Brain Disconnection and Schizophrenia

1973 ◽  
Vol 123 (577) ◽  
pp. 661-662 ◽  
J. G. Beaumont ◽  
S. J. Dimond

The concept of brain disconnection derives from work in which the two cerebral hemispheres are surgically separated by division of the corpus callosum. The patient behaves as if his two half-brains function to some degree independently. The syndrome of brain disconnection is exemplified by such split-brain cases (Geschwind, 1965). Neither hemisphere shows an awareness of the functions of the other, and there is a marked failure to cross-match stimuli across the midline of the body. The integrity of the corpus callosum is essential to normal integration between the hemispheres.

Elizabeth Schechter

The largest fiber tract in the human brain is the corpus callosum, which connects the two cerebral hemispheres. A number of surgeries severing this structure were performed on adults in the United States in the second half of the twentieth century. After they are surgically separated from each other in this way, a “split-brain” subject’s hemispheres begin to operate unusually independently of each other in the realms of perception, cognition, and the control of action—almost as if each had a mind of its own. But can a mere hemisphere really see? Speak? Feel? Know what it has done? The split-brain cases raise questions of psychological identity: How many subjects of experience are there within a split-brain subject? How many persons? How many minds? Under experimental conditions, split-brain subjects often act as though they were animated by two distinct conscious beings, evoking the duality intuition. On the other hand, a split-brain subject seems like one of us—not like two of us sharing one body. Split-brain subjects thus also evoke the unity intuition.This book is devoted to reconciling these two apparently opposing intuitions. The key to doing so are facts about the way self-consciousness operates in split-brain subjects. A split-brain subject is composed of two conscious psychological beings that fail to recognize each other’s existence and indeed cannot distinguish themselves from each other. Instead, each must first-personally identify with the split-brain subject as a whole, and in so doing, the two make themselves into one person.

1981 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 93-99 ◽  
Roland Puccetti

AbstractContrary to received opinion among philosophers, psychologists, and neuroscientists, conscious duality as a principle of brain organization is neither incoherent nor demonstrably false. The present paper begins by reviewing the history of the theory and its anatomical basis and defending it against the claim that it rests upon an arbitrary decision as to what constitutes the biological substratum of mind or person.It then moves on to provide a dynamic model for double consciousness in vertebrate brain organization, giving an evolutionary account that explains why, although each of the two cerebral hemispheres benefits from sensory input from the other for representation of the ipsilateral half of corporeal and extracorporeal space, it was important that conscious experience be confined to each rather than spanning the two. This interhemispheric duplication effect for sensory representation has been known for years but hitherto considered mysterious, or ignored on grounds that integration must be achieved at a higher level of processing.The paper then attempts to resolve a puzzle about split-brain patients in testing situations, namely why it is that in spite of the speaking hemisphere's denial of any independent perception and agency in the mute hemisphere, which would explain its role in cross-cuing, the latter never seems to resent this, but instead continues to be cooperative and helpful. It is suggested that on the hypothesis of mental duality this is understandable, for the nonverbal hemisphere would have known prior to the surgery that it is not generating linguistic behavior.Finally, the essay examines two kinds of bitemporal defects, one due to callosal and the other to chiasmal disruptions. On the present theory a bitemporal defect should be demonstrable in the former case when both eyes are open, because in the absence of a corpus callosum and other forebrain commissures the interhemispheric duplication effect is abolished; in the latter case interhemispheric duplication is preserved, and so the defect should be demonstrable only by testing each eye independently. This is indeed what the evidence indicates, so it appears that, contrary to the prevalent view, the function of the corpus callosum is not to integrate and unify conscious experience between the hemispheres but to duplicate this, in accord with the model of mental duality.

1983 ◽  
Vol 143 (2) ◽  
pp. 156-164 ◽  
Kathleen H. Tress ◽  
David J. Caudrey ◽  
Bharat Mehta

SummaryEEG potentials evoked by tactile stimulation of the forearm (tactile-evoked potentials or TEPs) were recorded simultaneously from both cerebral hemispheres in a group of schizophrenics and a group of healthy control subjects. Differences between the groups were found for the early waves of the TEPs: in the control subjects the first two positive waves (P25 and P50) and the first negative wave (N35) recorded from the hemisphere on the same side as the stimulation were slower (i.e. had longer latency) than those recorded from the hemisphere contralateral to the stimulation. This lateralization effect’ was not seen in the schizophrenic subjects. It was concluded that the TEPs recorded from the hemisphere ipsilateral to the stimulus were not being transmitted from the other hemisphere via the corpus callosum and must therefore have been transmitted via direct ipsilateral pathways from the periphery.In a second experiment the drug pindolol was administered to schizophrenic subjects but differences in P50 latency between ipsilateral and contralateral hemispheres were found equally in both drug and placebo groups. We also found slight evidence to suggest that the more severely ill the patient the more similar the TEP latencies recorded from the contralateral and the ipsilateral hemispheres.

Thesis Eleven ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 107 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-32
Peter Krapp

Kittler was among the first to invite Derrida to lectures in Germany, and to translate Derrida’s texts into German. Yet a cursory tally in his references does not always do justice to what Kittler’s media theory owes to deconstruction. Discourse Networks credits Derrida with a mere ‘rediscovery’ of grammatology, although Wellbery’s foreword labors mightily to identify the deconstructive traits in Kittler’s work. Gramophone, Film, Typewriter reduces The Post Card’s complex networks to an allegation that ‘voice remains the other of typescripts' – as if Kittler had not in fact taken a much more subtle evaluation of hearing oneself speak from Derrida. What happens to the writability and citability of texts if they are sorted into such neat binary distinctions of logical or poetic orientation? What, to Kittler, is the quotability and readability of the body of work titled Derrida?

1903 ◽  
Vol 23 ◽  
pp. 132-151 ◽  
H. L. Lorimer

The vase painting reproduced in Fig. 1 is taken from a large red figured pyxis in the National Museum at Athens. Both lid and body are decorated with wedding scenes, which will be described in detail below (see p. 150); we are here more particularly concerned with the group on the body, in which the bridal pair are represented as driving to their new home. They are seated in a low cart drawn by two horses; the bride appears to be sitting in front of her husband, but is probably meant to be by his side. The horses are led by a young man, whose exomis and pointed cap mark him as a servant. The attempt to render the cart in a realistic manner has involved the artist in great difficulties. The two wheels, which are of the ordinary four-spoked type, are supposed to be seen in perspective, but they are drawn as if they were both on the same side of the cart, the one over-lapping the other.

1913 ◽  
Vol 48 (4) ◽  
pp. 827-847 ◽  
David Hepburn

The material placed at my disposal for the purposes of this paper comprised the brains of four adult specimens of the Weddell seal, in addition to the brain of the young animal which has formed the subject of my former contributions. The four adult brains having been removed at the time the animals were killed, and preserved in a solution composed of spirit (90 per cent.) 6 pints and formal (2 per cent.) 4 pints, were, with one exception, in a firm and satisfactory condition for detailed anatomical examination. The body of the young seal had been preserved with a view to ordinary dissection, and therefore its brain was not in the firm state of the adult specimens; but as I had the opportunity of removing this brain from the skull, I was able to observe the disposition of the dura mater to the hemispheres of the cerebrum and cerebellum. While the dura mater presented, as a whole, its usual arrangements, it was noteworthy that the falx cerebri did not act as a septum between the two hemispheres of the cerebrum except to a very slight extent, and certainly for not more than one-third of the distance between the vertex of the cerebrum and the dorsal surface of the corpus callosum. As a result, in the region referred to the opposing mesial surfaces of the two hemispheres lay not only in close apposition with each other, but their convolutions were intimately adapted to each other. Similarly, the tentorium cerebelli only extended a short distance between the cerebrum and the cerebellum, and, as the occipital ends of the cerebral hemispheres fell considerably apart from each other, there was space for the accommodation of the well-developed vermis of the cerebellum as well as for the bulbous pineal body, which occupied a position upon its dorsal aspect. As I removed the brain from the skull the stalk of the pineal body gave way, and probably the same thing had occurred during the removal of the adult brains, for, while different lengths of the stalks had been preserved, there was only one complete specimen of its bulbous extremity. Looked at from the vertex, the general outline of the whole brain was that of a four-sided figure with rounded angles, and the cerebral hemispheres concealed the cerebellum except where the vermis was exposed between them at their occipital ends. The frontal ends of the hemispheres were not rounded into frontal poles; but, on the contrary, they almost formed flat frontal surfaces. Similarly, the occipital ends were rounded and not pointed to form occipital poles. There was a small amount of difference in the absolute size of the adult brains, and the largest specimen measured 120 mm. in its fronto-occipital diameter ; 115 mm. in its greatest transverse diameter at a point well forward on the temporo-sphenoidal lobes; and 71 mm. in vertical height, measured from the pons varolii to the vertex of the cerebrum. Thus, apart from the peculiarity of its general outline in total size, it was only slightly less than an average human brain. Throughout the anterior two-thirds of their extent the cerebral hemispheres were, as already indicated, in very close apposition, and the falx cerebri only dipped into the pallial or superior longitudinal fissure to a slight extent; but in its posterior third this cleft opened to form a wide interval, measuring 65 mm. in the transverse direction at its hinder end and narrowing as it ran forwards towards the posterior end of the corpus callosum. In the deep level of this interval the pineal body and the upper surface of the vermis were visible, as well as part of the upper surface of the cerebellar hemispheres. It should be stated that the backward extension of the occipital lobes of the cerebrum carried them 2 mm. beyond the cerebellar hemispheres.In its essential features the basal aspect of the brain conformed to current descriptions of the mammalian brain ; but it presented many special points of interest, to which reference will be made in the course of my survey.

1828 ◽  
Vol 118 ◽  
pp. 373-378

That some substances conduct or convey the electric fluid to a distance better than others, is a fact known to the earliest electricians; but on what power or property of the body this superiority depends, is a question on which different opinions still seem to prevail. We constantly hear the expressions “electricity is attracted by metals; the lightning is attracted by the metallic points of a conducting rod,” and other expressions of similar import,—all signifying that a powerful attraction does exist between metals and the electric fluid. Now the contrary is really the fact, those bodies being the best conductors which have the least attraction for the electric fluid. From the profound mathematical investigations of M. Poisson, and the luminous writings of M. Biot, it appears that these philosophers consider the metals merely as forming the passive interior of a vessel, of which the exterior surface is the ambient air; and that the electric fluid rushes along between the atmospheric boundary and the surface of the metal, where it finds an easy passage. We are therefore to consider the metals as quite passive in the conduction of the electric fluid, and that the prime mover is the repulsive energy existing between similar atoms of the compound electric fluid. When a metallic ball connected with the earth is placed near the prime conductor, the vitreous electricity surrounding the conductor repels the vitreous electricity of the ball, and forces it to glide along to a greater distance, whilst the ball will now be surrounded by a thin film of the resinous fluid. The vitreous electricity of the conductor thus finding an easier passage in the direction of the ball, and being in a high state of tension, will, like every other elastic fluid, glide along in the direction of the ball as if it had actually been attracted by that body. The reason why it does not strike off with equal facility to a vitreous body is, not because it is less attracted by that body, but simply because it is unable to decompose with the same facility the natural electricity belonging to the glass, on account of the powerful attraction existing between the atoms of the glass and those of the electric fluid. If the glass be thin and a metallic conductor placed in its interior, the vitreous electricity will act through the glass, decompose the fluid in the metallic conductor, and then actually strike through the glass in the direction of the metal where the resistance is least. Exp. I. On the ends of two thermometer tubes I blew two balls of extreme tenuity. I then introduced two pieces of brass wire into the tubes till the ends reached within a small distance of the interior surface of the balls. Having brought the other ends of the tubes together, I joined them at the flame of the blowpipe, so that I had now a metallic conductor completely surrounded with glass. This being placed on a stand, and one of the balls brought near the prime conductor, I found I could take sparks, for any length of time, from the other end, in the same manner as if the glass had not been interposed. When the bulbs were about the thickness of those of a common thermometer, I observed that if sparks were taken for any length of time from the same place, they afterwards chose the same tract. I naturally concluded that the glass had been pierced, though I could not determine it by the naked eye. I found, however, that if the tubes were again separated and the air partially expelled from one of the balls by heat, and the open end of the tube placed in a vessel containing mercury, the mercury rose in the tube, but after a short time it again sunk to its proper level; clearly showing that the bulb had been pierced, though the aperture was extremely minute. I now began to suspect that in every case in which glass seemed to have been freely permeated by the electric fluid, that the fluid had been either silently conducted through it, or that, if carefully examined, it would have been found to have forced out some of the atoms of the glass. I therefore repeated the experiment with glass as thin as it could be blown without bursting, and found that the electric fluid would in that case freely permeate it; and that by no known method could I detect the smallest aperture in the glass.

F1000Research ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
pp. 731
Santhosh Narayanan ◽  
Gomathy Subramaniam

The corpus callosum is a compact structure that connects the right and left cerebral hemispheres. Here we report the case of a 50 year old woman who presented with features of corpus callosum apraxia, initially mistaken as psychiatric symptom by her relatives. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance of brain confirmed the diagnosis of acute ischemic infarct in the body of the corpus callosum. Isolated stroke involving the corpus callosum is rarely reported in literature and is a diagnostic challenge due to atypical clinical features.

1981 ◽  
Vol 139 (6) ◽  
pp. 553-557 ◽  
Gareth H. Jones ◽  
Julian J. Miller

SummaryThe corpus callosum, a cerebral commissure of 200,000,000 fibres, is thickened in chronic schizophrenia and several neuropsychological and neurophysiological techniques have suggested poor links between the two cerebral hemispheres. The interhemispheric conduction time across the corpus callosum, measured in 12 schizophrenics, using the ipsilateral/contralateral latency differences of the early somatosensory evoked response, was found to be effectively zero. It is suggested that schizophrenia is a split-brain condition akin to agenesis of the corpus callosum, unrecognized through the use of compensatory ipsilateral sensory pathways.

1994 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 84-91 ◽  
Steven J. Luck ◽  
Steven A. Hillyard ◽  
George R. Mangun ◽  
Michael S. Gazzaniga

Previous studies of visuospatial attention indicated that the isolated cerebral hemispheres of split-brain patients maintain an integrated, unitary focus of attention, presumably due to subcortical attentional mechanisms. The present study examined whether a unitary attentional focus would also be observed during a visual search task in which subjects scanned stimulus arrays for a target item. In a group of four commis-surotomy patients, the search rate for bilateral stimulus arrays was found to be approximately twice as fast as the search rate for unilateral arrays, indicating that the separated hemispheres were able to scan their respective hemifields independently. In contrast, the search rates for unilateral and bilateral arrays were approximately equal in a group of six normal control subjects, suggesting that the intact corpus callosum in these subjects is responsible for maintaining a unitary attentional focus during visual search.

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