Fine structure of hippocampal mossy fiber synapses following rapid high-pressure freezing

Epilepsia ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 53 ◽  
pp. 4-8 ◽  
Shanting Zhao ◽  
Daniel Studer ◽  
Werner Graber ◽  
Sigrun Nestel ◽  
Michael Frotscher
2004 ◽  
Vol 52 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-12 ◽  
Philippe Rostaing ◽  
Robby M. Weimer ◽  
Erik M. Jorgensen ◽  
Antoine Triller ◽  
Jean-Louis Bessereau

2012 ◽  
Vol 520 (11) ◽  
pp. 2340-2351 ◽  
Shanting Zhao ◽  
Daniel Studer ◽  
Xuejun Chai ◽  
Werner Graber ◽  
Nils Brose ◽  

Marek Malecki ◽  
James Pawley ◽  
Hans Ris

The ultrastructure of cells suspended in physiological fluids or cell culture media can only be studied if the living processes are stopped while the cells remain in suspension. Attachment of living cells to carrier surfaces to facilitate further processing for electron microscopy produces a rapid reorganization of cell structure eradicating most traces of the structures present when the cells were in suspension. The structure of cells in suspension can be immobilized by either chemical fixation or, much faster, by rapid freezing (cryo-immobilization). The fixation speed is particularly important in studies of cell surface reorganization over time. High pressure freezing provides conditions where specimens up to 500μm thick can be frozen in milliseconds without ice crystal damage. This volume is sufficient for cells to remain in suspension until frozen. However, special procedures are needed to assure that the unattached cells are not lost during subsequent processing for LVSEM or HVEM using freeze-substitution or freeze drying. We recently developed such a procedure.

R.E. Crang ◽  
M. Mueller ◽  
K. Zierold

Obtaining frozen-hydrated sections of plant tissues for electron microscopy and microanalysis has been considered difficult, if not impossible, due primarily to the considerable depth of effective freezing in the tissues which would be required. The greatest depth of vitreous freezing is generally considered to be only 15-20 μm in animal specimens. Plant cells are often much larger in diameter and, if several cells are required to be intact, ice crystal damage can be expected to be so severe as to prevent successful cryoultramicrotomy. The very nature of cell walls, intercellular air spaces, irregular topography, and large vacuoles often make it impractical to use immersion, metal-mirror, or jet freezing techniques for botanical material.However, it has been proposed that high-pressure freezing (HPF) may offer an alternative to the more conventional freezing techniques, inasmuch as non-cryoprotected specimens may be frozen in a vitreous, or near-vitreous state, to a radial depth of at least 0.5 mm.

William P. Sharp ◽  
Robert W. Roberson

The aim of ultrastructural investigation is to analyze cell architecture and relate a functional role(s) to cell components. It is known that aqueous chemical fixation requires seconds to minutes to penetrate and stabilize cell structure which may result in structural artifacts. The use of ultralow temperatures to fix and prepare specimens, however, leads to a much improved preservation of the cell’s living state. A critical limitation of conventional cryofixation methods (i.e., propane-jet freezing, cold-metal slamming, plunge-freezing) is that only a 10 to 40 μm thick surface layer of cells can be frozen without distorting ice crystal formation. This problem can be allayed by freezing samples under about 2100 bar of hydrostatic pressure which suppresses the formation of ice nuclei and their rate of growth. Thus, 0.6 mm thick samples with a total volume of 1 mm3 can be frozen without ice crystal damage. The purpose of this study is to describe the cellular details and identify potential artifacts in root tissue of barley (Hordeum vulgari L.) and leaf tissue of brome grass (Bromus mollis L.) fixed and prepared by high-pressure freezing (HPF) and freeze substitution (FS) techniques.

Robert W. Roberson

The use of cryo-techniques for the preparation of biological specimens in electron microscopy has led to superior preservation of ultrastructural detail. Although these techniques have obvious advantages, a critical limitation is that only 10-40 μm thick cells and tissue layers can be frozen without the formation of distorting ice crystals. However, thicker samples (600 μm) may be frozen well by rapid freezing under high-pressure (2,100 bar). To date, most work using cryo-techniques on fungi have been confined to examining small, thin-walled structures. High-pressure freezing and freeze substitution are used here to analysis pre-germination stages of specialized, sexual spores (teliospores) of the plant pathogenic fungus Gymnosporangium clavipes C & P.Dormant teliospores were incubated in drops of water at room temperature (25°C) to break dormancy and stimulate germination. Spores were collected at approximately 30 min intervals after hydration so that early cytological changes associated with spore germination could be monitored. Prior to high-pressure freezing, the samples were incubated for 5-10 min in a 20% dextran solution for added cryoprotection during freezing. Forty to 50 spores were placed in specimen cups and holders and immediately frozen at high pressure using the Balzers HPM 010 apparatus.

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