Platelet aggregation and dense granule secretion in a colony of dogs with spontaneous hypertension

1992 ◽  
Vol 10 (12) ◽  
pp. 1493-1498 ◽  
Jennifer S. Thomas ◽  
Mary F. McConnell ◽  
Thomas G. Bell ◽  
George A. Padgett
1981 ◽  
C M Chesney ◽  
D D Pifer

PGI2,which increases platelet cAMP(Prostaglandins 13: 389,1977),is a potent inhibitor of aggregation and secretion .We stidued the time course of the same return of platelet function after exposure of platelets to PGI2.Sepharose 2B columns were equilibrated with Tyrode’s albumin buffer, pH7.5 (no Ca2+) containing PGI2 (534nM). Platelet rich plasma was applied and eluted with the same buffer. The filtered platelets(GFP) were then subsampled hourly after elution from the column. Fibrinogen was added to finel concentration of 1.7mg/ml. Platelet aggregation(PA) and release of 14C serotonin (5HT),platelet factor 4(PF4), and factor V (FV) were assayed after stimulation of the platelet by collagen(C), ADP,epinephrine(E), arachidonic acid(AA) and ionophore A23187(I). Data representative of 5 separate studies follow.I(20μg/ml) induced PA was 76%(Ohr),52%(1hr) and 61%(2hr and beyond). Release of 5HT, FV,and PF4 were 60%,1.89u,and 7.97 yg/10 pit, respectively, at time 0 and increased progressively, reaching a plateau at 2 hr. AA(500μg/ml) was 10%(0hr),30%(2hr),68%(3hr) and 8%(4hr). Release of 5HT paralleled PA but release of FV and PF4 remained suppressed for 4 hrs. In contrast α-granule (PF4 and FV)release by C(μg/ml)increased as PA increased while dense granule secretion remained suppressed. PA as well as a and dense granule secretion by ADP (10μM) were minimal during 4 hrs. PA and FV secretion by E (55μM) also remain inhibited for 4 hrs. In spite of this normal dense granule release occurred initially and declined progressively over 4 hours.

Blood ◽  
2008 ◽  
Vol 112 (11) ◽  
pp. 2855-2855
Yamini Saraswathy Bynagari ◽  
Bela Nagy ◽  
Kamala Bhavaraju ◽  
Donna Woulfe ◽  
Soochong Kim ◽  

Abstract Protein Kinase C (PKC) are family of serine threonine kinases, known to regulate various platelet functional responses. Among them novel class of PKC isoforms (nPKC) including delta(δ), theta(𝛉), eta(η), and epsilon(ε) are expressed in platelets. Although, the role of nPKC ε and η in platelets is fairly understood, not much is known about nPKC ε and η in platelets. In this study, we investigated the role of nPKC ε in platelet functional responses using ADP-induced signaling as our stereotype. ADP causes platelet activation via Gq-coupled P2Y1 receptor and Gi-coupled P2Y12 receptor. Thus, we primarily studied the role of P2Y1 receptor in nPKC ε activation. ADP activated nPKC ε in time- and concentration- dependent manner. In the presence of P2Y1 receptor antagonist MRS-2179 and in P2Y1 knockout (KO) murine platelets ADP failed to activate nPKC ε, suggesting that ADP activates nPKC ε via P2Y1 receptor. We further investigated the functional role of nPKC ε using specific nPKC ε inhibitory RACK peptide (ε V1-2). ε V1-2 is a peptide designed to compete with native nPKC ε to bind ε-Receptors for activated C Kinase (ε-RACK) and thereby inhibits nPKC ε catalytic activity due to decreased substrate accessibility. ADP-induced thromboxane generation in human platelets pretreated with ε V1-2 peptide was more compared to the platelets pretreated with control peptide. Similarly, ADP-induced thromboxane generation in platelets derived from nPKC ε KO mouse was more compared to the wild type (WT) littermates. However, ADP- induced alpha granule secretion and aggregation in aspirin treated platelets derived from PKC ε KO mice was not significantly different from platelets derived from wild type littermates. These data suggest that nPKC e regulates an unknown pathway, which primarily regulates thromboxane generation with minimal effects on aggregation and alpha granule secretion. Furthermore, we also investigated the role of nPKC ε in PAR- and GPVI- mediated platelet aggregation and dense granule secretion. Interestingly, in both aspirin-treated and non-aspirin-treated platelets PAR- and GPVI- mediated platelet aggregation and dense granule secretion were potentiated. Consistent with ex vivo studies, FeCl3-induced arterial thrombosis was enhanced in nPKC ε KO mice compared to WT littermates.

Blood ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 128 (22) ◽  
pp. 2533-2533
Akruti Patel ◽  
Soochong Kim ◽  
John Kostyak ◽  
Rachit Badolia ◽  
Carol Dangelmaier ◽  

Abstract PI3-kinase (phosphoinositide 3-kinase) is an important signaling molecule that is activated downstream of various receptors upon platelet activation. PI3-kinase activation leads to the generation of PIP3 (Phosphatidylinositol (3,4,5)-trisphosphate) subsequently leading to the recruitment of PH (pleckstrin homology) domain containing proteins to the plasma membrane. Our laboratory screened for proteins that interacted with PIP3 (Phosphatidylinositol (3,4,5)-trisphosphate) using PIP3 beads. One of the proteins that interacted with PIP3 was ELMO1 (Engulfment and cell motility-1). ELMO1 is a scaffold protein with no catalytic activity and is well known to regulate actin cytoskeletal rearrangement via Rac1 in other cells. However, it is not known whether ELMO1 is expressed in platelets and if so, does it regulate platelet functional responses. Here, we show that ELMO1 is present in both human and murine platelets. We used ELMO1-deficient (ELMO1-/-) mice to study its role in platelets. ELMO1-/- murine platelets showed enhanced platelet aggregation and dense granule secretion in response to the GPVI agonist, CRP (Figure 1 A & B), compared to the wildtype controls although there was no difference in GPVI expression levels between the two. There was no difference observed in response to AYPGKF- or 2-MeSADP. These data suggest that ELMO1 plays a specific role downstream of GPVI pathway but GPCRs. Moreover, ELMO1-/- platelets exhibited enhanced clot retraction and spreading indicating its role in Glycoprotein IIb/IIa (GPIIb/IIIa) mediated outside-in signaling. Furthermore, whole blood from ELMO1-/- mice perfused over collagen under arterial shear conditions exhibited enhanced thrombus formation. In an in vivo pulmonary thromboembolism model, ELMO1-/- mice showed reduced survival compared to the wildtype control. ELMO1-/- mice also showed shorter time to occlusion and increased thrombus stability using the ferric-chloride injury model indicating the role of ELMO1 in thrombus formation in vivo. At the molecular level, Rac1 activity was enhanced in ELMO1-/- murine platelets compared to the wildtype control in response to CRP (Figure 1C). Together, these data suggest that ELMO1 regulates Rac1 activity upon GPVI-mediated thrombus formation and it may play a negative regulator role in both inside-out and outside-in signaling, which might involve Rac1. Figure 1 Representative figure of (A) platelet aggregation and (B) dense granule secretion. (C) Washed platelets were stimulated with CRP 1.25 μg/mL for the indicated times. GST-PAK-RBD was used to pull-down active Rac1 from platelet lysates and was detected using specific antibody to Rac1 by Western blot. WT = Wildtype mice. ELMO1-/- = ELMO1-deficient mice. CRP = collagen related protein. Figure 1. Representative figure of (A) platelet aggregation and (B) dense granule secretion. (C) Washed platelets were stimulated with CRP 1.25 μg/mL for the indicated times. GST-PAK-RBD was used to pull-down active Rac1 from platelet lysates and was detected using specific antibody to Rac1 by Western blot. WT = Wildtype mice. ELMO1-/- = ELMO1-deficient mice. CRP = collagen related protein. Disclosures No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.

Blood ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 116 (21) ◽  
pp. 3203-3203
Patrick Apopa ◽  
Megha Patel ◽  
Olivier Boutaud ◽  
Michael Holinstat

Abstract Abstract 3203 Platelet activation plays a central role in regulating hemostasis. Uncontrolled activation of circulating platelets can result in the formation of occlusive thrombi and stroke. Following activation, metabolism of arachidonic acid by 12-lipoxygenase (12-hLO) may play a significant role in regulating the degree and stability of platelet reactivity. Using specific inhibitors for 12-hLO which do not interact with other lipoxygenases or enzymes in the COX-1 pathway, we were able for the first time to asses the involvement of 12-hLO in platelet reactivity. In order to assess the role of 12-hLO in platelet activation and thrombosis, dense granule secretion, platelet aggregation, alpha granule secretion, and platelet adhesion and clot formation under flow were measured. Inhibiting 12-hLO results in a complete inhibition of dense granule secretion with only a partial attenuation of alpha granule secretion indicating a novel regulatory scheme for modulating positive autocrine reinforcement of platelet reactivity and clot formation. Addition of the 12-hLO metabolite, 12-HETE (as low as 250 nM), resulted in a significant (25%) increase in PAR1-mediated dense granule secretion compare to agonist alone indicating that 12-HETE may be the crucial metabolite formed by 12-hLO metabolism of arachidonic acid. Importantly, platelet aggregation and adhesion are also significantly attenuated in the absence of 12-hLO. In fact, collagen-mediated platelet aggregation was shifted over 25 fold to the right in the absence of 12-hLO. These studies support the role of 12-hLO in hemostasis and may be a good target for anti-platelet therapy. Disclosures: No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.

1994 ◽  
Vol 54 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-24 ◽  
Jeffrey K. Yao ◽  
Daniel P. van Kammen ◽  
John Gurklis ◽  
Jeffrey L. Peters

1990 ◽  
Vol 111 (6) ◽  
pp. 3117-3127 ◽  
A Golden ◽  
J S Brugge ◽  
S J Shattil

Treatment of platelets with thrombin was shown previously to induce rapid changes in tyrosine phosphorylation of several platelet proteins. In this report, we demonstrate that a variety of agonists which induce platelet aggregation also stimulate tyrosine phosphorylation of three proteins with apparent molecular masses of 84, 95, and 97 kD. Since platelet aggregation requires the agonist-induced activation of an integrin receptor (GP IIb-IIIa) as well as the binding of fibrinogen to this receptor, we examined the relationship between tyrosine phosphorylation and the function of GP IIb-IIIa. When platelets were examined under conditions that either precluded the activation of GP IIb-IIIa (prior disruption of the complex by EGTA at 37 degrees C) or the binding of fibrinogen (addition of RGDS or an inhibitory mAb), tyrosine phosphorylation of the 84-, 95-, and 97-kD proteins was not observed. However, although both GP IIb-IIIa activation and fibrinogen binding were necessary for tyrosine phosphorylation, they were not sufficient since phosphorylation was observed only under conditions in which the activated platelets were stirred and allowed to aggregate. In contrast, tyrosine phosphorylation was not dependent on another major platelet response, dense granule secretion. Furthermore, granule secretion did not require tyrosine phosphorylation of this set of proteins. These experiments demonstrate that agonist-induced tyrosine phosphorylation is linked to the process of GP IIb-IIIa-mediated platelet aggregation. Thus, tyrosine phosphorylation may be required for events associated with platelet aggregation or for events that follow aggregation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (20) ◽  
pp. 4743
Preeti Kumari Chaudhary ◽  
Sanggu Kim ◽  
Soochong Kim

Arrestins in concert with GPCR kinases (GRKs) function in G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) desensitization in various cells. Therefore, we characterized the functional differences of arrestin3 versus arrestin2 in the regulation of GPCR signaling and its desensitization in platelets using mice lacking arrestin3 and arrestin2. In contrast to arrestin2, platelet aggregation and dense granule secretion induced by 2-MeSADP, U46619, thrombin, and AYPGKF were significantly potentiated in arrestin3-deficient platelets compared to wild-type (WT) platelets, while non-GPCR agonist CRP-induced platelet aggregation and secretion were not affected. Surprisingly, in contrast to GRK6, platelet aggregation induced by the co-stimulation of serotonin and epinephrine was significantly potentiated in arrestin3-deficient platelets, suggesting the central role of arrestin3 in general GPCR desensitization in platelets. In addition, the second challenge of ADP and AYPGKF restored platelet aggregation in arrestin3-deficient platelets but failed to do so in WT and arrestin2-deficient platelets, confirming that arrestin3 contributes to GPCR desensitization. Furthermore, ADP- and AYPGKF-induced Akt and ERK phosphorylation were significantly increased in arrestin3-deficient platelets. Finally, we found that arrestin3 is critical for thrombus formation in vivo. In conclusion, arrestin3, not arrestin2, plays a central role in the regulation of platelet functional responses and thrombus formation through general GPCR desensitization in platelets.

Blood ◽  
2003 ◽  
Vol 101 (12) ◽  
pp. 4828-4835 ◽  
Yatin M. Patel ◽  
Kirti Patel ◽  
Salman Rahman ◽  
Mark P. Smith ◽  
Gillian Spooner ◽  

AbstractWe have examined platelet functional responses and characterized a novel signaling defect in the platelets of a patient suffering from a chronic bleeding disorder. Platelet aggregation responses stimulated by weak agonists such as adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and adrenaline were severely impaired. In comparison, both aggregation and dense granule secretion were normal following activation with high doses of collagen, thrombin, or phorbol-12 myristate-13 acetate (PMA). ADP, thrombin, or thromboxane A2 (TxA2) signaling through their respective Gq-coupled receptors was normal as assessed by measuring either mobilization of intracellular calcium, diacylglycerol (DAG) generation, or pleckstrin phosphorylation. In comparison, Gi-mediated signaling induced by either thrombin, ADP, or adrenaline, examined by suppression of forskolin-stimulated rise in cyclic AMP (cAMP) was impaired, indicating dysfunctional Gαi signaling. Immunoblot analysis of platelet membranes with specific antiserum against different Gα subunits indicated normal levels of Gαi2,Gαi3,Gαz, and Gαq in patient platelets. However, the Gαi1level was reduced to 25% of that found in normal platelets. Analysis of platelet cDNA and gDNA revealed no abnormality in either the Gαi1 or Gαi2 gene sequences. Our studies implicate the minor expressed Gαi subtype Gαi1 as having an important role in regulating signaling pathways associated with the activation of αIIbβ3 and subsequent platelet aggregation by weak agonists.

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