Mechanisms underlying the sparing of masticatory versus limb muscle function in an experimental critical illness model

2011 ◽  
Vol 43 (24) ◽  
pp. 1334-1350 ◽  
Sudhakar Aare ◽  
Julien Ochala ◽  
Holly S. Norman ◽  
Peter Radell ◽  
Lars I. Eriksson ◽  

Acute quadriplegic myopathy (AQM) is a common debilitating acquired disorder in critically ill intensive care unit (ICU) patients that is characterized by tetraplegia/generalized weakness of limb and trunk muscles. Masticatory muscles, on the other hand, are typically spared or less affected, yet the mechanisms underlying this striking muscle-specific difference remain unknown. This study aims to evaluate physiological parameters and the gene expression profiles of masticatory and limb muscles exposed to factors suggested to trigger AQM, such as mechanical ventilation, immobilization, neuromuscular blocking agents, corticosteroids (CS), and sepsis for 5 days by using a unique porcine model mimicking the ICU conditions. Single muscle fiber cross-sectional area and force-generating capacity, i.e., maximum force normalized to fiber cross-sectional area (specific force), revealed maintained masseter single muscle fiber cross-sectional area and specific-force after 5 days' exposure to all triggering factors. This is in sharp contrast to observations in limb and trunk muscles, showing a dramatic decline in specific force in response to 5 days' exposure to the triggering factors. Significant differences in gene expression were observed between craniofacial and limb muscles, indicating a highly complex and muscle-specific response involving transcription and growth factors, heat shock proteins, matrix metalloproteinase inhibitor, oxidative stress responsive elements, and sarcomeric proteins underlying the relative sparing of cranial vs. spinal nerve innervated muscles during exposure to the ICU intervention.

2020 ◽  
Vol 142 (8) ◽  
Alex M. Noonan ◽  
Derek P. Zwambag ◽  
Nicole Mazara ◽  
Erin Weersink ◽  
Geoffrey A. Power ◽  

Abstract Studies on single muscle fiber passive material properties often report relatively large variation in elastic modulus (or normalized stiffness), and it is not clear where this variation arises. This study was designed to determine if the stiffness, normalized to both fiber cross-sectional area and length, is inherently different between types 1 and 2 muscle fibers. Vastus lateralis fibers (n = 93), from ten young men, were mechanically tested using a cumulative stretch-relaxation protocol. SDS-PAGE classified fibers as types 1 or 2. While there was a difference in normalized stiffness between fiber types (p = 0.0019), an unexpected inverse relationship was found between fiber diameter and normalized stiffness (r = −0.64; p < 0.001). As fiber type and diameter are not independent, a one-way analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) including fiber diameter as a covariate was run; this eliminated the effect of fiber type on normalized stiffness (p = 0.1935). To further explore the relationship between fiber size and elastic properties, we tested whether stiffness was linearly related to fiber cross-sectional area, as would be expected for a homogenous material. Passive stiffness was not linearly related to fiber area (p < 0.001), which can occur if single muscle fibers are better represented as composite materials. The rule of mixtures for composite materials was used to explore whether the presence of a stiff perimeter-based fiber component could explain the observed results. The model (R2 = 0.38) predicted a perimeter-based normalized stiffness of 8800 ± 2600 kPa/μm, which is within the range of basement membrane moduli reported in the literature.

2013 ◽  
Vol 25 (6) ◽  
pp. 741-745 ◽  
Sea Hyun Bae ◽  
Hong Gyun Lee ◽  
Young Eok Kim ◽  
Gye Yeop Kim ◽  
Hyun Woo Jung ◽  

1994 ◽  
Vol 77 (2) ◽  
pp. 947-955 ◽  
M. I. Lewis ◽  
S. A. Monn ◽  
W. Z. Zhan ◽  
G. C. Sieck

Interactive effects of emphysema (EMP) and prolonged nutritional deprivation (ND) on contractile, morphometric, and metabolic properties of hamster diaphragm muscle (DIA) were examined. Six months after induction of EMP (intratracheal elastase), saline-treated controls (CTL) and EMP hamsters of similar body weights were subjected to ND over 6 wk. Isometric contractile and fatigue properties of costal DIA were determined in vitro. DIA fibers were histochemically classified as type I or II, and fiber succinate dehydrogenase activity and cross-sectional area were determined using quantitative microscopic procedures. From histochemical sections, the number of capillaries per fiber (C/F) and per fiber cross-sectional area (C/A) were determined. ND resulted in progressive loss of body weight (ND-CTL, 23.8%; ND-EMP, 28.4%; P = NS). ND did not affect reduction in optimal length (Lo) of DIA fibers in EMP compared with CTL and ND-CTL hamsters. Maximum specific force (i.e., force/unit area) was reduced by approximately 25% in EMP animals compared with CTL. ND did not improve or exacerbate the reduction in specific force with EMP. ND attenuated improved fatigue resistance of DIA in EMP animals. No differences in fiber type proportions were noted among experimental groups. Significant atrophy of type I and II DIA fibers was noted after ND. Atrophy was proportionately greater in type II fibers of ND-EMP when referenced to EMP animals. Thus adaptive hypertrophy of type II DIA fibers in EMP animals was abolished. Fiber succinate dehydrogenase activity was significantly increased in type I and II fibers in EMP DIA. ND did not affect this metabolic adaptation of DIA fibers to persistent loads imposed by EMP.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

2012 ◽  
Vol 303 (6) ◽  
pp. L519-L527 ◽  
Vladimir T. Basic ◽  
Elsa Tadele ◽  
Ali Ateia Elmabsout ◽  
Hongwei Yao ◽  
Irfan Rahman ◽  

Cigarette smoke (CS) is a well-established risk factor in the development of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). In contrast, the extent to which CS exposure contributes to the development of the systemic manifestations of COPD, such as skeletal muscle dysfunction and wasting, remains largely unknown. Decreased skeletal muscle capillarization has been previously reported in early stages of COPD and might play an important role in the development of COPD-associated skeletal muscle abnormalities. To investigate the effects of chronic CS exposure on skeletal muscle capillarization and exercise tolerance, a mouse model of CS exposure was used. The 129/SvJ mice were exposed to CS for 6 mo, and the expression of putative elements of the hypoxia-angiogenic signaling cascade as well as muscle capillarization were studied. Additionally, functional tests assessing exercise tolerance/endurance were performed in mice. Compared with controls, skeletal muscles from CS-exposed mice exhibited significantly enhanced expression of von Hippel-Lindau tumor suppressor (VHL), ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2D1 (UBE2D1), and prolyl hydroxylase-2 (PHD2). In contrast, hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression was reduced. Furthermore, reduced muscle fiber cross-sectional area, decreased skeletal muscle capillarization, and reduced exercise tolerance were also observed in CS-exposed animals. Taken together, the current results provide evidence linking chronic CS exposure and induction of VHL expression in skeletal muscles leading toward impaired hypoxia-angiogenesis signal transduction, reduced muscle fiber cross-sectional area, and decreased exercise tolerance.

1984 ◽  
Vol 57 (5) ◽  
pp. 1399-1403 ◽  
J. D. MacDougall ◽  
D. G. Sale ◽  
S. E. Alway ◽  
J. R. Sutton

Muscle fiber numbers were estimated in vivo in biceps brachii in 5 elite male bodybuilders, 7 intermediate caliber bodybuilders, and 13 age-matched controls. Mean fiber area and collagen volume density were calculated from needle biopsies and muscle cross-sectional area by computerized tomographic scanning. Contralateral measurements in a subsample of seven subjects indicated the method for estimation of fiber numbers to have adequate reliability. There was a wide interindividual range for fiber numbers in biceps (172,085–418,884), but despite large differences in muscle size both bodybuilder groups possessed the same number of muscle fibers as the group of untrained controls. Although there was a high correlation between average cross-sectional fiber area and total muscle cross-sectional area within each group, many of the subjects with the largest muscles also tended to have a large number of fibers. Since there were equally well-trained subjects with fewer than normal fiber numbers, we interpret this finding to be due to genetic endowment rather than to training-induced hyperplasia. The proportion of muscle comprised of connective and other noncontractile tissue was the same for all subjects (approximately 13%), thus indicating greater absolute amounts of connective tissue in the trained subjects. We conclude that in humans, heavy resistance training directed toward achieving maximum size in skeletal muscle does not result in an increase in fiber numbers.

1993 ◽  
Vol 75 (3) ◽  
pp. 1294-1299 ◽  
V. A. Kadhiresan ◽  
P. J. Guelinckx ◽  
J. A. Faulkner

The functional properties of latissimus dorsi (LTD) muscles were evaluated 160 to 180 days after tenotomy and repair, when grafts had stabilized. Our hypothesis was that, compared with control LTD muscles, LTD grafts would develop less absolute force and power but that the specific force and normalized power would not differ. Expressed as a percentage of the value for control LTD muscles, values for grafts were 67% for muscle mass, 74% for mean single fiber cross-sectional area, 56% for maximum absolute isometric tetanic force, 64% for maximum absolute average force during shortening, and 70% for maximum absolute power. Compared with control LTD muscles, grafts showed no significant differences either in the number of fibers in the total muscle cross section or in the optimum velocity for the development of power. When force and power of grafts were normalized for total fiber cross-sectional area and mass, respectively, only the value for maximum specific force (84% of control value) was significant. The mechanisms responsible for the decrease in specific force after tenotomy and repair are not known. In contrast to the deficit in maximum specific force, the 30% deficit in maximum absolute power of grafts compared with control LTD muscles was explained completely by the 33% smaller muscle mass.

1994 ◽  
Vol 266 (4) ◽  
pp. H1502-H1511 ◽  
W. L. Sexton ◽  
D. C. Poole ◽  
O. Mathieu-Costello

The effects of streptozotocin-induced diabetes on microcirculatory structure-function relationships in skeletal muscle were studied in control (C) and diabetic (D; 65 mg/kg streptozotocin ip) rats 6-8 wk after injection. Capillary exchange capacity was determined from measurements of capillary filtration coefficient (CFC) and permeability-surface area product (PS) for 51Cr-labeled EDTA in maximally vasodilated (papaverine), isolated hindquarters of C (n = 9) and D (n = 12) rats. Capillary numerical density, length, surface area, capillary geometry, and muscle fiber cross-sectional area were determined using morphometric methods in perfusion-fixed plantaris muscles from a second series of C (n = 5) and D (n = 6) rats. Hindquarters of D rats (61 +/- 3 g) weighed less than C rats (90 +/- 3 g) because of marked muscle atrophy. Minimal total vascular resistance was lower in D rats (P < or = 0.05), indicating an increased flow capacity. CFC was not different in C and D rats (0.0282 +/- 0.0020 vs. 0.0330 +/- 0.0025 ml.min-1.mmHg-1 x 100 g-1, respectively). The relationship between PS and flow was depressed in D rats (P < or = 0.05) compared with C rats, which indicated a reduced capillary diffusing capacity. Plantaris muscle weight was 41% less in D rats (174 +/- 9 vs. 293 +/- 11 mg; P < or = 0.001). Morphometric analysis revealed that muscle fiber cross-sectional area was reduced 39% in D rats, which, despite a lower capillary-to-fiber ratio (1.59 +/- 0.04 vs. 2.12 +/- 0.13; P < or = 0.001), resulted in a 27% increase in capillary density in D rats. Capillary diameter was less in D rats (3.58 +/- 0.12 vs. 4.51 +/- 0.23 microns; P < or = 0.005). Total capillary surface area was reduced 42% in D rats; however, capillary surface area per muscle fiber volume was unchanged in D rats (231 +/- 34 vs. 237 +/- 16 cm-1). These data indicate that there is remodeling of the capillary bed in skeletal muscle of D rats, resulting in a reduction in total microvascular surface area. The reduction in capillary surface area is proportional to the degree of muscle atrophy in D rats such that functional microvascular surface area per tissue mass (e.g., CFC) is unchanged. The lower diffusing capacity (PS) in D rats suggests that either small solute permeability is reduced and/or there is greater perfusion heterogeneity in D rat skeletal muscle.

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