Kimberlites and exploration geophysics

Geophysics ◽  
1979 ◽  
Vol 44 (8) ◽  
pp. 1395-1416 ◽  
James C. Macnae

This paper discusses geophysical prospecting techniques for kimberlite pipes, a major source of diamonds. A simple geologic model based on descriptions by Hawthorne (1975) and Nixon (1973) is given, and the varied geophysical responses obtained over kimberlite pipes are interpreted in terms of this model. The three main factors controlling these responses are the original size and inhomogeneity of the pipe, the depth of erosion, and the degree of weathering. Kimberlite pipes are roughly elliptical in surface exposure in most cases, with a “carrot shaped” extension at depth. The unweathered portion of the pipe generally contains a few percent magnetite, and this in most cases produces a clearly detectable magnetic anomaly. The presence of deep weathering may alter the magnetite in the top of the pipe to nonmagnetic oxides of iron, thus resulting in an increased depth to the magnetic source. If this depth is large, the magnetic response may not be large enough to detect the kimberlite in the presence of noise and the effect of other structures. In addition, if little erosion has taken place since emplacement, kimberlitic sediments known as epiclastic kimberlite will be present to considerable depths in the pipe, and this may also lead to the absence of a clear magnetic anomaly. In one large survey in South Africa, electromagnetic (EM) techniques have proven to be remarkably effective in detecting the presence of weathered clays or epiclastic kimberlite contained within the pipes. All pipes discovered during this survey had unmistakable EM signatures, while five out of eight had very small magnetic anomalies which would not likely have been selected as potential targets on the basis of magnetic data alone. These examples would indicate that in any area where deep weathering is expected, an EM survey is essential in combination with a magnetic survey if reconnaissance is to be based on airborne geophysical techniques. Due to the emplacement mechanism of kimberlite, considerable inhomogeneity within a pipe may be present, leading to significant variation in the response of any geophysical technique to one pipe, with resultant interpretation difficulties. Although this is not a limitation in the discovery of new pipes, it does make their geophysical delimitation difficult.

2020 ◽  
Pavel Hejda ◽  
Dana Čápová ◽  
Eva Hudečková ◽  
Vladimír Kolejka

<p>The modern epoch of ground magnetic surveying activity on the Czech territory was started by the Institute of Geophysics by setting up a fundamental network of the 1<sup>st</sup> order in 1957-58. It consists of 199 points and was reoccupied in 1976-78 and 1994-96. The anomaly maps were constructed by subtraction of the IGRF model.</p><p>Extensive aeromagnetic measurements have been performed from 1959 to 1972 by permalloy probe of Soviet provenience. The accuracy of the instrumentation was about (and often above) 10 nT. The second period of airborne survey started in 1976. Thanks to the deployment of proton precession magnetometer, the accuracy improved to ~ 2 nT. Since 2004 the measurements were carried out by caesium magnetometer. The data were digitized, known anthropogenic anomalies were cleared away and data were transformed to the regular grid with step 250 m. The final data file of magnetic anomalies ΔT, administered by the Czech Geological Survey, represents a substantial contribution to the exploration of ore deposits and to the structure geology in general.</p><p>In view of the fact that data file of magnetic anomalies was compiled from data acquired by heterogeneous methods in the course of more than 50 years, our recent study is aimed at looking into the homogeneity of the data by comparison them with ground-based magnetic survey. A simple comparison of the contour maps showed good similarity of the large regional anomalies. For more detailed analysis, the variation of ΔT in the neighbourhood of all points of the fundamental network was inspected and the basic statistic characteristics were computed. Summary results as well as several examples will be presented accordingly as the INSPIRE compliant services and eventually as the user-friendly web map application and made available on the CGS Portal and on the updated web of the CzechGeo/EPOS consortium Incorporating the map into the World Digital Magnetic Anomaly Map (WDMAM – IAGA) is also under consideration. This data will also be interesting for the EPOS.</p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 71 ◽  
Sehah Allasimy ◽  
Sukmaji Anom Raharjo ◽  
Iska Andriyanto

<p class="AbstractText">Exploration of the spread of iron sand on the eastern coastal of Binangun District in Cilacap Regency has been conducted using the magnetic surveys. The magnetic data acquisition was conducted in April 2017. The total magnetic field data obtained is processed, so that can be obtained the local magnetic anomaly data. The modeling of the local magnetic anomaly data is performed on the trajectory of AB that extending from the position point of 109,274698° E and 7.686620° S to 109.2296195° E and 7.689099° S so that obtained various model of the subsurface anomalous objects. Interpretation on the subsurface anomalous objects is done to estimate the types of rocks and their formations based on the magnetic susceptibility value of each object which supported by the geological information of the research area. Based on the interpretation results to be obtained two layers of subsurface rocks that can be estimated as the iron sand that coexists with silt dan clay derived from the alluvium formation. The first rock has a length of 1238.2 meters, a depth of 1.709 – 20.513 meters, and a magnetic susceptibility value of 0.0183 cgs unit. The second rock has a length of 643.055 meters, a depth of 16.524 – 34.188 meters, and a magnetic susceptibility value of 0.0174 cgs unit. The results of this research are also supported by the results of geoelectric data interpretation, where the iron sand that coexists with silt and clay is found at a depth of 9.42 – 19.48 meters with a resistivity value of 52.99 Ωm at Geo-1 point; and a depth of 10.56 – 22.20 meters with resistivity value of 49,03 Ωm at Geo-2 point. Based on the results of of this research, the eastern coastal area of Binangun District is estimated to contain potentially iron ore and economically is a prospect for exploitation.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 51 (3) ◽  
pp. 207-223
Mostafa A. M. ZAEIMAH

Al-Gor area is a part of Southwestern Sinai of Egypt. It is considered as one of the most promising areas for mineralization in Egypt, being rich in many mineral deposits of: manganese, iron, copper, zinc, lead, cobalt, nickel, silver, gibbsite, and uranium. Besides, some industrial ore minerals such as kaolin and glass sand,… etc. are also found in this area. The area was studied by Gama-ray spectrometry to trace the radioactive anomalies, their concentrations and their relationship to the existing rocks, and by magnetic survey to study the relationship of radioactive anomalies and their trends with the trends of geological structures. The gamma-ray spectrometric maps show different levels over the surveyed area, which reflect contrasting radioelement contents for the exposed various rock types. The highest radiospectrometric levels are located in the northwest southeast direction and some scattered parts all over the study area. They are mainly associated with Um-Bogma Formation, bearing gibbsite. The study area possesses radiospectrometric ranging between 0.6 and 110.9 Ur as a total-count, 0.1 to 1.8 % for K, 0.1 to 99 ppm for eU and 0.1 to 23 ppm for eTh. The qualitative analyses of magnetic data show the existences of a number of different magnetic anomalies, with different amplitudes and frequencies as well as trends. From the application of spectral analyses of magnetic data, the regional and residual depths of magnetic anomalies can be computed. The first depth represents the regional (deep-seated) anomalies, at about 75 m and the residual (shallow-seated) anomalies, at about 20 m. The trends of the structures as derived from the spectrometric and ratio maps correspond to those inferred from the residual-component magnetic map, which reflects the effect of structures on the concentration of radioactive elements and, consequently mineralization.

Geophysics ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 79 (6) ◽  
pp. K1-K9 ◽  
Vinicius Hector Abud Louro ◽  
Marta Silvia Maria Mantovani ◽  
Vanessa Biondo Ribeiro

The Morro do Leme laterite nickel deposit lies inside the western border of the Parecis Basin (Brazil). This deposit is characterized by high concentrations of lateritic Ni (about 1.8%) and anomalous contents of Pd, Au, Cu, Na, Co, Zn, and Pt in a peridotite and dunite layered intrusion. Besides the existence of geochemical and drilling data, the 3D distribution in the subsurface of this layered intrusion is still unknown. An airborne magnetic survey revealed three east–west elongated magnetic anomalies, characterized by a significant remanent magnetization. The sources of these anomalies were delimitated laterally and had their depths estimated between 90 and 150 m, using techniques that use derivatives. Further, the total magnetization direction was obtained from a distortion analysis of the magnetic anomalies. All these data were united in an initial model for the 3D inversion of the magnetic data. The total and induced magnetization directions were attributed to the inverted model of 0.12 (SI) susceptibility, allowing indirect estimation of the remanence. The model, defined by the depth, the inversion, and the remanence estimates, linked the intrusion to analogue events in the Rondonian-San Ignácio Province. The results indicated that to explore for laterite Ni, the best locations are the southern part of the main anomaly and in the cover above the two smaller anomalies, whereas to explore for Pd, Au, Cu, Na, Co, Zn, and/or Pt, the indicated region is the central portion of the main anomaly.

2019 ◽  
Vol 41 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-80
Nguyen Thi Thu Hang ◽  
Erdinc Oksum ◽  
Le Huy Minh ◽  
Do Duc Thanh

The paper presents an improved algorithm based on Bhaskara Rao and Ramesh Babu’s algorithm to invert magnetic anomalies of three-dimensional basement structures. The magnetic basement is approximated by an ensemble of juxtaposed vertical prisms whose bottom surface coincides with Curie surface with the known depth. The computer program operating with the proposed algorithm is built in Matlab environment. Test applications show that the proposed method can perform computations with fast and stable convergence rate where the results also coincide well with the actual model structure. The effectiveness of the method is demonstrated by inverting magnetic anomalies of the southeast part of Vietnam continental shelf. The calculated magnetic basement relief of the study area provides useful additional information for studies in the aim of dealing with the geological structure of the area.References Beiki M., 2010. Analytic signals of gravity gradient tensor and their application to estimate source location, Geophysics, 75(6), i59–i74.Bui C.Q. (chief author), Le T., Tran T. D., Nguyen T. H., Phi T.T., 2007. Map of deep structure of the Earth’s crust, Atlas of the characteristics of natural conditions and environment in Vietnam’s waters and adjacent region. Publisher of Science and Technology, Ha Noi. Do D.T., Nguyen T.T.H., 2011. Atempt the improvement of inversion of magnetic anomalies of two dimensional polygonal cross sections to determine the depth of magnetic basement in some data profile of middle off shelf of Vietnam. Journal of Science and Technology, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, 49(2), 125–132.Do D.T., 2013. Study for application of 3D magnetic and gravity method to determine density contribution of basement rock and depth of magnetic basement on Vietnam’s shelf for oil research and prospecting Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Project code QG-11-04. Keating P. and Pilkington M., 2000, Euler deconvolution of the analytic signal, 62nd Annual International Meeting, EAGE, Session P0193.Keating P., Zerbo L., 1996. An improved technique for reduction to the pole at low latitudes, Geophysics, 61, 131–137.Le H.M., Luu V.H., 2003. Preliminary interpretation of the magnetic anomalies of the Eastern Vietnam sea and adiacent regions. J.  Sci. of the Earth, 25(2), 173–181. Mai T.T., Pham V.T., Dang V.B., Le D.B., Nguyen B., Le V.D., 2011. Characteristics of Pliocene - Quaternary geology and Geoengineering in the Center and Southeast parts of Continental Shelf of Vietnam. J.  Sci.  of the Earth, 33(2), 109-118.Mushayandebvu M.F., Lesur V., Reid A.B., Fairhead J.D., 2004. Grid Euler deconvolution with constraints for 2D structures, Geophysics, 69, 489–496.Nguyen N.T., Bui V.N., Nguyen T.T.H., Than D.L., 2014a. Application of power density spectrum of magnetic anomaly to estimate the structure of magnetic layer of the earth crust in the Bac Bo gulf. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 14(4A), 137–148.Nguyen N.T., Bui V.N., Nguyen T.T.H., 2014b. Determining the depth to the magnetic basementand fault systems in Tu Chinh - Vung May area  by magnetic data interpretation. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 14(4A), 16–25.Nguyen T.T.H., Pham T.L., Do D.T., Le H.M., 2018. Improving algorithm of determining the coordinates of the vertices of the polygon to invert magnetic anomalies of two-dimensional basement structures in space domain, Journal of Marine Science and Technology (preparing to print).Parker R.L., 1973. The rapid calculation of potential anomalies, Geophys. J. Roy. Astron. Soc, 31, 447–455. Pilkington M., Gregotski M.E., Todoeschuck J.P., 1994. Using fractal crustal magnetization models in magnetic interpretation, Geophysical Prospecting, 42, 677–692.Pilkington M., 2006. Joint inversion of gravity and magnetic data for two-layer models, Geophysics, 71, L35–L42.Rao D.B., Babu N.R., 1993. A fortran 77 computer program for three dimensional inversion of magnetic anomalies resulting from multiple prismatic bodies, Computer & Geosciences, 19(8), 781–801.Tanaka A., Okubo Y., Matsubayashi O., 1999. Curie point depth based on spectrum analysis of the magnetic anomaly data in East and Southeast Asia, Tectonic Pphysics, 306, 461–470.Thompson D.T., 1982. EULDTH – A new technique for marking computer-assisted depth estimates from magnetic data, Geophysics, 47, 31–37.Vo T.S., Le H.M., Luu V.H., 2005. Determining the horizontal position and depth of the density discontinuties in Red River Delta by using the vertical derivative and Euler deconvolution for the gravity anomaly data, Vietnam. Journal of Geology, Series A, 287(3–4), 39–52.  Werner S., 1955. Interpretation of magnetic anomalies of sheet-like bodies, Sveriges Geologiska Undersokning, Series C, Arsbok, 43, 6.Xu S.Z., 2006. The integral-iteration method for continuation of potential fields, Chinese journal of geophysics (in Chinese), 49(4), 1176–1182.Zhang C., Huang D.N., Zhang K., Pu Y.T., Yu P., 2016. Magnetic interface forward and inversion method based on Padé approximation, Applied Geophysics, 13(4), 712–720.CCOP, 1996. Magnetic anomaly map of East Asia, scale 1:4.000.000, Geological survey of Japan and Committee for co-ordination of joint prospecting for mineral resources in asian offshore areas.

2016 ◽  
Vol 59 (4) ◽  
Danilo Cavallaro ◽  
Luca Cocchi ◽  
Mauro Coltelli ◽  
Filippo Muccini ◽  
Cosmo Carmisciano ◽  

<p>The TOMO-ETNA experiment was devised for the investigation of the continental and oceanic crust beneath Mt. Etna volcano and northeastern Sicily up to the Aeolian Islands, through an active source study. In this experiment, a large amount of geophysical data was collected both inland and in the Ionian and Tyrrhenian Seas for identifying the major geological and structural features offshore Mt. Etna and NE Sicily. One of the oceanographic cruises organized within the TOMO-ETNA experiment was carried out on the hydrographic vessel “Galatea” by Italian Navy. During the cruise a detailed magnetic survey and a set of ROV (remotely operated vehicle) dives were performed offshore Mt. Etna. The magnetic survey allowed the compilation of a preliminary magnetic map revealing a clear direct relationship between volcanic structures and high frequency magnetic anomalies. Significant positive magnetic anomalies were identified offshore the Timpa area and along the easternmost portion of the Riposto Ridge <span>and</span> correlated to a primitive volcanic edifice and to shallow volcanic bodies, respectively. On the whole, the magnetic anomaly map highlights a clear SW-NE decreasing trend, where high amplitude positive magnetic anomaly pattern of the SW sector passes, northeastwardly, to a main negative one. ROV dives permitted to directly explore the shallowest sectors of the Riposto Ridge and to collect several videos and seafloor samples, allowing us to identify some locally developed volcanic manifestations.</p>

Geophysics ◽  
1993 ◽  
Vol 58 (5) ◽  
pp. 653-659 ◽  
Walter R. Roest ◽  
Mark Pilkington

Remanent magnetization can have a significant influence on the shape of magnetic anomalies in areas that are generally characterized by induced magnetization. Since modeling of magnetic anomalies is nonunique, additional constraints on the direction of magnetization are useful. A method is proposed here to study the possible contribution of remanent magnetization to a particular anomaly, by comparing two functions that are calculated directly from the observations: (1) the amplitude of the analytic signal, and (2) the horizontal gradient of pseudogravity. From the amplitude and relative position of maxima in these derived quantities, we infer the deviation of the magnetization direction from that of the ambient field. The approach is applied to the magnetic anomaly in the center of the Manicouagan impact structure (Canada). Our results, based only on the magnetic anomaly observations, are in close agreement with constraints on the direction of remanent magnetization from rock samples.

2015 ◽  
Vol 5 (02) ◽  
pp. 80 ◽  
Sukmaji Anom Raharjo ◽  
Sehah S

<p class="AbstractText">The magnetic survey had been conducted in Village of Cipari, District of Cipari, Region of  Cilacap to interpret to the location of the oil seepage source rock. Boundary of the research area is 108.75675°E – 108.77611°E and 7.42319°S – 7.43761°S. The observed total magnetic data is corrected and reducted to obtain the local magnetic anomaly data. The local magnetic anomaly data is applied to model the subsurface bodies anomalies based on the Mag2DC for Windows software. With be supported the geological information, the some bodies anomalies are interpreted as the basaltic igneous rock (c = 0.0051), the alternately of sandstone and claystone and insert of marl from Halang Formation (c = 0.0014), the breccia from Kumbang Formation (c = 0.0035), the alternately of sandstones and claystone with insert of marl and breccia from Halang Formation (c = 0.0036), the claystone from Tapak Formation (c = 0.0015), the alternately of sandstones and claystone with insert of marl and compacted breccia from Halang Formation (c = 0.0030), and the alternately of sandstone and claystone from   Halang Formation (c = 0.0020). The plantonic foraminifer fossils as resources of oil seepage are estimated in the sedimentaries rocks, where the oil flows from those rocks into the         reservoir (source rock). Based on the interpretation results, the source rock is above basaltic igneous rock with the approximate position is 108.76164°W and 7.43089°S; and the depth is 132.09 meters below the average topographic.</p>

1995 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 149-157 ◽  
Emanuele Bozzo ◽  
Giorgio Caneva ◽  
Giovanni Capponi ◽  
Alessandro Colla

A magnetic survey was carried out in the area between Lady Newnes Bay and Evans Névé (northern Victoria Land), to ascertain whether the contact between the Wilson and the Bowers terranes could be identified remotely. The survey consisted of three ground and 12 helicopter-borne profiles. The method was calibrated on the southernmost profiles, which cover a well-exposed section of the contact between the Wilson and Bowers terranes. The northern profiles were located in an area where the contact is poorly constrained by outcrops, so that it could be tested whether the junction displays a magnetic signature. The magnetic data and the 2.5-D modeling of three selected profiles indicate that no easily recognizable magnetic signature defines this contact. The main features of the area are magnetic anomalies probably controlled by the “Meander Intrusives” and the McMurdo volcanic rocks, both characterized by high susceptibility values. If an anomaly related to the contact exists, then it is probably masked by these stronger anomalies.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (02) ◽  
pp. 171
Sehah S ◽  
Sukmaji Anom Raharjo ◽  
Adi Chandra

<p>The Estimation of coal bituminous depth in Village of Banjaran, District of Salem, Regency of Brebes based on magnetic anomaly data has been done. The Village of Banjaran is located in the geology basin which called as Bentarsari Basin. The activities stages that carried out in this research include of magnetic data acquisition in the field, data processing, and interpretation. The interpretation of the anomalies data is done through the modeling using the Mag2DC for Window software on the local magnetic anomalies data. Based on this modeling results, then obtained six anomalous objects that can be interpreted as the subsurface rocks in the research area, which consists of sediments of gravel, sand, clay, and silt ( = 0.0020 cgs units); tuff and tuffaceous sandstone ( = 0.0069cgs units); andesite breccia, tuff, and tuffaceous sandstone ( = 0.0085cgs units); solid andesite breccia which not layered ( = 0.0115 cgs units); coarse sandstones, limestones, and sandy marl ( = 0.0109cgs units); andesite sandstone that layered with claystone and thin insertions of new coal bituminous alternately ( = 0.0008cgs units). Based on the modeling results and the geological information of this research area, it can be estimated that the coal bituminous found in the Kaliglagah formation, with its depths ranging between 104.48 m – 505.97m, and the value of the magnetic susceptibility is 0.0008 cgs units.</p>

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