The anatomy of the opisthobranch genus Hydatina and the functioning of the mantle cavity and alimentary canal

1972 ◽  
Vol 51 (2) ◽  
pp. 121-139 ◽  
1961 ◽  
Vol s3-102 (57) ◽  
pp. 15-21

Adult specimens of Solemya parkinsoni Smith, embedded in mud at a depth of 50 cm or more, were collected near low water (spring tide). The animal burrows with the anterior end downwards and does not maintain an opening to the surface. An inhalant current is drawn into the mantle cavity anteriorly on each side of the foot, while an exhalant current leaves by the single, posteriorly situated aperture. This is probably a respiratory current, bottom material entering the mantle cavity as a result of the muscular activity of the mantle and foot. The course of the alimentary canal is described, and the problem of feeding and nutrition correlated with the extreme reduction of the gut exhibited by S.parkinsoni discussed. It is suggested that an initial breakdown of organic material may take place in the mantle cavity.

1942 ◽  
Vol s2-83 (331) ◽  
pp. 357-397 ◽  

1. The anatomy and histology of the alimentary canal, process of feeding, and physiology of digestion in Aplysia punctata have been investigated. 2. The food undergoes little trituration in the buccal cavity. The mode of action of the jaws and odontophore is adapted to the rapid intake of vegetable food. 3. The oesophagus and crop together form an anatomical and physiological unit. 4. Trituration occurs in the gizzard. The teeth are adapted to the trituration of plant material; this is of particular importance owing to the weak action of the cellulase. 5. Coarser particles of weed are retained by the teeth of the filter chamber and returned to the gizzard during the forward movement of the gut fluid. 6. The ciliary currents in the anterior intestine ensure that only food in a finely divided or fluid state is admitted to the stomach. Medium and larger sized particles are carried straight into the intestine. 7. Ciliary currents in the stomach are concerned with the removal of material rejected from the tubules of the digestive diverticula. This material is consolidated, cemented, and moulded into a faecal rod within the caecum, and conveyed by ciliary action to the intestine. 8. The intestine is concerned with the further consolidation and moulding of the complete faecal mass, and its propulsion (by combined ciliary and muscular action) to the rectum. 9. Mucus is secreted throughout the gut with the exception of the regions of the jaws, gizzard, and filter chamber. Enzymes are secreted in the salivary glands (amylase and protease) and in the digestive diverticula (carbohydrases, lipase, and proteases). Glands probably secreting a lubricant (other than mucus) occur in the epithelium of the lateral walls of the buccal cavity, and others, secreting a cementing substance, in the caecum and intestine. 10. Absorptive cells occupy the greater part of the epithelium of the digestive diverticula. They occur together with secretory, excretory, and storage cells. 11. Digestion occurs within the oesophagus and crop, gizzard, filter chamber, anterior intestine, stomach, and tubules of the digestive diverticula. The hydrogen ion concentration is here suitable for the action of the enzymes, and the gut fluid is kept in motion by the muscular activity of the walls. 12. A high pH exists in the lumen of the caecum, posterior intestine, and rectum, probably assisting in the consolidation of the faecal mass by increasing the viscosity of the mucus. 13. The presence of a highly efficient mechanism for the formation of the faeces is probably correlated with the poorly developed cleansing mechanism in the mantle cavity.

C. M. Yonge

SUMMARYNormal healthy oysters with openings drilled in both inhalent and exhalent chambers, remove considerable amounts of glucose from solution. The average diminution in 5 experiments, each consisting of two such animals kept in 4 litres of sea-water containing about 0-2% of glucose, was 8-17% at the end of 36 hours.In similar experiments, using the same oysters after their mouths had been plugged with wax and plasticine, there was only an average diminution of 1-4:6% in the glucose at the end of 36 hours. In two of the experiments there was no diminution, and in the three others there was evidence that one of the two oysters in each had been incompletely plugged and glucose had passed into the alimentary canal.Oysters which had been plugged for 8 days so that they were bleeding profusely, the mantle cavity containing vast numbers of leucocytes, were used for a third set of experiments in which the average diminution was 7-4% at the end of 36 hours.There was no evidence of bacterial decomposition of glucose within the experimental period.These results, taken with those of previous investigations, show that the ciliated epithelia of Lamellibranchs cannot absorb (nor ingest phagocytically). Absorption takes place in the tubules of the digestive diverticula within the alimentary canal, and, in the mantle cavity, only through the agency of phagocytes which are extruded in great numbers when Lamellibranchs bleed as a result of bad conditions.The opinion of Ranson that Marennin and other soluble matter is absorbed directly by the ciliated epithelia in the mantle cavity cannot be upheld, this material being deposited in the cells by the phagocytes which either absorb it directly from the mantle cavity and gut, or transport it from the digestive diverticula.

1976 ◽  
Vol 54 (4) ◽  
pp. 482-500 ◽  
Brian Morton

The Southeast Asian mangrove is inhabited by a number of bivalves one of which, Polymesoda (Geloina) erosa (Solander, 1786), is widely distributed; it occurs on the landward fringe, in fetid pools of water formed at the bases of the mangrove trees. It is covered only by spring tides and at other times is inundated by rainwater draining through the mangrove from the land. G. erosa can withstand long periods of exposure, during which time it can use subterranean water contained in the burrow. Any particles present in this water are taken into the mantle cavity via the pedal gape and so into the alimentary canal. This is an extreme adaptation to a semiterrestrial mode of life. Aerial respiration is also achieved via the mantle margin.The functional morphology of G. erosa is described and related to the animal's life in the mangrove. The morphological adaptations of Geloina are also compared with those of other bivalves, particularly the Dreissenacea to which the Corbiculacea are possibly closely related.

D. Atkins

The cyphonautes larva found in certain ectoproct Polyzoa is considered to be most probably a primitive larval form, which has been lost in viviparous species, the larvae of which are degenerate in varying degree and settle within a short time. The cyphonautes is truly planktonic and has a free swimming Life of some length—of 2 months according to Marcus (1940, p. 334)—and unlike the other known larvae of the group, has a functional alimentary canal. It obtains its food by maintaining a continuous current of water through the mantle cavity or vestibule, its ciliary mechanism being organized on a plan somewhat resembling that of bivalve molluscs, with an inhalant and an exhalant chamber with interposed ciliary ridges bearing current-producing and food-conveying cilia. As in lamellibranchs the organ creating the water and food currents is separated by a considerable interval from the mouth. In lamellibranchs this interval is bridged by the palps and the oral grooves; in the cyphonautes by the ciliated tract of the funnel. The cyphonautes being a larval form of probably archaic character its method of feeding is of particular interest.

Nancy R. Wallace ◽  
Craig C. Freudenrich ◽  
Karl Wilbur ◽  
Peter Ingram ◽  
Ann LeFurgey

The morphology of balanomorph barnacles during metamorphosis from the cyprid larval stage to the juvenile has been examined by light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The free-swimming cyprid attaches to a substrate, rotates 90° in the vertical plane, molts, and assumes the adult shape. The resulting metamorph is clad in soft cuticle and has an adult-like appearance with a mantle cavity, thorax with cirri, and incipient shell plates. At some time during the development from cyprid to juvenile, the barnacle begins to mineralize its shell, but it is not known whether calcification occurs before, during, or after ecdysis. To examine this issue, electron probe x-ray microanalysis (EPXMA) was used to detect calcium in cyprids and juveniles at various times during metamorphosis.Laboratory-raised, free-swimming cyprid larvae were allowed to settle on plastic coverslips in culture dishes of seawater. The cyprids were observed with a dissecting microscope, cryopreserved in liquid nitrogen-cooled liquid propane at various times (0-24 h) during metamorphosis, freeze dried, rotary carbon-coated, and examined with scanning electron microscopy (SEM). EPXMA dot maps were obtained in parallel for qualitative assessment of calcium and other elements in the carapace, wall, and opercular plates.

1910 ◽  
Vol 44 (522) ◽  
pp. 367-375
Roy L. Moodie

1959 ◽  
Vol 32 (4) ◽  
pp. 293-298 ◽  
M. K. K. Pillai ◽  
K. N. Saxena

2020 ◽  
pp. 1-15
Zhiwei Yuan ◽  
Wen Guo ◽  
Dan Lyu ◽  
Yuanlin Sun

Abstract The filter-feeding organ of some extinct brachiopods is supported by a skeletal apparatus called the brachidium. Although relatively well studied in Atrypida and Athyridida, the brachidial morphology is usually neglected in Spiriferida. To investigate the variations of brachidial morphology in Spiriferida, 65 species belonging to eight superfamilies were analyzed. Based on the presence/absence of the jugal processes and normal/modified primary lamellae of the spiralia, four types of brachidium are recognized. Type-I (with jugal processes) and Type-II (without jugal processes), both having normal primary lamellae, could give rise to each other by losing/re-evolving the jugal processes. Type-III, without jugal processes, originated from Type-II through evolution of the modified lateral-convex primary lamellae, and it subsequently gave rise to Type-IV by evolving the modified medial-convex primary lamellae. The evolution of brachidia within individual evolutionary lineages must be clarified because two or more types can be present within a single family. Type-III and Type-IV are closely associated with the prolongation of the crura, representing innovative modifications of the feeding apparatus in response to possible shift in the position of the mouth towards the anterior, allowing for more efficient feeding on particles entering the mantle cavity from the anterior gape. Meanwhile, the modified primary lamellae adjusted/regulated the feeding currents. The absence of spires in some taxa with Type-IV brachidium might suggest that they developed a similar lophophore to that in some extant brachiopods, which can extend out of the shell.

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