Comparison of Judgment Scales of the Analytical Hierarchy Process — A New Approach

Klaus D. Goepel

The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) remains a popular multi-criteria decision method. One topic under discussion of AHP is the use of different scales to translate judgments into ratios. The author makes a new approach to compare different scale functions and to derive a recommendation for the application of scales. The approach is based on simple analytic functions and takes into consideration the number of criteria of the decision problem. A generalization of the so-called balanced scale is proposed, and a new adaptive-balanced scale is introduced. Scales are then categorized and compared based on weight boundaries and weight ratios, weight uncertainties, weight dispersion and number of decision criteria. Finally, a practical example of a decision hierarchy is presented applying the different scales. The results show that the generalized balanced scale improves weight dispersion and weight uncertainty in comparison to the fundamental AHP scale. The proposed adaptive-balanced scale overcomes the problem of a change of the maximum weight depending on the number of decision criteria.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 162-169
Istna Mar`atul Khusna ◽  
Novita Mariana

Abstrak— Bibit merupakan salah satu penentu dalam keberhasilan budidaya tanaman padi. Budidaya tanaman padi dimulai dari memilih bibit tanaman yang berkualitas karena bibit termasuk objek utama yang dikembangkan pada budidaya selanjutnya. Bibit sebagai pembawa gen dari induknya yang akan menentukan sifat dari tanaman setelah berproduksi dan untuk mendapatkan bibit padi yang berkualitas dapat diperoleh dari memilih dan menentukan bibit yang berasal dari induk berkualitas. Kualitas bibit merupakan kunci keberhasilan dalam budidaya padi. Bibit yang berkualitas mampu beradaptasi, memiliki pertumbuhan yang cepat serta seragam, tumbuh lebih cepat, tahan hama dan tinggi nilai produktivitasnya. Untuk mendapatkan bibit padi berkualitas, petani sering mengalami kesulitan. Berdasarkan kesulitan yang dialami petani, maka akan dibangun sebuah sistem pendukung keputusan untuk membantu petani memutuskan bibit yang akan ditanam sesuai dengan kondisi lingkungan tanam dengan mempertimbangkan beberapa aspek kriteria. Dalam mengatasi masalah pemilihan bibit padi tersebut dibuat sebuah program sistem pendukung keputusan agar memudahkan informasi dan rekomendasi kepada petani padi tentang bibit yang berkualitas. Dengan menggunakan dua metode yaitu Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) dan Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS). Penentuan bobot kriteria dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), sedangkan untuk tahap perankingan dikerjakan dengan menggunakan metode TOPSIS. Hasil yang didapatkan dari penelitian ini adalah padi berkualitas dari lima alternatif yang sudah ditetapkan, yaitu: Sunggal, Inpari32, Ciherang, IR64, Situbagendit. Sistem menghasilkan nilai preferensi tertinggi yaitu 0,858 pada padi Sunggal di urutan pertama dan  0,767 pada padi Inpari32 diurutan kedua. Jadi dari hasil penelitian ini, peneliti merekomendasikan bibit padi berkualitas yang cocok ditanam di di desa sambongbangi yaitu Sunggal dan Inpari32..Kata Kunci : Bibit Padi, DSS, TOPSIS, AHP, Kualitas Bibit Padi

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 49
Sri Lestari ◽  
Desy Rosarina ◽  
Eko Hariyanto

MH14-024 Bobbin Horn adalah sebuah produk untuk komponen Horn atau klakson yang diproduksi oleh PT. Mitsuba Indonesia. Produk ini diproduksi dengan proses injection molding dengan sistem cold runner, yaitu proses produksi injection molding yang menghasilkan barang dengan kualitas bagus, tapi masih disertai runner. Runner ini yang dilihat oleh PT. Mitsuba Indonesia suatu hal yang sia-sia, karena tidak mempunyai nilai jual dan bahkan memerlukan suatu proses yang bernama crusher, supaya runner tersebut bisa kembali digunakan sebagai bahan campuran pada proses injection berikutnya. PT. Mitsuba Indonesia terus mengembangkan proses produksi untuk terus meningkatkan produktifitas, salah satunya dengan mengikuti perkembangan teknologi. Saat ini, proses produksi dengan menggunakan mesin injection molding ada beberapa pengembangan sistem, yaitu sistem mini runner dan sistem hot runner. Yang masing-masing memiliki nilai lebih dari sistem yang sebelumnya. Pada penelitian ini, penulis mempelajari data-data hasil kuesioner seorang responden ahli dan kemudian dianalisis dengan metode Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) untuk mendapatkan keputusan dalam menentukansistem mold pada MH14-024 Bobbin Horn. Hasil dari semua perhitungan dibuat rangkuman dan dievaluasi sehingga mendapatkan nilai prioritas alternatif tertinggi sebesar 0.6648 untuk sistem hot runner yang dipilih sebagai keputusan yang akan diambil untuk pembuatan mold MH14-024 Bobbin Horn. Kata Kunci : MH14-024 Bobbin Horn, Injection molding, AHP, Kriteria, Alternatif.

2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 88 ◽  
Aji Sasongko ◽  
Indah Fitri Astuti ◽  
Septya Maharani

Pemilihan karyawan baru dalam suatu perusahaan merupakan suatu hal yang sangat penting karena menentukan kualitas perusahaan tersebut di masa yang akan datang, dalam memilih karyawan baru diperlukan ketelitian yang tinggi dalam menseleksi satu per satu pelamar yang telah mendaftar. Salah satu cara yang efektif dalam menseleksi karyawan adalah dengan cara menerapkan sistem penunjang keputusan sehingga dapat memutuskan dengan hasil yang tepat dalam menseleksi karyawan baru. Aplikasi ini menerapkan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), yaitu dengan melakukan pembobotan terhadap kriteria dan pelamar. Hasil penelitian berupa aplikasi sistem pemilihan karyawan baru  berbasis web yang memberikan rekomendasi sebagai bahan pertimbangan untuk mengambil keputusan secara tepat dan diharapkan dapat mempermudah proses seleksi karyawan baru.

2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 47
I Nyoman Radiarta ◽  
Erlania Erlania ◽  
Joni Haryadi

Penerapan konsep pembangunan kelautan dan perikanan yang berbasis blue economy (BE) merupakan langkah strategis dalam pelaksanaan pembangunan kelautan dan perikanan. Konsepsi BE bertujuan untuk menciptakan suatu industri yang ramah lingkungan, sehingga bisa tercipta pengelolaan sumberdaya alam yang lestari dan berkelanjutan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi kondisi terkini dan langkah-langkah strategis pengembangan perikanan budidaya berbasis BE di Indonesia. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret-Oktober 2014. Data dikumpulkan dari lima lokasi yaitu: Provinsi Lampung, Jawa Timur, Bali, Nusa Tenggara Barat, dan Sulawesi Selatan, serta Kabupaten Sumbawa. Pengumpulan data dan informasi dilakukan melalui wawancara dengan menggunakan kuisioner terstruktur yang disusun dengan pendekatan Analytic Hierarchy Process. Analisis Strength Weakness Opportunities Threat (SWOT) dilakukan untuk melihat aspek-aspek yang mempengaruhi pengembangan perikanan budidaya yang berbasis BE. Hasil kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa penerapan BE di bidang perikanan budidaya masih harus diperkaya dengan kerangka kebijakan kelautan dan perikanan, termasuk didalamnya ketersediaan teknologi perikanan budidaya yang prospektif, peningkatan sumberdaya manusia, sosialisasi konsepsi BE, dan penerapan perikanan budidaya yang mampu mengakomodasi prinsip-prinsip BE. (Analysis of Aquaculture Development Based on Blue Economy Concept Using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Approach)The implementation of blue economy (BE) concept for development of marine and fisheries sectors is a strategic step for marine and fisheries programs. The aim of BE conception is to promote an environmental friendly industrial based, so it can create natural resources management and sustainable used. Purpose of this study was to evaluate the current conditions and strategic plans for aquaculture development based on BE concept in Indonesia. The study was carried out during March-October 2014. Data were collected from five locations: Lampung, East Java, Bali, West Nusa Tenggara, South Sulawesi, and Sumbawa Regency. Interviews using a structured questionnaire based on the analytical hierarchy process approach were used for gathering data and information. SWOT analysis was also conducted to analyse aspects that affect the development of BE based aquaculture. The results of this study indicated that the application of BE in the field of aquaculture remains to be enriched with marine and fisheries policy framework, including the availability of prospective aquaculture technology, improving human resources capability, socialization of BE conception, and implementation of aquaculture which could accommodate the principles of BE.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-7
Yi-Fong Lin

A famous paper that has been cited more than four hundred times tried to combine (a) the preference ranking organization method for enrichment evaluations (PROMETHEE) and (b) the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to construct a new method for multicriteria decision-making problems. The paper developed a consistent comparison matrix for their AHP by the defined first row and then they allowed the expert to change several entries in the comparison matrix. Hence, how to construct a new comparison matrix that is (i) consistent and (ii) satisfying the assigned values by the expert becomes a challenging problem. A recent article provided a reply to the above problem by the construction of all entries for the comparison matrix. However, they did not follow the original design proposed by the famous paper. In this paper, we present a new approach with a proposition that satisfies the original design of the famous paper and also achieves two goals (i) and (ii). The research gap of proof is fulfilled by this paper. Our findings explain that the original construction of the famous paper to develop a consistent comparison matrix only by the first row with several assigned values by an expert is indeed workable under two additional restrictions proposed by the recent article. We believe that after our proposition, researchers have the confidence to execute the original design of the paper that has been cited more than four hundred times.

2019 ◽  
Vol 31 (5) ◽  
pp. 1235-1241
Marina Badarovska Mishevska

The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is a structured technique for organizing and analyzing complex decisions, based on mathematics and psychology. The method was developed by Thomas L. Saaty in the 1970s and has been extensively studied and refined since then. It has particular application in group decision making and is used around the world in a wide variety of decision situation. Rather than prescribing a "correct" decision, the AHP helps decision makers choose one that best suits their goal and their understanding of the problem. The technique provides a comprehensive and rational framework for structuring a decision problem, for representing and quantifying its elements, for relating those elements to overall goals, and for evaluating alternative solutions. Decision making is the choice of one alternative, from two or more, to which the course of the activity is directed and the problem is solved. The decision-making process is a rational attempt by the manager to achieve the goals of the organizational unit. The decision-making process can be thought of as a "brain and nervous system" of an enterprise. Decisions are made when a person wants things to be different in the future. Given each specific situation, making the right decisions is probably one of the most difficult challenges for managers. Managers in day-to-day work deliver programmed and unprogrammed decisions that solve simple or complex problems. Simple decisions have an impact on the short-term performance of the enterprise, and complex decisions have an impact on the long-term future and success of the enterprise. Users of the AHP first decompose their decision problem into a hierarchy of more easily comprehended sub-problems, each of which can be analyzed independently. Once the hierarchy is built, the decision makers systematically evaluate its various elements by comparing them to each other two at a time, with respect to their impact on an element above them in the hierarchy. The AHP converts these evaluations to numerical values that can be processed and compared over the entire range of the problem. In this article, it is explained the application of the AHP method in order to evaluate and promote employees in the enterprise "X" with several criteria. The obtained results enable the manager to evaluate the employees in an objective way and make an objective decision for their promotion. Its application for selecting the best among employees, in their assessment and promotion, allows managers to use a specific and mathematical tool to support the decision. This tool not only supports and qualifies decisions, it also allows managers to justify their choice, as well as to simulate possible results.

Ilham Pramuja Nasution ◽  
Arjon Samuel Sitio

The budget allocation of a village fund is very important and take big effect to village progress Because the office to distribute the tax result for village development. But, that allocation is not accurately. Therefore there was design a system to support a decision a budget allocation of village funds by using an Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. This research done to the make-easy an office village in budgeting is the allocation of village funds. An method of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) is one of a method known as important as the highest level. An AHP method is look for the best alternative

2014 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 101
Ahmad Fatih Fudhla

Ahmad Fatih FudhlaSystems Modeling Laboratory, Industrial Engineering Department, STT YPMRaya Ngelom 86, Taman, Sepanjang, Sidoarjo 61257, East Java, IndonesiaEmail: [email protected] keputusan dalam memilih desain pengembangan komponen Gear Transmission box (GTB) pada Traktor Tangan dilakukan dengan banyak kriteria. Berdasarkan diskusi Focus group dan brainstorming yang dilakukan oleh tim pengembangan produk, teridentifikasi tujuh kriteria yakni; Ketahanan material terhadap korosi, Kemampuan desain untuk diproses di lantai produksi, kemampuan desain dalam menahan beban operasi maksimum traktor tangan, pengaruh terhadap proses produksi komponen lainnya, biaya manufaktur, massa desain GTB, dan waktu proses. Kriteria tersebut dikelompokkan ke dalam kategori positif dan negative. Positif adalah kriteria yang nilainya semakin besar semakin baik, sedangkan negatif semakin kecil semakin baik. Terdapat tiga alternatif desain, yakni Desain Awal, Desain 1 dan Desain 2. Pemilihan dilakukan dengan metode Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Evaluasi dilaksanakan terpisah untuk kedua kategori. Alternative terbaik adalah alternative yang memiliki nilai perbandingan terbesar antara nilai alternatif criteria positif dan negative.KataKunci: Analytical Hierarchy Process, Perbandingan Berpasangan, Perancangan dan Pengembangan Komponen ProdukABSTRACTDecision making on selection of hand tractor Gear Transmission Box (GTB) “Improvement Designs” is carried out according to many criteria. Based on the focus group and brainstorm performed by product-development teams, seven criteria are finally identified as follows; Material corrosion resistance, Manufacturability, The ability of the design to withstand the maximum load operation, influence on the other components process, manufacturing cost, mass of GTB design, and processing time. Those criteria are categorized into positive and negative characteristics. Positive criteria indicate that score which is the greater the better, by contrast, negative is the less the better. There are 3 alternatives namely Initial Design, Design 1 and Design 2. The selection is performed based on Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Method. The evaluation is analyzed separately according to each category. The best alternative is the one which has the highest ratio between positive and negative criteria.Key Words: Analytical Hierarchy Process, Pair-wise Comparison, Component Design and Development

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-13
Zaher Sepehrian ◽  
Sahar Khoshfetrat ◽  
Said Ebadi

Data envelopment analysis (DEA) has been used for obtaining weights for the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), an approach known as DEAHP. This method sometimes identifies more than one decision criterion or alternative as DEAHP-efficient. To overcome this problem, this paper proposes a new approach that not only generates appropriate weights for the decision criteria or alternatives, but also differentiates between DEAHP-efficient decision criteria or alternatives. To this end, we propose a DEA model with an assurance region and a cross-weight model that prioritizes decision criteria or alternatives by considering their most unfavorable weights. Two numerical examples are also provided to illustrate the advantages and potential applications of the proposed model.

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