Inverse modeling of dog airway and respiratory system impedances

1987 ◽  
Vol 62 (6) ◽  
pp. 2273-2282 ◽  
A. C. Jackson ◽  
K. R. Lutchen ◽  
H. L. Dorkin

Mechanical parameters of the respiratory system are often estimated from respiratory impedances using lumped-element inverse models. One such six-element model is composed of an airway branch [with a resistance (Raw) and inertance (Iaw)] separated from a tissue branch [with a resistance (Rt), inertance (It), and compliance (Ct)] by a shunt compliance representing alveolar gas compression (Cg). Even though the airways are known to have frequency-dependent resistance and inertance, these inverse models have been composed of linear frequency-independent elements. In this study we investigated the use of inverse models where the airway branch was represented by a frequency-independent Raw and Iaw, a Raw that is linearly related to frequency and an Iaw that is independent of frequency, and a system of identical parallel tubes the impedance of which was computed from the tube radius and length. These inverse models were used to analyze airway and respiratory impedances between 2 and 1,024 Hz that were predicted from an anatomically detailed forward model. The forward model represented the airways by an asymmetrically branched network with a terminal impedance representative of known Cg, Rt, It, and Ct. For respiratory impedances between 2 and 128 Hz, all models fit the data reasonably well, and reasonably accurate estimates of Cg, Rt, It, and Ct were extracted from these data. For data above 200 Hz, however, only the multiple-tube model accurately fitted respiratory impedances (Zrs). This model fitted the Zrs data best when composed of 27 tubes, each having a radius of 0.148 cm and a length of 16.5 cm.

1991 ◽  
Vol 70 (3) ◽  
pp. 1051-1058 ◽  
A. C. Jackson ◽  
K. R. Lutchen

The lumped six-element model of the respiratory system proposed by DuBois et al. (J. Appl. Physiol. 8: 587-594, 1956) has often been used to analyze respiratory system impedance (Zrs) data. This model predicts a resonance (relative minimum in Zrs) at fr between 6 and 10 Hz and an antiresonance (relative maximum in Zrs) at far at higher frequencies (greater than 64 Hz). The far is due to the lumped tissue inertance (Iti) and the alveolar gas compression compliance (Cg). An fr and far have been recently reported in humans, but the far was shown to be not related to Iti and Cg, but instead it is the first acoustic antiresonance of the airways due to their axial dimensions). Zrs data to frequencies high enough to include the far have not been reported in dogs. In this study, we measured Zrs in dogs for frequencies between 5 and 320 Hz and found an fr at 7.5 +/- 1.6 Hz and two far at 97 +/- 13 and 231 +/- 27 Hz (far,1 and far,2, respectively). When breathing 80% He-20% O2, the fr shifted to 14 +/- 2 Hz, far,1 did not change (98 +/- 9 Hz), and far,2 increased to greater than 320 Hz. The behavior of fr and far,1 is consistent with the structure-function implied by the six-element model. However, the presence of an far,2 is not consistent with this model, because it is the airway acoustic antiresonance not represented in the model. These results indicate that, for frequencies that include the fr and far,1, the six-element model can be used to analyze Zrs data and reliable estimates of the model's parameters can be extracted by fitting the model to the data. However, more complex models must be used to analyze Zrs data that include far,2.

2020 ◽  
Vol 33 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-36
Tomislav Ciric ◽  
Zlatica Marinkovic ◽  
Rohan Dhuri ◽  
Olivera Pronic-Rancic ◽  
Vera Markovic

RF MEMS switches have been efficiently exploited in various applications in communication systems. As the dimensions of the switch bridge influence the switch behaviour, during the design of a switch it is necessary to perform inverse modeling, i.e. to determine the bridge dimensions to ensure the desired switch characteristics, such as the resonant frequency. In this paper a novel inverse modeling approach based on combination of artificial neural networks and a lumped element circuit model has been considered. This approach allows determination of the bridge fingered part length for the given resonant frequency and the bridge solid part length, generating at the same time values of the elements of the switch lumped element model. Validity of the model is demonstrated by appropriate numerical examples.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Ahmad H. Bokhari ◽  
Martin Berggren ◽  
Daniel Noreland ◽  
Eddie Wadbro

AbstractA subwoofer generates the lowest frequency range in loudspeaker systems. Subwoofers are used in audio systems for live concerts, movie theatres, home theatres, gaming consoles, cars, etc. During the last decades, numerical simulations have emerged as a cost- and time-efficient complement to traditional experiments in the design process of different products. The aim of this study is to reduce the computational time of simulating the average response for a given subwoofer design. To this end, we propose a hybrid 2D–3D model that reduces the computational time significantly compared to a full 3D model. The hybrid model describes the interaction between different subwoofer components as interacting modules whose acoustic properties can partly be pre-computed. This allows us to efficiently compute the performance of different subwoofer design layouts. The results of the hybrid model are validated against both a lumped element model and a full 3D model over a frequency band of interest. The hybrid model is found to be both accurate and computationally efficient.

2019 ◽  
Vol 65 (253) ◽  
pp. 701-716 ◽  
D. I. Benn ◽  
A. C. Fowler ◽  
I. Hewitt ◽  
H. Sevestre

AbstractWe present the first general theory of glacier surging that includes both temperate and polythermal glacier surges, based on coupled mass and enthalpy budgets. Enthalpy (in the form of thermal energy and water) is gained at the glacier bed from geothermal heating plus frictional heating (expenditure of potential energy) as a consequence of ice flow. Enthalpy losses occur by conduction and loss of meltwater from the system. Because enthalpy directly impacts flow speeds, mass and enthalpy budgets must simultaneously balance if a glacier is to maintain a steady flow. If not, glaciers undergo out-of-phase mass and enthalpy cycles, manifest as quiescent and surge phases. We illustrate the theory using a lumped element model, which parameterizes key thermodynamic and hydrological processes, including surface-to-bed drainage and distributed and channelized drainage systems. Model output exhibits many of the observed characteristics of polythermal and temperate glacier surges, including the association of surging behaviour with particular combinations of climate (precipitation, temperature), geometry (length, slope) and bed properties (hydraulic conductivity). Enthalpy balance theory explains a broad spectrum of observed surging behaviour in a single framework, and offers an answer to the wider question of why the majority of glaciers do not surge.

1992 ◽  
Vol 73 (2) ◽  
pp. 427-433 ◽  
Z. Hantos ◽  
A. Adamicza ◽  
E. Govaerts ◽  
B. Daroczy

In nine anesthetized and paralyzed cats, the mechanical impedances of the total respiratory system (Zrs) and the lungs (ZL) were measured with small-volume pseudorandom forced oscillations between 0.2 and 20 Hz. ZL was measured after thoracotomy, and chest wall impedance (Zw) was calculated as Zw = Zrs-ZL. All impedances were determined by using input airflow [input impedance (Zi)] and output flow measured with a body box [transfer impedance (Zt)]. The differences between Zi and Zt were small for Zrs and negligible for ZL. At 0.2 Hz, the real and imaginary parts of ZL amounted to 33 +/- 4 and 35 +/- 3% (SD), respectively, of Zrs. Up to 8 Hz, all impedances were consistent with a model containing a frequency-independent resistance and inertance and a constant-phase tissue part (G-jH)/omega alpha, where G and H are coefficients for damping and elastance, respectively, omega is angular frequency, and alpha determines the frequency dependence of the real and imaginary parts. G/H was higher for Zw than for ZL (0.29 +/- 0.05 vs. 0.22 +/- 0.04, P less than 0.01). In four cats, the amplitude dependence of impedances was studied: between oscillation volumes of 0.8 and 3 ml, GL, HL, Gw, and Hw decreased on average by 3, 9, 26, and 29%, respectively, whereas the change in G/H was small for both ZL (7%) and Zw (-4%). The values of H were two to three times higher than the quasistatic elastances estimated with greater volume changes (greater than 20 ml).

Scott R. Moisik ◽  
John H. Esling

Purpose Physiological and phonetic studies suggest that, at moderate levels of epilaryngeal stricture, the ventricular folds impinge upon the vocal folds and influence their dynamical behavior, which is thought to be responsible for constricted laryngeal sounds. In this work, the authors examine this hypothesis through biomechanical modeling. Method The dynamical response of a low-dimensional, lumped-element model of the vocal folds under the influence of vocal–ventricular fold coupling was evaluated. The model was assessed for F0 and cover-mass phase difference. Case studies of simulations of different constricted phonation types and of glottal stop illustrate various additional aspects of model performance. Results Simulated vocal–ventricular fold coupling lowers F0 and perturbs the mucosal wave. It also appears to reinforce irregular patterns of oscillation, and it can enhance laryngeal closure in glottal stop production. Conclusion The effects of simulated vocal–ventricular fold coupling are consistent with sounds, such as creaky voice, harsh voice, and glottal stop, that have been observed to involve epilaryngeal stricture and apparent contact between the vocal folds and ventricular folds. This supports the view that vocal–ventricular fold coupling is important in the vibratory dynamics of such sounds and, furthermore, suggests that these sounds may intrinsically require epilaryngeal stricture.

2015 ◽  
Vol 735 ◽  
pp. 278-281
Yi Lung Then ◽  
Kok Yeow You ◽  
Mohamad Ngasri Dimon ◽  
Wei Ying Lai

Microstrip ring resonator (MRR) sensor was modeled by simple equivalent lumped element circuits in free space based on simulation data obtained from Microwave Office (AWR) simulator and comparison was made with the measurements using the E5071C Network Analyzer. The calculated reflection coefficient, |G| and complex input impedanceZinusing lumped element model were compared with the measurements results. Both results showed well agreement with a little discrepancy, basically due to imperfect soldering. The MRR was designed to have operating frequencies between 0.5 GHz and 4.5 GHz. The maximum surrounding of magnetic field,Hϕis within 15 A/m in free space.

1995 ◽  
Vol 78 (3) ◽  
pp. 938-947 ◽  
M. Rotger ◽  
R. Farre ◽  
R. Peslin ◽  
D. Navajas

The aim of this work was to demonstrate that the three compartments of the lung T network and the chest wall impedance (Zcw) can be identified from input and transfer impedances of the respiratory system if the pleural pressure is recorded during the measurements. The method was tested in six healthy volunteers in the range of 8–32 Hz. The impedances resulting from the decomposition confirm the adequacy of the monoalveolar structure commonly used in healthy subjects. Indeed, the T shunt impedance is well modeled by a purely compliant element, the mean compliance [0.038 +/- 0.081 (SD) l/kPa], which coincides within 9.5 +/- 6.3% of the alveolar gas compressibility derived from thoracic gas volume (0.036 +/- 0.011 l/kPa). The results obtained provide experimental evidence that the alveolar gas compression is predominantly isothermal and that lung tissue impedance is negligible throughout the whole frequency range. The shape of Zcw is consistent with a low compliance-low inertance pathway in parallel with a high compliance-high inertance pathway. We conclude that the proposed method is able to reliably identify the T network featuring the lung and Zcw.

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