scholarly journals Doppler correction of mobile acoustic communication via adjustable AD sampling rate

Xiaoyang Wang ◽  
Siyuan Zheng ◽  
Qiuyang Tao ◽  
Fumin Zhang ◽  
Adtjn Song ◽  
E. Voelkl ◽  
L. F. Allard

The conventional discrete Fourier transform can be extended to a discrete Extended Fourier transform (EFT). The EFT allows to work with discrete data in close analogy to the optical bench, where continuous data are processed. The EFT includes a capability to increase or decrease the resolution in Fourier space (thus the argument that CCD cameras with a higher number of pixels to increase the resolution in Fourier space is no longer valid). Fourier transforms may also be shifted with arbitrary increments, which is important in electron holography. Still, the analogy between the optical bench and discrete optics on a computer is limited by the Nyquist limit. In this abstract we discuss the capability with the EFT to change the initial sampling rate si of a recorded or simulated image to any other(final) sampling rate sf.

2009 ◽  
Vol 23 (4) ◽  
pp. 191-198 ◽  
Suzannah K. Helps ◽  
Samantha J. Broyd ◽  
Christopher J. James ◽  
Anke Karl ◽  
Edmund J. S. Sonuga-Barke

Background: The default mode interference hypothesis ( Sonuga-Barke & Castellanos, 2007 ) predicts (1) the attenuation of very low frequency oscillations (VLFO; e.g., .05 Hz) in brain activity within the default mode network during the transition from rest to task, and (2) that failures to attenuate in this way will lead to an increased likelihood of periodic attention lapses that are synchronized to the VLFO pattern. Here, we tested these predictions using DC-EEG recordings within and outside of a previously identified network of electrode locations hypothesized to reflect DMN activity (i.e., S3 network; Helps et al., 2008 ). Method: 24 young adults (mean age 22.3 years; 8 male), sampled to include a wide range of ADHD symptoms, took part in a study of rest to task transitions. Two conditions were compared: 5 min of rest (eyes open) and a 10-min simple 2-choice RT task with a relatively high sampling rate (ISI 1 s). DC-EEG was recorded during both conditions, and the low-frequency spectrum was decomposed and measures of the power within specific bands extracted. Results: Shift from rest to task led to an attenuation of VLFO activity within the S3 network which was inversely associated with ADHD symptoms. RT during task also showed a VLFO signature. During task there was a small but significant degree of synchronization between EEG and RT in the VLFO band. Attenuators showed a lower degree of synchrony than nonattenuators. Discussion: The results provide some initial EEG-based support for the default mode interference hypothesis and suggest that failure to attenuate VLFO in the S3 network is associated with higher synchrony between low-frequency brain activity and RT fluctuations during a simple RT task. Although significant, the effects were small and future research should employ tasks with a higher sampling rate to increase the possibility of extracting robust and stable signals.

Yu. E. Moskalenko ◽  
T. I. Kravchenko ◽  
Yu. V. Novozhilova

Introduction. Slow fl uctuations in the volume and pressure of liquids in the cranial cavity have been known for a long time and have been studied for more than 100 years. However, their quantitative indicators and their practical signifi cance remain unclear until now due to the diffi culties of research. Nevertheless, it was found that they were connected with the brain activity, which made it possible to use them as one of the physiological indicators in studying the problems of manned space fl ights. Goal of research — to study the possibility of using spectral analysis of slow fl uctuations of the volume of liquids inside the cranium in order to realize the quantitative assessment of their indicators with the use of modern microelectronics and computer technology.Materials and methods. In order to solve this problem we created a complex, in which rheoencephalograph-RG-01 («Mizar») was used as a converter-modulator of physiological signals into electrical oscillations. The device was connected with the ADC (Firm «ADIstrument»), Its software allows to calculate the spectrogram with a sampling rate of 128 kHz. Studies were conducted on volunteers of younger, middle and older age groups. The respiratory rate and the electrocardiography were registered together with the rheoencephalography. Electrodes were fi xed on the volonteers′ fronto-mastoid area.Results. Slow fl uctuations the cranium representan independent physiological phenomenon. The most considerable and valuable were fl uctuations in 0,1–0,3 Hz. It was found that current frequency of 100 or 200 kHz and frequency for quantization of 80–100 kHz was optimal for performing their spectrograms. The structure of such diagram consists of 4–7 peaks with amplitude of 0,4–0,7 units compared with REG pulse amplitude. They depend on age and are characterized by hemispheric asymmetry. Spectral diagrams of slow fl ucation inside cranium are representing inpendent physiological phenomenon. These fl uctuations are not connected by common origin, with heart activity and respiration. They are connected by nature with brain activity and PRM.Conclusion. Can be an informative method for diagnostic and assessment of general status of osteopathic patients well as for the assessment of mechanisms of action of some osteopathic techniques.

2020 ◽  
Wirdayanti Sihombing

Penggunaan mouse secara umum masih membutuhkan mouse pad atau permukaan yang datar agar mouse tersebut dapat digerakkan dengan baik sehingga kursor pada layar dapat bergerak sesuai dengan arah gerakan yang diinginkan. Meskipun desain mouse cukup berkembang hingga saat ini, tetapi kebutuhan akan alat yang praktis dan dapat digunakan dalam kondisi apapun belum dapat terpenuhi. Untuk itu, dibutuhkan pengembangan mouse agar dapat dioperasikan secara praktis di berbagai kondisi. Purwarupa mouse keypad ini berfungsi sebagai alat untuk menggerakkan kursor pada layar komputer dan memasukkan huruf dan simbol seperti pada mouse dan keyboard pada umumnya. Komponen yang digunakan di dalam sistem ini yaitu mikrokontroler ATMega32 dan ATMega8, sensor akselerometer H48C, keypad matriks 4x4, IC A2601, dan XBee. Sensor akselerometer H48C digunakan untuk membaca percepatan pergerakan tangan, keypad digunakan sebagai tombol masukan huruf seperti pada keyboard, IC A2601 digunakan sebagai mouse kontroler, XBee untuk komunikasi nirkabel, sedangkan mikrokontroler ATMega32 dan ATMega8 digunakan sebagai pusat pengontrol. Purwarupa mouse keypad akselerometer ini dapat digunakan sebagai pengganti mouse dan keyboard dengan sampling rate mouse sebesar 72 Hz dan resolusi mouse 937 DPI. Tetapi masih diperlukan pengembangan lebih lanjut agar bentuk dan antarmuka yang digunakan lebih baik.

2020 ◽  
Wirdayanti Sihombing

Penggunaan mouse secara umum masih membutuhkan mouse pad atau permukaan yang datar agar mouse tersebut dapat digerakkan dengan baik sehingga kursor pada layar dapat bergerak sesuai dengan arah gerakan yang diinginkan. Meskipun desain mouse cukup berkembang hingga saat ini, tetapi kebutuhan akan alat yang praktis dan dapat digunakan dalam kondisi apapun belum dapat terpenuhi. Untuk itu, dibutuhkan pengembangan mouse agar dapat dioperasikan secara praktis di berbagai kondisi. Purwarupa mouse keypad ini berfungsi sebagai alat untuk menggerakkan kursor pada layar komputer dan memasukkan huruf dan simbol seperti pada mouse dan keyboard pada umumnya. Komponen yang digunakan di dalam sistem ini yaitu mikrokontroler ATMega32 dan ATMega8, sensor akselerometer H48C, keypad matriks 4x4, IC A2601, dan XBee. Sensor akselerometer H48C digunakan untuk membaca percepatan pergerakan tangan, keypad digunakan sebagai tombol masukan huruf seperti pada keyboard, IC A2601 digunakan sebagai mouse kontroler, XBee untuk komunikasi nirkabel, sedangkan mikrokontroler ATMega32 dan ATMega8 digunakan sebagai pusat pengontrol. Purwarupa mouse keypad akselerometer ini dapat digunakan sebagai pengganti mouse dan keyboard dengan sampling rate mouse sebesar 72 Hz dan resolusi mouse 937 DPI. Tetapi masih diperlukan pengembangan lebih lanjut agar bentuk dan antarmuka yang digunakan lebih baik.

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