Identifying a hydraulic-turbine model from measured field data

1995 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 768-773 ◽  
D.J. Trudnowski ◽  
J.C. Agee
L. J. Foged ◽  
L. Scialacqua ◽  
F. Saccardi ◽  
J. L. Araque Quijano ◽  
G. Vecchi ◽  

2013 ◽  
Vol 50 (2) ◽  
pp. 165-178 ◽  
R. Kerry Rowe ◽  
Yan Yu

The leachate characteristics and clogging of the leachate collection system at the Keele Valley Landfill is examined using the numerical model “BioClog”. The calculated effluent leachate concentrations (e.g., the chemical oxygen demand and calcium concentrations) and calculated calcium fraction in the clog material are in encouraging agreement with measured field data. A new practical model is developed and calibrated against the data from the sophisticated numerical model to estimate the service life of leachate collection systems in typical municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills. The procedures for using the new practical model are provided and illustrated by examples. Design charts are presented that may aid the design of leachate collection systems for typical MSW landfills.

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 78-86 ◽  
Youngjae Ko ◽  
Jun-Gu Kang ◽  
Ha-Nyoung Yoo ◽  
Young-Hyun Kwon ◽  
Jun-Hwa Kwon ◽  

2014 ◽  
Vol 521 ◽  
pp. 200-203
Li Jie Ding ◽  
Xiao Jun Tang ◽  
Xing Yuan Li

The power system simulation software usually use ideal hydraulic turbine model in transient stability simulation. Ideal model is the linearization of turbine steady state equation, it can hardly adapt to the various operation conditions in power system. In this paper, a modified nonlinear model of hydraulic turbine is proposed based on basic hydraulic turbine equations, the model can better reflect the dynamic behavior of the turbine since transient component are taken into account. Field test data verify the validity of the proposed model. The model can greatly improve the accuracy. Furthermore, the model is very simple so that it can be easily used in power simulation software

2011 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 15119-15155 ◽  
M. Sörgel ◽  
E. Regelin ◽  
H. Bozem ◽  
J.-M. Diesch ◽  
F. Drewnick ◽  

Abstract. During the DOMINO (Diel Oxidant Mechanism In relation to Nitrogen Oxides) campaign in southwest Spain we measured simultaneously all quantities necessary to calculate a photostationary state for HONO in the gas phase. These quantities comprise the concentrations of OH, NO, and HONO and the photolysis frequency of NO2, j(NO2) as a proxy for j(HONO). This allowed us to calculate values of the unknown HONO daytime source. This unknown HONO source, normalized by NO2 mixing ratios and expressed as a conversion frequency (% h−1), showed a clear dependence on j(NO2) with values up to 43 % h−1 at noon. We compared our unknown HONO source with values calculated from the measured field data for two recently proposed processes, the light-induced NO2 conversion on soot surfaces and the reaction of electronically excited NO2* with water vapour, with the result that these two reactions normally contributed less than 10 % (<1 % NO2 + soot + hν; and <10 % NO2* + H2O) to our unknown HONO daytime source. OH production from HONO photolysis was found to be larger (by 20 %) than the "classical" OH formation from ozone photolysis (O(1D)) integrated over the day.

2020 ◽  
David Theuerkauf ◽  
Jordan Torrealba ◽  
Andrew Swingler

Samuel Cruz-Manzo ◽  
Sepehr Maleki ◽  
Vili Panov ◽  
Festus Agbonzikilo ◽  
Yu Zhang ◽  

In this study, an analysis of the performance of a twin-shaft industrial gas turbine (IGT) during hot-end damage in the gas generator turbine (GGT) at high-power operation has been carried out using a validated Simulink IGT model. The Simulink model is based on fundamental thermodynamics and allows the implementation of correlation coefficients in the GGT module to predict the performance of the IGT system during a hot-end GGT damage incident. Measured field data from a twin-shaft IGT operated as a power generation unit denoting a reduction in performance due to hot-end GGT damage are considered for the analysis. Four hot-end GGT damage incidents across a range of measured field data have been identified and considered for the analysis. The results show that the Simulink model can predict the change of physical parameters (pressure, temperature) across the IGT system for each GGT damage incident. Hot-end damage increases the flow capacity and reduces the efficiency of the GGT. Future work will validate the dynamic change of flow capacity and efficiency during different GGT damage incidents.

D. Suslov ◽  
I. Litvinov ◽  
E. Gorelikov ◽  

The paper studies the pressure pulsations in the hydraulic turbines flow section arise as a result of vortex structures in non-optimal hydraulic turbine operation regimes. The authors directly compare the approaches to the extraction of synchronous and asynchronous components in pressure pulsation signals, as well as using the decomposition into azimuthal modes. Pressure pulsations were measured using four acoustic sensors while varying the operating regimes of the hydraulic turbine model. The pressure pulsations were compared for the shallow draft tube and the deep draft tube of the hydraulic turbine. It is shown that the level of pressure pul-sations is the same for two types of draft tubes. There is no methodological difference in the application of the two approaches to the extraction of pressure pulsations in the flow. The results shall be applicable in the de-velopment of new methods for suppressing spiral-vortex structures in non-optimal regimes of operation of hydraulic turbines in order to increase their overall efficiency.

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