Components Design of Stock Information System Based on SOM

Huazhu Song ◽  
Jianli Xiao ◽  
Dun Su ◽  
Wenting Sun ◽  
Luo Zhong
2013 ◽  
Vol 475-476 ◽  
pp. 767-770
Hua Zhu Song ◽  
Khamis Abdul Latif Khamis ◽  
Yong Jian Liu ◽  
Luo Zhong

This paper tries to figure out the designing requirement of the ontology model based on visual stock information system; it demonstrates the prototype architecture of Ontology domain and ontology languages such as RDF/RDFs and OWL. These ontology languages were then used to identify the stock domain, define the semantic classes, relations, instances of relations and structure the stock vocabulary data into a meaningful domain of information. The proposed ontology model architecture will be able to observe the vocabularies of stock data by categorizing the Domain of classes and build Ontology solutions based on stocks transaction and historical data for the selected companies

2013 ◽  
Vol 475-476 ◽  
pp. 771-775
Hua Zhu Song ◽  
Khamis Abdul Latif Khamis ◽  
Yong Jian Liu ◽  
Luo Zhong

The technologies of visualization and semantic can help the human and the machine to understand the information well. This paper chose Yahoo financial website as data source, the reused stock representation with the aim of capturing the users interest is designed after studying the different visual analytical tools. The visual stock information system (VSIS) was developed to provide uncomplicated and interactive model analysis of the stock data. Its visualization model included five independent components - visual interface with search agent, intelligent data made up of ontology data, a global information and function data, transaction data, non-transaction data and stock information. Finally, the system was implemented shown in the graphic interface; the user can browse a visual stock with a variety of cognitive tasks such as stock information retrieval, stock data analysis and summarization of stock information on a real time.

2013 ◽  
Vol 411-414 ◽  
pp. 589-592
Hua Zhu Song ◽  
Xiao Xue Wang ◽  
Lu Xu ◽  
Fan Zhou

Ontology and semantic are very popular in Web, and the construction of Web dynamic ontology has been the problem urgent to be solved. Firstly, the basic framework for constructing Web dynamic ontology is shown. Next, the concept lattice is introduced, based on which the novel method of building Web dynamic ontology is given. It includes constructing the initial ontology, extracting web knowledge, generating the formal contexts, merging formal context, merging concept lattices with ontology-based similarity calculation, transforming the concept lattice to the ontology. At last, the stock information system is employed to verify the methods proposed. The results showed the stock ontology could be dynamically updated with the change from the Web, and we can get new inferred knowledge from the updated stock ontology by Racer; the method proposed is valid and feasible.

Akip Suhendar ◽  
Siswanto Siswanto ◽  
Riani Dwi Nurhamzah

Smart City merupakan sebuah konsep kota cerdas yang dapat membantu masyarakat mengelola sumber daya yang ada dengan effisien dan memberikan informasi yang tepat kepada masyarakat atau lembaga dalam melakukan kegiatannya. Konsep Smart City yang menggunakan pemanfaatan teknologi sebagai tujuan utamanya dianggap dapat membantu pemerintah untuk memberikan sebuah layanan khusunya layanan kesehatan yang saat ini menjadi kebutuhan penting bagi masyarakat. UTD (Unit Tranfusi Darah) adalah instansi yang mengelola transfusi dan donor darah di seluruh indonesia. UTD PMI berperan penting dalam pengelolaan stok darah di kabupaten Serang. Selain itu UTD PMI juga memiliki peran penting yaitu melaksanakan kegiatan donor darah masal, dan acara sosialisasi kesehatan lainnya. Dengan dirancang nya Aplikasi Electronic Blood Stock Information System (EBSIS) berbasis web maka akan membantu masyarakat dalam memperoleh informasi ketersediaan stok darah secara real time.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 145
Syaidina Nurfi

Abstrak: Kini perkembangan teknologi menjadi semakin pesat begitupun sistem informasi yang berfungsi untuk menjalankan berbagai kegiatan dalam sebuah perusahaan. Penggunaan teknologi yang semakin maju dapat membantu sebuah perusahaan untuk mendapatkan informasi yang lebih cepat, tepat, dan efisien. CV. Putra Karya Baja adalah sebuah industri untuk konstruksi menggunakan besi baja dan bahan bangunan. Sistem informasi dan manajemen data untuk inventori produk di CV. Putra Karya Baja masih dilakukan secara manual, mulai dari pencatatan produk yang masuk dan produk yang keluar serta pembuatan laporan, sehingga terjadi penumpukan berkas, memungkinkan terjadi kesalahan dalam pengolahan data, sulit untuk memantau stok barang dan menghambat pemberian informasi stok barang. Dengan begitu solusi untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut yaitu perlu dibuat sebuah sistem informasi mengenai inventori barang berbasis website dengan metode waterfall sebagai langkah dalam mengembangkan sistem di mana terdiri dari identifikasi untuk kebutuhan, desain pada sistem, penerapan dan pengujian, dengan pemrograman menggunakan PHP dan MySQL sebagai databasenya. Sistem inventori untuk barang bisa dilakukan pengaksesan oleh admin. Admin dapat menambah data, menghapus data, mencari data, dan merubah data. Sedangkan user hanya dapat melihat pelaporan barang, customer, transaksi barang, dan mengubah password. Hasil yang diperoleh yaitu Sistem Informasi Inventori Barang pada CV. Putra Karya Baja Berbasis Web. Dengan tersedianya sistem ini diharapkan dapat mempermudah manajemen data dan pembuatan laporan menjadi lebih akurat.   Kata kunci: inventori barang, metode waterfall, sistem informasi.   Abstract: Now the development of technology is becoming increasingly rapid as well as information systems that function to carry out various activities within a company. The use of increasingly advanced technology can help a company get information more quickly, precisely, and efficiently. CV. Putra Karya Baja is an industry for construction using steel and building materials. Information systems and data management for product inventory at CV. Putra Karya Baja is still done manually, starting from recording incoming and outgoing products and making reports, resulting in accumulation of files, allowing errors in data processing, difficulties in monitoring stock items, and hindering the provision of stock information. That way the solution to overcome these problems is that it is necessary to create an information system regarding website-based inventory with the waterfall method as a step in developing a system which consists of identification for needs, design on the system, application and testing, by programming using PHP and MySQL as the database. The admin can access the inventory system for goods. Admin can add data, delete data, search data, and change data. Meanwhile, users can only view the reporting of goods, customers, goods transactions, and change passwords. The results obtained are the Goods Inventory Information System at CV. Putra Karya Baja Web-Based. With the availability of this system, it is hoped that it can simplify data management and make reports more accurate.   Keywords: the inventory of product, waterfall method, information system.

2011 ◽  
Vol 225-226 ◽  
pp. 771-775 ◽  
Hua Zhu Song ◽  
Khamis Abdul Latif Khamis ◽  
Xuan Zhu Song

The technology of visualization should be merged with semantic technology for abstracting and describing information from the processed DataStream, transaction data and high dimension data in the stock market. This paper proposed the ontology design in visual Stock Information System (VSIS) which combined domain information with function requirements. Firstly, use case diagram and ontology design principles of VSIS were given. Then, according to different information sources and learning theory, learning procedure, validation procedure and their interactions comprised the ontology learning cycle, whose result is VSIS top ontology pools. Next, the ontology in VSIS was defined, whose top ontology covered stock ontology, agent ontology, enquire ontology, visualization ontology, interface ontology, DB operation ontology and error processing ontology. Finally, the defined ontology was validated by Protégé.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Fenny Hidha Rahmawati ◽  
Esthi Adityarini

Abstract— CV. Anak Teladan is a company engaged in the distribution of books, and supporting tools for kindergartens. As for the problems that occur in the current system that is for processing data on incoming goods, data on outgoing goods and stock of goods is still recorded in paper or book in accordance with receipts and travel documents from suppliers that contain several many incoming and outgoing goods to be sent to the customer. Data collection of inventory items is only recorded on a piece of paper and then copied back into the next book the office section that will copy into the computer, sometimes has difficulty in getting stock information, so the information provided is often not in accordance with the availability of the available items. The purpose of this study is to create a system of inventory information, which can manage incoming and outgoing goods and stock items. The information system that has been produced by this design can manage data entry and exit goods, inventory data. Intisari — CV. Anak Teladan merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dibidiang distributor buku, dan alat penunjang untuk Taman Kanak-kanak. Adapun masalah yang terjadi pada sistem yang telah berjalan saat ini yaitu untuk pengolahan data barang masuk, data barang keluar dan stok barang masih di catat ke dalam kertas atau buku sesuai dengan kwitansi dan surat jalan dari supplier yang berisi beberapa banyak barang masuk dan keluar untuk dikirim ke pelanggan. Pendataan persediaan stok barang hanya dicatat di selembar kertas kemudian di salin kembali ke dalam buku berikutnya bagian kantor yang akan menyalin ke dalam komputer, terkadang mengalami kesulitan dalam mendapatkan informasi stok barang, sehingga informasiyang diberikan sering tidak sesuai dengan kertersediaan barang yang ada. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membuat sistem informasi persedian barang, yang dapat mengelola barang masuk dan keluar serta stok barang. Sistem informasi yang telah dihasilkan perancangan ini dapat mengelola data barang masuk dan keluar, serta data stok barang.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 129
M. Noval Riswandha ◽  
Miftakhul Nuryuda

The author makes a special job stock information system (BKK) in STMIK YADIKA Bangil because the job search process for alumni students is currently running less effectively, alumni students should seek information to BKK officers, while BKK officers have to look for alumni data who have not got a job. Therefore, the authors make a special job market information system with recommendations using content based filtering method. Content based filtering method can be used to suggest job vacancy information in accordance with user profile or job seeker so as to facilitate the information search process.System of recommendation in the application of special job market is used to recommend the right job vacancy information for the alumni of the student.In this system expected alumni students Can receive job vacancy information properly and in accordance with the criteria it has

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