scholarly journals Evidence synthesis workshops: moving from face-to-face to online learning

2020 ◽  
pp. bmjebm-2020-111394
Michael McCaul ◽  
Solange Durao ◽  
Tamara Kredo ◽  
Paul Garner ◽  
Taryn Young ◽  

Postgraduate training is moving from face-to-face workshops or courses to online learning to help increase access to knowledge, expertise and skills, and save the cost of face-to-face training. However, moving from face-to-face to online learning for many of us academics is intimidating, and appears even more difficult without the help of a team of technologists. In this paper, we describe our approach, our experiences and the lessons we learnt from converting a Primer in Systematic Reviews face-to-face workshop to a 6-week online course designed for healthcare professionals in Africa. We learnt that the team needs a balance of skills and experience, including technical know-how and content knowledge; that the learning strategies needed to achieve the learning objectives must match the content delivery. The online approach should result in both building knowledge and developing skills, and include interactive and participatory approaches. Finally, the design and delivery needs to keep in mind the limited and expensive internet access in some resource-poor settings in Africa.

Dewi Padmo ◽  
Lidwina Sri Ardiasih ◽  
Olivia Idrus

he Covid-19 pandemic forced all universities in Indonesia to divert their learning process from face to face to online mode within a limited resource and in a very short time. The approach, methods, and mechanisms of learning process, which have to be adjusted, during the Covid-19 are extremely varied within university. The study was conducted to explore the implementation of online learning in Indonesia during Covid-19 pandemic. In order to get information on how the institution, lecturers and students face this situation, an online survey was conducted. The questionnaire contained some aspects of approaches, methods and mechanisms of online learning; provisions of learning materials; resources such as devices for accessing online learning, internet connection, the cost of the internet connection; as well as the usability of online learning after the Covid-19 pandemic. There were 828 respondents participating in the survey. The participants involved in the survey were lecturers (51.21%) and students (35.39%) from various universities and the rest 13.41% from other institutions in Indonesia. A case study of Universitas Terbuka on the strategies, methods, and techniques of organizing online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic was discussed specifically to enrich the information. Based on the information from online survey and a case study of Universitas Terbuka, the learning strategies, methods and technics in online learning in the future, after the Covid-19 pandemic have been addressed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 599-607
Fortina Verawati Sianturi

The existence of COVID-19 which still hit Indonesia until in November 2020 had a negative impact on education in Indonesia, especially early childhood education. This makes learning, which was a face-to-face system, must be changed to distance education. In order for learning to continue optimally, of course, the teacher must be able to apply different learning strategies. In the pandemic era, schools implement online learning strategies, including at the Playgroup level. Online learning for children, of course, presents its challenges for the teachers. This study aims to investigate online learning strategies at the playgroup level. Play is also a means for children to channel their great energy and discover new things that were previously unknown in a fun way. And this is certainly different from learning that is understood by adults with all the rules and demands at the end. Playing (while learning) in early childhood has a purpose that adults may not realize, where when a child plays, in fact he is developing the potential that exists within him to become a solid initial capital for himself in the future when facing problems in life. This paper is expected to provide references and education to parents and early childhood teachers in particular to be able to understand the world of early childhood, one of which is by understanding the nature of play and the meaning of play for early childhood. This is obtained by exploring various sources from several literatures from the results of research and thought where the results can be used for early childhood parents and teachers to be more precise in assisting and designing learning for early childhood so that the pearl of early childhood learning, namely playing while learning can be achieved.

Donatella Persico ◽  
Francesca Pozzi ◽  
Luigi Sarti

Some collaborative learning strategies widely used in face-to-face settings can also be adapted to online contexts. They allow us to master the complex relations between members of large, heterogeneous online learning communities. The authors build on their experience in the application of some of the most well-known strategies and techniques used in online courses, such as jigsaw, peer review, role-play, case study, and brainstorming. The use of these strategies in computer supported collaborative learning (CSCL) environments and the related models describing the social structure of the learning community is discussed in the attempt to highlight their strengths and weaknesses and investigate the conditions for their applicability. The aim is to inform the design and the management of online learning communities.

Joshua Elliott

As with any mode of course delivery, there are both positives and negatives to online learning. There are the commonly cited positive features of online learning like the removal of geographic restrictions and scheduling barriers. Limitations may include unfamiliarity for those new to online learning and misunderstandings resulting from the transition from primarily face-to-face interactions to only online interactions. One of the nice things about online learning environments is that many of the possible drawbacks can be countered turning them into strength. Building a strong social presence in an online course can help with this. This chapter discusses three categories of strategies for building a social presence; ice breakers, netiquette activities, and discussion activities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
Muhlasin Amrullah ◽  
Rizka Rahmawati

The purpose of this study is to find out the methods and strategies used by SD Muhammadiyah 2 Krian in learning in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. This study examines various as-pects, among others: the history of the establishment of SD Muhammamdiyah 2 Krian, learn-ing methods, learning processes, learning strategies and learning breakthroughs during the covid-19 pandemic conducted by teachers who teach at SD Muhammadiyah 2 Krian. In the process of this research using qualitative-descriptive methods. Data retrieval techniques in this study through interviews, observasai and photos during the research process. This study aims to uncover and conclude how the stategi learning during the covid-19 pandemic by SD Mu-hammadiyah 2 Krian, as well as knowing the origin of the establishment of SD Muhammadi-yah 2 krian, as well as schools in general strategies conducted in SD Muhammadiyah 2 krian this by usingblended learning or mixed learning between online and offline, applications used when online is google meet, youtube, or whatsapp and sometimes there are offline or face-to-face in the learning process conducted at SD Muhammadiyah 2 Krian in addition to the break-through in online learning conducted by teachers, there are many challenges in doing the learning process. But even so, learning does not have to be in school and in the classroom of teachers of SD Muhammadiyah 2 Krian still do the learning process through google meet, youtube or some kind of application that exists such as whatsapp in the hope that students can learn despite having to learn from home and ensure the learning process during the covid-19 pandemic is still running, and learning objectives can be achieved even in the current covid-19 pandemic conditions.

Khairunnisa Ulfadhilah

COVID-19 has an impact on all levels of education in Indonesia and has a major impact on early childhood, where the teaching and learning process needs to be done face-to-face, but due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the government's policy of face-to-face learning and online learning is carried out. Researchers conducting this research are interested in the learning strategies used by educators during the COVID-19 pandemic so that they can become a reference for parents in guiding children to learn online. The effect of learning for early childhood is difficulty in understanding explanations from educators, lack of socialization in children's lives because schools are held online, children's development and growth has decreased, children's achievement indicators will decrease. Online learning for children aged during this pandemic is not optimal because it has obstacles, namely COVID-19, which is the reason children experience the impact of learning at home. The research method used qualitative research to describe the findings in the field and then processed the data. The data collection techniques in the research that have been carried out are observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this research are so that parents can guide, supervise and become a place for children's education in the family. Parents have a very big responsibility in educating and guiding children's learning online, the success of children's learning will be determined by parents if parents provide stimulation or guide when learning online.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 77-88
Fitria Fauziah Hasanah ◽  
Yuli Fauziah Setiawati ◽  
Oyib Fauziah Sulaeman

The development of human civilization has an impact on the presence of technology which is the most inherent part of life, including in the education sector. 2020 is the year that makes most areas of life undergo changes due to the Covid-19 pandemic. In the field of education, the Covid-19 pandemic makes learning must be carried out online and no learning as usual is carried out face-to-face at school. Each educational institution has its own way of implementing learning during the pandemic, various applications and online learning strategies have become a new culture for educators and students. This study aims to analyze the implementation of fully online e-learning based on moodle used in SDIT Lukman Al Hakim Sleman Yogyakarta and to determine the supporting factors and inhibiting factors. This research is a qualitative research. The results showed the implementation of fully online e-learning based on moodle at SD IT Lukman Al Hakim Sleman Yogyakarta that learning was carried out online from the opening stage at the beginning of learning, then the learning process stage and the closing stage, but at three stages using a platform different. The supporting factor for fully online e-learning based on moodle is because schools provide paid service facilities so that the implementation of learning does not experience different capacity limitations with unpaid services, while the inhibiting factor is that there are still students who experience difficulties in online learning due to unstable networks. in the student's area.

Gracia M. N. Otta

During the covid 19 pandemic, online learning, and its terms are not strange things in East Nusa Tenggara. The establishment of Learning from home was started from March to June 2020 to prevent the spread of Covid-19. This research is a case study of eleven English teachers who serve in certain areas around East Nusa Tenggara; five teachers of Senior High School/Vocational School, five teachers of Junior High School, and one Elementary School teacher. Its purpose was to describe the methods in the English teaching-learning process in a pandemic situation. The data of this descriptive study were obtained through WhatsApp non-facial interviews and analyzed by reducing and categorizing similar results. The results showed that the teachers applied two methods, both offline and online.  From March to June 2020, the teachers managed their classes in the online process by using some applications. Whereas, in the Uneven Semester 2020-2021, the safe areas return to face-to-face learning in limited learning duration. The most prominent obstacle in online learning was the limitation of gadgets since the students did not have adequate tools. Financially, parents' income has decreased for they could not meet the needs of internet data packages. Students who returned to their hometown also experienced problems regarding network services. These conditions cause more obstacles to teachers in managing online classes. Therefore, teachers implemented several strategies to solve these obstacles by creating a WhatsApp group or arranging them into small groups based on their locations and there were students with smartphones to browse for materials or send the assignments. In addition, students were allowed to consult and collect the assignments at school based on scheduled agreements. The situation continues to Even Semester 2020-2021 and gradually turned to limited face-to-face meetings at school in the Uneven Semester 2021-2022.

Злата Ржевська-Штефан

Статтю присвячено проблемі мотивації до навчання студентів-першокурсників університету в умовах карантинного дистанційного навчання, для яких вимушений і раптовий перехід на дистанційну форму співпав з періодом їх адаптації до навчання у виші. Проаналізовано переваги та обмеження дистанційної форми навчання в плані мотивування студентів до досягнення навчальних цілей. Розкрито специфіку мотивації студентів в умовах дистанційного карантинного навчання. З метою вивчення особливостей мотивації до навчання студентів першокурсників в умовах карантинного дистанційного навчання використано методику «Шкали академічної мотивації» Т.О. Гордеевої, яка дозволяє визначити рівень розвитку різних мотиваційних конструктів в контексті теорії самодетермінації. Визначено, що у більшості студентів під час академічного року 2020-2021 домінувала внутрішня мотивація, а загальною тенденцією в динаміці мотивації студентів було незначне зниження показників за всіма шкалами як внутрішньої, так і зовнішньої мотивації. Виключенням є показники шкали амотивації, яка несуттєво зросла. Порівняння отриманих результатів із даними про мотивацію першокурсників, що навчались очно, показало, що мотивація студентів, що навчалися в умовах дистанційного та змішаного навчання, виявилась достовірно вищою за всіма шкалами внутрішньої мотивації, а також за шкалами мотивації самоповаги та інтроеційованої мотивації. Виявлені особливості, на наш погляд, визначають специфіку адаптаційних процесів першокурсників в умовах карантинного дистанту. Також отримані результати свідчать, що, попри негативний вплив умов локдауну, студенти виявились достатньо мобілізованими для подолання викликів адаптації до незвичних умов навчання. В свою чергу умови дистанційного навчання спільно з викликами пандемії створили підґрунтя для активізації процесів саморегуляції першокурсників і набуття ними суб’єктного досвіду. Водночас цих умов вочевидь недостатньо для того, щоб такі процеси набули масовості та більшої глибини. Література Гордеева, Т.О., Сычев, О.А., & Осин, Е.Н. (2014). Опросник «Шкалы академической мотивации». Психологический журнал, 35(4), 96–107. Дворецкая, Т.А., & Ахмадиева, Л.Р. (2018). Динамика направленности учебной мотивации у студентов разных курсов в течение учебного года. Профессиональное образование в современном мире, 8(2), 1924–1933. Іванеко, Ю. (2020). Дистанційне навчання як засіб розвитку самоорганізації студентів. Збірник наукових праць «Проблеми сучасної психології», 49, 60–83. https://org/10.32626/2227-6246.2020-49 Красюк, Ю.М. (2010). Проблеми мотивації навчальної діяльності студентів дистанційної форми навчання. Режим доступу: Панферов, В.Н., Безгодова, С.А., Васильева, С.В., Иванов, А.С., & Микляева, А.В. (2020). Эффективность обучения и академическая мотивация студентов в условиях онлайн-взаимодействия с преподавателем (на примере видеолекции). Социальная психология и общество, 11(1), 127–143. Прибилова, В. (2017). Проблеми та переваги дистанційного навчання у вищих навчальних закладах України. Проблеми сучасної освіти, 4, 27–36. Режим доступа: Пуляєва, В.Н., & Неврюев, А.Н. (2019). Академическая мотивация: как фактор удовлетворенности образовательными услугами. Креативная экономика, 3, 533–544. Режим доступа: Савин, Е.Ю. (2019). Соотношение субъектного опыта студента с внешней и внутренней мотивацией академической активности. Мир науки. Педагогика и психология, 2. Режим доступа: Смульсон, Ю.Л. (2012). Дистанційне навчання: психологічні засади. (Монографія). Кіровоград : Імекс-ЛТД. Biwer,, Wiradhany, W., oude Egbrink, M., Hospers, H., Wasenitz, S., Jansen, W., & de Bruin,A. (2021). Changes and Adaptations: How University Students Self-Regulate Their Online Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Front. Psychol., 12, 642593. Deci, E., & Ryan, R.M. (2012). Motivation, Personality, and Development within Embedded Social Contexts: An Overview of Self-Determination Theory. In The Oxford Handbook of Human Motivation, 1–26. Markova, Т., Glazkova, І., & Zaborova, Е. (2017). Quality Issues of Online Distance Learning. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 237, 685–691. Meeter, M., Bele, T., Hartogh, C. d., Bakker, T., de Vries, R.E., & Plak, S. (2020). College students’ motivation and study results after COVID-19 stay-at-home orders.  Meşe, E., & Sevilen, Ç. (2021). Factors influencing EFL students’ motivation in online learning: A qualitative case study. Journal of Educational Technology & Online Learning, 4(1), 11–22.  Retrieved from Stark, E. (2019). Examining the Role of Motivation and Learning Strategies in the Success of Online vs. Face-to-Face Students. Online Learning, 23(3), 234–251.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
Houston Heflin ◽  
Suzanne Macaluso

Assessing the degree to which students engage and learn from their online courses will be important as online courses are becoming more ubiquitous. This study sought to capture student perceptions of their independence as learners, their level of engagement, their effort exerted, and the amount of information they learned in online courses. The study was conducted over three years with 455 students who completed a self-assessment at the end of an intensive summer online course. Results showed an equal number of students agreeing and disagreeing that online courses help students learn the same amount of information encountered in a face-to-face course. The majority of students reported they were more independent (84.4%), were more engaged (54.5%) and exerted more effort (57.4%), in their online course than a typical face-to-face class. Recommendations are made for faculty creating online courses who have the opportunity to coach students on how to succeed in the online learning environment.

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