scholarly journals U.S. Case Report of Cerebral Phaeohyphomycosis Caused by Ramichloridium obovoideum (R. mackenziei): Criteria for Identification, Therapy, and Review of Other Known Dematiaceous Neurotropic Taxa

1998 ◽  
Vol 36 (3) ◽  
pp. 708-715 ◽  
Deanna A. Sutton ◽  
Malcolm Slifkin ◽  
Robert Yakulis ◽  
Michael G. Rinaldi

We report a case of cerebral phaeohyphomycosis in a 36-year-old male caused by the neurotropic fungus Ramichloridium obovoideum (Matushima) de Hoog 1977 (Ramichloridium mackenziei Campbell et Al-Hedaithy 1993). This man resided in the Middle East, where the fungus appears to be endemic and, possibly, geographically restricted, since all previous reports of brain abscesses due to this organism have been for patients indigenous to this area. As a servant of the Saudi Arabian royal family, he appeared in the United States seeking treatment for chronic weight loss, fatigue, decreased memory, and a more recent 2-week history of right-hand weakness which worsened to involve the entire right upper extremity. On the day prior to his admission, he had a focal motor seizure with rotation of the head and eyes to the right, followed by secondary generalization. A computerized tomogram showed a ring-enhancing hypodense lesion in the left parietal subcortical region with associated edema and mass effect. Diagnosis of a fungal etiology was made following a parietal craniotomy and excisional biopsy by observation of septate, dematiaceous hyphal elements 2 to 3 μm in width on hematoxylin-and-eosin-stained sections from within areas of inflammation and necrosis. Culture of the excised material grew out a dematiaceous mould which was subsequently identified as R. obovoideum. At two months postsurgery and with a regimen of 200 mg of itraconazole twice a day, the patient was doing well and returned to Saudi Arabia. His condition subsequently deteriorated, however, and following a 7-month course of itraconzole, he expired. We use this case to alert clinicians and personnel in clinical mycology laboratories of the pathogenicity of this organism and its potential occurrence in patients with central nervous system signs and symptoms who have resided in the Middle East and to review and/or compare R. obovoideum with other neurotropic, dematiaceous taxa and similar nonneurotropic, dematiaceous species.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (10-3) ◽  
pp. 228-237
Marina Shpakovskaya ◽  
Oleg Barnashov ◽  
Arian Mohammad Hassan Shershah ◽  
Asadullah Noori ◽  
Mosa Ziauddin Ahmad

The article discusses the features and main approaches of Turkish foreign policy in the Middle East. Particular attention is paid to the history of the development of Turkish-American relations. The causes of the contradictions between Turkey and the United States on the security issues of the Middle East region are analyzed. At the same time, the commonality of the approaches of both countries in countering radical terrorism in the territories adjacent to Turkey is noted. The article also discusses the priority areas of Turkish foreign policy, new approaches and technologies in the first decade of the XXI century.

AJIL Unbound ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 110 ◽  
pp. 132-136 ◽  
Toby Dodge

Even before its hundredth year anniversary on 16 May 2016, the Sykes-Picot agreement had become a widely cited historical analogy both in the region itself and in Europe and the United States. In the Middle East, it is frequently deployed as an infamous example of European imperial betrayal and Western attempts more generally to keep the region divided, in conflict, and easy to dominate. In Europe and the United States, however, its role as a historical analogy is more complex—a shorthand for understanding the Middle East as irrevocably divided into mutually hostile sects and clans, destined to be mired in conflict until another external intervention imposes a new, more authentic, set of political units on the region to replace the postcolonial states left in the wake of WWI. What is notable about both these uses of the Sykes-Picot agreement is that they fundamentally misread, and thus overstate, its historical significance. The agreement reached by the British diplomat Mark Sykes and his French counterpart, François Georges-Picot, in May 1916, quickly became irrelevant as the realities on the ground in the Middle East, U.S. intervention into the war, a resurgent Turkey and the comparative weakness of the French and British states transformed international relations at the end of the First World War. Against this historical background, explaining the contemporary power of the narrative surrounding the use of the Sykes-Picot agreement becomes more intellectually interesting than its minor role in the history of European imperial interventions in the Middle East.

2013 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  

The life of Dr. Juan Byron fills of pride the history of medicine of our nation. Peruvian by birth, he lived in Lima during the second half of the IXI century. Survivor of the war against Chile where his knowledge saved many lives, he was the founder of the medical society “Union Fernandina” and of its journal “Crónica Médica”. Journalist, author of dramas, meteorologist, poliglot, bacteriologist and epidemiologist, researcher and teacher of great prestige in the United States of America and a martyr of medicine. None the less this has not been enough spread. Being close to the centennial of his dead (8th May 1,995), I believe it is the right time to make known the most important aspects of his life.

2021 ◽  
Vol p5 (5) ◽  
pp. 3050-3054
Shubha C ◽  
Amanda Kittie Kynshikhar ◽  
Pooja B A ◽  
Sangamitra Pattnaik ◽  
Abhishek Biswas

A Hindu female patient of age 30 yrs. with a history of dry scaly white patches over the skin since childhood with prevailing signs of swelling wounds over the patches on the right foot and left palm for six months, diagnosed as a case of Psoriasis came for treatment at Sushrutha Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital, Bangalore. Considering the signs and symptoms patient was treated in the line of Ekakustha. Classical Virechana Karma followed by Shamana Aushadhi and Madhutailika Basti was administered. Significant relief was found in the signs and symp- toms with no recurrence after the treatment. Keywords: Ekakushta, Psoriasis, Classical Virechana, Madhutailika Basti, Shamana Aushadhi.

2012 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 71-74 ◽  
Sumit Thakar ◽  
Yasha T. Chickabasaviah ◽  
Alangar S. Hegde

Invasive craniocerebral aspergillosis, often encountered in an immunocompromised setting, is almost uniformly fatal despite radical surgical and medical management, and is frequently a necropsy finding. The authors report a unique, self-resolving clinical course of this aggressive infection in a 10-month-old infant. The infant was brought to the emergency services in altered sensorium with a 1-week history of left-sided hemiparesis, excessive irritability, and vomiting. An MRI study of the brain revealed multiple, heterogeneously enhancing lesions in the right cerebral hemisphere with mass effect. The largest lesion in the frontotemporal cortical and subcortical regions was decompressed on an emergent basis. Histopathological findings were suggestive of invasive aspergillosis, although there was no evidence of the infection in the lungs or paranasal sinuses. Computed tomography–guided aspiration of the remaining lesions and follow-up antifungal therapy were recommended. The parents, however, requested discharge without further treatment. The child was seen at a follow-up visit 3 years later without having received any antifungal treatment. Imaging showed resolution of the infection and features of Dyke-Davidoff-Masson syndrome (cerebral hemiatrophy). This report of invasive cerebral aspergillosis resolving without medical therapy is the first of its kind. Its clinicoradiological aspects are discussed in light of previously reported cases.

Diagnosis ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Simone Blaser ◽  
Verity Schaye ◽  
John Hwang ◽  
Patrick Cocks ◽  
David Kudlowitz

Abstract Objectives Our discussant’s thoughtful consideration of the patient’s case allows for review of three maxims of medicine: Occam’s razor (the simplest diagnosis is the most likely to be correct), Hickam’s dictum (multiple disease entities are more likely than one), and Crabtree’s bludgeon (the tendency to make data fit to an explanation we hold dear). Case presentation A 66-year-old woman with a history of hypertension presented to our hospital one day after arrival to the United States from Guinea with chronic daily vomiting, unintentional weight loss and progressive shoulder pain. Her labs are notable for renal failure, nephrotic range proteinuria and normocytic anemia while her shoulder X-ray shows osseous resorption in the lateral right clavicle. Multiple myeloma became the team’s working diagnosis; however, a subsequent shoulder biopsy was consistent with follicular thyroid carcinoma. Imaging suggested the patient’s renal failure was more likely a result of a chronic, unrelated process. Conclusions It is tempting to bludgeon diagnostic possibilities into Occam’s razor. Presumption that a patient’s signs and symptoms are connected by one disease process often puts us at a cognitive advantage. However, atypical presentations, multiple disease processes, and unique populations often lend themselves more to Hickam’s dictum than to Occam’s razor. Diagnostic aids include performing a metacognitive checklist, engaging analytic thinking, and acknowledging the imperfections of these axioms.

Donald Cohen

This chapter focuses on the right wing's astonishingly successful efforts to privatize public goods and services. Privatization has been one of the highest priorities of the right wing for many years, and the chapter shows how it threatens both labor and democracy. Intentionally blurring the lines between public and private institutions, private companies and market forces undermine the common good. This chapter documents the history of privatization in the United States, from President Reagan's early efforts to Clinton and Gore's belief in private markets. Showing how privatization undermines democratic government, the chapter describes complex contracts that are difficult to understand, poorly negotiated “public–private partnership” deals, and contracts that provide incentives to deny public services. With huge amounts of money at stake, privateers are increasingly weighing in on policy debates—not based on the public interest but rather in pursuit of avenues that increase their revenues, profits, and market share. Privatization not only destroys union jobs but also aims to cripple union political involvement so that the corporate agenda can spread unfettered. Nevertheless, community-based battles against privatization have succeeded in many localities, demonstrating the power of fighting back to defend public services, public jobs, and democratic processes.

Rodney A. Smolla

This chapter draws attention to David Duke as one of the celebrity headliners of the Charlottesville Unite the Right rally. It details how Duke presaged and inspired the alt-right and describes his influence on the modern history of nationalist and supremacist movements in America. It also notes Duke's influence on alt-right leaders and Donald Trump during the presidential election of the United States. The chapter analyzes how a perennial political election loser can turn losses into ideological and cultural gains. It discusses how all bad news is really good news in the eyes of a guerrilla information warfare insurrectionist in order to understand the influence of David Duke.

2010 ◽  
Vol 89 (11) ◽  
pp. E12-E13 ◽  
Qasim A. Khader ◽  
Khader J. Abdul-Baqi

Orbital emphysema is a benign self-limiting condition. It can occur directly (as a result of trauma to the face) or indirectly (secondary to a blowout fracture). We report a case of orbital emphysema in a 38-year-old man who presented with ecchymosis of the right eye, pressure within the right orbit, and periorbital swelling following a protracted episode of vigorous sneezing. The diagnosis was confirmed by computed tomography. Systemic antibiotics were given, and the patient was cautioned to avoid blowing his nose. His signs and symptoms resolved within 1 week.

2000 ◽  
Vol 57 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-12 ◽  
Friedrich Katz

In the eyes of many North Americans, Mexico is above all a country of immigration from which hundreds of thousands hope to pass across the border to find the promised land in the United States. What these North Americans do not realize is that for thousands of Latin Americans and for many U.S. intellectuals, Mexico after the revolution of 1910-1920 constituted the promised land. People persecuted for their political or religious beliefs—radicals, revolutionaries but liberals as well—could find refuge in Mexico when repressive regimes took over their country.In the 1920s such radical leaders as Víctor Raúl Haya De La Torre, César Augusto Sandino and Julio Antonio Mella found refuge in Mexico. This policy continued for many years even after the Mexican government turned to the right. Thousands of refugees from Latin American military dictatorships in Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay fled to Mexico. The history of that policy of the Mexican government has not yet been written.

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