Planetary wave activity in the equatorial mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) during anomalous QBO disruption in 2015-16

Bhagavathiammal Ganesan Jaya ◽  
Toshitaka Tsuda
2010 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 267-276 ◽  
S. M. I. Azeem ◽  
E. R. Talaat ◽  
G. G. Sivjee ◽  
J.-H. Yee

Abstract. We present kinetic temperatures at ~87 km and ~94 km altitudes inferred from OH (6,2) and O2 At(0,1) airglow observations, respectively, at South Pole (90° S), Antarctica in the austral winter of 2002. These OH and O2 rotational temperatures measurements show mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) temperature anomalies prior to the 2002 Southern Hemisphere Sudden Stratospheric Warming (SSW) . In this paper we focus on the first of the three minor stratospheric warmings which preceded the major SSW event. Temperature anomalies observed in the MLT region show sudden cooling (ΔT=~30 K) in OH temperatures accompanied by warming (ΔT=~15 K) in O2 temperatures preceding the onset of SSW event by about three to four weeks. This shallow vertical extent of mesospheric cooling is in agreement with the numerical simulation of Coy et al. (2005), however, the model cooling was centered well below the mesopause level. The other observed feature of the South Pole MLT temperature dataset is the intensification of planetary wave activity prior to the onset of SSW event. Fourier analyses of both OH and O2 temperatures show amplification of planetary wave activity in the 5–10 day range prior to the onset of SSW. The timing of wave amplification seen in the wave spectra coincides with the peak in OH and O2 temperature anomalies.

2006 ◽  
Vol 24 (4) ◽  
pp. 1175-1188 ◽  
E. Becker ◽  
D. C. Fritts

Abstract. We present new sensitivity experiments that link observed anomalies of the mesosphere and lower thermosphere at high latitudes during the MaCWAVE/MIDAS summer program 2002 to enhanced planetary Rossby-wave activity in the austral winter troposphere. We employ the same general concept of a GCM having simplified representations of radiative and latent heating as in a previous study by Becker et al. (2004). In the present version, however, the model includes no gravity wave (GW) parameterization. Instead we employ a high vertical and a moderate horizontal resolution in order to describe GW effects explicitly. This is supported by advanced, nonlinear momentum diffusion schemes that allow for a self-consistent generation of inertia and mid-frequency GWs in the lower atmosphere, their vertical propagation into the mesosphere and lower thermosphere, and their subsequent dissipation which is induced by prescribed horizontal and vertical mixing lengths as functions of height. The main anomalies in northern summer 2002 consist of higher temperatures than usual above 82 km, an anomalous eastward mean zonal wind between 70 and 90 km, an altered meridional flow, enhanced turbulent dissipation below 80 km, and enhanced temperature variations associated with GWs. These signals are all reasonably described by differences between two long-integration perpetual model runs, one with normal July conditions, and another run with modified latent heating in the tropics and Southern Hemisphere to mimic conditions that correspond to the unusual austral winter 2002. The model response to the enhanced winter hemisphere Rossby-wave activity has resulted in both an interhemispheric coupling through a downward shift of the GW-driven branch of the residual circulation and an increased GW activity at high summer latitudes. Thus a quantitative explanation of the dynamical state of the northern mesosphere and lower thermosphere during June-August 2002 requires an enhanced Lorenz energy cycle and correspondingly enhanced GW sources in the troposphere, which in the model show up in both hemispheres.

2021 ◽  
Shaun M Dempsey ◽  
Neil Hindley ◽  
Tracy Moffat-Griffin ◽  
Corwin Wright ◽  
Anne Smith ◽  

<p>Tides are crucially important to the dynamics of the MLT. Therefore, models which aim to span the whole atmosphere must be capable of reproducing these tides, making observations of tides vital to constrain model development. Here, we present a novel climatology of 12- and 24-hour tides, measured at heights of 80–100 km by a meteor radar over the Rothera Station, Antarctica (68°S, 68°W). We use these observations to test two GCMs: WACCM and eCMAM (the latter 24-hr only). Our observations reveal large-amplitude tides with strong seasonal variability. The 12-hour tide maximises around the equinoxes and the smaller-amplitude 24-hour tide maximises in summer.<span>  </span>WACCM reproduces 12-hour tidal amplitudes at 80 km well, but not their increase with height or equinoctial maxima, and reproduces the observed small variation in 24-hr tidal amplitude with height well but with anomalously-large amplitudes. eCMAM reproduces observed 24-hr tidal amplitudes and their small variation with height. Our observations also reveal sizeable day-to-day variability in tidal amplitude at planetary wave periods, which we suggest originates from non-linear tidal/planetary-wave coupling. Furthermore, we see notable differences between observed and model background winds which are not reproduced in the models; we propose these differences may arise from the lack of in-situ gravity-wave sources in the models.</p>

2009 ◽  
Vol 9 (6) ◽  
pp. 25213-25243
K. A. Day ◽  
N. J. Mitchell

Abstract. The 16-day planetary wave in the polar mesosphere and lower thermosphere has been investigated using meteor radars at Esrange (68° N, 21° E) in the Arctic and Rothera (68° S, 68° W) in the Antarctic. The measurements span the 10-year interval from October 1999 to July 2009 and the 5-year interval February 2005 to July 2009, respectively. The height range covered is about 80–100 km. The wave is seen to occur in intermittent bursts, where wave amplitudes typically reach a maximum of about 10 m s−1, and never more than about 20 m s−1. Horizontal wind variance within a wave-period range of 12 to 20 days is used as a proxy for the activity of the 16-day wave. Wave activity is strong for 3 to 4 months in winter, where it is present across the entire height range observed and monthly wave variance reaches about 65 m2 s−2. Some weak and intermittent activity is observed throughout the other seasons including summer. However, there is a high degree of inter-annual variability and in some individual years wave activity is almost absent. The data are used to construct a representative climatology for the Arctic and Antarctic. The seasonal cycle of the 16-day wave is found to be very similar in both polar regions. The 16-day wave has slightly greater amplitudes in the zonal component of the winds than in the meridional. Mesospheric temperatures measured by the radars were used to further investigate the 16-day wave. The temperatures reveal a clear signature of the 16-day wave. Temperature amplitudes are generally only a few Kelvin but occasional bursts of up to 10 K have been observed. Observations of the wave in summer are sometimes consistent with the suggestion of ducting from the winter hemisphere.

2020 ◽  
Sheng-Yang Gu

<p>Tidal and planetary waves (PWs) in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere region could have significant impact on the upper thermosphere/ionosphere system through direct propagations, E region wind dynamo, and the change of residual circulations. We would like to show some results from BeiDou and COSMIC observations, as well as TIME-GCM simulations, to illustrate the lower/upper atmospheric couplings through different mechanisms. Generally, the spatial structures of the ionospheric responses to planetary waves agree with the ionospheric fountain effect, which indicates the important roles of equatorial wind dynamos in transmitting planetary wave signals to the ionosphere. The TIME-GCM simulations show that the zonal and meridional components of the planetary waves could result in evident vertical ion drift perturbations, while the net ionospheric effect is related to both their latitudinal structures and phases. The simulations also show that the change of tidal amplitudes and secondary PWs generated by PW-tide interaction are also important to the ionospheric variabilities. Besides, the couplings through PW-induced residual circulations are exhibited by both model simulations and TEC observations from BeiDou satellite system.</p>

1999 ◽  
Vol 17 (11) ◽  
pp. 1447-1456 ◽  
N. J. Mitchell ◽  
H. R. Middleton ◽  
A. G. Beard ◽  
P. J. S. Williams ◽  
H. G. Muller

Abstract. A meteor radar located at Sheffield in the UK has been used to measure wind oscillations with periods in the range 10–28 days in the mesosphere/lower-thermosphere region at 53.5°N, 3.9°W from January 1990 to August 1994. The data reveal a motion field in which wave activity occurs over a range of frequencies and in episodes generally lasting for less than two months. A seasonal cycle is apparent in which the largest observed amplitudes are as high as 14 ms–1 and are observed from January to mid-April. A minimum in activity occurs in late June to early July. A second, smaller, maximum follows in late summer/autumn where amplitudes reach up to 7–10 ms–1. Considerable interannual variability is apparent but wave activity is observed in the summers of all the years examined, albeit at very small amplitudes near mid summer. This behaviour suggests that the equatorial winds in the mesopause region do not completely prevent inter-hemispheric ducting of the wave from the winter hemisphere, or that it is generated in situ.Key words. Meteorology and atmospheric dynamics (middle atmosphere dynamics; thermospheric dynamics; waves and tides)

2006 ◽  
Vol 24 (4) ◽  
pp. 1159-1173 ◽  
R. A. Goldberg ◽  
D. C. Fritts ◽  
F. J. Schmidlin ◽  
B. P. Williams ◽  
C. L. Croskey ◽  

Abstract. MaCWAVE (Mountain and Convective Waves Ascending VErtically) was a highly coordinated rocket, ground-based, and satellite program designed to address gravity wave forcing of the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT). The MaCWAVE program was conducted at the Norwegian Andøya Rocket Range (ARR, 69.3° N) in July 2002, and continued at the Swedish Rocket Range (Esrange, 67.9° N) during January 2003. Correlative instrumentation included the ALOMAR MF and MST radars and RMR and Na lidars, Esrange MST and meteor radars and RMR lidar, radiosondes, and TIMED (Thermosphere Ionosphere Mesosphere Energetics and Dynamics) satellite measurements of thermal structures. The data have been used to define both the mean fields and the wave field structures and turbulence generation leading to forcing of the large-scale flow. In summer, launch sequences coupled with ground-based measurements at ARR addressed the forcing of the summer mesopause environment by anticipated convective and shear generated gravity waves. These motions were measured with two 12-h rocket sequences, each involving one Terrier-Orion payload accompanied by a mix of MET rockets, all at ARR in Norway. The MET rockets were used to define the temperature and wind structure of the stratosphere and mesosphere. The Terrier-Orions were designed to measure small-scale plasma fluctuations and turbulence that might be induced by wave breaking in the mesosphere. For the summer series, three European MIDAS (Middle Atmosphere Dynamics and Structure) rockets were also launched from ARR in coordination with the MaCWAVE payloads. These were designed to measure plasma and neutral turbulence within the MLT. The summer program exhibited a number of indications of significant departures of the mean wind and temperature structures from ``normal" polar summer conditions, including an unusually warm mesopause and a slowing of the formation of polar mesospheric summer echoes (PMSE) and noctilucent clouds (NLC). This was suggested to be due to enhanced planetary wave activity in the Southern Hemisphere and a surprising degree of inter-hemispheric coupling. The winter program was designed to study the upward propagation and penetration of mountain waves from northern Scandinavia into the MLT at a site favored for such penetration. As the major response was expected to be downstream (east) of Norway, these motions were measured with similar rocket sequences to those used in the summer campaign, but this time at Esrange. However, a major polar stratospheric warming just prior to the rocket launch window induced small or reversed stratospheric zonal winds, which prevented mountain wave penetration into the mesosphere. Instead, mountain waves encountered critical levels at lower altitudes and the observed wave structure in the mesosphere originated from other sources. For example, a large-amplitude semidiurnal tide was observed in the mesosphere on 28 and 29 January, and appears to have contributed to significant instability and small-scale structures at higher altitudes. The resulting energy deposition was found to be competitive with summertime values. Hence, our MaCWAVE measurements as a whole are the first to characterize influences in the MLT region of planetary wave activity and related stratospheric warmings during both winter and summer.

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