A Sectoral Application of the Polluter Pays Principle: Lessons Learned from the Aviation Sector

Climate Law ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 303-325
Thomas Leclerc

The search for a global market-based measure to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from international civil aviation has faced legal obstacles. One of these is linked to the basis of such a measure: the polluter pays principle. The application of the principle in the aviation legal regime has resulted in a conflict of norms. As a solution, the International Civil Aviation Organization, in 2016, adopted a market-based measure in the form of the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (corsia). This article will address the following two questions: By adopting corsia, and by negotiating its implementation, has icao produced a successful integration of the polluter pays principle in a sectoral legal regime of norms and institutions? If yes, could icao’s success provide arguments for a sectoral application of the polluter pays principle more broadly in public international law?

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-28
Miloš Strouhal

The article discusses the CORSIA - a newly introduced an emission mitigation approach for the global airline industry, developed by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). It also describes all phases of the project, their analysis and the practical impact of CORSA on aircraft operators. The examples show the operator’s costs associated with this project. The mutual coexistence of CORSIA and the EU ETS is also analysed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (2-3) ◽  
pp. 271-282
Marek Jaśkowski

Abstract According to International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Assembly Resolution A40-19, the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation mechanism (CORSIA) is to be the only global market-based measure (MBM) applied to CO2 emissions from international aviation. This solution has been dictated by the intention to avoid a patchwork of duplicative State or regional MBMs and to ensure that international aviation CO2 emissions should be accounted for only once. The present contribution assesses the margin of autonomy left for Emissions Trading System of the EU (EU ETS) mechanism in the light of this clause, considering its legal status and divergent interpretations. Moreover, the recent 2020 roadmap for revision of the EU ETS Directive concerning aviation, published by the European Commission, is briefly discussed.

Laura Nuño Gómez

ResumenLa abolición de la prostitución ha sido un objetivo y una pretensión histórica del movimiento y la teoría política feminista. Sin embargo, la propuesta de considerarla como una actividad más en el marco de las relaciones laborales se presenta ahora como una urgente innovación normativa encaminada, supuestamente, a garantizar los derechos de las mujeres prostituidas. Pero esta demanda no es ajena a la transformación que ha sufrido la prostitución como actividad, que representa en la actualidad un lucrativo mercado global con dimensiones sistémicas. El presente artículo analiza los componentes estructurales del sistema prostitucional y las implicaciones de su reglamentación en la igualdad sexual para evaluar los efectos concretos de su reglamentación en el caso alemán.Palabras clave: Prostitución, Trata de seres humanos (TSH), Políticas Públicas, Explotación Sexual, Igualdad de género, Derecho Internacional Público.Abstract: The abolition of prostitution has been an objective and a historical demand of both the feminist movement and feminist political theory. However, the proposal of consideration as any other activity in the framework of labor relations, is now portrayed as an urgent regulatory innovation aimed, supposedly, at guaranteeing the rights of prostituted women. But this claim must be interpreted in relation with the transformation of prostitution as an activity, which currently represents a lucrative global market with systemic dimensions. This article analyzes the structural components of the prostitution system and the implications of its regulation on gender equality in order to evaluate the particular effects of its regulation in the German case.KeywordsProstitution, Trafficking in Human Beings (THB), Public Policies, Sexual Exploitation, Gender Equality, Public International Law.

Anjar Supriadhie

ADIZ merupakan zona bagi keperluan identifikasi dalam sistem pertahanan udara bagi suatu negara, dimana zona tersebut pada umumnya terbentang mulai dari wilayah teritorial negara yang bersangkutan hingga mencapai ruang udara di atas laut bebas yang berbatasan dengan negara tersebut. Penerapan ADIZ oleh suatu negara tidak dimaksudkan untuk memperluas kedaulatan negara pemilik ADIZ tersebut, namun lebih pada kepentingan pertahanan udara bagi negara pemiliknya, sehingga timbul pertanyaan atau masalah ketentuan hukum internasional apa yang digunakan oleh negara-negara dalam penerapan ADIZ. Makalah ini bertujuan mengkaji ketentuan hukum internasional yang dipergunakan oleh negara-negara sebagai landasan hukum dalam menerapkan ADIZ di wilayah ruang udaranya. Metode yang digunakan dalam kajian ini adalah metode penelitian norma hukum (yuridis normatif) yang berpikir secara deduktif. Dari kajian diperoleh hasil bahwa landasan-landasan penerapan ADIZ tidak ditemukan secara formal tersurat dalam hukum internasional. Beberapa Negara menetapkan penerapan ADIZ atas dasar ketentuan hukum kebiasaan internasional (customary international law) yaitu: 1) Asas bela diri (self defence) yang diakui dalam Pasal 51 Piagam PBB yang mengaskan bahwa hak negara untuk menggunakan senjata untuk mempertahankan diri (self defence) dari kekuatan luar (negara lain) didasarkan kepada hukum kebiasaan internasional. 2) Pasal 38 ayat (1) Statuta Mahkamah International yang menegaskan bahwa, hak untuk membela diri yang dimaksud dalam Pasal 51 Piagam PBB pada hakekatnya memang merupakan sesuatu hak yang melekat 3) chapter 3 Document 9426-AN/924 First Edition 1984 ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization dan 4) Penerapan Control teori Cooper pada penetapan ADIZ negara. Negara-negara menerapkan juga landasan teori hukum yang memiliki kesamaan jiwa dan dasar ADIZ dalam dunia landasan teori, yaitu Teori Penguasaan Cooper (Cooper’s control theory), bahwa kedaulatan negara itu ditentukan oleh kemampuan negara-negara yang bersangkutan untuk menguasai ruang udara yang ada diatas wilayahnya.

1993 ◽  
Vol 27 (7-8) ◽  
pp. 213-221
M. Hirsch ◽  
D. Housen-Couriel

As a result of the nature of lakes, rivers and aquifers, which ignore national boundaries, states are often presented with the problem of how to share and manage these limited resources. The role of law is to clarify the rights and responsibilities of states in such situations. Two aspects of the law of international water resources will be explored in this article. The point of departure for the analysis is public international law itself, which contains principles and guidelines for the utilization and management of water resources by the states which share them. The international legal regime applying to surface water will first be discussed. The second part of the article will consist of a comparison of several treaty regimes which presently apply in a situation of shared water resources between states.

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