dynamic change
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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 778-787
Jiang-Hong An ◽  
Fu-Rong Qi ◽  
Xiao-Ya Cheng ◽  
Xun-Qi Liu ◽  
Pu Luo ◽  

Background and purpose: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was spreading all over the world. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) primarily invades and infects the lungs of humans leading to COVID-19. Mild to severe clinical symptoms such as fever, cough, and shortness of breath were existed in those patients. One of the most common changes in these patients was abnormal blood routine. However, uncertainty remains regarding the dynamic characteristics of platelet in COVID-19 patients due to limited data. Therefore, we aimed to analyze the association between dynamic characteristics of blood platelet and disease severity, and to identify new monitoring indicators to treat the COVID-19 patients. Methods: In this cohort study, 398 COVID-19 patients treated in the Shenzhen Third People’s hospital from December 16, 2019 to March 26, 2020 were collected and participated. All data of participants including the clinical characteristics, imaging and laboratory information were collected. All patients included in our study were classified as four groups (mild, common, severe, and critical types) regarding clinical symptoms and relevant severe failures based on the Diagnosis Criteria. Platelet count was examined at the baseline and every 3–5 days during hospitalization. Results: The platelet count varied with clinical classifications. The platelet count in mild type was normal without significant fluctuation. While the blood platelet count of most common and severe patients had obvious fluctuations, showing as a dynamic change that first rose and then fell to the level at admission, which was consistent with the trend of lung inflammation. Bone marrow smears further showed that bone marrow hyperplasia was normal in mild, common and severe type patients, and megakaryocytes and their platelet-producing functions were not abnormal. Conclusions: Our results suggested that the dynamic changes of platelet count might be a predictor of lung inflammation alteration for COVID-19 patients. The changes in platelet count might be a responsive pattern secondary to lung inflammation. The function of bone marrow may be slightly affected by SARS-CoV-2 infection.

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Wenbo Song ◽  
Wei Sheng ◽  
Dong Li ◽  
Chong Wu ◽  
Jun Ma

The network topology of complex networks evolves dynamically with time. How to model the internal mechanism driving the dynamic change of network structure is the key problem in the field of complex networks. The models represented by WS, NW, BA usually assume that the evolution of network structure is driven by nodes’ passive behaviors based on some restrictive rules. However, in fact, network nodes are intelligent individuals, which actively update their relations based on experience and environment. To overcome this limitation, we attempt to construct a network model based on deep reinforcement learning, named as NMDRL. In the new model, each node in complex networks is regarded as an intelligent agent, which reacts with the agents around it for refreshing its relationships at every moment. Extensive experiments show that our model not only can generate networks owing the properties of scale-free and small-world, but also reveal how community structures emerge and evolve. The proposed NMDRL model is helpful to study propagation, game, and cooperation behaviors in networks.

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Zhengdian Xu ◽  
Hong Li ◽  
Yue Jiang ◽  
Qingjiang Xiang ◽  
Pan Tang

To solve the problems of higher energy consumption and lower intelligence of traditional hard hose travelers, a new hard hose traveler with the function of electric drive and self-propelled is developed in this paper. The operational energy consumption of a reel and a polyethylene tube is an important part of hard-hose traveler energy consumption. In this paper, based on the JP50-180 hard hose traveler, the required pulling force and energy consumption at the reel and tube operation are theoretically and experimentally obtained. The aforementioned provides support for reducing energy consumption in the future. The influencing factor that affects the energy consumption of the reel rotation is the tube length, and the influencing factors that affect the energy consumption of the tube sliding are the ground slope, soil moisture content, and tube length. A calculation model for the dynamic change of the pulling force and energy consumption of the reel and tube operation is proposed in this study. Through theoretical analysis, maximum pulling tension and cumulative energy consumption requirements for the for reel rotation are 278.6 N and 15120.83 J, respectively. Furthermore, the requirements for the tube sliding are 1372.86 N and 123,456.96 J. Through test analysis, the maximum pulling tension for the tube sliding is between 1258.3 N and 1773.3 N, while the maximum pulling tension for reel rotation is 285.05 N. Under the same influencing factors, the deviation rates between theoretical and testable energy consumption for the reel rotation and tube sliding are 2.3 and 8.3%, respectively. The pulling force and cumulative energy consumption required for the reel rotation and tube sliding both increase with an increase in their influencing factors. The operating costs of the tube one-time unrolled are approximately 0.0185 CNY. Combined with the mobile resistance of the electric tracked vehicle, the power configuration of this new hard hose traveler is provided by two servo motors with a power of 5500 W each.

2022 ◽  
Vol 20 (4) ◽  
pp. 047-062
Tomasz Bajowluk

The area around Krakow airport is an attractive developmental urban area. The concentration of passenger traffic and the flow of goods is conducive to new development projects. These projects are associated with the operation of airports, as well as new uses which see the proximity of an airport as an additional asset in operating a business based on access to a form of high-speed transport. This paper presents the findings of research concerning the existing spatial structure, transport accessibility and compositional determinants within an area around Krakow Airport, which can be used to assess the phenomena present and formulate principles and trajectories of shaping them in the future. The study was based on an analysis of selected elements of the existing functio-spatial structure, as well as available materials and subject-specific planning documents. Due to the specificity of areas around airports, which undergo dynamic change, it appears key to determine the individual form of development and land cover, that skilfully combines modernity and comfort of use with meshing with the local landscape, featuring a network of linkages and the character of suburban space. The issues present in this area are distinctive of many cities and require coherent land development proposals.

2022 ◽  
Ahlem Aboud ◽  
Nizar Rokbani ◽  
Raja Fdhila ◽  
Abdulrahman M. Qahtani ◽  
Omar Almutiry ◽  

Particle swarm optimization system based on the distributed architecture over multiple sub-swarms has shown its efficiency for static optimization and has not been studied to solve dynamic multi-objective problems (DMOPs). When solving DMOP, tracking the best solutions over time and ensuring good exploitation and exploration are the main challenging tasks. This study proposes a novel Dynamic Pareto bi-level Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization (DPb-MOPSO) algorithm including two parallel optimization levels. At the first level, all solutions are managed in a single search space. When a dynamic change is successfully detected in the objective values, the Pareto ranking operator is used to enable a multiple sub-swarm’ subdivisions and processing which drives the second level of enhanced exploitation. A dynamic handling strategy based on random detectors is used to track the changes of the objective function due to time-varying parameters. A response strategy consisting in re-evaluate all unimproved solutions and replacing them with newly generated ones is also implemented. Inverted generational distance, mean inverted generational distance, and hypervolume difference metrics are used to assess the DPb-MOPSO performances. All quantitative results are analyzed using Friedman's analysis of variance while the Lyapunov theorem is used for stability analysis. Compared with several multi-objective evolutionary algorithms, the DPb-MOPSO is robust in solving 21 complex problems over a range of changes in both the Pareto optimal set and Pareto optimal front. For 13 UDF and ZJZ functions, DPb-MOPSO can solve 8/13 and 7/13 on IGD and HVD with moderate changes. For the 8 FDA and dMOP benchmarks, DPb-MOPSO was able to resolve 4/8 with severe change on MIGD, and 5/8 for moderate and slight changes. However, for the 3 kind of environmental changes, DPb-MOPSO assumes 4/8 of the solving function on IGD and HVD metrics.<br>

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Yi-Tung Chen ◽  
Hung-Chih Hsu ◽  
Yun-Shien Lee ◽  
Hsuan Liu ◽  
Bertrand Chin-Ming Tan ◽  

Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a major cause of cancer mortality and morbidity. Despite advances in chemotherapy and targeted therapy, unsustainable clinical benefit was noted due to recurrence and therapy resistance. The immune status of the cancer patient may affect the effectiveness of disease treatments. The dynamic change in the T-cell receptor (TCR) repertoire might be a clinical parameter for monitoring treatment responses. In this study, we aimed to determine the characteristics and clinical significance of the TCR repertoire in patients with unresectable metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC). Herein, we comprehensively profile 103 peripheral blood samples from 20 healthy controls and 16 CRC patients with a follow-up of 98 to 452 days to identify hypervariable rearrangements of the TCRα and TCRβ repertoires using high-throughput sequencing. We found that TCRα repertoires, TCRβ repertoires, and CDR3 clonotypes were altered in mCRC patients compared with healthy controls. The diversity of TCR repertoires and CDR3 clonotypes decreased in most mCRC patients after therapy. Furthermore, compared with baseline TCR diversity, patients whose TCR diversity dropped considerably during therapy had better treatment responses, including lower CEA and CA19-9 levels and smaller tumor sizes. TCR baseline diversity was also significantly associated with partial response (PR) status (odds ratio: 5.29, p = 0.04). In conclusion, the present study demonstrated the association between dynamic changes in TCR diversity during chemotherapy and clinical outcomes as well as the potential utility of the TCR repertoire in predicting the prognosis of cancer treatment.

2022 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 244-252
Mrs.L. D. Sujithra Devi ◽  
Mrs. A. Praveena ◽  
Mrs. B. Reena ◽  
Mrs. G. Anandhi ◽  

A Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANETs) connects mobile nodes without any base station. These nodes in the network can change the topology dynamically and transfer the data among themselves. The nodes in the MANET are categorized based on the resource factors like memory, computation, and power levels. The dynamic change in route makes the connection of the destination node more complex. Sometimes, it results in link failure, and hence the primary route is failed, which means an alternative route is required to transmit the packets. It required multiple paths from the source node to destination node with a stable path connecting the source node. This issue makes MANET routing a crucial task. To address these problems, multipath routing in MANET is discussed in this paper. Multipath routing provides various paths for a single source node to a single destination node. It is more important to consider load balancing and fault tolerance when establishing the multipath routing mechanism. This paper describes the various type of challenges along with their respective multipath routing protocols in MANETs.

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 580
Xiaolan Tan ◽  
Wentao Yu ◽  
Shiwei Wu

Air pollution in China has become a matter of increasing public concern. In this paper, we attempted to build a theoretical model to explore the impact of the dynamics of agglomeration externalities on haze pollution in urban China, where agglomeration is differentiated by regional specialization and geographical concentration. Based on China’s panel data for 289 cities during the period of 1998–2018, the empirical result shows that the relationship between industrial agglomeration and urban haze pollution is not simply linear or of an inversed U-type but turns out to be dynamically N-shaped. To be specific, the increase in local haze pollution can be explained by agglomeration externalities in the beginning stage, whereas the reducing effect only occurs during the mature stage. The heterogeneity test indicated that the effect of the type of agglomeration on haze pollution seems to be mixed in different groups of cities, but is still consistent with the hypothesis of the dynamic change of agglomeration externalities. The results are found to be quite robust and consistent after replacing variables and using other regression methods. This paper provides answers to the question of how to coordinate the relationship between developing industry parks and air pollution in terms of the life cycle of agglomeration as well as the types of city.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. e0262353
Yi Yan ◽  
Haiyan Chen ◽  
Leping Sun ◽  
Wei Zhang ◽  
Xin Lu ◽  

Huangjiu is a national alcoholic beverage in China. Millet has congenital advantages in development and utilization of nutrient. Brewing Huangjiu with millet can increase the value of millet. Microbial community plays crucial roles in millet Huangjiu fermentation. Flavor compounds reflect the quality and health function of Huangjiu. The flavor compounds of Huangjiu are complex and their formation is closely associated with microorganisms, but the relationship between them during fermentation has been unknown. In this research, this relationship during millet Huangjiu fermentation were deeply investigated. Totally 86 volatile compounds were detected. Bacillus, Weissella, Paenibacillus, Klebsiella, Prevotella was investigated as the dominant microbes through high-throughput sequencing. 537 correlations between major flavor compounds and microbes were established to reflect the dynamic change during millet Huangjiu fermentation. The top five dominant genus of flavor producing microbes were Chryseobacterium, Sporolactobacillus, Psychrobacter, Sphingobium and Anoxybacillus. The content of malic acid and citric acid was gradually improved all through the millet Huangjiu fermentation. Malic acid and citric acid generated from millet Huangjiu fermentation shows healthy properties as liver protection and eliminating fatigue. Our research provides essential information on microbial community succession and the flavor formation during millet Huangjiu fermentation, and beneficial for development of Huangjiu products.

Amparo Rosa Montellanos SOLIS ◽  
Johnny Félix Farfán PIMENTEL ◽  
Janet Meluzka García RIVEROS ◽  
Luis Carmelo Fuertes MEZA

This article provides an analysis, review of the different bibliographic sources about cooperative work as a fundamental strategy for the acquisition of competences, which strengthens interpersonal relationships, construction of new knowledge, attitudes and the management of skills such as communication, autonomy, leadership, decision-making, motivation in primary school students since at this level, learning depends not only on a single student but on the effort of the group as a whole to achieve the expected purpose. At present it is a relevant issue since it is a strategy that seeks methodological, active, participatory, dynamic change, awakens the interest of students to discover, learn, innovate, internalize, consolidate learning cooperatively working in small groups to expand their learning, seeking the benefit of all in which they assume the role of protagonists of their own learning developing in different contexts, work in a climate of satisfaction, understanding, respect and tolerance. In the first instance, the different conceptions about cooperative work by recognized authors are made known. Second, information is provided on the characteristics, importance of cooperative work, the structure used by the teacher to carry out the activities. Finally, significant contributions of cooperative.

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