scholarly journals Immunocytochemical localization of hepatic legandin and Z protein utilizing frozen sections for light and electron microscopy.

1979 ◽  
Vol 27 (5) ◽  
pp. 961-966 ◽  
F Capron ◽  
B Coltoff-Schiller ◽  
A B Johnson ◽  
G M Fleischner ◽  
S Goldfischer

Ligandin (glutathione-s-transferase) and Z protein are soluble hepatocellular proteins that are involved in the transfer of organic ions, including bilirubin and some hormones and carcinogens from the plasma to the liver. The intracellular distribution of ligandin and Z protein was studied by applying the peroxidase-antiperoxidase procedure of L. A. Sternberger (Immunocytochemistry, Prentice Hall Inc., 1974) to paraffin sections and free-floating 10-micrometers frozen sections that were processed for both light and electron microscopy. Ligandin and Z protein were localized to the cytosol of hepatocytes in association with smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER), but no reaction product was present between cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum. Penetration of reagents was enhanced in 10-micrometers frozen sections and the preservation of subcellular structures was equivalent to thicker, unfrozen sections.

1976 ◽  
Vol 54 (6) ◽  
pp. 898-906 ◽  
B. Tuchweber ◽  
R. Trost ◽  
M. Salas ◽  
W. Sieck

Intravenous administration of the rare earth metal salt, praseodymium nitrate, induced hepatic damage in the rat, as assessed by morphologic examination (light and electron microscopy) and biochemical parameters (serum glutamic–pyruvic transaminase (EC and glutamic–oxalacetic transaminase (EC activity as well as hepatic triglyceride content). Praseodymium hepatotoxicity was only attained with lower doses (10, 20, or 40 mg/kg), whereas a larger dose (80 mg/kg) was inactive in this respect. As detected by electron microscopy, lower doses of the metal salt caused hepatocytic alterations consisting of degranulation and dilatation of rough endoplasmic reticulum, accumulation of smooth endoplasmic reticulum as well as numerous lipid droplets. No abnormalities were detected in the cell organelles following administration of a large dose of the metal salt; however, vacuoles containing markedly electron-dense material were seen in the cytoplasm of the hepatocytes and the sinusoidal Kupffer cells.

S.M. Geyer ◽  
C.L. Mendenhall ◽  
J.T. Hung ◽  
E.L. Cardell ◽  
R.L. Drake ◽  

Thirty-three mature male Holtzman rats were randomly placed in 3 treatment groups: Controls (C); Ethanolics (E); and Wine drinkers (W). The animals were fed synthetic diets (Lieber type) with ethanol or wine substituted isocalorically for carbohydrates in the diet of E and W groups, respectively. W received a volume of wine which provided the same gram quantity of alcohol consumed by E. The animals were sacrificed by decapitation after 6 weeks and the livers processed for quantitative triglycerides (T3), proteins, malic enzyme activity (MEA), light microscopy (LM) and electron microscopy (EM). Morphometric analysis of randomly selected LM and EM micrographs was performed to determine organellar changes in centrilobular (CV) and periportal (PV) regions of the liver. This analysis (Table 1) showed that hepatocytes from E were larger than those in C and W groups. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum decreased in E and increased in W compared to C values.

1972 ◽  
Vol 20 (12) ◽  
pp. 1006-1023 ◽  

A modification of the Novikoff-Goldfischer alkaline 3,3'-diaminobenzidine medium for visualizing peroxisomes is described. It makes possible light microscopic as well as electron microscopic studies of a recently described class of peroxisomes, the microperoxisomes. Potassium cyanide (5 x 10–3 M) is included in the medium to inhibit mitochondrial staining, the pH is 9.7 and there is a high concentration of H2O2 (0.05%). Two cell types have been chosen to illustrate the advantages of the new procedure for demonstrating the microperoxisomes: the absorptive cells in the human jejunum and the distal tubule cells in the guinea pig kidney. Suggestive relations of microperoxisomes and lipid are described in the human jejunum. The microperoxisomes are strategically located between smooth endoplasmic reticulum that radiates toward the organelles and contains lipid droplets and "central domains" of highly specialized endoplasmic reticulum which do not show the lipid droplets. The microperoxisomes are also present at the periphery of large lipid-like drops. In the guinea pig kidney tubule there is a striking difference between the thick limb of Henle and distal tubule. The distal tubule has a population of cells with large numbers of microperoxisomes readily visible by light microscopy; these cells are not present in the thick limb of Henle. Other differences between the two are also described.

1975 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-17
A. Pleshkewych ◽  
L. Levine

A prominent cytoplasmic inclusion present in living mouse primary spermatocytes has been observed by both light and electron microscopy. It began to form at prometaphase and continued to increase in thickness and length as the cells developed. By metaphase it was a distinct sausage-shaped boundary that enclosed a portion of the cytoplasm between the spindle and the cell membrane. At the end of metaphase, the inclusion reached its maximum length. At telophase, it was divided between the daughter secondaries. The inclusion persisted as a circular contour in the interphase secondary spermatocyte. Electron microscopy of the same cultured cells that were previously observed with light microscopy revealed that the inclusion was a distinctive formation of membranes. It consisted of agranular cisternae and vesicles, and was therefore a membranous complex. Many of the smaller vesicles in the membranous complex resembled those found in the spindle. The cisternae in the membranous complex were identical to the cisternal endoplasmic reticulum of interphase primary spermatocytes. Nevertheless, the organization of vesicles and cisternae into the membranous complex was unique for the primaries in division stages, since such an organization was not present in their interphase stages.

1982 ◽  
Vol 54 (1) ◽  
pp. 341-355

The structure of the watermelon stigma before and after pollination was studied using light and electron microscopy, freeze-fracture and autoradiography. The wall thickenings of the papilla transfer cells contained callose and their presence prior to pollination was confirmed using EM-autoradiography, freeze-fracture and fixation. No further callose thickenings were produced following pollination. Pollination resulted in a rapid increase in aqueous stigma secretion and localized disruption of the cuticle, which appeared to remain on the surface of the secretion. Autolysis of the papilla cells, which had commenced prior to pollination, was accelerated and appeared to take place via cup-shaped vacuoles developed from distended endoplasmic reticulum. The reaction was localized to the papilla cells adjacent to the pollen tube only. Both pollen-grain wall and stigma secretion contained proteins, carbohydrates, acidic polysaccharides, lipids and phenolics.

1981 ◽  
Vol 59 (5) ◽  
pp. 908-928 ◽  
Martha J. Powell ◽  
Charles E. Bracker ◽  
David J. Sternshein

The cytological events involved in the transformation of vegetative hyphae of the zygomycete Gilbertella persicaria (Eddy) Hesseltine into chlamydospores were studied with light and electron microscopy. Thirty hours after sporangiospores were inoculated into YPG broth, swellings appeared along the aseptate hyphae. Later, septa, traversed by plasmodesmata, delimited each end of the hyphal swellings and compartmentalized these hyphal regions as they differentiated into chlamydospores. Nonswollen regions adjacent to chlamydospores remained as isthmuses. Two additional wall layers appeared within the vegetative wall of the developing chlamydospores. An alveolate, electron-dense wall formed first, and then an electron-transparent layer containing concentrically oriented fibers formed between this layer and the plasma membrane. Rather than a mere condensation of cytoplasm, development and maturation of the multinucleate chlamydospores involved extensive cytoplasmic changes such as an increase in reserve products, lipid and glycogen, an increase and then disappearance of vacuoles, and the breakdown of many mitochondria. Underlying the plasma membrane during chlamydospore wall formation were endoplasmic reticulum, multivesicular bodies, vesicles with fibrillar contents, vesicles with electron-transparent contents, and cisternal rings containing the Golgi apparatus marker enzyme, thiamine pyrophosphatase. Acid phosphatase activity was localized cytochemically in a cisterna which enclosed mitochondria and in vacuoles which contained membrane fragments. Tightly packed membrane whorls and single membrane bounded sacs with finely granular matrices surrounding vacuoles were unique during chlamydospore development. Microbodies were rare in the mature chlamydospore, but endoplasmic reticulum was closely associated with lipid globules. As chlamydospores developed, the cytoplasm in the isthmus became highly vacuolated, lipid globules were closely associated with vacuoles, mitochondria were broken down in vacuoles, unusual membrane configurations appeared, and eventually the membranes degenerated. Unlike chlamydospores, walls of the isthmus did not thicken, but irregularly shaped appositions containing numerous channels formed at intervals on the inside of these walls. The pattern of cytoplasmic transformations during chlamydospore development is similar to events leading to the formation of zygospores and sporangiospores.

1969 ◽  
Vol 17 (7) ◽  
pp. 454-466 ◽  

The peroxidase activity of microbodies in fetal mouse liver was studied by light and electron microscopy. Two types of microbodies were present; a small population of bodies that lacked a nucleoid, predominant on the 16th day of gestation, and a larger population of nucleoid-bearing microbodies, predominant on the 19th day, in association with the rough endoplasmic reticulum from which they probably originate. Both types of bodies were visualized when incubated for peroxidase activity but were negative (19th day) for acid phosphatase activity. The findings suggest that the anucleoid- and nucleoid-bearing organelles together constitute the microbody population of the fetal liver.

1973 ◽  
Vol 51 (12) ◽  
pp. 2307-2314 ◽  
Saeed R. Khan ◽  
Henry C. Aldrich

Termitaria snyderi Thaxter forms small discoid lesions on the exoskeleton of different species of termites. Its conidiogenesis has been studied by light and electron microscopy. The phialides are oriented parallel in a closely packed sporodochium. The conidia are produced endogenously in basipetal succession from a fixed conidiogenous locus and are liberated when the tip is broken off the phialide as a result of the force applied by the formation of new conidia. The area of the phialide beyond the locus forms a tubular collarette. The conidium initial buds out at the locus and after it has received its organelles and reached a certain size it is delimited by a centripetally growing transverse septum. The region of the growing septum has many vesicles which may be involved in cross wall synthesis. Conidia are cylindrical, uninucleate, and double-walled. They have mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum (ER), conspicuous lipid droplets, and vacuoles. Each conidiophore has long mitochondria, elongate nuclei, and much endoplasmic reticulum. The plasmalemma of the conidiophore is highly convoluted.

1990 ◽  
Vol 68 (7) ◽  
pp. 1454-1467 ◽  
K. M. Fry ◽  
S. B. McIver

Light and electron microscopy were used to observe development of the lateral palatal brush in Aedes aegypti (L.) larvae. Development was sampled at 4-h intervals from second- to third-instar ecdyses. Immediately after second-instar ecdysis, the epidermis apolyses from newly deposited cuticle in the lateral palatal pennicular area to form an extensive extracellular cavity into which the fourth-instar lateral palatal brush filaments grow as cytoplasmic extensions. On reaching their final length, the filaments deposit cuticulin, inner epicuticle, and procuticle sequentially on their outer surfaces. The lateral palatal crossbars, on which the lateral palatal brush filaments insert, form after filament development is complete. At the beginning of development, the organelles involved in plasma membrane and cuticle production are located at the base and middle of the cells. As the filament rudiments grow, most rough endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, and Golgi apparatus move to the apex of the epidermal cells and into the filament rudiments. After formation of the lateral palatal brush filaments and lateral palatal crossbars, extensive organelle breakdown occurs. Lateral palatal brush formation is unusual in that no digestion and resorption of old endocuticle occurs prior to deposition of new cuticle. No mucopolysaccharide secretion by the lateral palatal brush epidermis was observed, nor were muscle fibres observed to attach to the lateral palatal crossbars, as has been suggested by other workers.

1979 ◽  
Vol 91 (1) ◽  
pp. 134-149 ◽  
Peter M. Robinson ◽  
Elisabeth J. Rowe ◽  
E. Marelyn Wintour

ABSTRACT The cortex of sheep foetal adrenal glands from 25 days gestation until newborn (term equals 147 ± 3 days) were examined by light and electron microscopy. Three stages of development are of particular importance in relating structure to function: 1) from 35 to 60 days, 2) from 60 to 120 days and 3) from 120 days to term. Between 35 and 60 days one cortical cell type predominated. It contained mitochondria with lamellar and vesicular cristae, scattered long strands of granular endoplasmic reticulum and only small amounts of smooth endoplasmic reticulum. After about 60 days two zones were apparent in the cortex and chromaffin cells became concentrated in the medulla. After 80 days the outer zone contained cells which resembled mature zona glomerulosa cells and the cells in the inner zone remained like those seen between 35 and 60 days, except they contained even less smooth endoplasmic reticulum. However, after about 90 days a small number of deep inner zone cells contained mitochondria with vesicular cristae which thus resemble mitochondria in the mature zona fasciculata. From about 120 days there was an increase in the number of cells in the inner zone that contained mitochondria with vesicular cristae. These cells also contained substantial quantities of smooth endoplasmic reticulum. At term most inner zone cells have this mature appearance. Thus there is no "foetal cortex" in the sheep analogous to that found in human adrenal development, i. e. there is no prominent zone of cells containing large amounts of smooth endoplasmic reticulum which is present throughout most of the foetal period of development, and which regresses at birth. The structure of the cells present between 35 and 60 days was unexpected because it has been shown previously that sheep foetal adrenals of this age are capable of producing relatively large quantities of steroid hormones. However, the appearance of cells resembling mature zona glomerulosa cells at about 80 days correlates with the previously demonstrated ability of sheep adrenal glands of this age to produce relatively large quantities of aldosterone. The rapid development of numbers of mature cells in the last 3 weeks of gestation correlates with the previously described ability of near term sheep foetal adrenals to produce very large quantities of steroid hormones.

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