Organic matter availability structures microbial biomass and activity in a Mediterranean stream

2009 ◽  
Vol 54 (10) ◽  
pp. 2025-2036 ◽  
Agronomy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (7) ◽  
pp. 1386
Michael Stotter ◽  
Florian Wichern ◽  
Ralf Pude ◽  
Martin Hamer

Cultivation of Miscanthus x giganteus L. (Mis) with annual harvest of biomass could provide an additional C source for farmers. To test the potential of Mis-C for immobilizing inorganic N from slurry or manure and as a C source for soil organic matter build-up in comparison to wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) straw (WS), a greenhouse experiment was performed. Pot experiments with ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) were set up to investigate the N dynamics of two organic fertilisers based on Mis at Campus Klein-Altendorf, Germany. The two fertilisers, a mixture of cattle slurry and Mis as well as cattle manure from Mis-bedding material resulted in a slightly higher N immobilisation. Especially at the 1st and 2nd harvest, they were partly significantly different compared with the WS treatments. The fertilisers based on Mis resulted in a slightly higher microbial biomass C and microbial biomass N and thus can be identified as an additional C source to prevent nitrogen losses and for the build-up of soil organic matter (SOM) in the long-term.

1993 ◽  
Vol 73 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-50 ◽  
D. A. Angers ◽  
N. Bissonnette ◽  
A. Légère ◽  
N. Samson

Crop rotations and tillage practices can modify not only the total amount of organic matter (OM) in soils but also its composition. The objective of this study was to determine the changes in total organic C, microbial biomass C (MBC), carbohydrates and alkaline phosphatase activity induced by 4 yr of different rotation and tillage combinations on a Kamouraska clay in La Pocatière, Quebec. Two rotations (continuous barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) versus a 2-yr barley–red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) rotation) and three tillage treatments (moldboard plowing (MP), chisel plowing (CP) and no-tillage (NT)) were compared in a split-plot design. Total organic C was affected by the tillage treatments but not by the rotations. In the top soil layer (0–7.5 cm), NT and CP treatments had C contents 20% higher than the MP treatment. In the same soil layer, MBC averaged 300 mg C kg−1 in the MP treatment and up to 600 mg C kg−1 in the NT soil. Hot-water-extractable and acid-hydrolyzable carbohydrates were on average 40% greater under reduced tillage than under MP. Both carbohydrate fractions were also slightly larger in the rotation than in the soil under continuous barley. The ratios of MBC and carbohydrate C to total organic C suggested that there was a significant enrichment of the OM in labile forms as tillage intensity was reduced. Alkaline phosphatase activity was 50% higher under NT and 20% higher under CP treatments than under MP treatment and, on average, 15% larger in the rotation than in the continuous barley treatment. Overall, the management-induced differences were slightly greater in the top layer (0–7.5 cm) than in the lower layer of the Ap horizon (7.5–15 cm). All the properties measured were highly correlated with one another. They also showed significant temporal variations that were, in most cases, independent of the treatments. Four years of conservation tillage and, to a lesser extent, rotation with red clover resulted in greater OM in the top soil layer compared with the more intensive systems. This organic matter was enriched in labile forms. Key words: Soil management, soil quality, organic matter, carbohydrates, microbial biomass, phosphatase

2018 ◽  
Ye Huang ◽  
Bertrand Guenet ◽  
Philippe Ciais ◽  
Ivan A. Janssens ◽  
Jennifer L. Soong ◽  

Abstract. The role of soil microorganisms in regulating soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition is of primary importance in the carbon cycle, and in particular in the context of global change. Modelling soil microbial community dynamics to simulate its impact on soil gaseous carbon (C) emissions and nitrogen (N) mineralization at large spatial scales is a recent research field with the potential to improve predictions of SOM responses to global climate change. We here present a SOM model called ORCHIMIC whose input data that are consistent with those of global vegetation models. The model simulates decomposition of SOM by explicitly accounting for enzyme production and distinguishing three different microbial functional groups: fresh organic matter (FOM) specialists, SOM specialists, and generalists, while implicitly also accounting for microbes that do not produce extracellular enzymes, i.e. cheaters. This ORCHIMIC model and two other organic matter decomposition models, CENTURY (based on first order kinetics and representative for the structure of most current global soil carbon models) and PRIM (with FOM accelerating the decomposition rate of SOM) were calibrated to reproduce the observed respiration fluxes from FOM and SOM and their possible interactions from incubation experiments of Blagodatskaya et al. (2014). Among the three models, ORCHIMIC was the only one that captured well both the temporal dynamics of the respiratory fluxes and the magnitude of the priming effect observed during the incubation experiment. ORCHIMIC also reproduced well the temporal dynamics of microbial biomass. We then applied different idealized changes to the model input data, i.e. a 5 K stepwise increase of temperature and/or a doubling of plant litter inputs. Under 5 K warming, ORCHIMIC predicted a 0.002 K−1 decrease in the C use efficiency (defined as the ratio of C allocated to microbial growth to the sum of C allocated to growth and respiration) and a 3 % loss of SOC. Under the double litter input scenario, ORCHIMIC predicted a doubling of microbial biomass, while SOC stock increased by less than 1 % due to the priming effect. This limited increase in SOC stock contrasted with the proportional increase in SOC stock as modelled by the conventional SOC decomposition model (CENTURY), which cannot reproduce the priming effect. If temperature increased by 5 K and litter input is doubled, the model predicted almost the same loss of SOC as when only temperature was increased. These tests suggest that the responses of SOC stock to warming and increasing input may differ a lot from those simulated by conventional SOC decomposition models, when microbial dynamics is included. The next step is to incorporate the ORCHIMIC model into a global vegetation model to perform simulations for representative sites and future scenarios.

1998 ◽  
Vol 30 (10-11) ◽  
pp. 1309-1315 ◽  
B. Grisi ◽  
C. Grace ◽  
P.C. Brookes ◽  
A. Benedetti ◽  
M.T. Dell'abate

Soil Research ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 49 (4) ◽  
pp. 287 ◽  
V. Gonzalez-Quiñones ◽  
E. A. Stockdale ◽  
N. C. Banning ◽  
F. C. Hoyle ◽  
Y. Sawada ◽  

Since 1970, measurement of the soil microbial biomass (SMB) has been widely adopted as a relatively simple means of assessing the impact of environmental and anthropogenic change on soil microorganisms. The SMB is living and dynamic, and its activity is responsible for the regulation of organic matter transformations and associated energy and nutrient cycling in soil. At a gross level, an increase in SMB is considered beneficial, while a decline in SMB may be considered detrimental if this leads to a decline in biological function. However, absolute SMB values are more difficult to interpret. Target or reference values of SMB are needed for soil quality assessments and to allow ameliorative action to be taken at an appropriate time. However, critical values have not yet been successfully identified for SMB. This paper provides a conceptual framework which outlines how SMB values could be interpreted and measured, with examples provided within an Australian context.

Geoderma ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 301 ◽  
pp. 19-29 ◽  
Fabián Moreno-Barriga ◽  
Vicente Díaz ◽  
José A. Acosta ◽  
M. Ángeles Muñoz ◽  
Ángel Faz ◽  

2015 ◽  
Vol 8 (10) ◽  
pp. 3441-3470 ◽  
J. A. Bradley ◽  
A. M. Anesio ◽  
J. S. Singarayer ◽  
M. R. Heath ◽  
S. Arndt

Abstract. SHIMMER (Soil biogeocHemIcal Model for Microbial Ecosystem Response) is a new numerical modelling framework designed to simulate microbial dynamics and biogeochemical cycling during initial ecosystem development in glacier forefield soils. However, it is also transferable to other extreme ecosystem types (such as desert soils or the surface of glaciers). The rationale for model development arises from decades of empirical observations in glacier forefields, and enables a quantitative and process focussed approach. Here, we provide a detailed description of SHIMMER, test its performance in two case study forefields: the Damma Glacier (Switzerland) and the Athabasca Glacier (Canada) and analyse sensitivity to identify the most sensitive and unconstrained model parameters. Results show that the accumulation of microbial biomass is highly dependent on variation in microbial growth and death rate constants, Q10 values, the active fraction of microbial biomass and the reactivity of organic matter. The model correctly predicts the rapid accumulation of microbial biomass observed during the initial stages of succession in the forefields of both the case study systems. Primary production is responsible for the initial build-up of labile substrate that subsequently supports heterotrophic growth. However, allochthonous contributions of organic matter, and nitrogen fixation, are important in sustaining this productivity. The development and application of SHIMMER also highlights aspects of these systems that require further empirical research: quantifying nutrient budgets and biogeochemical rates, exploring seasonality and microbial growth and cell death. This will lead to increased understanding of how glacier forefields contribute to global biogeochemical cycling and climate under future ice retreat.

M.A. Chaso ◽  
T. Manso ◽  
F.J. Giráldez ◽  
A.R. Mantecón

The provision of grain supplements to ruminants provide extra fermentable organic matter for the rumen microbial biomass, but often results in a lower whole efficient of ruminal digestion (Obaraet al., 1991; Weakleyet al., 1983). The present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of different basal diets on rumen degradability of several feedstuffs.Ruminal digestion of three feedstuffs - soybean meal (SBM), lucerne hay (LH) and barley straw (BS) - was determined byin saccomethod according a 2 × 3 factorial design defined by 2 basal diets - lucerne hay (H) or lucerne hay plus barley (40:60; HB) - and three churra ewes fitted with ruminal cannula.

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