History of Gender and Social Control in the CJ System

2015 ◽  
pp. 1-14
Corina Schulze
Marek Korczynski

This chapter examines music in the British workplace. It considers whether it is appropriate to see the history of music in the workplace as involving a journey from the organic singing voice (both literal and metaphorical) of workers to broadcast music appropriated by the powerful to become a technique of social control. The chapter charts four key stages in the social history of music in British workplaces. First, it highlights the existence of widespread cultures of singing at work prior to industrialization, and outlines the important meanings these cultures had for workers. Next, it outlines the silencing of the singing voice within the workplace further to industrialization—either from direct employer bans on singing, or from the roar of the industrial noise. The third key stage involves the carefully controlled employer- and state-led reintroduction of music in the workplace in the mid-twentieth century—through the centralized relaying of specific forms of music via broadcast systems in workplaces. The chapter ends with an examination of contemporary musicking in relation to (often worker-led) radio music played in workplaces.

Roman Z. Rouvinsky ◽  
Alexey A. Tarasov

This article is dedicated to identification and examination of doctrinal grounds and historical prerequisites of the" Social Credit System (trustworthiness)” – a project introduced in the People’s Republic of China in the early 2000s, and currently being “exported” from People’s Republic of China to other countries. In the course of this research, the author analyzed the specific Chinese sources and prerequisites for the creation of modern social rating and control system, as well as non-national sources mostly attributed to the history of Western European political legal thought and Western social institutions. Viewing "Social Credit System" as a technique for exercising social control and oversight, the authors discover its origins in J. Bentham’s project" Panopticon ", Taylor’s philosophy of management, Confucian and legalistic traditions of Imperial China, ideas and institutions of the era of Chinese cultural revolution, as well as U.S. credit scoring systems. This article is the first within Russian science to study the historical and doctrinal prerequisites of China’s "Social Credit System”, taking into account the works of foreign scholars dedicated to the history of its establishment.  A new perspective is given on the Confucian ideas the ideas of Fajia (Legalism) School, which are interpreted as complementary sources of the modern system of social control developed in PRC. The authors believe that China’s “Social Credit System” and the related techniques of control represent a so-called “bridge” that connects “Western” history of the development of social institutions with typically “Eastern” political and sociocultural tradition. In conclusion, attention is turned to the positive aspects, as well as “shadow” side of implementation of the mechanism of “Social Credit System”, “reverse” of this process and all accompanying problems thereof.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Uti Mohammad Wildan ◽  
Sahid Hidayat

<p align="center"><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat peran pers pada masa Orde Baru di Pontianak tahun 1966-1974. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metod penelitian sejarah dengan langkah-langkah heuristik (Pengumpulan sumber), verifikasi (Kritik sumber), interpretasi dan historiografi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pers sebagai bagian dari sistem komunikasi, menempati posisi strategis dalam masyarakat Pontianak. Pers berperan sebagai jembatan komunikasi timbal balik antara pemerintah dan masyarakat, serta masyarakat dengan masyarakat sendiri. Sejarah pertumbuhan pers di Pontianak telah menempatkan kekhususan posisi dan ciri-ciri khas yang melekat pada pers sebagai lembaga kemasyarakatan. Pers mempunyai peranan dalam pengawasan pembangunan nasional sebagai realisasi dari tanggung jawab sosial sebagai alat kontrol sosial. Pemerintahan Orde membutuhkan kestabilan umum dalam menjalankan roda kepemerintahan dan menjaga wibawa negara.Pada awal masa orde baru pers di Pontianak memiliki peranan membantu pemerintah dalam menertipkan gejolak serta peristiwa yang terjadi di Pontianak. Pers terlihat sebagai satu tindakan nyata dalam propaganda pemerintah. Propaganda-propaganda pembangunan- pembangunan yang dilakukan pemerintah mewarnai tajuk berita yang dimuat.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Kata Kunci:</strong> pers, Orde Baru, Pontianak</p><p> </p><p align="center"><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p><p><em>The aim of this research is to look the role of pers in the new order in Pontianak, from 1966-1974. The methods of this research is a historical research includes four stages; heuristic, verification, interpretation, and historioghraphy. The results of this research show if the pers is an essential part of the communication, have a strategic position in Pontianak society. The pers is a connected from government and society. The history of pers in Pontianak was putted in central position with a special characteristic as an institution of society. The pers have a role as social control. The new order needs the stability of nation to maintain the continuity of governement. Pers is one tools of government propaganda. The propagandas of development we can see in the news printed.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> press, Orde Baru, Pontianak</em>

Diane Frost

‘Community and Social Organisation’ is the last chapter in ‘The Kru Community in Freetown’, and provides an understanding of the social and economic history of the Kru in Freetown, and the respective internal and external factors that shaped it. The chapter focuses on community organisation amongst the Kru, rather than political organisation, which was shaped largely by forces outside the Kru’s social control.

2019 ◽  
Vol 93 (4) ◽  
pp. 697-699
Susie J. Pak

William J. Novak's engaging historiography is at once a recovery project and a prolegomenon to a revised history of political economy. His article chronicles the achievements of Progressive Era institutional economists and critiques the way they have been obscured by the shadow of the Chicago School of economics. Why do the Progressives deserve to be recovered and remembered? According to Novak, it is because they “underwrote one of the more fundamental governmental revolutions in modern times” and created the foundations for the “social control of business” (pp. 676, 672).

Criminologie ◽  
2005 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-79 ◽  
Russell Smandych ◽  
Gloria Lee

This paper outlines the theoretical perspective we have developed to guide the research we are undertaking on law and colonialism in the Canadian west. Although developed specifically as a tool for defining the theoretical boundaries of our own research, this theoretical perspective may be applied more generally by researchers involved in research on the history of law and social control in colonial societies. The theoretical perspective that we propose is grounded in theoretical and empirical work from a number of different fields, including the history and sociology of social control, the study of legal pluralism, and the study of the process of colonization as it has been approached in recent years by feminist scholars and First Nations historians. The purpose of this paper is to show how this new Amerindian autohistorical perspective can be used to help generate research on the interconnected issues of legal change, colonization, gender, and resistance.

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