The Catholic Charismatic Renewal Through the Eyes of St. Thomas Aquinas

2019 ◽  
Vol 137 (2) ◽  
pp. 31-46 ◽  
William Newton

The Catholic Charismatic Renewal has now passed its fiftieth birthday. Yet, it still seems very much on the fringes of the life of the Catholic Church. Perhaps one reason for this is that, for many Catholics, the Renewal appears to be, more or less, an innovation. One way to check the validity of that perception would be to take a look at the Renewal through the theology of one of the most mainstream of Catholic theologians, St. Thomas Aquinas. This is possible because Aquinas wrote about the charisms in a number of his works. The conclusion of this essay is that the key elements of the Renewal are conformable to the theological vision of St. Thomas. Nonetheless, there are a number of areas where Aquinas diverges from the standard interpretation of charismatic phenomena within the Renewal. This essay will side with Aquinas on some of these, but not all.

2015 ◽  
pp. 246-264
Иван Ильич Бакулин

На примере трудов Фомы Аквинского рассматриваются онтологические и гносеологические аспекты католического учения о реальном присутствии Христа в таинстве Евхаристии. Автор определяет причины, по которым данное учение оказалось проблемным для католической теологии XX века, и осуществляет обзор дискуссий в католическом теологическом сообществе, котоыре были посвящены попыткам согласовать современные данные естественных наук с классической тридентской евхаристической доктриной реального присутствия Христа в Святых Дарах. Также анализируются сильные и слабые стороны этих попыток в контексте ординарного учительства Католической церкви. The article deals with the ontological and epistemological aspects of the Catholic teaching on the real presence of Christ in the sacrament of the Eucharist. It considers an explanation of these aspects in the writings of Thomas Aquinas and the reasons why this doctrine proved to be problematic for Catholic theology in the XX century. It reviews the discussions in the Catholic theological community, dedicated to modern attempts to reconcile the data of the natural sciences with the classical Tridentine Eucharistic doctrine of the Real Presence of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. We analyze the strengths and weaknesses of such attempts in the context of the ordinary teaching of the Catholic Church.

1922 ◽  
Vol 54 (4) ◽  
pp. 523-531
A. Mingana

The publication in two volumes by the “ Text and Translation Society ” of S. Ephraim's Prose Refutation of Mani, Marcion, and Bardaiṣān (1912–21) is an event in Syriac literature. Ephrem is the greatest Father of all the Syrian churches, and these two volumes contain, from the point of view of a modern scholar and theologian, the cream of his polemical writings. It was only two years ago that the Pope, as head of the Catholic Church, promoted the “ Edessene Deacon ” to the rank of a Doctor of the Universal Church, i.e. for all practical purposes, to the rank of a Thomas Aquinas.

Michael Potts ◽  

This paper considers the possibility of a disembodied conscious soul, arguing that a great deal of current research converges in a direction that denies the possibility of a bodiless consciousness for human beings. Contemporary attacks on Cartesianism also serve as attacks on the view of some hylomorphist Catholics, such as Thomas Aquinas, that there can be a disembodied consciousness between death and resurrection, a view that violates the Catechism of the Catholic Church. However, there may be a way out for the Catholic hylomorphist which was suggested by Dante—the possibility of a temporary body. The first section of the paper will summarize the contemporary attack against both the Cartesian soul and physicalist systems that reduce the mind to the brain. The alternative position proposed is that the human being is a psychosomatic unity at the level of the organism as a whole, and that both mind-body and brain-body dualism should be avoided. Such a position, I will argue, supports the notion that a disembodied soul, including a disembodied consciousness, is not possible for human beings. Finally, I will discuss Dante’s views on temporary bodies and explore three ways of understanding a temporary body, any of which can preserve a conscious intermediate state between death and resurrection.

Pneuma ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 34 (2) ◽  
pp. 185-207 ◽  
Henri Gooren

Abstract The Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CCR) is the most important lay movement in the Roman Catholic Church in Latin America, yet it has received scant academic attention. After describing the start of the CCR, I discuss its expansion into Latin America, its self-understanding, outsider criticisms, responses of national bishops’ conferences, and two country case studies based on my first-hand ethnographic fieldwork: Nicaragua and Paraguay. I end with some general conclusions, chief of which is my analysis of the CCR as a globalized revitalization movement that aims to (re)connect individual Catholics to the Roman Catholic Church.

Pneuma ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 38 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 77-92 ◽  
Reginald Alva

Life in the modern world is hectic. Development in technology has diminished the importance of religion in society. Nonetheless, humans are not satisfied with their ultramodern gadgets and are in a continuous pursuit after something more. The advancements in science in the developed nations have not stopped people from the West from being fascinated by eastern spiritualities. Has Christianity, which has traditionally been the religion of the western world, lost its relevance? How can the Catholic Church offer a “lively” spirituality to people who seek meaning in life? The Charismatic Renewal Movement, which began in 1967 in the Catholic Church, has helped millions to rediscover the beauty of Christian faith and has the potential of making Christianity relevant in the modern world. In this article I will examine the role of the Charismatic Renewal Movement in reigniting the flame of spirituality in contemporary Christians. I will base my study on the documents of the Church and the documents of the Charismatic Renewal Movement.

Joseph P. Wawrykow

This essay explores the Catholic teaching on grace through some of the classic texts and writers. It begins by comparing the teaching of the Catechism of the Catholic Church and The Council of Trent’s decree On Justification. Although the two differ in strategy (the latter seeking to differentiate itself from emerging Protestant teaching), the Catechism shows itself to be in great continuity with Trent. The essay then considers the teaching of the two most influential writers in the Catholic tradition of reflection on grace, Augustine of Hippo and Thomas Aquinas (and some of his successors). Thomas incorporates much of Augustine’s later teaching, but offers a more expansive account of merit and sees predestination more as a matter of fore-knowledge than God’s causal activity. The essay ends with a treatment of some recent writing on the subject.

1974 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 325-344 ◽  
John R. Thompson

This paper reports a pilot study of " Catholic Pentecostals," or as they are now more commonly known, " Catholic Charismatics." The study is based on participant observation and interviews among Catholics from 3 prayer groups in Southern California. The study was completed in June, 1972. It forms the basis of continuing research for a dissertation. Catholic participation in the Charismatic Renewal is considered as a renewal movement in relation to the Catholic Church. The analysis seeks to discover tendencies experienced by Catholic charismatics with respect to participation in the Catholic Church, and the ways in which these tendencies are compatible or incompatible with aspects of the Catholic Church. To analyze tendencies experienced by Catholic charismatics, a typology developed by Ernst Troeltsch is employed. Socio logists are familiar with the church-sect typology associated with Trocltsch. Few are familiar with a third type elaborated by Troeltsch: mysticism. It is this third type, mysticism. that this writer has found fruitful in analyzing aspects of Catholic participation in the Charismatic Renewal. The outlook of a " typical " Catholic charismatic is des cribed, with the intention and hope that : first, important aspects of a participant's experience are accurately and contextually represented: and, secondly, essential features of participants outlook are shown to correspond to the mystical type. Finally, a comparison is made of aspects of participants' outlook (mystical type) in relation to the Catholic Church (church-type : sacraments, hierarchy). The points of com parison are : 1) relationship between sacramental baptism and " baptism in the Spirit;" 2) Eucharist ; 3) basis of authority. Such a comparison will make more explicit aspects of the relationship between Catholic participation in the Charismatic Renewal and membership in the Catholic Church.

1970 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 133-135
Franz Magnis-Susesno

Dengan umur hampir dua ribu tahun Gereja Katolik merupakan lembaga paling tua yang mempertahankan diri melalui sejarah. Bagi Gereja Katolik sejarah itu penuh makna. Karena dalam perjalanannya melalui 20 abad eksisten-sinya Gereja Katolik mendapat bentuk serta pengertian diri yang sekarang. Maka sudah tepatlah kalau Norman Tanner, seorang imam Yesuit dan guru besar sejarah Gereja pada Universitas Gregoriana di Roma, dengan mendasarkan diri pada hasil penelitian sejarah Gereja yang berlimpah dalam 40 tahun terakhir, menulis sebuah “Sejarah Pendek Baru Gereja Katolik.” Hanya dengan 260 halaman pembaca diantar secara kompeten menapaki 2000 tahun perjalanan Gereja Katolik.   Gereja Katolik selalu menegaskan bahwa Kitab Suci hanya dapat dimengerti dalam ketertanaman dalam sebuah tradisi. Sebagaimana ditegaskan Tanner, “tradisi memegang peran normatif.” Pengertian tentang hakikat Kekristenan berkembang melalui sejarah. Gereja Katolik yakin “bahwa Kitab Suci harus disertai oleh suatu kesadaran tentang bagaimana pesannya dihayati dan dimengerti melalui berabad-abad lamanya, oleh suatu rasa bagaimana isi Kitab Suci dijernihkan oleh ajaran pihak-pihak berwenang dalam Gereja maupun melalui hidup, sembahyang, studi dan perjuangan umat Kristiani.” Karena itu, Gereja Katolik sekarang tidak dapat dimengerti kalau sejarahnya tidak dimengerti.   Tanner membagi sejarah Gereja ke dalam lima tahap. Tahap pertama mencakup 300 tahun pertama di mana Gereja keluar dari dua setengah abad usaha penindasan dan penganiayaan oleh pemerintah kekaisaran Romawi, dan akhirnya menjadi agama resmi. Tahap kedua mulai dengan berakhirnya kekaisaran Romawi bagian Barat pada abad ke-5 dan sampai pada 1054 di mana perpecahan tragis antara Gereja Timur, Gereja-gereja Ortodoks, dan Gereja Barat—Gereja Katolik-Roma—menjadi resmi dan definitif. Perpecahan tersebut masih berlangsung sampai hari ini.   ........................................   Yang khas dari buku Tanner adalah bahwa uraian tidak dibatasi pada kejadian-kejadian sekitar Gereja resmi: Konsili-konsili, Paus-paus yang penting, peristiwa-peristiwa dengan dampak historis seperti perpecahan antara Gereja Barat dan Gereja Timur atau Reformasi Protestan. Dalam buku ini juga dibicarakan ordo-ordo dan gerakan-gerakan religius, teolog-teolog penting, keagamaan rakyat, perkembangan-perkembangan intelektual, perkembangan dalam liturgi, doa dan mistik. Juga dibahas mengenai senirupa, arsitektur dan musik, bahkan sikap Thomas Aquinas terhadap liburan, olah raga dan entertainment. Kehidupan Katolik di basis pun ikut diceriterakan.   Buku ini memberikan suatu tinjauan yang kaya dan berbobot tentang 2000 tahun kehidupan Gereja Katolik; bisa juga dikatakan, tentang perkembangan dari Kristianitas ke Gereja Katolik sekarang, dalam bahasa yang mudah diikuti dan dengan gaya naratif yang enak dibaca. Sebuah buku yang dapat sangat direkomendasikan bagi siapa saja yang ingin mendapat pengertian ringkas, tetapi cukup mendalam, tentang bagaimana Gereja Katolik menjadi Gereja Katolik. (Franz Magnis-Suseno, Program Pascasarjana, Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Driyarkara, Jakarta).

Gabriel Carvalho Bungenstab

This article seeks to understand the relationship between the youth and the Catholic Church (specifically the community of young catholic) in today's society. Assuming that the Church influences the category of youth, despite the "disenchantment of the world" emerged in modernity. We tried to see what the understandings that the Youth Ministry (as Catholics) has on the conceptualization of contemporary Brazilian youth. This requires an analysis of the Youth Ministry (PJ), the Youth Ministry of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CCR MJ) and Christian Leadership Training (TLC) website has been performed as well as their social networks in order to find the position of this about today's youth. Juventude, Igreja Católica e Internet: Aproximações Possíveis? O presente artigo busca entender a relação entre a juventude e a Igreja Católica (especificamente as comunidades de jovens católicos) na sociedade hodierna. Parte da hipótese que a Igreja influencia a categoria da juventude, apesar do “desencantamento do mundo” surgido na modernidade. Buscou-se enxergar quais os entendimentos que as comunidades de jovens católicos têm sobre a conceituação da juventude contemporânea brasileira. Para tal, foi realizada uma análise dos sites da Pastoral da Juventude (PJ), do Ministério Jovem da Renovação Carismática Católica (MJ RCC) e do Treinamento de Liderança Cristã (TLC), bem como suas redes sociais, a fim de encontrar o posicionamento desta a respeito da juventude hodierna.

Pneuma ◽  
1996 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 217-224
Peter D. Hocken

AbstractThe Theological Commission of the Charismatic Renewal in the Catholic Church of Germany is to be commended for its detailed tackling of an important topic that most Churches and denominations affected by "extraordinary bodily phenomena" are neither studying nor evaluating in any serious way. As a fellow Catholic theologian, I wish to reflect on the importance of this document "Concerning Extraordinary Bodily Phenomena in the Context of Spiritual Occurrences" published in the previous issue of PNEEWA1 and to begin by recognizing its valuable contribution.

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