Varying elastance concept may explain coronary systolic flow impediment

1989 ◽  
Vol 257 (5) ◽  
pp. H1471-H1479 ◽  
R. Krams ◽  
P. Sipkema ◽  
N. Westerhof

We measured phasic arterial coronary inflow in the blood-perfused isolated cat heart (n = 5) with a balloon in the left ventricle under well-defined conditions, i.e., constant perfusion pressure, constant vasomotor tone (maximal vasodilation), and heart rate. The normalized amplitude (A) between systolic flow (Fs) and diastolic flow (Fd) [A = (Fd - Fs)/Fd] was related to systolic left ventricular pressure (Ps, range 1.6-17 kPa, 1 kPa = 7.5 mmHg) for different isovolumic beats obtained by changes in balloon volume and for low load isobarically ejecting beats (pressure 0.2 kPa). The data were fitted to A = a + bPs with a = 0.70 +/- 0.15 (SD) and b = 0.005 +/- 0.005 kPa-1. This relation indicates a very weak effect of left ventricular systolic pressure on normalized flow amplitude. Thus the hypothesis that left ventricular pressure is the sole determinant impeding coronary flow could not be confirmed. However, our data could be explained on basis of the time-varying elastance concept (H. Suga, K. Sagawa, and A. A. Shoukas. Circ. Res. 32: 314-322, 1973). The intravascular and luminal (cavity) compartments both are assumed to be subject to a time-varying elastance. The time-varying luminal elastance is similar for isovolumic and isobaric beats. We assume that the elastance of the vascular compartment also behaves the same for these beats, and therefore coronary flow is affected similarly.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

1965 ◽  
Vol 209 (6) ◽  
pp. 1081-1088 ◽  
G. Ascanio ◽  
F. Barrera ◽  
E. V. Lautsch ◽  
M. J. Oppenheimer

Intracoronary administration of hexachlorotetrafluorobutane (Hexa) into non-thoracotomized dogs produced a statistically significant decrease in left ventricular systolic pressure (LVSP), mean femoral arterial blood pressure (MFAP), first derivative of left ventricular pressure pulse (dP/d t), total peripheral resistance (TPR), and cardiac output (C.O.) lasting up to 1 hr after injection. Femoral vascular resistance decreased during the first 3 min after production of necrobiosis. Fifty percent of the dogs died of ventricular fibrillation (VF) after Hexa infarction. Prereserpinized dogs did not show significant changes in the parameters which were significantly changed in normal dogs after Hexa necrobiosis except in the case of VF which was almost absent in this group. Bilateral vagotomy prior to Hexa administration prevented most hemodynamic changes after necrobiosis whereas atropine did not. Bilateral vagotomy and atropine 1 hr after necrobiosis increased MFAP, dP/d t, LVSP, C.O., and TPR. Apparently excitatory efferent sympathetic activity on heart and femoral arterial vessels is reflexly inhibited by the effects of intracoronary injection of Hexa. The afferent pathway is via the vagus nerve.

1992 ◽  
Vol 262 (4) ◽  
pp. H965-H972 ◽  
P. A. Gwirtz ◽  
J. M. Dodd-O ◽  
H. F. Downey ◽  
H. J. Mass ◽  
B. A. Barron ◽  

Modulation of myocardial contractile function and perfusion by alpha 1-adrenergic receptors were examined in anesthetized dogs during left stellate ganglion stimulation. In 11 dogs, stellate stimulation significantly increased heart rate, mean arterial pressure, left ventricular systolic pressure, maximal rate of left ventricular pressure generation, segmental shortening and rate of shortening in anterior and posterior ventricular regions, and myocardial oxygen extraction. Myocardial lactate extraction decreased. The selective alpha 1-adrenergic antagonist prazosin (0.5 mg) injected into the circumflex artery during stellate stimulation caused significant additional increases in maximal rate of left ventricular pressure generation by 19 +/- 5% and in rate of shortening in posterior subendocardium by 20 +/- 6%. No changes were observed in posterior subepicardial or anterior subendocardial segmental contractile function. Myocardial oxygen and lactate extractions returned to their control values following prazosin injection. Regional left ventricular perfusion was measured using tracer microspheres in five additional dogs. Stellate stimulation increased subepicardial and subendocardial perfusion by 30%. Prazosin increased both subepicardial and subendocardial perfusion by an additional 36%. Stellate stimulation increased norepinephrine concentration in the coronary sinus, but no further increase was noted after blockage of alpha 1-receptors by prazosin. Thus, during sympathetic stimulation, an alpha 1-vasoconstriction existed uniformly across the left ventricular wall. However, blockade of this vasoconstriction was associated with an increase in contractile function only in the deeper muscle layers.

1996 ◽  
Vol 24 (02) ◽  
pp. 169-176 ◽  
Xi Huang ◽  
Yiming Zang ◽  
Yuming Wang ◽  
Guobao Niu ◽  
Aidong Wen ◽  

Hemodynamic actions of intravenous (iv) administration of tetramethylpyrazine phosphate (TMPP) and sodium ferulate (SF) alone or in combination were studied in anesthetized dogs. When given alone, TMPP increased left ventricular systolic pressure (LVSP), peak positive first derivative of left ventricular pressure (+LVdp/dt), coronary blood flow (CBF) and heart rate (HR) while decreasing mean aortic pressure (mAoP). SF alone did not produce any significant hemodynamic changes. When the two were administered in combination, SF antagonized dose-dependently the hemodynamic actions of TMPP. Results of this study did not support the efficacy of combined treatment of Ligusticum wallichi and Angelica root, which contain TMPP and SF respectively.

1988 ◽  
Vol 255 (5) ◽  
pp. H1136-H1143 ◽  
J. T. Funai ◽  
M. D. Thames

Regional left ventricular systolic pressure-thickness relations have been used to assess regional load-insensitive contractility with the assumption that they possess linear isochrones that are fundamental to the time-varying elastance model of global pressure-volume relations. We examined the shape and time-varying behavior of pressure-thickness isochrones in six open-chest canine preparations. Transmural wall thickening (sonomicrometry) and ventricular pressure were altered by abrupt preload alterations during control, dobutamine, and propranolol. In all dogs and interventions, linear isochrones (r2 mean +/- SE = 0.91 +/- 0.11) were found at 5-ms intervals. During control, linear isochrone slope rose monotonically from onset to end of systole. Thickness-axis intercepts also varied continuously in time, but peak intercept and maximal slope were asynchronous. Dobutamine caused a steeper earlier maximum slope and increased slope-intercept asynchrony. Propranolol reduced maximum slope and slope-intercept asynchrony. Isochronal data during early systole were better fitted to a parabolic than to the linear model; however, fits to linear and parabolic models were equally good near end of systole. Linear isochronal behavior exists in systolic pressure-thickness relations especially near end systole and is maintained during modest inotropic alterations.

1989 ◽  
Vol 257 (6) ◽  
pp. H1936-H1944 ◽  
R. Krams ◽  
P. Sipkema ◽  
J. Zegers ◽  
N. Westerhof

We measured the relation between coronary flow amplitude (delta F = Fd-Fs; where d is diastolic and s is systolic) and developed left ventricular pressure (delta PLV = Ps-Pd) at a constant perfusion pressure of 75 mmHg (10 kPa) in the maximally vasodilated blood-perfused isolated cat heart for different steady-state levels of contractility (protocol A) and during transients in contractility (protocol B). Contractility was defined as the slope of the end-systolic pressure-volume relation (Emax). From protocol A it appeared that the coronary flow amplitude was only weakly related to left ventricular pressure at each steady-state level of contractility studied. However, the coronary flow amplitude was strongly related to the different levels of contractility. In protocol B, contractility was changed over a wide range of values (0-100%) but developed pressure and contractility changed simultaneously. Using multiple linear regression analysis, we found that contractility has approximately 10 times (range: 2.8-57.3) stronger effect than left ventricular pressure on coronary flow amplitude (n = 10 experiments). These data and our earlier observations suggest that it is the difference in stiffness of cardiac muscle between systole and diastole that determines coronary flow amplitude.

1990 ◽  
Vol 258 (5) ◽  
pp. H1348-H1356
W. P. Miller ◽  
S. H. Nellis ◽  
A. J. Liedtke

In intact hearts the beat-to-beat left ventricular systolic pressure-length relationship is not uniquely defined, but rather is history dependent and appears hysteretic. The purpose of these studies was to assess the time course of this phenomenon. In an open chest swine heart preparation, left ventricular pressure, regional lengths, and wall thickness were measured. Loading conditions were altered by the infusion of volume into the left ventricle to increase peak systolic pressure approximately 30 mmHg. The resultant interbeat systolic pressure-dimension relationships were hysteretic. The first part of the study (n = 13) was to test whether the myocardium exhibited a long-term memory of prior mechanical events. Measurements obtained 30 and 120 s after volume loading revealed no residual differences in pressure or dimension compared with preinjection values. Thus the phenomenon was transient and complete (reversible) by 30 s. To better characterize this event, the temporal effects of myocardial loading were studied (n = 8). A randomized comparison of two different rates of volume infusions (27 +/- 2 vs. 56 +/- 2 ml/s, P less than 0.001) was performed. Varying the volume loading resulted in similar increases in peak left ventricular pressure (35 +/- 3 vs. 31 +/- 3 mmHg) but at different increments of development, i.e., greater than 5-7 cardiac cycles at the slower rate of volume infusion vs. greater than 2-3 cardiac cycles (P less than 0.001) at the faster rate. The isochronal systolic pressure-dimension relationships were quantitated by measuring the area of the hysteretic relationship and its slope.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

1982 ◽  
Vol 242 (6) ◽  
pp. H955-H960
J. H. Ashton ◽  
G. A. Iwamoto ◽  
J. C. Longhurst ◽  
J. H. Mitchell

Capsaicin was injected into the portal circulation of 29 dogs after a blood delay pathway was constructed between the liver and right heart, through which capsaicin-contaminated blood could be replaced while systemic hemodynamics were maintained constant. Capsaicin (500 micrograms) rapidly decreased left ventricular systolic pressure (-10%), mean arterial pressure (-12%), heart rate (-4%), renal vascular resistance (-7%), maximal rate of left ventricular pressure rise (dP/dtmax) (-12%), and dP/dt at 25 mmHg developed left ventricular pressure (-15%) in animals with paced hearts. Left ventricular end-diastolic pressure did not change. Vagus nerve interruption at the level of the diaphragm did not alter hemodynamic changes occurring during capsaicin injections, but anterior hepatic nerve interruption eliminated the changes, suggesting that the cardiovascular responses were reflex in origin and that the principal afferent pathway traverses the hepatic nerve. This study demonstrates that activation of afferent fiber receptors within the liver tissue can contribute to neural regulation of the cardiovascular system, but the natural stimulus for these receptors is not known.

1993 ◽  
Vol 185 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-24
R. F. Burlington ◽  
W. K. Milsom

This study was designed to determine whether cholinergic receptors are operative in the coronary vessels of a hibernating species (golden mantled ground squirrel, Spermophilus lateralis) and a nonhibernating species (rat, Rattus norvegicus) under normothermic and hypothermic conditions. Coronary flow and left ventricular systolic pressure were measured in isolated perfused hearts from squirrels at 37, 20 or 7 degrees C and from rats at 37 and 20 degrees C. During cooling, rat hearts became arrhythmic and failed between 15 and 12 degrees C. Squirrel hearts remained functional at 7 degrees C. Bolus injections of acetylcholine (> 1.0 microgram) caused significant coronary vasoconstriction in rat hearts at 37 and 20 degrees C. Similar treatment caused mild coronary vasodilation in squirrel hearts at both temperatures. Squirrel hearts did not respond to acetylcholine at 7 degrees C. The responses in both species were blocked by atropine. Rat coronary vessels appear to contain muscarinic constrictor receptors similar to those described in humans, sheep, cattle and pigs. The coronary vessels of squirrels, by contrast, do not. In this latter species there appears to be a preponderance of muscarinic (possibly endothelial-relaxing-factor-linked) dilator receptors. Given that acetylcholine acts only as a mild vasodilator at higher temperatures in squirrels, parasympathetic regulation of coronary flow in the squirrel heart is unlikely, especially during hibernation.

1992 ◽  
Vol 262 (1) ◽  
pp. H68-H77
F. L. Abel ◽  
R. R. Zhao ◽  
R. F. Bond

Effects of ventricular compression on maximally dilated left circumflex coronary blood flow were investigated in seven mongrel dogs under pentobarbital anesthesia. The left circumflex artery was perfused with the animals' own blood at a constant pressure (63 mmHg) while left ventricular pressure was experimentally altered. Adenosine was infused to produce maximal vasodilation, verified by the hyperemic response to coronary occlusion. Alterations of peak left ventricular pressure from 50 to 250 mmHg resulted in a linear decrease in total circumflex flow of 1.10 ml.min-1 x 100 g heart wt-1 for each 10 mmHg of peak ventricular to coronary perfusion pressure gradient; a 2.6% decrease from control levels. Similar slopes were obtained for systolic and diastolic flows as for total mean flow, implying equal compressive forces in systole as in diastole. Increases in left ventricular end-diastolic pressure accounted for 29% of the flow changes associated with an increase in peak ventricular pressure. Doubling circumferential wall tension had a minimal effect on total circumflex flow. When the slopes were extrapolated to zero, assuming linearity, a peak left ventricular pressure of 385 mmHg greater than coronary perfusion pressure would be required to reduce coronary flow to zero. The experiments were repeated in five additional animals but at different perfusion pressures from 40 to 160 mmHg. Higher perfusion pressures gave similar results but with even less effect of ventricular pressure on coronary flow or coronary conductance. These results argue for an active storage site for systolic arterial flow in the dilated coronary system.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Jingtao Na ◽  
Haifeng Jin ◽  
Xin Wang ◽  
Kan Huang ◽  
Shuang Sun ◽  

Abstract Background Heart failure (HF) is a clinical syndrome characterized by left ventricular dysfunction or elevated intracardiac pressures. Research supports that microRNAs (miRs) participate in HF by regulating  targeted genes. Hence, the current study set out to study the role of HDAC3-medaited miR-18a in HF by targeting ADRB3. Methods Firstly, HF mouse models were established by ligation of the left coronary artery at the lower edge of the left atrial appendage, and HF cell models were generated in the cardiomyocytes, followed by ectopic expression and silencing experiments. Numerous parameters including left ventricular posterior wall dimension (LVPWD), interventricular septal dimension (IVSD), left ventricular end diastolic diameter (LVEDD), left ventricular end systolic diameter (LVESD), left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), left ventricular fractional shortening (LVFS), left ventricular systolic pressure (LVSP), left ventricular end diastolic pressure (LEVDP), heart rate (HR), left ventricular pressure rise rate (+ dp/dt) and left ventricular pressure drop rate (-dp/dt) were measured in the mice. In addition, apoptosis in the mice was detected by means of TUNEL staining, while RT-qPCR and Western blot analysis were performed to detect miR-18a, HDAC3, ADRB3, cMyb, MMP-9, Collagen 1 and TGF-β1 expression patterns. Dual luciferase reporter assay validated the targeting relationship between ADRB3 and miR-18a. Cardiomyocyte apoptosis was determined by means of flow cytometry. Results HDAC3 and ADRB3 were up-regulated and miR-18a was down-regulated in HF mice and cardiomyocytes. In addition, HDAC3 could reduce the miR-18a expression, and ADRB3 was negatively-targeted by miR-18a. After down-regulation of HDAC3 or ADRB3 or over-expression of miR-18a, IVSD, LVEDD, LVESD and LEVDP were found to be decreased but LVPWD, LVEF, LVFS, LVSP, + dp/dt, and −dp/dt were all increased in the HF mice, whereas fibrosis, hypertrophy and apoptosis of HF cardiomyocytes were declined. Conclusion Collectively, our findings indicate that HDAC3 silencing confers protection against HF by inhibiting miR-18a-targeted ADRB3.

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