scholarly journals Degenerate Sequence Recognition by AdpA

2014 ◽  
Vol 70 (a1) ◽  
pp. C214-C214
Jun Ohtsuka ◽  
Ming Dong Yao ◽  
Koji Nagata ◽  
Ken-ichi Miyazono ◽  
Yuehua Zhi ◽  

AdpA is the central transcriptional factor in the A-factor regulatory cascade of Streptomyces griseus and activates hundreds of genes required for both secondary metabolism and morphological differentiation, leading to onset of streptomycin biosynthesis as well as aerial mycelium formation and sporulation. It has been shown that AdpA binds to over 500 operator regions with the loosely conserved consensus sequence, 5'-TGGCSNGWWY-3' (S: G or C; W: A or T; Y: T or C; and N: any nucleotide). However, it is still obscure how AdpA can control hundreds of genes. To reveal the molecular basis of the low nucleotide sequence specificity, we have determined the crystal structure of the complex of DNA-binding domain of AdpA and a 14-mer duplex DNA with two-nucleotide overhangs at 5'-ends at 2.95-Å resolution. The crystal structure and electrophoretic mobility-shift assays showed that only two arginine residues, Arg262 and Arg266, are involved in the sequence recognition and determine the nucleotide specificity/preference of continuous five base-pairs of positions 1–5 in the consensus sequence. These results partially explain how AdpA directly controls hundreds of genes.

1998 ◽  
Vol 180 (19) ◽  
pp. 5085-5093 ◽  
Kenji Ueda ◽  
Chia-Wen Hsheh ◽  
Tsutomu Tosaki ◽  
Hidenori Shinkawa ◽  
Teruhiko Beppu ◽  

ABSTRACT A-factor (2-isocapryloyl-3R-hydroxymethyl-γ-butyrolactone) is essential for the initiation of aerial mycelium formation inStreptomyces griseus. amfR is one of the genes which, when cloned on a low-copy-number plasmid, suppresses the aerial mycelium-negative phenotype of an A-factor-deficient mutant of S. griseus. Disruption of the chromosomal amfR gene resulted in complete abolition of aerial mycelium formation, indicating that amfR is essential for the onset of morphogenesis. Cloning and nucleotide sequencing of the region upstream ofamfR predicted an operon consisting of orf5,orf4, and amfR. Consistent with this idea, Northern blotting and S1 mapping analyses suggested that these three genes were cotranscribed mainly by a promoter (PORF5) in front of orf5. Furthermore, PORF5 was active only in the presence of A-factor, indicating that it is A-factor dependent. Gel mobility shift assays showed the presence of a protein (AdpB) able to bind PORF5 in the cell extract from an A-factor-deficient mutant but not from the wild-type strain. AdpB was purified to homogeneity and found to bind specifically to the region from −72 to −44 bp with respect to the transcriptional start point. Runoff transcriptional analysis of PORF5 with purified AdpB and an RNA polymerase complex isolated from vegetative mycelium showed that AdpB repressed the transcription in a concentration-dependent manner. It is thus apparent that AmfR as a switch for aerial mycelium formation and AdpB as a repressor for amfR are members in the A-factor regulatory cascade, leading to morphogenesis.

Microbiology ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 155 (7) ◽  
pp. 2197-2210 ◽  
Hirofumi Hara ◽  
Yasuo Ohnishi ◽  
Sueharu Horinouchi

A-factor (2-isocapryloyl-3R-hydroxymethyl-γ-butyrolactone) is a microbial hormone that triggers morphological differentiation and secondary metabolism in Streptomyces griseus. The effects of A-factor on global gene expression were determined by DNA microarray analysis of transcriptomes obtained with the A-factor-deficient mutant ΔafsA. A-factor was added at a concentration of 25 ng ml−1 to mutant ΔafsA at the middle of the exponential growth phase, and RNA samples were prepared from the cells grown after A-factor addition for a further 5, 15 and 30 min, and 1, 2, 4, 8 and 12 h. The effects of A-factor on transcription of all protein-coding genes of S. griseus were evaluated by comparison of the transcriptomes with those obtained from cells grown in the absence of A-factor. Analysis of variance among the transcriptomes revealed that 477 genes, which were dispersed throughout the chromosome, were differentially expressed during the 12 h after addition of A-factor, when evaluated by specific criteria. Quality threshold clustering analysis with regard to putative polycistronic transcriptional units and levels of upregulation predicted that 152 genes belonging to 74 transcriptional units were probable A-factor-inducible genes. Competitive electrophoretic mobility shift assays using DNA fragments including putative promoter regions of these 74 transcriptional units suggested that AdpA bound 37 regions to activate 72 genes in total. Many of these A-factor-inducible genes encoded proteins of unknown function, suggesting that the A-factor regulatory cascade of S. griseus affects gene expression at a specific time point more profoundly than expected.

2011 ◽  
Vol 193 (22) ◽  
pp. 6358-6365 ◽  
Marcin Wolański ◽  
Rafał Donczew ◽  
Agnieszka Kois-Ostrowska ◽  
Paweł Masiewicz ◽  
Dagmara Jakimowicz ◽  

AdpA is a key regulator of morphological differentiation inStreptomyces. In contrast toStreptomyces griseus, relatively little is known about AdpA protein functions inStreptomyces coelicolor. Here, we report for the first time the translation accumulation profile of theS. coelicoloradpA(adpASc) gene; the level ofS. coelicolorAdpA (AdpASc) increased, reaching a maximum in the early stage of aerial mycelium formation (after 36 h), and remained relatively stable for the next several hours (48 to 60 h), and then the signal intensity decreased considerably. AdpAScspecifically binds theadpAScpromoter regionin vitroandin vivo, suggesting that its expression is autoregulated; surprisingly, in contrast toS. griseus, the protein presumably acts as a transcriptional activator. We also demonstrate a direct influence of AdpAScon the expression of several genes whose products play key roles in the differentiation ofS. coelicolor: STI, a protease inhibitor; RamR, an atypical response regulator that itself activates expression of the genes for a small modified peptide that is required for aerial growth; and ClpP1, an ATP-dependent protease. The diverse influence of AdpAScprotein on the expression of the analyzed genes presumably results mainly from different affinities of AdpAScprotein to individual promoters.

1988 ◽  
Vol 235 (1279) ◽  
pp. 121-138 ◽  

Streptomycetes are soil bacteria that differ from the genetically well-known Escherichia coli in two striking characteristics. (1) Instead of consisting of an alternation of growth and fission of morphologically simple, undifferentiated rods, the streptomycete life cycle involves the formation of a system of elongated, branching hyphae which, after a period of vegetative growth, respond to specific signals by producing specialized spore-bearing structures. (2) The streptomycetes produce an unrivalled range of chemically diverse ‘secondary metabolites’, which we recognize as antibiotics, herbicides and pharmacologically active molecules, and which presumably play an important role in the streptomycete life cycle in nature. This ‘physiological’ differentiation is often tem­porally associated with the morphological differentiation of sporulation and there are common elements in the regulation of the two sets of processes. In the model system provided by Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2), the isolation of several whole clusters of linked antibiotic biosynthetic pathway genes, and some key regulatory genes involved in sporulation, has made it possible to study the basis for the switching on and off of particular sets of genes during morphological and ‘physiological’ differen­tiation. Genetic analysis clearly reveals a regulatory cascade operating at several levels in a ‘physiological’ branch of the differentiation control system. At the lowest level, within individual clusters of antibiotic biosynthesis genes are genes with a role as activators of the structural genes for the pathway enzymes, and also resistance genes. It is attractive to speculate that the latter play a dual role: protecting the organism from self-destruction by its own potentially lethal product, and forming an essential component of a regulatory circuit that activates the biosyn­thetic genes, thus ensuring that resistance is established before any antibiotic is made. A next higher level of regulation is revealed by the isolation of mutations in a gene ( afsB ) required for expression (probably at the level of transcription) of all five known secondary metabolic pathways in the organism. At a higher level still, the bldA gene, whose product seems to be a tRNA essential to translate the rare (in high [G + C] Streptomyces DNA) TTA leucine codon, controls or influences the whole gamut of morphological and ‘physiological’ differentiation, because bldA mutants fail to produce either secondary metabolites or aerial mycelium and spores, while growing normally in the vegetative phase. Thus a decision to switch from vegetative growth to the secondary phase of colonial development may be taken at the level of translation. In the ‘morphological’ branch of the proposed regulatory cascade, a key gene is whiG whose product, essential for the earliest known step in the metamorphosis of aerial hyphae into spore chains, appears to be an RNA polymerase sigma factor which is not needed for transcription of vegetative genes, but seems to control, at the level of transcription, the decision to sporulate.

2021 ◽  
Ian Miller ◽  
Max Totrov ◽  
Lioubov Korotchkina ◽  
Denis N Kazyulkin ◽  
Andrei V Gudkov ◽  

Abstract Long interspersed nuclear element-1 (L1) is an autonomous non-LTR retrotransposon comprising ∼20% of the human genome. L1 self-propagation causes genomic instability and is strongly associated with aging, cancer and other diseases. The endonuclease domain of L1’s ORFp2 protein (L1-EN) initiates de novo L1 integration by nicking the consensus sequence 5′-TTTTT/AA-3′. In contrast, related nucleases including structurally conserved apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease 1 (APE1) are non-sequence specific. To investigate mechanisms underlying sequence recognition and catalysis by L1-EN, we solved crystal structures of L1-EN complexed with DNA substrates. This showed that conformational properties of the preferred sequence drive L1-EN’s sequence-specificity and catalysis. Unlike APE1, L1-EN does not bend the DNA helix, but rather causes ‘compression’ near the cleavage site. This provides multiple advantages for L1-EN’s role in retrotransposition including facilitating use of the nicked poly-T DNA strand as a primer for reverse transcription. We also observed two alternative conformations of the scissile bond phosphate, which allowed us to model distinct conformations for a nucleophilic attack and a transition state that are likely applicable to the entire family of nucleases. This work adds to our mechanistic understanding of L1-EN and related nucleases and should facilitate development of L1-EN inhibitors as potential anticancer and antiaging therapeutics.

2005 ◽  
Vol 187 (16) ◽  
pp. 5595-5604 ◽  
Ayami Tomono ◽  
Yisan Tsai ◽  
Haruka Yamazaki ◽  
Yasuo Ohnishi ◽  
Sueharu Horinouchi

ABSTRACT A-factor (2-isocapryloyl-3R-hydroxymethyl-γ-butyrolactone) triggers streptomycin production by inducing the transcription of strR, encoding the pathway-specific transcriptional activator, through signal transduction in the A-factor regulatory cascade in Streptomyces griseus. AdpA, one of the key transcriptional activators in the cascade, bound two upstream activation sites, approximately at nucleotide positions −270 and −50 with respect to the transcriptional start point of strR, as determined by gel mobility shift assays and DNase I footprinting. Transcriptional analysis of the strR promoter with mutated AdpA-binding sites showed that both sites were required for full transcriptional activation of strR by AdpA. Potassium permanganate footprinting showed that AdpA assisted RNA polymerase in forming an open complex at an appropriate position for transcriptional initiation of strR. Nine transcriptional units within the streptomycin biosynthesis gene cluster, including the strR-aphD operon, depended on StrR, indicating that StrR is the pathway-specific transcriptional activator for the whole gene cluster. Consistent with this, expression of strR under the control of a constitutively expressed promoter in an adpA null mutant caused the host to produce streptomycin.

2004 ◽  
Vol 186 (7) ◽  
pp. 2206-2211 ◽  
Jun-ya Kato ◽  
Ikuo Miyahisa ◽  
Mari Mashiko ◽  
Yasuo Ohnishi ◽  
Sueharu Horinouchi

ABSTRACT In the model of the A-factor (2-isocapryloyl-3R-hydroxymethyl-γ-butyrolactone) regulatory cascade in Streptomyces griseus, A-factor binds ArpA, the A-factor receptor protein, that has bound to the adpA promoter and dissociates it from the DNA, thus inducing the transcription of adpA. AdpA switches on the transcription of a number of genes required for secondary metabolism and morphological differentiation, forming an AdpA regulon. Consistent with this model, arpA null mutants produced streptomycin and a yellow pigment in larger amounts and formed aerial hyphae from an earlier growth stage than the wild-type strain. On the other hand, mutant MK2, expressing a mutant ArpA (Trp119Ala), neither produced secondary metabolites nor formed aerial hyphae, because this A-factor-insensitive mutant ArpA always bound to and repressed the adpA promoter due to the amino acid replacement of Trp-119 with Ala. Introduction of adpA under the control of a foreign promoter into mutant MK2 restored all of the phenotypes that we could observe, which suggests that the only significant target of ArpA is adpA. In contrast to other γ-butyrolactone regulatory systems, disruption of arpA had no effect on A-factor production, indicating that ArpA does not regulate A-factor biosynthesis. Instead, A-factor production was found to be repressed by AdpA in a two-step regulatory feedback loop.

1997 ◽  
Vol 43 (12) ◽  
pp. 1118-1125 ◽  
Martine Aubert ◽  
Elisabeth Weber ◽  
Brigitte Gintz ◽  
Bernard Decaris ◽  
Keith F. Chater

The deduced product of the spa2 gene of Streptomyces ambofaciens is a homologue of RspA, involved in stationary-phase σs factor regulation in Escherichia coli. This suggests that Spa2 could play a part in stationary-phase-associated differentiation in S. ambofaciens. The disruption of spa2 led to reductions in aerial mycelial development and associated spore pigmentation. The mutant phenotype reverted to the wild-type phenotype when the disruption construct spontaneously excised. The spa2 disruption had no detectable effect on growth rates in different media or antibiotic production and resistance. When spa2 was placed on a multicopy plasmid, a severe defect in formation and pigmentation of aerial mycelium resulted. These results strongly suggest that Spa2 is involved in a complex manner in the morphological differentiation process.Key words: Streptomyces, differentiation, stationary-phase regulator.

2003 ◽  
Vol 185 (24) ◽  
pp. 7145-7152 ◽  
E.-H. Lee ◽  
C. Rouquette-Loughlin ◽  
J. P. Folster ◽  
W. M. Shafer

ABSTRACT The farAB operon of Neisseria gonorrhoeae encodes an efflux pump which mediates gonococcal resistance to antibacterial fatty acids. It was previously observed that expression of the farAB operon was positively regulated by MtrR, which is a repressor of the mtrCDE-encoded efflux pump system (E.-H. Lee and W. M. Shafer, Mol. Microbiol. 33:839-845, 1999). This regulation was believed to be indirect since MtrR did not bind to the farAB promoter. In this study, computer analysis of the gonococcal genome sequence database, lacZ reporter fusions, and gel mobility shift assays were used to elucidate the regulatory mechanism by which expression of the farAB operon is modulated by MtrR in gonococci. We identified a regulatory protein belonging to the MarR family of transcriptional repressors and found that it negatively controls expression of farAB by directly binding to the farAB promoter. We designated this regulator FarR to signify its role in regulating the farAB operon. We found that MtrR binds to the farR promoter, thereby repressing farR expression. Hence, MtrR regulates farAB in a positive fashion by modulating farR expression. This MtrR regulatory cascade seems to play an important role in adjusting levels of the FarAB and MtrCDE efflux pumps to prevent their excess expression in gonococci.

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