Inhibiting proteasome activity causes overreplication of DNA and blocks entry into mitosis in sea urchin embryos

2000 ◽  
Vol 113 (15) ◽  
pp. 2659-2670 ◽  
H. Kawahara ◽  
R. Philipova ◽  
H. Yokosawa ◽  
R. Patel ◽  
K. Tanaka ◽  

The proteasome has been shown to be involved in exit from mitosis by bringing about destruction of mitotic cyclins. Here, we present evidence that the proteasome is also required for proper completion of S phase and for entry into mitosis in the sea urchin embryonic cleavage cycle. A series of structurally related peptide-aldehydes prevent nuclear envelope breakdown in their order of inhibitory efficacies against the proteasome. Their efficacies in blocking exit from S phase and exit from mitosis correlate well, indicating that the proteasome is involved at both these steps. Mitotic histone HI kinase activation and tyrosine dephosphorylation of p34(cdc2) kinase are blocked by inhibition of the proteasome, indicating that the proteasome plays an important role in the pathway that leads to embryonic p34(cdc2)kinase activation. Arrested embryos continued to incorporate [(3)H]thymidine and characteristically developed large nuclei. Pre-mitotic arrest can be overcome by treatment with caffeine, a manoeuvre that is known to override the DNA replication checkpoint. These data demonstrate that the proteasome is involved in the control of termination of S phase and consequently in the initiation of M phase of the first embryonic cell cycle.

1995 ◽  
Vol 108 (7) ◽  
pp. 2693-2703 ◽  
A.M. Geneviere-Garrigues ◽  
A. Barakat ◽  
M. Doree ◽  
J.L. Moreau ◽  
A. Picard

Feedback mechanisms preventing M phase occurrence before S phase completion are assumed to depend on inhibition of cyclin B-cdc2 kinase activation by unreplicated DNA. In sea urchin, fertilization stimulates protein synthesis and releases eggs from G1 arrest. We found that in the one-cell sea urchin embryo cyclin B-cdc2 kinase undergoes partial activation before S phase, reaching in S phase a level that is sufficient for G2-M phase transition. S phase entry is not inhibited by this level of cyclin B-dependent kinase activity. Inhibition of DNA replication by aphidicolin suppresses nuclear envelope breakdown, yet it does not prevent the microtubule array from being converted from its interphasic to its mitotic state. Moreover, mitotic cytoplasmic events occur at the same time in control and aphidicolin-treated embryos. Thus unreplicated DNA only prevents mitotic nuclear, not cytoplasmic, events from occurring prematurely. These results together show that the inhibition of cyclin B-cdc2 kinase activation is probably not the only mechanism that prevents mitotic nuclear events from occurring as long as DNA replication has not been completed. In contrast, cytoplasmic mitotic events seem to be controlled by a timing mechanism independent of DNA replication, set up at fertilization, that prevents premature opening of a window for mitotic events.

2005 ◽  
Vol 25 (8) ◽  
pp. 3364-3387 ◽  
Bipin C. Dash ◽  
Wafik S. El-Deiry

ABSTRACT Little is known about the posttranslational control of the cyclin-dependent protein kinase (CDK) inhibitor p21. We describe here a transient phosphorylation of p21 in the G2/M phase. G2/M-phosphorylated p21 is short-lived relative to hypophosphorylated p21. p21 becomes nuclear during S phase, prior to its phosphorylation by CDK2. S126-phosphorylated cyclin B1 binds to T57-phosphorylated p21. Cdc2 kinase activation is delayed in p21-deficient cells due to delayed association between Cdc2 and cyclin B1. Cyclin B1-Cdc2 kinase activity and G2/M progression in p21−/− cells are restored after reexpression of wild-type but not T57A mutant p21. The cyclin B1 S126A mutant exhibits reduced Cdc2 binding and has low kinase activity. Phosphorylated p21 binds to cyclin B1 when Cdc2 is phosphorylated on Y15 and associates poorly with the complex. Dephosphorylation on Y15 and phosphorylation on T161 promotes Cdc2 binding to the p21-cyclin B1 complex, which becomes activated as a kinase. Thus, hyperphosphorylated p21 activates the Cdc2 kinase in the G2/M transition.

1996 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 86-93 ◽  
R Kovelman ◽  
P Russell

The DNA replication checkpoint couples the onset of mitosis with the completion of S phase. It is clear that in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, operation of this checkpoint requires maintenance of the inhibitory tyrosyl phosphorylation of Cdc2. Cdc25 phosphatase induces mitosis by dephosphorylating tyrosine 15 of Cdc2. In this report, Cdc25 is shown to accumulate to a very high level in cells arrested in S. This shows that mechanisms which modulate the abundance of Cdc25 are unconnected to the DNA replication checkpoint. Using a Cdc2/cyclin B activation assay, we found that Cdc25 activity increased approximately 10-fold during transit through M phase. Cdc25 was activated by phosphorylations that were dependent on Cdc2 activity in vivo. Cdc25 activation was suppressed in cells arrested in G1 and S. However, Cdc25 was more highly modified and appeared to be somewhat more active in S than in G1. This finding might be connected to the fact that progression from G1 to S increases the likelihood that constitutive Cdc25 overproduction will cause inappropriate mitosis.

1998 ◽  
Vol 111 (20) ◽  
pp. 3101-3108 ◽  
E. Greenwood ◽  
H. Nishitani ◽  
P. Nurse

The DNA replication checkpoint is required to maintain the integrity of the genome, inhibiting mitosis until S phase has been successfully completed. The checkpoint preventing premature mitosis in Schizosaccharomyces pombe relies on phosphorylation of the tyrosine-15 residue on cdc2p to prevent its activation and hence mitosis. The cdc18 gene is essential for both generating the DNA replication checkpoint and the initiation of S phase, thus providing a key role for the overall control and coordination of the cell cycle. We show that the C terminus of the protein is capable of both initiating DNA replication and the checkpoint function of cdc18p. The C terminus of cdc18p acts upstream of the DNA replication checkpoint genes rad1, rad3, rad9, rad17, hus1 and cut5 and requires the wee1p/mik1p tyrosine kinases to block mitosis. The N terminus of cdc18p can also block mitosis but does so in the absence of the DNA replication checkpoint genes and the wee1p/mik1p kinases therefore acting downstream of these genes. Because the N terminus of cdc18p associates with cdc2p in vivo, we suggest that by binding the cdc2p/cdc13p mitotic kinase directly, it exerts an effect independently of the normal checkpoint control, probably in an unphysiological manner.

2009 ◽  
Vol 187 (3) ◽  
pp. 385-398 ◽  
Sara B.C. Buonomo ◽  
Yipin Wu ◽  
David Ferguson ◽  
Titia de Lange

Rif1, originally recognized for its role at telomeres in budding yeast, has been implicated in a wide variety of cellular processes in mammals, including pluripotency of stem cells, response to double-strand breaks, and breast cancer development. As the molecular function of Rif1 is not known, we examined the consequences of Rif1 deficiency in mouse cells. Rif1 deficiency leads to failure in embryonic development, and conditional deletion of Rif1 from mouse embryo fibroblasts affects S-phase progression, rendering cells hypersensitive to replication poisons. Rif1 deficiency does not alter the activation of the DNA replication checkpoint but rather affects the execution of repair. RNA interference to human Rif1 decreases the efficiency of homology-directed repair (HDR), and Rif1 deficiency results in aberrant aggregates of the HDR factor Rad51. Consistent with a role in S-phase progression, Rif1 accumulates at stalled replication forks, preferentially around pericentromeric heterochromatin. Collectively, these findings reveal a function for Rif1 in the repair of stalled forks by facilitating HDR.

2021 ◽  
Katheeja Muhseena N. ◽  
Shankar Prasad Das ◽  
Suparna Laha

Abstract Background: The helicase Chl1p is a nuclear protein required for sister-chromatid cohesion, transcriptional silencing, rDNA recombination, ageing and plays an instrumental role in chromatin remodeling. This budding yeast protein is known to preserve genome integrity and spindle length in S-phase. Here we show additional roles of Chl1p at G1/S phase of the cell cycle following DNA damage. Results: G1 arrested cells when exposed to DNA damage are more sensitive and show bud emergence with a faster kinetics in chl1 mutants compared to wild-type cells. This role of Chl1p in G1 phase is Rad9p dependent and independent of Rad24 and Rad53. rad9chl1 shows similar bud emergence as the single mutants chl1 and rad9 whereas rad24chl1 and rad53chl1 shows faster bud emergence compared to the single mutants rad24 , rad53 and chl1 . In case of damage induced by genotoxic agent like hydroxyurea, Chl1p acts as a checkpoint at G1/S. The faster movement of DNA content through G1/S phase and difference in phosphorylation profile of Rad53p in wild type and chl1 cells confirms the checkpoint defect in chl1 mutant cells. Further we have observed that the checkpoint defect is synergistic with the replication checkpoint Sgs1p and functions in prallel to the checkpoint pathway of Rad24p. Conclusion: Chl1p shows Rad53p independent bud emergence and Rad53p dependent checkpoint, confirms its requirement in two different pathways to maintain the G1/S arrest when cells are exposed to damaging agents. The bud emergence kinetics and DNA segregation were similar to wild type when given the same damage in nocodazole treated chl1 cells which establishes the absence of any role of Chl1p at the G2/M phase. The novelty of this paper lies in revealing the versatile role of Chl1p in checkpoints as well as repair towards regulating G1/S transition. Chl1 thus regulates the G1/S phase by affecting the G1 replication checkpoint pathway and shows an additive effect with Rad24p as well as Rad53p activation when damaging agents perturbs the DNA.

1992 ◽  
Vol 3 (6) ◽  
pp. 687-698 ◽  
D H Walker ◽  
A A DePaoli-Roach ◽  
J L Maller

Using cytostatic factor metaphase II-arrested extracts as a model system, we show that protein phosphatase 1 is regulated during early embryonic cell cycles in Xenopus. Phosphatase 1 activity peaks during interphase and decreases shortly before the onset of mitosis. A second peak of activity appears in mitosis at about the same time that cdc2 becomes active. If extracts are inhibited in S-phase with aphidicolin, then phosphatase 1 activity remains high. The activity of phosphatase 1 appears to determine the timing of exit from S-phase and entry into M-phase; inhibition of phosphatase 1 by the specific inhibitor, inhibitor 2 (Inh-2), causes premature entry into mitosis, whereas exogenously added phosphatase 1 lengthens the interphase period. Analysis of DNA synthesis in extracts treated with Inh-2, but lacking the A- and B-type cyclins, shows that phosphatase 1 is also required for the process of DNA replication. These data indicate that phosphatase 1 is a component of the signaling pathway that ensures that M-phase is not initiated until DNA synthesis is complete.

2008 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 445-456 ◽  
Benoît Froget ◽  
Joël Blaisonneau ◽  
Sarah Lambert ◽  
Giuseppe Baldacci

During replication arrest, the DNA replication checkpoint plays a crucial role in the stabilization of the replisome at stalled forks, thus preventing the collapse of active forks and the formation of aberrant DNA structures. How this checkpoint acts to preserve the integrity of replication structures at stalled fork is poorly understood. In Schizosaccharomyces pombe, the DNA replication checkpoint kinase Cds1 negatively regulates the structure-specific endonuclease Mus81/Eme1 to preserve genomic integrity when replication is perturbed. Here, we report that, in response to hydroxyurea (HU) treatment, the replication checkpoint prevents S-phase–specific DNA breakage resulting from Mus81 nuclease activity. However, loss of Mus81 regulation by Cds1 is not sufficient to produce HU-induced DNA breaks. Our results suggest that unscheduled cleavage of stalled forks by Mus81 is permitted when the replisome is not stabilized by the replication checkpoint. We also show that HU-induced DNA breaks are partially dependent on the Rqh1 helicase, the fission yeast homologue of BLM, but are independent of its helicase activity. This suggests that efficient cleavage of stalled forks by Mus81 requires Rqh1. Finally, we identified an interplay between Mus81 activity at stalled forks and the Chk1-dependent DNA damage checkpoint during S-phase when replication forks have collapsed.

1992 ◽  
Vol 3 (8) ◽  
pp. 927-939 ◽  
T Izumi ◽  
D H Walker ◽  
J L Maller

The cdc25 tyrosine phosphatase is known to activate cdc2 kinase in the G2/M transition by dephosphorylation of tyrosine 15. To determine how entry into M-phase in eukaryotic cells is controlled, we have investigated the regulation of the cdc25 protein in Xenopus eggs and oocytes. Two closely related Xenopus cdc25 genes have been cloned and sequenced and specific antibodies generated. The cdc25 phosphatase activity oscillates in both meiotic and mitotic cell cycles, being low in interphase and high in M-phase. Increased activity of cdc25 at M-phase is accompanied by increased phosphorylation that retards electrophoretic mobility in gels from 76 to 92 kDa. Treatment of cdc25 with either phosphatase 1 or phosphatase 2A removes phosphate from cdc25, reverses the mobility shift, and decreases its ability to activate cdc2 kinase. Furthermore, the addition of okadaic acid to egg extracts arrested in S-phase by aphidicolin causes phosphorylation and activation of the cdc25 protein before cyclin B/cdc2 kinase activation. These results demonstrate that the activity of the cdc25 phosphatase at the G2/M transition is directly regulated through changes in its phosphorylation state.

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