Laser scanning for the interactive walk-through fogScreen

Ismo Rakkolainen ◽  
Karri Palovuori
Thomas M. Jovin ◽  
Michel Robert-Nicoud ◽  
Donna J. Arndt-Jovin ◽  
Thorsten Schormann

Light microscopic techniques for visualizing biomolecules and biochemical processes in situ have become indispensable in studies concerning the structural organization of supramolecular assemblies in cells and of processes during the cell cycle, transformation, differentiation, and development. Confocal laser scanning microscopy offers a number of advantages for the in situ localization and quantitation of fluorescence labeled targets and probes: (i) rejection of interfering signals emanating from out-of-focus and adjacent structures, allowing the “optical sectioning” of the specimen and 3-D reconstruction without time consuming deconvolution; (ii) increased spatial resolution; (iii) electronic control of contrast and magnification; (iv) simultanous imaging of the specimen by optical phenomena based on incident, scattered, emitted, and transmitted light; and (v) simultanous use of different fluorescent probes and types of detectors.We currently use a confocal laser scanning microscope CLSM (Zeiss, Oberkochen) equipped with 3-laser excitation (u.v - visible) and confocal optics in the fluorescence mode, as well as a computer-controlled X-Y-Z scanning stage with 0.1 μ resolution.

D. E. Becker

An efficient, robust, and widely-applicable technique is presented for computational synthesis of high-resolution, wide-area images of a specimen from a series of overlapping partial views. This technique can also be used to combine the results of various forms of image analysis, such as segmentation, automated cell counting, deblurring, and neuron tracing, to generate representations that are equivalent to processing the large wide-area image, rather than the individual partial views. This can be a first step towards quantitation of the higher-level tissue architecture. The computational approach overcomes mechanical limitations, such as hysterisis and backlash, of microscope stages. It also automates a procedure that is currently done manually. One application is the high-resolution visualization and/or quantitation of large batches of specimens that are much wider than the field of view of the microscope.The automated montage synthesis begins by computing a concise set of landmark points for each partial view. The type of landmarks used can vary greatly depending on the images of interest. In many cases, image analysis performed on each data set can provide useful landmarks. Even when no such “natural” landmarks are available, image processing can often provide useful landmarks.

Thomas J. Deerinck ◽  
Maryann E. Martone ◽  
Varda Lev-Ram ◽  
David P. L. Green ◽  
Roger Y. Tsien ◽  

The confocal laser scanning microscope has become a powerful tool in the study of the 3-dimensional distribution of proteins and specific nucleic acid sequences in cells and tissues. This is also proving to be true for a new generation of high contrast intermediate voltage electron microscopes (IVEM). Until recently, the number of labeling techniques that could be employed to allow examination of the same sample with both confocal and IVEM was rather limited. One method that can be used to take full advantage of these two technologies is fluorescence photooxidation. Specimens are labeled by a fluorescent dye and viewed with confocal microscopy followed by fluorescence photooxidation of diaminobenzidine (DAB). In this technique, a fluorescent dye is used to photooxidize DAB into an osmiophilic reaction product that can be subsequently visualized with the electron microscope. The precise reaction mechanism by which the photooxidation occurs is not known but evidence suggests that the radiationless transfer of energy from the excited-state dye molecule undergoing the phenomenon of intersystem crossing leads to the formation of reactive oxygen species such as singlet oxygen. It is this reactive oxygen that is likely crucial in the photooxidation of DAB.

W.F. Marshall ◽  
K. Oegema ◽  
J. Nunnari ◽  
A.F. Straight ◽  
D.A. Agard ◽  

The ability to image cells in three dimensions has brought about a revolution in biological microscopy, enabling many questions to be asked which would be inaccessible without this capability. There are currently two major methods of three dimensional microscopy: laser-scanning confocal microscopy and widefield-deconvolution microscopy. The method of widefield-deconvolution uses a cooled CCD to acquire images from a standard widefield microscope, and then computationally removes out of focus blur. Using such a scheme, it is easy to acquire time-lapse 3D images of living cells without killing them, and to do so for multiple wavelengths (using computer-controlled filter wheels). Thus, it is now not only feasible, but routine, to perform five dimensional microscopy (three spatial dimensions, plus time, plus wavelength).Widefield-deconvolution has several advantages over confocal microscopy. The two main advantages are high speed of acquisition (because there is no scanning, a single optical section is acquired at a time by using a cooled CCD camera) and the use of low excitation light levels Excitation intensity can be much lower than in a confocal microscope for three reasons: 1) longer exposures can be taken since the entire 512x512 image plane is acquired in parallel, so that dwell time is not an issue, 2) the higher quantum efficiently of a CCD detect over those typically used in confocal microscopy (although this is expected to change due to advances in confocal detector technology), and 3) because no pinhole is used to reject light, a much larger fraction of the emitted light is collected. Thus we can typically acquire images with thousands of photons per pixel using a mercury lamp, instead of a laser, for illumination. The use of low excitation light is critical for living samples, and also reduces bleaching. The high speed of widefield microscopy is also essential for time-lapse 3D microscopy, since one must acquire images quickly enough to resolve interesting events.

M. H. Chestnut ◽  
C. E. Catrenich

Helicobacter pylori is a non-invasive, Gram-negative spiral bacterium first identified in 1983, and subsequently implicated in the pathogenesis of gastroduodenal disease including gastritis and peptic ulcer disease. Cytotoxic activity, manifested by intracytoplasmic vacuolation of mammalian cells in vitro, was identified in 55% of H. pylori strains examined. The vacuoles increase in number and size during extended incubation, resulting in vacuolar and cellular degeneration after 24 h to 48 h. Vacuolation of gastric epithelial cells is also observed in vivo during infection by H. pylori. A high molecular weight, heat labile protein is believed to be responsible for vacuolation and to significantly contribute to the development of gastroduodenal disease in humans. The mechanism by which the cytotoxin exerts its effect is unknown, as is the intracellular origin of the vacuolar membrane and contents. Acridine orange is a membrane-permeant weak base that initially accumulates in low-pH compartments. We have used acridine orange accumulation in conjunction with confocal laser scanning microscopy of toxin-treated cells to begin probing the nature and origin of these vacuoles.

J. Holy ◽  
G. Schatten

One of the classic limitations of light microscopy has been the fact that three dimensional biological events could only be visualized in two dimensions. Recently, this shortcoming has been overcome by combining the technologies of laser scanning confocal microscopy (LSCM) and computer processing of microscopical data by volume rendering methods. We have employed these techniques to examine morphogenetic events characterizing early development of sea urchin embryos. Specifically, the fourth cleavage division was examined because it is at this point that the first morphological signs of cell differentiation appear, manifested in the production of macromeres and micromeres by unequally dividing vegetal blastomeres.The mitotic spindle within vegetal blastomeres undergoing unequal cleavage are highly polarized and develop specialized, flattened asters toward the micromere pole. In order to reconstruct the three-dimensional features of these spindles, both isolated spindles and intact, extracted embryos were fluorescently labeled with antibodies directed against either centrosomes or tubulin.

P.M. Houpt ◽  
A. Draaijer

In confocal microscopy, the object is scanned by the coinciding focal points (confocal) of a point light source and a point detector both focused on a certain plane in the object. Only light coming from the focal point is detected and, even more important, out-of-focus light is rejected.This makes it possible to slice up optically the ‘volume of interest’ in the object by moving it axially while scanning the focused point light source (X-Y) laterally. The successive confocal sections can be stored in a computer and used to reconstruct the object in a 3D image display.The instrument described is able to scan the object laterally with an Ar ion laser (488 nm) at video rates. The image of one confocal section of an object can be displayed within 40 milliseconds (1000 х 1000 pixels). The time to record the total information within the ‘volume of interest’ normally depends on the number of slices needed to cover it, but rarely exceeds a few seconds.

Kenneth C. Moore

The University of Iowa Central Electron Microscopy Research Facility(CEMRF) was established in 1981 to support all faculty, staff and students needing this technology. Initially the CEMRF was operated with one TEM, one SEM, three staff members and supported about 30 projects a year. During the past twelve years, the facility has replaced all instrumentation pre-dating 1981, and now includes 2 TEM's, 2 SEM's, 2 EDS systems, cryo-transfer specimen holders for both TEM and SEM, 2 parafin microtomes, 4 ultamicrotomes including cryoultramicrotomy, a Laser Scanning Confocal microscope, a research grade light microscope, an Ion Mill, film and print processing equipment, a rapid cryo-freezer, freeze substitution apparatus, a freeze-fracture/etching system, vacuum evaporators, sputter coaters, a plasma asher, and is currently evaluating scanning probe microscopes for acquisition. The facility presently consists of 10 staff members and supports over 150 projects annually from 44 departments in 5 Colleges and 10 industrial laboratories. One of the unique strengths of the CEMRF is that both Biomedical and Physical scientists use the facility.

Hakan Ancin

This paper presents methods for performing detailed quantitative automated three dimensional (3-D) analysis of cell populations in thick tissue sections while preserving the relative 3-D locations of cells. Specifically, the method disambiguates overlapping clusters of cells, and accurately measures the volume, 3-D location, and shape parameters for each cell. Finally, the entire population of cells is analyzed to detect patterns and groupings with respect to various combinations of cell properties. All of the above is accomplished with zero subjective bias.In this method, a laser-scanning confocal light microscope (LSCM) is used to collect optical sections through the entire thickness (100 - 500μm) of fluorescently-labelled tissue slices. The acquired stack of optical slices is first subjected to axial deblurring using the expectation maximization (EM) algorithm. The resulting isotropic 3-D image is segmented using a spatially-adaptive Poisson based image segmentation algorithm with region-dependent smoothing parameters. Extracting the voxels that were labelled as "foreground" into an active voxel data structure results in a large data reduction.

William Theurkauf

Cell division in eucaryotes depends on coordinated changes in nuclear and cytoskeletal components. In Drosophila melanogaster embryos, the first 13 nuclear divisions occur without cytokinesis. During the final four divisions, nuclei divide in a uniform monolayer at the surface of the embryo. These surface divisions are accompanied by dramatic changes in cortical actin and microtubule structure (Karr and Alberts, 1986), and inhibitor studies indicate that these changes are essential to orderly mitosis (Zalokar and Erk, 1976). Because the early embryo is syncytial, fluorescent probes introduced by microinjection are incorporated in structures associated with all of the nuclei in the blastoderm. In addition, the nuclei divide synchronously every 10 to 20 min. These characteristics make the syncytial blastoderm embryo an excellent system for the analysis of mitotic reorganization of both nuclear and cytoskeletal elements. However, the Drosophila embryo is a large cell, and resolution of cytoskeletal filaments and nuclear structure is hampered by out-of focus signal.

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