Impact of mode of delivery on levator morphology: a prospective observational study with three-dimensional ultrasound early in the postpartum period

SB Albrich ◽  
RM Laterza ◽  
C Skala ◽  
S Salvatore ◽  
H Koelbl ◽  
2020 ◽  
Barbara Baranowska ◽  
Anna Kajdy ◽  
Iwona Kiersnowska ◽  
Dorota Sys ◽  
Urszula Tataj-Puzyna ◽  

Abstract BackgroundThere is not enough data regarding practices and protocols that healthcare personnel follow and the amount of oxytocin that women receive during labour. Empirical evidence indicates that compliance with the guidelines improves the quality of healthcare and reduces adverse effects. The aim of the study was to evaluate oxytocin supply practices of oxytocin for labour induction and augmentation in Polish maternity units.MethodsThe article presents a prospective observational study. Data collection took place in two selected maternity units between January 15 and July 31, 2019 (n=545). Inclusion criteria were women in term pregnancies, undergoing oxytocin induction or augmentation of labour. Exclusion criteria were women who were in preterm labour, aged less than 18 years, and women whose baby was known to have a malformation. ResultsThe average total amount of oxytocin administrated to women before birth was 7,329µg following labour induction and 3.952µg following labour augmentation. The actual administration of oxytocin deviated both from the unit and national guidelines in 93,6% of all observed labours. We found no statistically significant correlation between the amount of oxytocin administered and mode of delivery, immediate postpartum blood loss or Apgar scores. There was no observed effect of total oxytocin on short-term perinatal outcomes. Hospitals with similar protocols did not differ significantly in terms of total oxytocin amount, induction to stimulation ratio—the only observed difference was the mode of delivery. ConclusionsThere is a need for a thorough analysis to find out the reasons for the observed discrepancies between protocols and practice.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. 295-300
Vidyashree Ganesh Poojari ◽  
Akhila Vasudeva ◽  
Vidya Sudha

Background: Mother-infant bonding has tremendous implications for the child's future development. The difficulties that some mothers have in establishing an emotional bond with their newborns often referred to as impaired bonding or bonding failure are an essential focus in the postpartum period. Therefore, it is important to identify predictive factors for bonding failure and to intervene at an early stage for the better mental health care of mothers as well as infant. Objective: To determine the effect of various modes of delivery on the mother-infant bonding. Methods: Prospective observational study performed on low-risk singleton pregnancy who delivered at term. Mother-to-Infant Bonding Scale (MIBS; Taylor et al., 2005), a validated self-report test was used to measure mother's feelings towards her baby within three days of delivery and at the end of six weeks postpartum period. Total score ranges from 0 to 24. A total MIBS score of ≥ 2 is established as cut-off indicating “poor bonding”. MIBS score of 0 and 1 is considered as “good bonding”. The mean bonding score among the 3 groups was compared. Results: Elective cesarean delivery group had 112 participants, 115 were Emergency cesarean group and 107 were vaginal delivery group. Immediately after the delivery (MIBS 1), the proportion of women with poor bonding among Emergency cesarean group was 34.8% when compared to proportion of women with poor bonding among Elective cesarean (11.6%) and Vaginal delivery (13%). This was statistically significant (p-value 0.01). When we followed up these mothers at 6 weeks post-partum checkup, the MIBS scoring (MIBS-2) consistently improved among the three groups. However, proportion of women with poor bonding still remained high at 16.5% among the Emergency cesarean group. Conclusion: Mode of delivery has a significant impact on MIBS. In this study, unplanned cesarean delivery was associated with a high incidence of poor mother to infant bonding. Poor bonding was commoner in this group even at 6 weeks post-partum, compared to those undergoing a successful vaginal delivery and a planned elective cesarean delivery.

Kalpna Kulshrestha ◽  
Debbarma Sukla ◽  
Kalpana Verma

Introduction: The umbilical cord is the vital extension of the fetal circulatory system which regulates blood flow in both directions, thus allowing mother-child communications viz., immunological, oxygenation, fetal nutrition, cardiac function. Umbilical cord abnormalities are associated with the adverse maternal and perinatal outcome.. Aim: To assess prevalence of various umbilical cord abnormalities and its association with maternal complications and perinatal outcome. Materials and Methods: This prospective observational study was conducted at Saraswathi Institute of Medical Sciences Pilkhuwa, Hapur, Uttar Pradesh, India from June 2019 till March 2020. The approval for the study was taken from the Institutional Ethical Committee. Total number of deliveries during this period were 1284. After satisfying exclusion criteria, total 600 deliveries of more than 37 weeks of gestation were included in the study at random. Examination of cord was done during delivery for presence of loops of cord around the neck or body, any knots, true or false. After the delivery, the cord was clamped 5 cm from the fetal end and the total length was measured from the cut end till the placental insertion site, and 5 cm added therein. Umbilical cord was examined for any abnormalities and numbers of coils recorded and Umbilical Coiling Index (UCI) measured. Apgar score and NICU admissions noted. Results: Out of 600 patients, umbilical cord abnormalities were seen in 194 (32.33%) patients, while in 406 (67.67%) no abnormality was detected. The mode of delivery was vaginal in 441 cases (73.5%) while 159 (26.5%) had Lower Segment Cesarian Section (LSCS). Out of 194 cases with umbilical cord abnormality, 89 (45.87%) had LSCS and out of 406 cases with no cord abnormality, only 70 cases (17.24%) had LSCS (p-value<0.0001). Mean UCI was 0.25±0.09. Total 269(44.83%) had maternal complications and 143 cases (53.16%) had umbilical cord abnormalities. While 126 (46.84%) cases with maternal complications did not show any cord abnormality. Apgar score of <7 at one minute was seen in 43 cases (22.16%) and 23 (11.86%) were admitted in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) with umbilical cord abnormality. Conclusion: The umbilical cord abnormalities were associated with the adverse maternal and perinatal outcome and increased rate of LSCS (p-value <0.0001). The study shows the importance of knowledge of cord abnormalities. The cord abnormality should be looked for after each delivery, with the aim to reduce perinatal morbidity.

Shreedevi Kori ◽  
Dayanand Biradar ◽  
Aruna Biradar ◽  
Rajasri Yaliwal ◽  
Subhashchandra R. Mudanur ◽  

Background: Prolonged pregnancy is one that exceeds 42 0/7weeks. Management of prolonged pregnancy is very challenging in modern obstetrics.Methods: It is prospective observational study in department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Shri B.M Patil medical college and Research center, deemed to be University, Vijayapur, North karnataka. Study period was from January 2018 to January 2019.Results: Total of 186 pregnant women were included in the study. Results in terms of age, gravidity, gestational age, time of induction, mode of delivery, neonatal outcome and maternal complications.Conclusion: Pregnancies beyond 40 weeks require early detection, effective fetal monitoring and proper planning of labour. In pregnancies beyond 40 weeks, decision of induction should be taken cautiously as early induction leads to failure of induction and increased rates of lower (uterine) segment Caesarean section (LSCS), while delayed induction leads to increased fetal complications.

Soad Ajroud ◽  
Raga A. Elzahaf ◽  
Fawzia A. G. Arhaiam

Background: Vaginal birth after caesarean section is one strategy that has been developed to decrease the rate of caesarean section.Methods: The prospective observational study was carried out over a period of 01 January 2017 to 31 December 2018 years. VBAC was routinely offered at Al-Wahda hospital Derna to women fulfilling the criteria for trial of scar, according to the hospital protocol.Results: A total of 5018 deliveries took place in the study duration, there were 1039 (20.7%) had previous one caesarean section, out of which 319 (30.7%) were the number of underwent repeat caesarean section and 720 (69.3%) were the number of VBAC. The indications for emergency repeat caesarean section at Al-Wahda hospital was (29.3%) malpresentation, (24.45%) FD, (13.47) postdate, (11.59) obstracted lab and abruptiopl (5.95%). Anemia and difficult intubation were observed in repeated caesarean section.Conclusions: This study concluded that there is a high chance of success in a trial of labor. These findings might help clinicians and women in the decision-making for the mode of delivery when it comes to pregnancy with a previous caesarean section. Women are explained about the option of trial of scar and told about the risk associated with a repeat CS, so many CSs can be avoided.  

Veeramma . ◽  
Puneeta Mahajan

Background: The incidence of caesarean section is on the rise and has increased 2-3 folds from the initial rate of 10% during the last decade.  The objective of the present study was to compare maternal outcomes in successful and failed trial of labour in women with previous one LSCS.Methods: This prospective observational study was carried out in Department of obstetrics & Gynaecology, Sanjay Gandhi memorial Hospital, New Delhi during 2015-2016 and included 150 gravid women with previous LSCS.   The study was undertaken during March 2015 to May 2016. The ethical committee approval for the study has been taken.Results: out of 150 patients who had given a trial of labour, 64.7% (97) underwent successful VBAC and 35.3 %( 53) underwent emergency repeat LSCS. Majority of cases 59.3% were in age group <25 years followed by 36.7% in age group of 25-30 years. Most of the cases are para one 72.7% and remaining are multipara (27.3%). LSCS group: 83% para1 and 17% are multipara. VBAC group: 67.01 % para 1 and 32.9% multipara. There is no significant statistical difference between parity and mode of delivery. (p=0.591). Majority of cases 52.7% were in between 37-39 weeks and 47.3% cases were in between 39-42 weeks. Majority cases 89.3% had Bishop’s score 4-6 and 10.7% had Bishops score >6.Conclusions: This study reveals that successful VBAC rate was 64.7% and 35.3% emergency repeat caesarean section.

Jothi Sundaram ◽  
Divya Vinoth ◽  
Malathi Sriram

Background: In a well-equipped hospital, trial of vaginal delivery is done in selected cases of previous C-section (CS). Epidural analgesia administration has been proved to be good adjunct in trial of labor after caesarean (TOLAC).Methods: This study is a prospective observational study done in a tertiary care institution in Tamil Nadu from May 2019 to July 2019. 50 cases with previous history of one CS were selected. Single ton pregnancy, previous transverse lower segment cesarean section admitted cases with adequate pelvis with no other co-morbidities were selected. Epidural analgesia was administered once mother was in established labor. TOLAC was continued till satisfactory progress and emergency repeat caesarean was taken in case of Suspected scar dehiscence (SSD) or abnormal fetal heart rate tracings. Quantitative data was expressed in mean and standard deviation. For qualitative data percentage was used.Results: In 50 cases observed the mean age of the cases was 26±3.64 years. TOLAC was successful in 41 (82%) mothers out of 50. The mode of delivery in 41 TOLAC mothers was found to be forceps in 18 cases (36%) and ventouse delivery 18 cases (36%). Only 9 cases had needed emergency CS (18%). The major indication for CS in TOLAC was found to be fetal distress in 4 number of cases (8%). 43 babies delivered were healthy, 6 babies (12%) admitted in NICU.Conclusions: With the application of epidural analgesia on attempted vaginal delivery in previous cesarean, vaginal delivery was 82% cases.

Rashmi Kumar Karning ◽  
Bhanu B. T. ◽  
. Sarojini

Background: Breech presentation is the commonest malpresentation with the incidence of 3-4% at term. This study was done with the objective of studying the mode of delivery in breech presentation and to compare the maternal and fetal outcome in patients delivered vaginally to those delivered by cesarean section.Methods: This prospective observational study was conducted in Vanivilas Hospital, affiliated to Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute, from June 2014 to May 2015. The study group included 509 patients with breech presentation who were studied with respect to their gestational age, birth weight, type of breech, mode of delivery, maternal and perinatal outcome.Results: The incidence of breech presentation was 2.92% (509) among 17454 total deliveries with the incidence of 3.17% in primi and 2.73% in multies. 193 (38%) patients had vaginal breech delivery and 316 (62%) delivered by LSCS. Apgar score of less than 7 at 1 minute was seen with 21.42% of vaginally delivered fetuses and 9.09% of fetuses delivered by cesarean section. The perinatal mortality was 1.6% (8 cases) in vaginal group 0.8% (4 cases) in LSCS group. The short term maternal complications in LSCS group was 7.62% and in vaginal delivery group was 3.09%.Conclusions: The short term maternal morbidity is higher in patients with cesarean section compared to those with vaginal breech delivery. Perinatal outcome is better in babies delivered by cesarean section. Still vaginal breech delivery can be an option for breech babies with proper selection and when conducted by a skilled obstetrician.

Neeta Singh ◽  
Anshu Yadav ◽  
Perumal Vanamail ◽  
Sunesh Kumar ◽  
Kallol K. Roy ◽  

Background: Objective of present study was to evaluate the role of three dimensional (3D) endometrial volume measurement on the day of hCG trigger in predicting the endometrial receptivity. The present study is a prospective observational study conducted at assisted reproductive centre of a tertiary care hospital.Methods: Endometrial volume was evaluated by three-dimensional ultrasound in 90 patients undergoing first cycle of IVF on hCG trigger day and was correlated with endometrial receptivity.Results: Out of 90 patients studied 12 patients achieved pregnancy. A significant difference was found in mean endometrial volume on hCG trigger day among pregnant (5.33±2.14 cm3) women compared to non-pregnant women (4.17±1.72cm3). Using Receiver operating characteristics (ROC) analysis the cutoff value for endometrial volume on hCG trigger day was 3.50 cm3 corresponding to sensitivity 75% and specificity 37.2%. Conclusions: The endometrial volume on hCG trigger day was significantly higher in pregnant women as compared to non-pregnant.

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