scholarly journals Staphylococcus aureus HemX Modulates Glutamyl-tRNA Reductase Abundance To Regulate Heme Biosynthesis

mBio ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Jacob E. Choby ◽  
Caroline M. Grunenwald ◽  
Arianna I. Celis ◽  
Svetlana Y. Gerdes ◽  
Jennifer L. DuBois ◽  

ABSTRACTStaphylococcus aureusis responsible for a significant amount of devastating disease. Its ability to colonize the host and cause infection is supported by a variety of proteins that are dependent on the cofactor heme. Heme is a porphyrin used broadly across kingdoms and is synthesizedde novofrom common cellular precursors and iron. While heme is critical to bacterial physiology, it is also toxic in high concentrations, requiring that organisms encode regulatory processes to control heme homeostasis. In this work, we describe a posttranscriptional regulatory strategy inS. aureusheme biosynthesis. The first committed enzyme in theS. aureusheme biosynthetic pathway, glutamyl-tRNA reductase (GtrR), is regulated by heme abundance and the integral membrane protein HemX. GtrR abundance increases dramatically in response to heme deficiency, suggesting a mechanism by whichS. aureusresponds to the need to increase heme synthesis. Additionally, HemX is required to maintain low levels of GtrR in heme-proficient cells, and inactivation ofhemXleads to increased heme synthesis. Excess heme synthesis in a ΔhemXmutant activates the staphylococcal heme stress response, suggesting that regulation of heme synthesis is critical to reduce self-imposed heme toxicity. Analysis of diverse organisms indicates that HemX is widely conserved among heme-synthesizing bacteria, suggesting that HemX is a common factor involved in the regulation of GtrR abundance. Together, this work demonstrates thatS. aureusregulates heme synthesis by modulating GtrR abundance in response to heme deficiency and through the activity of the broadly conserved HemX.IMPORTANCEStaphylococcus aureusis a leading cause of skin and soft tissue infections, endocarditis, bacteremia, and osteomyelitis, making it a critical health care concern. Development of new antimicrobials againstS. aureusrequires knowledge of the physiology that supports this organism’s pathogenesis. One component of staphylococcal physiology that contributes to growth and virulence is heme. Heme is a widely utilized cofactor that enables diverse chemical reactions across many enzyme families.S. aureusrelies on many critical heme-dependent proteins and is sensitive to excess heme toxicity, suggestingS. aureusmust maintain proper intracellular heme homeostasis. BecauseS. aureusprovides heme for heme-dependent enzymes via synthesis from common precursors, we hypothesized that regulation of heme synthesis is one mechanism to maintain heme homeostasis. In this study, we identify thatS. aureusposttranscriptionally regulates heme synthesis by restraining abundance of the first heme biosynthetic enzyme, GtrR, via heme and the broadly conserved membrane protein HemX.

2014 ◽  
Vol 165 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-59 ◽  
Marcus Lívio Varella Coelho ◽  
Bruna Gonçalves Coutinho ◽  
Olinda Cabral da Silva Santos ◽  
Ingolf F. Nes ◽  
Maria do Carmo de Freire Bastos

mBio ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
Victoria L. Jeter ◽  
Jorge C. Escalante-Semerena

ABSTRACT Cobamides are cobalt-containing cyclic tetrapyrroles used by cells from all domains of life but only produced de novo by some bacteria and archaea. The “late steps” of the adenosylcobamide biosynthetic pathway are responsible for the assembly of the nucleotide loop and are required during de novo synthesis and precursor salvaging. These steps are characterized by activation of the corrin ring and lower ligand base, condensation of the activated precursors to adenosylcobamide phosphate, and removal of the phosphate, yielding a complete adenosylcobamide molecule. The condensation of the activated corrin ring and lower ligand base is performed by an integral membrane protein, cobamide (5′ phosphate) synthase (CobS), and represents an important convergence of two pathways necessary for nucleotide loop assembly. Interestingly, membrane association of this penultimate step is conserved among all cobamide producers, yet the physiological relevance of this association is not known. Here, we present the purification and biochemical characterization of the CobS enzyme of the enterobacterium Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhimurium strain LT2, investigate its association with liposomes, and quantify the effect of the lipid bilayer on its enzymatic activity and substrate affinity. We report a purification scheme that yields pure CobS protein, allowing in vitro functional analysis. Additionally, we report a method for liposome reconstitution of CobS, allowing for physiologically relevant studies of this inner membrane protein in a phospholipid bilayer. In vitro and in vivo data reported here expand our understanding of CobS and the implications of membrane-associated adenosylcobamide biosynthesis. IMPORTANCE Salmonella is a human pathogen of worldwide importance, and coenzyme B12 is critical for the pathogenic lifestyle of this bacterium. The importance of the work reported here lies on the improvements to the methodology used to isolate cobamide synthase, a polytopic integral membrane protein that catalyzes the penultimate step of coenzyme B12 biosynthesis. This advance is an important step in the analysis of the proposed multienzyme complex responsible for the assembly of the nucleotide loop during de novo coenzyme B12 biosynthesis and for the assimilation of incomplete corrinoids from the environment. We proposed that cobamide synthase is likely localized to the cell membrane of every coenzyme B12-producing bacterium and archaeum sequenced to date. The new knowledge of cobamide synthase advances our understanding of the functionality of the enzyme in the context of the lipid bilayer and sets the foundation for the functional-structural analysis of the aforementioned multienzyme complex.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Christophe J. Lalaurie ◽  
Virginie Dufour ◽  
Anna Meletiou ◽  
Sarah Ratcliffe ◽  
Abigail Harland ◽  

1993 ◽  
Vol 122 (1) ◽  
pp. 79-94 ◽  
EA Whitters ◽  
AE Cleves ◽  
TP McGee ◽  
HB Skinner ◽  
VA Bankaitis

Mutations in the SAC1 gene exhibit allele-specific genetic interactions with yeast actin structural gene defects and effect a bypass of the cellular requirement for the yeast phosphatidylinositol/phosphatidylcholine transfer protein (SEC14p), a protein whose function is essential for sustained Golgi secretory function. We report that SAC1p is an integral membrane protein that localizes to the yeast Golgi complex and to the yeast ER, but does not exhibit a detectable association with the bulk of the yeast F-actin cytoskeleton. The data also indicate that the profound in vivo effects on Golgi secretory function and the organization of the actin cytoskeleton observed in sac1 mutants result from loss of SAC1p function. This cosuppression of actin and SEC14p defects is a unique feature of sac1 alleles as mutations in other SAC genes that result in a suppression of actin defects do not result in phenotypic suppression of SEC14p defects. Finally, we report that sac1 mutants also exhibit a specific inositol auxotrophy that is not exhibited by the other sac mutant strains. This sac1-associated inositol auxotrophy is not manifested by measurable defects in de novo inositol biosynthesis, nor is it the result of some obvious defect in the ability of sac1 mutants to utilize inositol for phosphatidylinositol biosynthesis. Thus, sac1 mutants represent a novel class of inositol auxotroph in that these mutants appear to require elevated levels of inositol for growth. On the basis of the collective data, we suggest that SAC1p dysfunction exerts its pleiotropic effects on yeast Golgi function, the organization of the actin cytoskeleton, and the cellular requirement for inositol, through altered metabolism of inositol glycerophospholipids.

1995 ◽  
Vol 108 (1) ◽  
pp. 299-310 ◽  
B. Hoh ◽  
G. Hinz ◽  
B.K. Jeong ◽  
D.G. Robinson

We have investigated the formation of protein storage vacuoles in peas (Pisum sativum L.) in order to determine whether this organelle arises de novo during cotyledon development. A comparison of different stages in cotyledon development indicates that soluble protease activities decline and the amounts of storage proteins and the integral membrane protein of the protein body, alpha-TIP, increase during seed maturation. On linear sucrose density gradients we have been able to distinguish between two separate vesicle populations: one enriched in alpha-TIP, and one in TIP-Ma 27, a membrane protein characteristic of vegetative vacuoles. Both vesicle populations possess, however, PPase and V-ATPase activities. Conventionally fixed cotyledonary tissue at an intermediate stage in cotyledon development reveals the presence of a complex tubular-cisternal membrane system that seems to surround the pre-existing vacuoles. The latter gradually become compressed as a result of dilation of the former membrane system. This was confirmed immunocytochemically with the TIP-Ma 27 antiserum. Deposits of the storage proteins vicilin and legumin in the lumen, and the presence of alpha-TIP in the membranes of the expanding membrane system provide evidence of its identity as a precursor to the protein storage vacuole.

2007 ◽  
Vol 189 (21) ◽  
pp. 7697-7708 ◽  
Carmen L. Zayas ◽  
Kathy Claas ◽  
Jorge C. Escalante-Semerena

ABSTRACT We report results of studies of the conversion of adenosylcobyric acid (AdoCby) to adenosylcobinamide-phosphate, the last step of the de novo corrin ring biosynthetic branch of the adenosylcobalamin (coenzyme B12) pathway of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium LT2. Previous reports have implicated the CbiB protein in this step of the pathway. Hydropathy analysis predicted that CbiB would be an integral membrane protein. We used a computer-generated topology model of the primary sequence of CbiB to guide the construction of CbiB-LacZ and CbiB-PhoA protein fusions, which were used to explore the general topology of CbiB in the cell membrane. A refined model of CbiB as an integral membrane protein is presented. In vivo analyses of the effect of single-amino-acid changes showed that periplasm- and cytosol-exposed residues are critical for CbiB function. Results of in vivo studies also show that ethanolamine-phosphate (EA-P) is a substrate of CbiB, but l-Thr-P is not, and that CbiB likely activates AdoCby by phosphorylation. The latter observation leads us to suggest that CbiB is a synthetase not a synthase enzyme. Results from mass spectrometry and bioassay experiments indicate that serovar Typhimurium synthesizes norcobalamin (cobalamin lacking the methyl group at C176) when EA-P is the substrate of CbiB.

Denny Chin ◽  
Mariya I. Goncheva ◽  
Ronald S. Flannagan ◽  
David E. Heinrichs

We recently discovered that 6-thioguanine (6-TG) is an anti-virulence compound that is produced by a number of coagulase negative staphylococci. In Staphylococcus aureus , it inhibits de novo purine biosynthesis and ribosomal protein expression, thus inhibiting growth and abrogating toxin production. Mechanisms by which S. aureus may develop resistance to this compound are currently unknown. Here, we show that 6-TG-resistant S. aureus mutants emerge spontaneously when the bacteria are subjected to high concentrations of 6-TG in vitro . Whole genome sequencing of these mutants revealed frameshift and missense mutations in a xanthine-uracil permease family protein ( stgP : s ix t hio g uanine p ermease) and single nucleotide polymorphisms in hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase ( hpt ). These mutations engender S. aureus the ability to resist both the growth inhibitory and toxin down regulation effects of 6-TG. While prophylactic administration of 6-TG ameliorates necrotic lesions in subcutaneous infection of mice with MRSA strain USA300-LAC, the drug did not reduce lesion size formed by the 6-TG resistant strains. These findings identify mechanisms of 6-TG resistance and this information can be leveraged to inform strategies to slow the evolution of resistance.

mBio ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
Neal D. Hammer ◽  
Michelle L. Reniere ◽  
James E. Cassat ◽  
Yaofang Zhang ◽  
Amanda O. Hirsch ◽  

ABSTRACTStaphylococcus aureusis a significant cause of infections worldwide and is able to utilize aerobic respiration, anaerobic respiration, or fermentation as the means by which it generates the energy needed for proliferation. Aerobic respiration is supported by heme-dependent terminal oxidases that catalyze the final step of aerobic respiration, the reduction of O2to H2O. An inability to respire forces bacteria to generate energy via fermentation, resulting in reduced growth. Elucidating the roles of these energy-generating pathways during colonization of the host could uncover attractive therapeutic targets. Consistent with this idea, we report that inhibiting aerobic respiration by inactivating heme biosynthesis significantly impairs the ability ofS. aureusto colonize the host. Two heme-dependent terminal oxidases support aerobic respiration ofS. aureus, implying that the staphylococcal respiratory chain is branched. Systemic infection withS. aureusmutants limited to a single terminal oxidase results in an organ-specific colonization defect, resulting in reduced bacterial burdens in either the liver or the heart. Finally, inhibition of aerobic respiration can be achieved by exposingS. aureusto noniron heme analogues. These data provide evidence that aerobic respiration plays a major role inS. aureuscolonization of the host and that this energy-generating process is a viable therapeutic target.IMPORTANCEStaphylococcus aureusposes a significant threat to public health as antibiotic-resistant isolates of this pathogen continue to emerge. Our understanding of the energy-generating processes that allowS. aureusto proliferate within the host is incomplete. Host-derived heme is the preferred source of nutrient iron during infection; however,S. aureuscan synthesize hemede novoand use it to facilitate aerobic respiration. We demonstrate thatS. aureusheme biosynthesis powers a branched aerobic respiratory chain composed of two terminal oxidases. The importance of having two terminal oxidases is demonstrated by the finding that each plays an essential role in colonizing distinct organs during systemic infection. Additionally, this process can be targeted by small-molecule heme analogues called noniron protoporphyrins. This study serves to demonstrate that heme biosynthesis supports two terminal oxidases that are required for aerobic respiration and are also essential forS. aureuspathogenesis.

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