Creation Myths

Paul Earlie

This chapter explores a series of ‘creation myths’ in the reception of Freud’s work in France. In understanding myth as a fictive unity that conceals otherwise troubling ‘aporias’ (a term developed here in detail), Derrida’s work provides a useful lens through which to understand a number of recurrent gestures on the part of Freud’s French inheritors, from passionate devotion to forceful denials of indebtedness, from open hostility to bitter personal and professional rivalries. The resistance of Freud’s textual legacy to interpretation means that it is always accompanied by attempts to mythologize what remains irreducibly plural or undecidable in Freud’s writings, an argument tested here through readings of Claude Lévi-Strauss, Michel Foucault, Jean-Paul Sartre, and Jacques Lacan. If each of the latter seek to recuperate the singular meaning of Freud’s work for a particular concern of the present (anthropological, clinical, existentialist, or linguistic), for Derrida the legacy of psychoanalysis can never be appropriated without remainder, an impossibility which is also the paradoxical source of the rich possibilities generated by Freud’s thought.

2008 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
pp. 204
Márcio Aparecido Mariguela

Freud ocupou uma função dobradiça nas pesquisas que Michel Foucault realizou em torno da arqueologia do saber, da genealogia do poder e na genealogia da ética. As diferentes posições do filósofo francês sobre Freud e a psicanálise permitem articular o projeto de escrita de uma genealogia da ética com o movimento de retorno a Freud empreendido pelo psicanalista Jacques Lacan. Pretendo sustentar que a visada de Foucault sobre Freud é recorrente pela função autor que reconheceu atuar na tática genealógica. A obra de Freud, interpretada por Lacan, foi decisiva para Foucault investigar os modos de sujeição e assim estabelecer a distinção entre o que pertence ao campo da moral e aquilo que é próprio ao campo da ética. A problematização do sujeito do desejo permitiu um deslocamento da analítica do poder para a constituição do cuidado de si como um princípio ético para instaurar uma estética de si. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (21) ◽  
pp. 307-312
Pál Gerdesits

My essay focuses on the ontological crisis articulated in the film Blade Runner 2049, the sequel for Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner. This film is based on the conflict between humans and androids called replicants who would like to live equally to humans. In my opinion the root of their opposition lies on the inability to give a proper definition of what we normally call ‘human’. In this writing I present and analyse the nature of this conflict and also the philosophical questions (representation, freedom, self-identity etc.) arising from it based on the ideas of philosophers like Michel Foucault. Jean-Paul Sartre, Jacques Derrida and Ferdinand de Saussure.

2019 ◽  
Juan Fernando Aguilar

Hace 50 años, cuando se forjaba la era de los discursos revolucionarios, intelectuales y estudiantes se tomaron las calles de París para protestar contra la injusticia y la desigualdad que aún anidaba, no solo en Francia, sino en toda Europa. La historia recordaría aquella época de marchas y huelgas como Mayo del 68, el momento en que la política se hizo en la calle, en que la juventud decidió no callar más y en el que pensadores como Jean-Paul Sartre y Michel Foucault abandonaron las aulas universitarias para debatir en las calles, en las plazas públicas, en medio del sudor, la represión estatal y los gritos libertarios que convocarían nuevos movimientos alrededor del mundo.

Gregory N. Siplivii ◽  

This article is devoted to the analysis of the phenomenology “Nothingness” by Martin Heidegger and Jean-Paul Sartre. Through research of existential phe­nomenology, the article also touches on the topic of “mood” as philosophical in­tentionality. Various kinds of “moods”, such as faintness (Verstimmung), ennui (Langeweile), burden (Geworden), inquisitiveness (Neugier), care (Sorge) and conscience (Gewissen), by Martin Heidegger’s and nausea (la nausée), anxiety (l’anxiété), dizziness (le vertige) by Jean-Paul Sartre, is considered in the context of what they may matter in an ontological sense. The phenomenologically under­stood “mood” as a general intentionality towards something is connected with the way in which the existing is able to ask about its own self. In addition, the ar­ticle forms the concept of the original ontological and phenomenological “in­completeness” of any existential experience. It is this incompleteness, this “al­ways-still-not” that provides an existential opportunity to realize oneself not only thrown into the world, but also different from the general flow of being. This “elusive emptiness” is interpreted in the article in accordance with the psychoan­alytic category of “real” (Jacques Lacan).

Michael A. Peters ◽  
Marek Tesar ◽  
Kirsten Locke

Michel Foucault was born in Poitiers in 1926 and died of AIDS in 1984 at the age of 57. In his short life span Foucault became an emblem for a generation of intellectuals: someone who embodied in his work the most-pressing intellectual issues of his time. In his inaugural lecture at the Collège de France, he named as his closest supports and models Georges Dumèzil, Georges Canguilhem (the philosopher of biology who succeeded Gaston Bachelard at the Sorbonne), and Jean Hyppolite. He was a student both of Louis Althusser and Maurice Merleau-Ponty. He grew up in the tradition of a history of philosophy that dominated the French university, a history that gave pride of place to Hegel and helped to legitimate the contemporaneous emphases on phenomenology and existentialism, especially as it developed in the thought of Jean-Paul Sartre. He was classified by the popular press as a member of the structuralist Gang of Four, along with Claude Lévi-Strauss, Jacques Lacan, and Roland Barthes. Foucault in 1964 indicated his intellectual debts in an early essay titled “Nietzsche, Freud, Marx,” yet his relationship to Marx and Marxism was more complex and problematic than his engagement with Nietzsche, whose Genealogy of Morals (originally published in 1887) provided a model for historical study. He came to Nietzsche through the writings of Georges Bataille and Maurice Blanchot, both of whom exercised tremendous influence on his work. Yet, it was Nietzsche and Martin Heidegger who helped Foucault to frame up his life’s work as the history by which human beings become subjects and to change the emphasis of his early work from political subjugation of “docile bodies” to individuals as self-determining beings continually in the process of constituting themselves as ethical subjects. In this article we focus on internationally published English editions to avoid confusion and to provide readers a balanced overview of top-quality sources currently available.

Andries G. Van Aarde

Resistance against power: The pilgrim’s journey in three Sondergut parables in Luke 15 and 16. The aim of this essay is to explain the philosophical viewpoints of Michel Foucault concerning the power of knowledge and its consequences when individuals are subjectified into ‘docile bodies’. According to this perspective, resistance against power commences when the little stories of individuals are told in opposition to the master narratives of ideologies of power. The essay refers to Steve Biko and Martin Luther King whose stories of resistance against racism as an ideology of power serve as examples. Their examples of resistance are hermeneutically and heuristically applied to the interpretation of the parables in Luke 15 and 16. These parables are peculiar to Luke’s theology. The essay exposes the subjectifying of the identities of the ‘lost son’ and ‘father’, the ‘master’ and ‘steward’, and the ‘rich man’ and the ‘poor man’, as these heteronormative categories occur in parabolic stories in Luke 15 and 16. The essay concludes with a vision for Christians today on how to recognise power relationships and how to respond in a non-violent way to the dominant ideologies promoting power.

Héctor Reynaldo Chávez Muriel ◽  
Kevin Brango ◽  

Jean-Paul Margot, nacido en Francia y nacionalizado colombiano, es profesor titular jubilado del Departamento de filosofía, y profesor distinguido de la Universidad del Valle. Doctor en filosofía por la Universidad de Ottawa, Canadá. Maestría/Magister en filosofía Université de Paris I (Pantheon-Sorbonne). Licenciado en filosofía Université de Paris I (Pantheon-Sorbonne). Licenciado en filosofía escolástica Instituto Católico de París. Publicó, con Lelio Fernández, una traducción, con estudio preliminar, notas y comentarios, del Tratado de la reforma del entendimiento y otros escritos de Baruch Spinoza, Madrid, Tecnos, 1989 (2003), y los libros: La función epistemológica de la filosofía, Universidad del Valle, Cali, 1980, La modernidad. Una ontología de lo incomprensible, Universidad del Valle, Cali, 1995, (2 ed. 2004), Modernidad, crisis de la modernidad y postmodernidad, Universidad del Valle, Cali, 1999 (2 ed. 2007), Estudios cartesianos, México, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de investigaciones filosóficas, 2003, Estudios de filosofía antigua (editor), 2007, Ensayos filosóficos, México, Porrúa 2011, Perspectivas de la Modernidad. Siglos XVI, XVII, XVIII (Jean-Paul Mar-got & Mauricio Zuluaga eds.), Cali, Programa editorial Universidad del Valle, 2011, Leiser Madanes, Una alegría secreta. Ensayos de filosofía moderna (Jean-Paul Margot compilador), Cali, Programa editorial Universidad del Valle, 2012, Laura Benítez, La modernidad cartesiana: fundación, transformación y respuestas ilustradas (Jean-Paul Margot editor), Cali, Programa editorial Universidad del Valle, 2013, además de unos ochenta artículos, en libros y revistas nacionales e internacionales, sobre filosofía antigua y medieval, siglo XVII, filosofía francesa contemporánea, ética y literatura. Es miembro del Grupo de investigación Ágora: diálogo entre antiguos y modernos de la Universidad del Valle. Vicepresidente de la Sociedad colombiana de filosofía 2006-2008 y 2008-2010.

Isegoría ◽  
2017 ◽  
pp. 205 ◽  
Begonya Sáez Tajafuerce ◽  
Andrés Armengol Sans

Con remisión a las obras de Michel Foucault y de Jacques Lacan, en el presente artículo se trazan los límites de la teoría de la performatividad de Judith Butler con respecto al sujeto de lo político y a su capacidad de acción tomando como referente fenomenológico la consulta que se llevara a cabo en Cataluña el 9 de noviembre de 2014. Dichos límites se hacen manifiestos mediante la distinción entre acción y acto políticos o entre subversión en tanto que transgresión de la norma que da lugar a la reconfiguración del orden socio-simbólico e interrupción en tanto que transgresión de la norma que constituye un acontecimiento radicalmente otro de dicho orden.

2010 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
pp. 1
Gildenir Carolino Santos

Com muita satisfação, abrimos o ano de 2010 com este número especial: “Psicanálise e Filosofia: um diálogo possível?”, composto por 15 trabalhos: cinco artigos, nove textos do dossiê e um relato de experiência. Trataremos da representatividade de duas áreas do campo do conhecimento: a Psicanálise e a Filosofia. Nos diálogos traçados neste número especial, vários autores trouxeram suas contribuições de diferentes localidades e países: Uruguai, Inglaterra e Brasil e, com isso, conseguimos idealizar uma capa de abertura da revista com os psicanalistas e os filósofos das áreas envolvidas, comentados nos diversos trabalhos deste número: Jacques Lacan, Sigmund Freud, Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze e Friedrich Niestche, como elo entre os referidos autores nesse quebra-cabeça.

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