scholarly journals The Vaccinia Virus I7L Gene Product Is The Core Protein Proteinase

2002 ◽  
Vol 76 (17) ◽  
pp. 8973-8976 ◽  
Chelsea M. Byrd ◽  
Tove' C. Bolken ◽  
Dennis E. Hruby

ABSTRACT Maturation of vaccinia virus (VV) core proteins is required for the production of infectious virions. The VV G1L and I7L gene products are the leading candidates for the viral core protein proteinase (vCPP). Using transient-expression assays, data were obtained to demonstrate that the I7L gene product and its encoded cysteine proteinase activity are responsible for vCPP activity.

2003 ◽  
Vol 77 (20) ◽  
pp. 11279-11283 ◽  
Chelsea M. Byrd ◽  
Tove' C. Bolken ◽  
Dennis E. Hruby

ABSTRACT The vaccinia virus I7L gene product is predicted to be a cysteine proteinase and is demonstrated in this study to be responsible for cleavage of each of the three major core protein precursors (P4a, P4b, and P25K) in vivo. Mutagenesis of the putative catalytic triad of I7L or of the cleavage sites in the core protein precursors inhibits processing. A truncated protein lost the ability to cleave the core protein precursors.

1999 ◽  
Vol 80 (10) ◽  
pp. 2647-2659 ◽  
Eric Ka-Wai Hui ◽  
Yong Shyang Yi ◽  
Szecheng J. Lo

The structure of hepatitis B virus (HBV) nucleocapsids has been revealed in great detail by cryoelectron microscopy. How nucleocapsids interact with surface antigens to form enveloped virions remains unknown. In this study, core mutants with N-terminal additions were created to address two questions: (1) can these mutant core proteins still form nucleocapsids and (2) if so, can the mutant nucleocapsids interact with surface antigens to form virion-like particles. One plasmid encoding an extra stretch of 23 aa, including six histidine residues, fused to the N terminus of the core protein (designated HisC183) was expressed in Escherichia coli and detected by Western blot. CsCl gradient and electron microscopy analyses indicated that HisC183 could self-assemble into nucleocapsids. When HisC183 or another similar N-terminal fusion core protein (designated FlagC183) was co-expressed with a core-negative plasmid in human hepatoma cells, both mutant core proteins self-assembled into nucleocapsids. These particles also retained kinase activity. Using an endogenous polymerase assay, a fill-in HBV DNA labelled with isotope was obtained from intracellular nucleocapsids formed by mutant cores. In contrast, no such signal was detected from the transfection medium, which was consistent with PCR and Southern blot analyses. Results indicate that core mutants with N-terminal extensions can form nucleocapsids, but are blocked during the envelopment process and cannot form secreted virions. The mutant nucleocapsids generated from this work should facilitate further study on how nucleocapsids interact with surface antigens.

2006 ◽  
Vol 173 (2) ◽  
pp. 207-218 ◽  
Xavier Darzacq ◽  
Nupur Kittur ◽  
Sujayita Roy ◽  
Yaron Shav-Tal ◽  
Robert H. Singer ◽  

Mammalian H/ACA RNPs are essential for ribosome biogenesis, premessenger RNA splicing, and telomere maintenance. These RNPs consist of four core proteins and one RNA, but it is not known how they assemble. By interrogating the site of H/ACA RNA transcription, we dissected their biogenesis in single cells and delineated the role of the non-core protein NAF1 in the process. NAF1 and all of the core proteins except GAR1 are recruited to the site of transcription. NAF1 binds one of the core proteins, NAP57, and shuttles between nucleus and cytoplasm. Both proteins are essential for stable H/ACA RNA accumulation. NAF1 and GAR1 bind NAP57 competitively, suggesting a sequential interaction. Our analyses indicate that NAF1 binds NAP57 and escorts it to the nascent H/ACA RNA and that GAR1 then replaces NAF1 to yield mature H/ACA RNPs in Cajal bodies and nucleoli.

1987 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 1148-1155
L D Fresco ◽  
M G Kurilla ◽  
J D Keene

After infection of baby hamster kidney cells with vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV), processing and assembly of small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNP) were rapidly inhibited. The U1 and U2 snRNAs accumulated as precursor species approximately 3 and 10 nucleotides longer, respectively, than the mature RNAs. Alteration in snRNP assembly was noted because the precursor snRNAs were not associated with the U-series RNA-core protein complex in infected cells. However, antibodies specific for the U2 RNA-binding protein, A', were able to precipitate pre-U2 RNAs from VSV-infected cells. These results indicated that precursors to U2 RNA were bound to A' and remained bound during virus infection. Analysis of the synthesis of proteins normally associated with U1 and U2 RNAs indicated that synthesis was unaffected at times when snRNP assembly with core proteins was blocked by the VSV. These findings suggested that the core proteins associate with one another in the absence of the snRNAs in VSV-infected cells. They further suggest a correlation between the inability of the core complex to bind the U-series snRNPs and the failure to process the 3' ends of U1 and U2 RNAs in VSV-infected cells. These effects of VSV on snRNP assembly may be related to the shutoff of host-cell macromolecular synthesis.

1986 ◽  
Vol 163 (5) ◽  
pp. 1064-1084 ◽  
A Miettinen ◽  
J L Stow ◽  
S Mentone ◽  
M G Farquhar

Antibodies specific for the core protein of basement membrane HSPG (Mr = 130,000) were administered to rats by intravenous injection, and the pathologic consequences on the kidney were determined at 3 min to 2 mo postinjection. Controls were given antibodies against gp330 (the pathogenic antigen of Heymann nephritis) or normal rabbit IgG. The injected anti-HSPG(GBM) IgG disappeared rapidly (by 1 d) from the circulation. The urinary excretion of albumin increased in a dose-dependent manner during the first 4 d, was increased 10-fold at 1-2 mo, but remained moderate (mean = 12 mg/24 h). By immunofluorescence the anti-HSPG(GBM) was seen to bind rapidly (by 3 min) to all glomerular capillaries, and by immunoperoxidase staining the anti-HSPG was seen to bind exclusively to the laminae rarae of the GBM where it remained during the entire 2-mo observation period. C3 was detected in glomeruli immediately after the injection (3 min), where it bound exclusively to the lamina rara interna; the amount of C3 bound increased up to 2 h but decreased rapidly thereafter, and was not detectable after 4 d. Mononuclear and PMN leukocytes accumulated in glomerular capillaries, adhered to the capillary wall, and extended pseudopodia through the endothelial fenestrae to contact in the LRI of the GBM where the immune deposits and C3 were located. At 1 wk postinjection, staining for C3 reappeared in the glomeruli of some of the rats, and by this time most of the rats, including controls injected with normal rabbit IgG, had circulating anti-rabbit IgG (by ELISA) and linear deposits of rat IgG along the GBM (by immunofluorescence). Beginning at 9 d, there was progressive subepithelial thickening of the GBM which in some places was two to three times its normal width. This thickening was due to the laying down of a new layer of basement membrane-like material on the epithelial side of the GBM, which gradually displaced the old basement membrane layers toward the endothelium. The results show that the core proteins of this population of basement membrane HSPG (Mr = 130,000), which are ubiquitous components of basement membranes, are exposed to the circulation and can bind anti-HSPG(GBM) IgG in the laminae rarae of the GBM. Binding of these antibodies to the GBM leads to changes (C3 deposition, leukocyte adherence, moderate proteinuria, GBM thickening) considered typical of the acute phase of anti-GBM glomerulonephritis. Antibody binding interferes with the normal turnover of the GBM, presumably by affecting the biosynthesis and/or degradation of basement membrane components.

2009 ◽  
Vol 83 (19) ◽  
pp. 9923-9939 ◽  
Li-Shuang Ai ◽  
Yu-Wen Lee ◽  
Steve S.-L. Chen

ABSTRACT The molecular basis underlying hepatitis C virus (HCV) core protein maturation and morphogenesis remains elusive. We characterized the concerted events associated with core protein multimerization and interaction with membranes. Analyses of core proteins expressed from a subgenomic system showed that the signal sequence located between the core and envelope glycoprotein E1 is critical for core association with endoplasmic reticula (ER)/late endosomes and the core's envelopment by membranes, which was judged by the core's acquisition of resistance to proteinase K digestion. Despite exerting an inhibitory effect on the core's association with membranes, (Z-LL)2-ketone, a specific inhibitor of signal peptide peptidase (SPP), did not affect core multimeric complex formation, suggesting that oligomeric core complex formation proceeds prior to or upon core attachment to membranes. Protease-resistant core complexes that contained both innate and processed proteins were detected in the presence of (Z-LL)2-ketone, implying that core envelopment occurs after intramembrane cleavage. Mutations of the core that prevent signal peptide cleavage or coexpression with an SPP loss-of-function D219A mutant decreased the core's envelopment, demonstrating that SPP-mediated cleavage is required for core envelopment. Analyses of core mutants with a deletion in domain I revealed that this domain contains sequences crucial for core envelopment. The core proteins expressed by infectious JFH1 and Jc1 RNAs in Huh7 cells also assembled into a multimeric complex, associated with ER/late-endosomal membranes, and were enveloped by membranes. Treatment with (Z-LL)2-ketone or coexpression with D219A mutant SPP interfered with both core envelopment and infectious HCV production, indicating a critical role of core envelopment in HCV morphogenesis. The results provide mechanistic insights into the sequential and coordinated processes during the association of the HCV core protein with membranes in the early phase of virus maturation and morphogenesis.

2002 ◽  
Vol 83 (12) ◽  
pp. 3093-3102 ◽  
Shao-Hung Wang ◽  
Wan-Jr Syu ◽  
Kao-Jean Huang ◽  
Huan-Yao Lei ◽  
Chen-Wen Yao ◽  

In dengue virus (DEN) particles, the core protein is a structural protein of the nucleocapsid. The core protein is known to be present in the nucleus of DEN-infected cells but there have been conflicting reports as to whether it is also present in the nucleolus. To clarify this, the intracellular location of the core protein was examined using a monoclonal antibody, 15B11, which was produced in this study. Immunofluorescence staining with this antibody demonstrated that the core protein first appeared in the cytoplasm and then in the nuclei and nucleoli of infected cells. Nuclear localization of the core protein was determined to be independent of other DEN proteins, since recombinant core proteins still entered the nuclei and nucleoli of cells transfected with only the core protein gene. Three putative nuclear localization signal motifs have been predicted to be present on the core protein. Deletion of the first one (KKAR), located at aa 6–9, and mutation of the second one (KKSK), located at aa 73–76, did not eliminate the nuclear localization property of the core protein. The third motif with a bipartite structure, RKeigrmlnilnRRRR, located at aa 85–100, was determined to be responsible for the nuclear localization of the core protein, since the core protein without this motif was located exclusively in the cytoplasm of DEN-infected cells and that this motif mediated nuclear localization of a normally cytoplasmic protein.

1999 ◽  
Vol 80 (10) ◽  
pp. 2661-2671 ◽  
Eric Ka-Wai Hui ◽  
Kun-Lin Chen ◽  
Szecheng J. Lo

Assembly of replication-competent hepadnavirus nucleocapsids requires interaction of core protein, polymerase and encapsidation signal (ϵ) with viral pregenomic RNA. The N-terminal portion (aa 1–149) of the core protein is able to self-assemble into nucleocapsids, whereas the C-terminal portion (aa 150–183) is known to interact with pregenomic RNA. In this study, two hepatitis B virus (HBV) core mutants (C144Arg and C144Lys) in which the C-terminal SPRRR (Ser-Pro-Arg-Arg-Arg) motif was replaced by a stretch of arginine or lysine residues were generated to test their role in pregenome encapsidation and virus maturation. Mutant or wild-type core-expression plasmids were co-transfected with a core-negative plasmid into human hepatoma HuH-7 cells to compare trans-complementation efficiency for virus replication. Both low- and high-density capsids were present in the cytoplasm and culture medium of HuH-7 cells in all transfections. Nucleocapsids formed by C144Arg and C144Lys, however, lost the endogenous polymerase activity to repair HBV DNA. Furthermore, in co-transfection of pHBVC144Arg or pHBVC144Lys with a plasmid which produces replication-competent nucleocapsids, the HBV DNA repairing signal was reduced 40- to 80-fold. This is probably due to formation of mosaic particles of wild-type and mutant cores. Results indicated that the SPRRR motif at the core protein C terminus is important for HBV DNA replication and maturation. Additionally, triple-plasmid transfection experiments showed that nucleocapsids containing various amounts of C144Arg and wild-type core proteins exhibited a bias in selecting a shorter pregenome for encapsidation and DNA replication. It is therefore suggested that unknown factors are also involved in HBV pregenome packaging.

1985 ◽  
Vol 33 (4) ◽  
pp. 268-274 ◽  
E Schwartz ◽  
S Goldfischer ◽  
B Coltoff-Schiller ◽  
O O Blumenfeld

Extracellular proteins of cultured calf aortic smooth muscle cells consist predominantly of microfibrils 10-20 nm in diameter typical of "elastin-associated" microfibrils described in many tissues. Chemical and immunochemical evidence is presented that microfibrils consist of at least two proteins: core protein and fibronectin. Insoluble proteins of the microfibrils were obtained in the form of a pellet and antibodies raised in rabbits against these components. The antisera reacted with the insoluble microfibrillar proteins and with soluble fibronectin in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and immunostained the extracellular microfibrils in cultured cells. An immunoglobulin (Ig) fraction was prepared and absorbed with fibronectin. The absorbed IgG retained its reactivity with the microfibrillar proteins but was no longer reactive with soluble fibronectin. Immunofluorescence studies were carried out using the absorbed IgG and IgG to soluble fibronectin. Both antibodies showed immunoreactive microfibrils in the extracellular matrix of cells in log phase. However, with increasing time in culture, as the cells reached confluence, the immunofluorescence of microfibrils reacting with the absorbed IgG became less intense, whereas that of microfibrils reacting with IgG to fibronectin increased; in confluent cells, essentially no staining was detected with the absorbed IgG, and a dense network of intensely stained microfibrils was seen with IgG to fibronectin. Treatment of these cultures with urea led to partial dissociation of the fibronectin and increased visualization of the microfibrils with the absorbed IgG; double-label immunofluorescence showed that both proteins occurred on the same microfibrils. The localization of immunoreactive sites to the extracellular microfibrils was confirmed by immunoelectron microscopy. Nearly quantitative cleavage with CNBr failed to dissociate the antigenically active fragments of fibronectin from the CNBr fragments of the core proteins of the microfibrils. It was concluded that microfibrils contain core proteins and fibronectin that are codistributed in insoluble, possibly covalently cross-linked, aggregates. The core proteins are first deposited by the cell and, as a function of time in culture, fibronectin gradually coats their surface.

1999 ◽  
Vol 145 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-55 ◽  
Michael Kann ◽  
Beate Sodeik ◽  
Angelika Vlachou ◽  
Wolfram H. Gerlich ◽  
Ari Helenius

Although many viruses replicate in the nucleus, little is known about the processes involved in the nuclear import of viral genomes. We show here that in vitro generated core particles of human hepatitis B virus bind to nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) in digitonin-permeabilized mammalian cells. This only occurred if the cores contained phosphorylated core proteins. Binding was inhibited by wheat germ agglutinin, by antinuclear pore complex antibodies, and by peptides corresponding either to classical nuclear localization signals (NLS) or to COOH-terminal sequences of the core protein. Binding was dependent on the nuclear transport factors importins (karyopherins) α and β. The results suggested that phosphorylation induces exposure of NLS in the COOH-terminal portion of the core protein that allows core binding to the NPCs by the importin- (karyopherin-) mediated pathway. Thus, phosphorylation of the core protein emerged as an important step in the viral replication cycle necessary for transport of the viral genome to the nucleus.

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