scholarly journals Localization of the rap1GAP catalytic domain and sites of phosphorylation by mutational analysis.

1992 ◽  
Vol 12 (10) ◽  
pp. 4634-4642 ◽  
B Rubinfeld ◽  
W J Crosier ◽  
I Albert ◽  
L Conroy ◽  
R Clark ◽  

rap1GAP is a GTPase-activating protein that specifically stimulates the GTP hydrolytic rate of p21rap1. We have defined the catalytic domain of rap1GAP by constructing a series of cDNAs coding for mutant proteins progressively deleted at the amino- and carboxy-terminal ends. Analysis of the purified mutant proteins shows that of 663 amino acid residues, only amino acids 75 to 416 are necessary for full GAP activity. Further truncation at the amino terminus resulted in complete loss of catalytic activity, whereas removal of additional carboxy-terminal residues dramatically accelerated the degradation of the protein in vivo. The catalytic domain we have defined excludes the region of rap1GAP which undergoes phosphorylation on serine residues. We have further defined this phosphoacceptor region of rap1GAP by introducing point mutations at specific serine residues and comparing the phosphopeptide maps of the mutant proteins. Two of the sites of phosphorylation by cyclic AMP (cAMP)-dependent kinase were localized to serine residues 490 and 499, and one site of phosphorylation by p34cdc2 was localized to serine 484. In vivo, rap1GAP undergoes phosphorylation at four distinct sites, two of which appear to be identical to the sites phosphorylated by cAMP-dependent kinase in vitro.

1992 ◽  
Vol 12 (10) ◽  
pp. 4634-4642
B Rubinfeld ◽  
W J Crosier ◽  
I Albert ◽  
L Conroy ◽  
R Clark ◽  

rap1GAP is a GTPase-activating protein that specifically stimulates the GTP hydrolytic rate of p21rap1. We have defined the catalytic domain of rap1GAP by constructing a series of cDNAs coding for mutant proteins progressively deleted at the amino- and carboxy-terminal ends. Analysis of the purified mutant proteins shows that of 663 amino acid residues, only amino acids 75 to 416 are necessary for full GAP activity. Further truncation at the amino terminus resulted in complete loss of catalytic activity, whereas removal of additional carboxy-terminal residues dramatically accelerated the degradation of the protein in vivo. The catalytic domain we have defined excludes the region of rap1GAP which undergoes phosphorylation on serine residues. We have further defined this phosphoacceptor region of rap1GAP by introducing point mutations at specific serine residues and comparing the phosphopeptide maps of the mutant proteins. Two of the sites of phosphorylation by cyclic AMP (cAMP)-dependent kinase were localized to serine residues 490 and 499, and one site of phosphorylation by p34cdc2 was localized to serine 484. In vivo, rap1GAP undergoes phosphorylation at four distinct sites, two of which appear to be identical to the sites phosphorylated by cAMP-dependent kinase in vitro.

1998 ◽  
Vol 180 (17) ◽  
pp. 4538-4546 ◽  
Weihong Hsing ◽  
Frank D. Russo ◽  
Karen K. Bernd ◽  
Thomas J. Silhavy

ABSTRACT EnvZ, a membrane receptor kinase-phosphatase, modulates porin expression in Escherichia coli in response to medium osmolarity. It shares its basic scheme of signal transduction with many other sensor-kinases, passing information from the amino-terminal, periplasmic, sensory domain via the transmembrane helices to the carboxy-terminal, cytoplasmic, catalytic domain. The native receptor can exist in two active but opposed signaling states, the OmpR kinase-dominant state (K+ P−) and the OmpR-P phosphatase-dominant state (K− P+). The balance between the two states determines the level of intracellular OmpR-P, which in turn determines the level of porin gene transcription. To study the structural requirements for these two states of EnvZ, mutational analysis was performed. Mutations that preferentially affect either the kinase or phosphatase have been identified and characterized both in vivo and in vitro. Most of these mapped to previously identified structural motifs, suggesting an important function for each of these conserved regions. In addition, we identified a novel motif that is weakly conserved among two-component sensors. Mutations that alter this motif, which is termed the X region, alter the confirmation of EnvZ and significantly reduce the phosphatase activity.

2015 ◽  
Vol 467 (1) ◽  
pp. 103-113 ◽  
Satoru Yuzawa ◽  
Sachiko Kamakura ◽  
Junya Hayase ◽  
Hideki Sumimoto

The functions of microtubules are controlled in part by tubulin post-translational modification including acetylation of Lys40 in α-tubulin. αTAT1 (α-tubulin acetyltransferase 1), an enzyme evolutionarily conserved among eukaryotes, has recently been identified as the major α-tubulin Lys40 acetyltransferase, in which AcCoA (acetyl-CoA) serves as an acetyl group donor. The regulation and substrate recognition of this enzyme, however, have not been fully understood. In the present study, we show that AcCoA and CoA each form a stable complex with human αTAT1 to maintain the protein integrity both in vivo and in vitro. The invariant residues Arg132 and Ser160 in αTAT1 participate in the stable interaction not only with AcCoA but also with CoA, which is supported by analysis of the present crystal structures of the αTAT1 catalytic domain in complex with CoA. Alanine substitution for Arg132 or Ser160 leads to a drastic misfolding of the isolated αTAT1 catalytic domain in the absence of CoA and AcCoA but not in the presence of excess amounts of either cofactor. A mutant αTAT1 carrying the R132A or S160A substitution is degraded much faster than the wild-type protein when expressed in mammalian Madin–Darby canine kidney cells. Furthermore, alanine-scanning experiments using Lys40-containing peptides reveal that α-tubulin Ser38 is crucial for substrate recognition of αTAT1, whereas Asp39, Ile42, the glycine stretch (amino acid residues 43–45) and Asp46 are also involved. The requirement for substrate selection is totally different from that in various histone acetyltransferases, which appears to be consistent with the inability of αTAT1 to acetylate histones.

1999 ◽  
Vol 19 (11) ◽  
pp. 7461-7472 ◽  
Yeganeh Zebarjadian ◽  
Tom King ◽  
Maurille J. Fournier ◽  
Louise Clarke ◽  
John Carbon

ABSTRACT In budding yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), the majority of box H/ACA small nucleolar RNPs (snoRNPs) have been shown to direct site-specific pseudouridylation of rRNA. Among the known protein components of H/ACA snoRNPs, the essential nucleolar protein Cbf5p is the most likely pseudouridine (Ψ) synthase. Cbf5p has considerable sequence similarity to Escherichia coli TruBp, a known Ψ synthase, and shares the “KP” and “XLD” conserved sequence motifs found in the catalytic domains of three distinct families of known and putative Ψ synthases. To gain additional evidence on the role of Cbf5p in rRNA biosynthesis, we have used in vitro mutagenesis techniques to introduce various alanine substitutions into the putative Ψ synthase domain of Cbf5p. Yeast strains expressing these mutatedcbf5 genes in a cbf5Δ null background are viable at 25°C but display pronounced cold- and heat-sensitive growth phenotypes. Most of the mutants contain reduced levels of Ψ in rRNA at extreme temperatures. Substitution of alanine for an aspartic acid residue in the conserved XLD motif of Cbf5p (mutantcbf5D95A) abolishes in vivo pseudouridylation of rRNA. Some of the mutants are temperature sensitive both for growth and for formation of Ψ in the rRNA. In most cases, the impaired growth phenotypes are not relieved by transcription of the rRNA from a polymerase II-driven promoter, indicating the absence of polymerase I-related transcriptional defects. There is little or no abnormal accumulation of pre-rRNAs in these mutants, although preferential inhibition of 18S rRNA synthesis is seen in mutantcbf5D95A, which lacks Ψ in rRNA. A subset of mutations in the Ψ synthase domain impairs association of the altered Cbf5p proteins with selected box H/ACA snoRNAs, suggesting that the functional catalytic domain is essential for that interaction. Our results provide additional evidence that Cbf5p is the Ψ synthase component of box H/ACA snoRNPs and suggest that the pseudouridylation of rRNA, although not absolutely required for cell survival, is essential for the formation of fully functional ribosomes.

1994 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 2675-2685 ◽  
A Klippel ◽  
J A Escobedo ◽  
M Hirano ◽  
L T Williams

Previous studies have suggested that the two subunits of phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3-kinase, p85 and p110, function as localizing and catalytic subunits, respectively. Using recombinant p85 and p110 molecules, we have reconstituted the specific interaction between the two subunits of mouse PI 3-kinase in cells and in vitro. We have previously shown that the region between the two Src homology 2 (SH2) domains of p85 is able to form a functional complex with the 110-kDa subunit in vivo. In this report, we identify the corresponding domain in p110 which directs the binding to p85. We demonstrate that the interactive domains in p85 and p110 are less than 103 and 124 amino acids, respectively, in size. We also show that the association of p85 and p110 mediated by these domains is critical for PI 3-kinase activity. Surprisingly, a complex between a 102-amino-acid segment of p85 and the full-length p110 molecule is catalytically active, whereas p110 alone has no activity. In addition to the catalytic domain in the carboxy-terminal region, 123 amino acids at the amino terminus of p110 were required for catalytic activity and were sufficient for the interaction with p85. These results indicate that the 85-kDa subunit, previously thought to have only a linking role in localizing the p110 catalytic subunit, is an important component of the catalytic complex.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. e0009007
Fábio Mambelli ◽  
Bruno P. O. Santos ◽  
Suellen B. Morais ◽  
Enrico G. T. Gimenez ◽  
Duana C. dos S. Astoni ◽  

The Schistosoma mansoni SmKI-1 protein is composed of two domains: a Kunitz-type serine protease inhibitor motif (KD) and a C-terminus domain with no similarity outside the genera. Our previous work has demonstrated that KD plays an essential role in neutrophil elastase (NE) binding blockage, in neutrophil influx and as a potential anti-inflammatory molecule. In order to enhance NE blocking capacity, we analyzed the KD sequence from a structure-function point of view and designed specific point mutations in order to enhance NE affinity. We substituted the P1 site residue at the reactive site for a leucine (termed RL-KD), given its central role for KD’s inhibition to NE. We have also substituted a glutamic acid that strongly interacts with the P1 residue for an alanine, to help KD to be buried on NE S1 site (termed EA-KD). KD and the mutant proteins were evaluated in silico by molecular docking to human NE, expressed in Escherichia coli and tested towards its NE inhibitory activity. Both mutated proteins presented enhanced NE inhibitory activity in vitro and RL-KD presented the best performance. We further tested RL-KD in vivo in an experimental model of monosodium urate (MSU)-induced acute arthritis. RL-KD showed reduced numbers of total cells and neutrophils in the mouse knee cavity when compared to KD. Nevertheless, both RL-KD and KD reduced mice hypernociception in a similar fashion. In summary, our results demonstrated that both mutated proteins showed enhanced NE inhibitory activity in vitro. However, RL-KD had a prominent effect in diminishing inflammatory parameters in vivo.

2000 ◽  
Vol 20 (20) ◽  
pp. 7438-7449 ◽  
Michael S. Kobor ◽  
Lisa D. Simon ◽  
Jim Omichinski ◽  
Guoqing Zhong ◽  
Jacques Archambault ◽  

ABSTRACT Transcription by RNA polymerase II is accompanied by cyclic phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of the carboxy-terminal heptapeptide repeat domain (CTD) of its largest subunit. We have used deletion and point mutations in Fcp1p, a TFIIF-interacting CTD phosphatase, to show that the integrity of its BRCT domain, like that of its catalytic domain, is important for cell viability, mRNA synthesis, and CTD dephosphorylation in vivo. Although regions of Fcp1p carboxy terminal to its BRCT domain and at its amino terminus were not essential for viability, deletion of either of these regions affected the phosphorylation state of the CTD. Two portions of this carboxy-terminal region of Fcp1p bound directly to the first cyclin-like repeat in the core domain of the general transcription factor TFIIB, as well as to the RAP74 subunit of TFIIF. These regulatory interactions with Fcp1p involved closely related amino acid sequence motifs in TFIIB and RAP74. Mutating the Fcp1p-binding motif KEFGK in the RAP74 (Tfg1p) subunit of TFIIF to EEFGE led to both synthetic phenotypes in certain fcp1 tfg1 double mutants and a reduced ability of Fcp1p to activate transcription when it is artificially tethered to a promoter. These results suggest strongly that this KEFGK motif in RAP74 mediates its interaction with Fcp1p in vivo.

1996 ◽  
Vol 134 (6) ◽  
pp. 1455-1467 ◽  
B Nikolic ◽  
E Mac Nulty ◽  
B Mir ◽  
G Wiche

We have generated a series of plectin deletion and mutagenized cDNA constructs to dissect the functional sequences that mediate plectin's interaction with intermediate filament (IF) networks, and scored their ability to coalign or disrupt intermediate filaments when ectopically expressed in rat kangaroo PtK2 cells. We show that a stretch of approximately 50 amino acid residues within plectin's carboxy-terminal repeat 5 domain serves as a unique binding site for both vimentin and cytokeratin IF networks of PtK2 cells. Part of the IF-binding domain was found to constitute a functional nuclear localization signal (NLS) motif, as demonstrated by nuclear import of cytoplasmic proteins linked to this sequence. Site directed mutagenesis revealed a specific cluster of four basic amino acid residues (arg4277-arg4280) residing within the NLS sequence motif to be essential for IF binding. When mutant proteins corresponding to those expressed in PtK2 cells were expressed in bacteria and purified proteins subjected to a sensitive quantitative overlay binding assay using Eu3+-labeled vimentin, the relative binding capacities of mutant proteins measured were fully consistent with the mutant's phenotypes observed in living cells. Using recombinant proteins we also show by negative staining and rotary shadowing electron microscopy that in vitro assembled vimentin intermediate filaments become packed into dense aggregates upon incubation with plectin repeat 5 domain, in contrast to repeat 4 domain or a mutated repeat 5 domain.

2009 ◽  
Vol 191 (7) ◽  
pp. 2330-2339 ◽  
Karolina Malanowska ◽  
Joel Cioni ◽  
Brian M. Swalla ◽  
Abigail Salyers ◽  
Jeffrey F. Gardner

ABSTRACT Tyrosine recombinases mediate a wide range of important genetic rearrangement reactions. Models for tyrosine recombinases have been based largely on work done on the integrase of phage lambda and recombinases like Cre, Flp, and XerC/D. All of these recombinases share a common amino acid signature that is important for catalysis. Several conjugative transposons (CTns) encode recombinases that are also members of the tyrosine recombinase family, but the reaction that they catalyze differs in that recombination does not require homology in the attachment sites. In this study, we examine the role of the core-binding (CB) domain of the CTnDOT integrase (IntDOT) that is located adjacent to the catalytic domain of the protein. Since there is no crystal structure for any of the CTn integrases, we began with a predicted three-dimensional structure produced by homology-based modeling. Amino acid substitutions were made at positions predicted by the model to be close to the DNA. Mutant proteins were tested for the ability to mediate integration in vivo and for in vitro DNA-binding, cleavage, and ligation activities. We identified for the first time nonconserved amino acid residues in the CB domain that are important for catalytic activity. Mutant proteins with substitutions at three positions in the CB domain are defective for DNA cleavage but still proficient in ligation. The positions of the residues in the complex suggest that the mutant residues affect the positioning of the cleaved phosphodiester bond in the active site without disruption of the ligation step.

2021 ◽  
Petko M. Petkov ◽  
Natalie R. Powers ◽  
Timothy Billings ◽  
Kenneth Paigen

PRDM9 is a DNA-binding histone methyltransferase that designates and activates recombination hotspots in mammals by locally trimethylating lysines 4 and 36 of histone H3. In mice, we recently reported two independently produced point mutations at the same residue, glu360pro (Prdm9EP) and glu360lys (Prdm9EK), which severely reduce its H3K4 and H3K36 methyltransferase activities in vivo. Prdm9EP is slightly less hypomorphic than Prdm9EK, but both mutations reduce both the number and amplitude of PRDM9-dependent H3K4me3 and H3K36me3 peaks in spermatocytes. While both mutations cause infertility with complete meiotic arrest in males, Prdm9EP, but not Prdm9EK, is compatible with some female fertility. When we tested the effects of these mutations in vitro, both Prdm9EP and Prdm9EK abolished H3K4 and H3K36 methyltransferase activity in full-length PRDM9. However, in the isolated PRDM9 PR/SET domain, these mutations selectively compromised H3K36 methyltransferase activity, while leaving H3K4 methyltransferase activity intact. The difference in these effects on the PR/SET domain versus the full-length protein show that PRDM9 is not an intrinsically modular enzyme; its catalytic domain is influenced by its tertiary structure and possibly by its interactions with DNA and other proteins in vivo. These two informative mutations illuminate the enzymatic chemistry of PRDM9, and potentially of PR/SET domains in general, reveal the minimal threshold of PRDM9-dependent catalytic activity for female fertility, and potentially have some practical utility for genetic mapping and genomics.

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