Effects of Whole Body Vibration in Adult Individuals with Metabolic Syndrome

2018 ◽  
pp. 171-198
D. da Cunha de Sá-Caputo ◽  
M. Fritsch Neves ◽  
Mario Bernardo-Filho
2014 ◽  
Vol 2014 ◽  
pp. 1-10 ◽  
Danúbia da Cunha Sá-Caputo ◽  
Pedro Ronikeili-Costa ◽  
Rafaelle Pacheco Carvalho-Lima ◽  
Luciana Camargo Bernardo ◽  
Milena Oliveira Bravo-Monteiro ◽  

Vibrations produced in oscillating/vibratory platform generate whole body vibration (WBV) exercises, which are important in sports, as well as in treating diseases, promoting rehabilitation, and improving the quality of life. WBV exercises relevantly increase the muscle strength, muscle power, and the bone mineral density, as well as improving the postural control, the balance, and the gait. An important number of publications are found in the PubMed database with the keyword “flexibility” and eight of the analyzed papers involving WBV and flexibility reached a level of evidence II. The biggest distance between the third finger of the hand to the floor (DBTFF) of a patient with metabolic syndrome (MS) was found before the first session and was considered to be 100%. The percentages to the other measurements in the different sessions were determined to be related to the 100%. It is possible to see an immediate improvement after each session with a decrease of the %DBTFF. As the presence of MS is associated with poorer physical performance, a simple and safe protocol using WBV exercises promoted an improvement of the flexibility in a patient with MS.

2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-40
Aline S. Reis ◽  
Laisa L. Paineiras-Domingos ◽  
Eloá Moreira-Marconi ◽  
Márcia C. Moura-Fernandes ◽  
Hervé Quinart ◽  

Introduction: Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is characterized bya group of cardiovascular risk factors, such as hypertension,hyperglycemia, hypercholesterolemia, low high-density cholesteroland increased abdominal fat. Over the years, changesin body composition occur, with accelerated loss of lean massand increased fat mass, favoring cardiometabolic disorders.A strong relationship exists between physical inactivity andthe presence of multiple risk factors for MetS. Thus, physicalexercise has been recommended for the prevention of cardiovascular,chronic and MetS diseases. Whole-body vibration(WBV) exercise can be considered to be an exercise modalitythat benefits the muscular strength and cardiovascular healthof elderly, sick and healthy people. Individuals with MetSare unmotivated to perform physical exercise regularly and,therefore, new approaches to intervention for this populationare desirable. Objectives: The aim of this study is to presenta protocol to verify the effect of WBV exercise on the bodycomposition of MetS individuals. Methods: Randomized controlledtrial with MetS individuals that will be allocated to anintervention group (WBVG) and a control group (CG). Participantswill be placed barefoot on the base of a side alternatingvibrating platform, with 130º knee flexion. Individuals (WBVGand CG) will perform the protocol for 12 weeks, twice a week.The CG subjects will perform the exercises at 5Hz throughoutthe intervention and those from the WBVG will perform the5Hz exercises in the first session, adding 1Hz per session, endingthe protocol at 16Hz. The body composition will be evaluatedbefore and after the protocol using bioelectrical impedanceanalysis. Discussion: Studies involving WBV exercise haveshown improvement in composition in individuals withdifferent conditions (healthy and unhealthy). Conclusion: Theproposed protocol will permit the acquisition of findings thatwill be relevant in the evaluation of the effect of the WBV onthe body composition of MetS individuals due to its ease ofrealization, low cost and safety.Keywords: Whole body vibration exercise; Metabolic syndrome;Physical activity.

Rafaelle Pacheco Carvalho-Lima ◽  
Danúbia C. Sá-Caputo ◽  
Eloá Moreira-Marcon ◽  
Carla Dionello ◽  
Laisa Liane Paineiras-Domingos ◽  

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
Danúbia Sá-Caputo ◽  
Laisa Liane Paineiras-Domingos ◽  
Arlete Francisca-Santos ◽  
Elzi Martins dos Anjos ◽  
Aline Silva Reis ◽  

Dose-Response ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 155932581988649 ◽  
P. C. Paiva ◽  
C. A. Figueiredo ◽  
A. Reis-Silva ◽  
A. Francisca-Santos ◽  
L. L. Paineiras-Domingos ◽  

This study evaluated the effects of 6 weeks of whole-body vibration (WBV) exercise on flexibility and the rating of perceived exertion (RPE) in metabolic syndrome (MetS) individuals using 2 biomechanical conditions (fixed frequency [FF] and variable frequency [VF]). Nineteen MetS individuals were randomly allocated in FF-WBV (n = 9, 7 women and 2 men) and VF-WBV (n = 10, 8 women and 2 men) groups. Anterior trunk flexion (ATF) and RPE were determined before and after each session. The acute cumulative exposure effects were analyzed. The FF-WBV group was exposed to 5 Hz on a side alternating vibrating platform (SAVP), exposed to 10 and 50 seconds with the SAVP turned off. The VF-WBV group individuals were intermittently exposed (1 minute WBV exercise/1 minute rest) to 5 to 16 Hz, increased by 1 Hz per session and the peak-to-peak displacement (PPD) were 2.5, 5.0, and 7.5 mm. Regarding to ATF, significant improvements ( P < .05) were observed in the in the acute (VF group) and cumulative intervention (FF and VF-WBV groups). The RPE significantly ( P < .05) improved only in VF-WBV (cumulative intervention). In conclusion, WBV exercise improved the flexibility and decreased the RPE in MetS individuals. These findings suggest that WBV exercise can be incorporated into physical activities for MetS individuals.

Dose-Response ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 155932581880213 ◽  
D.C. Sá-Caputo ◽  
L.L. Paineiras-Domingos ◽  
Ricardo Oliveira ◽  
Mario F.T. Neves ◽  
Andrea Brandão ◽  

The aim of the study was to assess the acute effect of whole-body vibration (WBV) exercise, with low frequency (5 Hz), on the pain level (PL), trunk flexibility, and cardiovascular responses (blood pressure [BP] and heart rate [HR]) in individuals with metabolic syndrome (MetS). Forty-four individuals were included in the study (control: 15) or in (WBV exercise: 29) groups. They were submitted to 3 bouts (1 minute each) of WBV exercise (5 Hz and peak-to-peak displacements of 2.5, 5.0, and 7.5 mm, corresponding to peak accelerations of 0.12, 0.25, and 0.35 g, respectively, sitting in a chair with the feet on the platform with knees flexed, followed by 1 minute of interset rest. The Control Group performed the same protocol, but the platform was turned off. The PL was measured through the visual analog pain scale, and the flexibility was measured through the anterior trunk flexion test. Significant improvements on PL ( P = .031) and flexibility ( P = .004) were found only in the WBV exercise group. The BP and HR remained at physiological levels. In conclusion, the WBV exercise would lead to physiological response decreasing PL and increasing flexibility as well as maintaining the cardiovascular responses in individuals with MetS.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (23) ◽  
pp. 5183 ◽  
Claudia Figueiredo Azeredo ◽  
Patrícia de Castro de Paiva ◽  
Leandro Azeredo ◽  
Aline Reis da Silva ◽  
Arlete Francisca-Santos ◽  

Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is an undesirable clinical condition with physiological, biochemical, clinical, and metabolic factors that contribute to increased cardiovascular risks (CR). A poor sleep quality might be found in obese and MetS individuals. Whole-body vibration (WBV) exercise has been used on the management of MetS individuals. This clinical trial investigated the effect of WBV exercise on parameters related to the sleep quality in MetS individuals. After randomization, nine individuals (seven women and two men) were exposed to a fixed frequency (FF) and ten individuals (eight women and two men) were exposed to a variable frequency (VF). Both groups performed the protocol twice a week, for 6 weeks. All of the evaluations were performed before the first and after the last sessions. Anthropometric and cardiovascular parameters were measured before and after the 6-week intervention. Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS), and Berlin Questionnaire were also used to evaluate the quality of the sleep. A significant (p ≤ 0.05) reduction of the waist circumference in the VFG and an increase of the heart rate were found in the FFG and VFG group. The score of the PSQI of the both groups decreased significantly (p = 0.01). The score of the ESS decreased (p = 0.04) only in the VF group. The scores of the Berlin Questionnaire were not altered in both groups. In conclusion, WBV intervention was capable in interfering with physiological mechanisms with effects on the WC and HR, leading to the improvement of the quality of sleep in MetS individuals. WBV exercise might be an important clinical intervention to the management of some factors associated with poor quality of sleep (FFG and VFG) and in the daytime sleepiness in MetS individuals with variable frequencies (5–16 Hz) (VFG).

Dose-Response ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 155932581879453 ◽  
Laisa Liane Paineiras-Domingos ◽  
Danúbia da Cunha Sá-Caputo ◽  
A.S. Reis ◽  
A. Francisca Santos ◽  
Cíntia Renata Sousa-Gonçalves ◽  

Physical activity is recommended in the management of individuals with metabolic syndrome (MetS), and recent studies have suggested whole-body vibration exercise (WBVe) for this population. The aim of this study was to evaluate the functionality through the Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB) in individuals with MetS after WBVe. The SPPB evaluates the balance, the gait speed, and the lower limb strength (five-chair stand [5CS] test). Forty-four individuals with MetS were divided into WBVe (WBVeG) and control (CG) groups. The individuals of the WBVeG performed 10 sessions of WBVe in an oscillating/vibratory platform (OVP), barefoot, for 3 minutes at the peak-to-peak displacements of 2.5, 5.0, and 7.5 mm, with a resting period of 1 minute (total time: 18 minutes/session). The frequencies ranged from 5 up to 14 Hz. The individuals of the CG performed all the steps of the study, but the OVP was turned off. Before the first and after the tenth session, the individuals performed the SPPB. Significant responses were found in the WBVeG, analyzing the total score of the SPPB ( P = .005), the balance test ( P = .01), the gait speed ( P = .006), and the 5CS test ( P = .03), resulting in the improvement of the functionality of individuals with MetS.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (23) ◽  
pp. 4997 ◽  
Cintia Sousa-Gonçalves ◽  
Laisa Liane Paineiras-Domingos ◽  
Ygor Teixeira-Silva ◽  
Thais Amadeu ◽  
Adriana Pereira Lírio ◽  

Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is related to overweight and obesity, and contributes to clinical limitations. Exercise is used for the management of MetS individuals, who are often not motivated to perform this practice. Whole body vibration exercise (WBVE) produces several biological effects, besides being safe, effective, and feasible for MetS individuals. This pseudo-randomized and cross-over controlled trial study aimed to analyze the effects of WBVE on MetS individuals’ neuromuscular activation using the surface electromyography (sEMG) pattern (root mean square (RMS)) of the vastus lateralis (VL) muscle and on the range of motion (ROM) of the knees. Participants (n = 39) were allocated to two groups: the treatment group (TG), which was exposed to WBVE, and the control group (CG). WBVE interventions were performed twice a week, for a period of 5 weeks. ROM and sEMG were analyzed at baseline, after the first session, and before and after the last session. sEMG (%RMS) significantly increased in the acute effect of the last session of WBVE (108.00 ± 5.07, p < 0.008, right leg; 106.20 ± 3.53, p < 0.02, left leg) compared to the CG. ROM did not significantly change in TG or CG. In conclusion, 5 weeks of WBVE exerted neuromuscular effects capable of increasing VL muscle RMS in individuals with MetS, this effect being potentially useful in the physical rehabilitation of these individuals.

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