadap pendidikan agama sangat tinggi. Dan para gurupun masih menyampaikan pendidikan agama dengan menarik. Sebagian kecil siswa kurang berminat mempelajari agama. Mereka mengatakan metode mengajar guru agama tidak menarik atau membosankan. Mayoritas siswa di sekolah memiliki pandangan keagamaan yang toleran. Fakta ini menunjukkan bahwa guru agama mampu mengajarkan pendidikan agama sesuai dengan standar nasional pendidikan. Hanya saja terdapat sebagian siswa yang memiliki potensi intoleransi keagamaan. Di antara indikasinya adalah mereka memberikan dukungan pada kelompokkelompok yang berprilaku diskriminatif, tidak memberikan penghargaan, tidak menghendaki eksistensi pihak lain yang memiliki paham atau aliran keagamaan berbeda. Meskipun jumlah siswa yang intoleran minoritas di sekolah, pertumbuhan potensi intoleransi ini perlu dicegah, agar tidak berkembang luas. Kalau potensi ini dibiarkan berkembang, maka lama kelamaan dapat menjadi sumber konflik keagamaan yang dapat mengancam persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa. Di antara cara mencegahnya adalah melalui pengembangan wawasan multikultural dan pengembangan budaya toleransi di sekolah dan madrasah.

2013 ◽  
Mary Drexler ◽  
Donna Zaharevitz ◽  
Matthew J. McCreary

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-15
Umit Cetin ◽  
Celia Jenkins ◽  

This interview with Martin van Bruinessen records his personal and intellectual engagement with Alevis in Turkey and the Netherlands for over fifty years. Initially, his interest was in Anatolian Alevi culture and he began exploring the religious dimension of Alevism in the 1970s at a time when Alevis were more preoccupied with left-wing politics. He charts the emergence of Alevism studies since the 1980s and links it to the religious resurgence and reinvention of diverse ethno-religious Alevi identities associated with urbanised and diasporic communities. He further examines the relationship between Kurdish and Alevi movements and Alevism and Islam.

2007 ◽  
Vol 86 (2) ◽  
pp. 278-313 ◽  
Philip Constable

This article examines the Scottish missionary contribution to a Scottish sense of empire in India in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Initially, the article reviews general historiographical interpretations which have in recent years been developed to explain the Scottish relationship with British imperial development in India. Subsequently the article analyses in detail the religious contributions of Scottish Presbyterian missionaries of the Church of Scotland and the Free Church Missions to a Scottish sense of empire with a focus on their interaction with Hindu socioreligious thought in nineteenth-century western India. Previous missionary historiography has tended to focus substantially on the emergence of Scottish evangelical missionary activity in India in the early nineteenth century and most notably on Alexander Duff (1806–78). Relatively little has been written on Scottish Presbyterian missions in India in the later nineteenth century, and even less on the significance of their missionary thought to a Scottish sense of Indian empire. Through an analysis of Scottish Presbyterian missionary critiques in both vernacular Marathi and English, this article outlines the orientalist engagement of Scottish Presbyterian missionary thought with late nineteenth-century popular Hinduism. In conclusion this article demonstrates how this intellectual engagement contributed to and helped define a Scottish missionary sense of empire in India.

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