scholarly journals The Influence of the Composition of the Forest on Spruce Drying

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 66-74
Людмила Иванчина ◽  
Lyudmila Ivanchina ◽  
Сергей Залесов ◽  
Sergey Zalesov ◽  
Евгения Залесова ◽  

Plantions of pleurocarpous moss spruce forest type are dominant in the area of coniferous-deciduous (mixed) forests of the European part of the Russian Federation in Perm region. The problem of drying of spruce forests has aggravated dramatically in recent years. However, among scientists there is no consensus on the causes of the drying of spruce forests, which hinders the development of recommendations on improvement of forest management in spruce forests. In this regard spruce plantations in Perm region are not exceptions. On the basis of acts of forest pathology survey, drying of pleurocarpous moss spruce forest with different composition of forest stands is analyzed. The drying area for the period from 2010 to 2016 at Ocherskoe forestry in Perm region (forest area of coniferous-deciduous (mixed) forests of the European part of the Russian Federation) is mapped to a planted area of pleurocarpous moss spruce forest of different species composition. It was found that there was no drying out spots for the analyzed period in plantings of pleurocarpous moss spruce forest with a mixture of softwood species. As well as stands with admixture of fir and birch are characterized by high resistance. Among the identified drying out spots of spruce the most represented are plantations which contain of spruce, fir and pine (28.1 % of the total area of drying out spots), as well as spruce, fir, pine and birch (22.56 % of the total area of drying out spots). Data on the influence of the composition of the forest on mortality of spruce in the conditions of pleurocarpous moss spruce forest can be used in forming thinnings, as well as creation of forest crops.

И.А. ПАНИН ◽  

Представлены результаты изучения влияния проходных рубок на запасы черники обыкновенной Vaccinium myrtillus L. в условиях насаждений ельников мшистого и зеленомошно-ягодникового Североуральской среднегорной лесорастительной провинции Свердловской области. В данных лесорастительных условиях такие исследования были проведены впервые. Необходимость изучения влияния хозяйственной деятельности на ресурсы дикорастущих плодов и ягод обусловлена значительной вовлечённостью в рубку участков произрастания промышленных зарослей дикорастущих ягодников. В основу исследования был положен метод пробных площадей. Всего заложено 8 пробных площадей: из них 4 в насаждениях, прой- денных проходной рубкой, и 4 контрольных. Для контроля были подобраны аналогичные по лесорасти- тельным условиям насаждения, в которых проходные рубки не проводились. На пробных площадях опре- делялись показатель надземной фитомассы растений живого напочвенного покрова в абсолютно сухом состоянии и текущая урожайность ягод черники обыкновенной в свежесобранном виде. Было установле- но, что следствием проходной рубки является увеличение надземной фитомассы черники обыкновенной в 3–12, а урожайности плодов в 6–15 раз. Заросли черники обыкновенной во всех насаждениях ельника зеленомошно-ягодникового после проходной рубки имеют большое хозяйственное значение и могут быть использованы для организации промышленной заготовки. Урожайность плодов черники обыкновенной в свежесобранном виде составляет 98,2–326,0 кг/га. Наибольшими запасами черники обыкновенной об- ладают насаждения с преобладанием сосны обыкновенной в составе древостоя, где урожайность черники обыкновенной – 211,9–326,0 кг/га в свежесобранном состоянии. При отсутствии проходной рубки в при- спевающих насаждениях заросли черники не имеют хозяйственной значимости. Для черничников в на- саждениях ельника мшистого интенсивности проходной рубки недостаточно для формирования зарослей, пригодных для промышленной заготовки ягод. The paper presents results of a study of infl uence of increment felling on recourses of bilberry Vaccinium myrtillus L. in conditionals of «spruce mossy» and «pleurocarpous moss and berry spruce» forests types of North Ural Mid-mountain forest growing province. This study is fi rst in this forest growing conditions and this aria. Sites of growth of productive thickets of wild-growing fruit and berry plants are signifi cantly involved in clear cutting, for this reason there is a need to study the infl uence of cutting of trees on resources of wild growing berries. The method of test plots forms the basis of the study. We have created 8 test plots. Of these, 4 test plots is located in forest after increment felling and 4 test plots is located in forest without increment felling. Index of the above-ground phytomass of plants in air dry condition of above-ground cover and mass of berries freshly picked of bilberry was determined. It has been found that above-ground phytomass of bilberry increases by 3–12 times, and mass of berries freshly picked by 6–15 times after increment felling. Bilberry of «pleurocarpous moss and berry» spruce forest type after increment felling has great value for the organization of industrial harvesting. Mass of berries freshly picked of bilberry is 98,2–326,0 kg/ha in conditions of this forest type. The pine- dominated forest has the largest reserves of bilberry. Harvest of freshly picked bilberry in pine-dominated forest is 211,9–326,0 kg/ha. Recourses of bilberry of forest without increment felling does not economic signifi cance. Increment felling in forest of «spruce mossy forests type» not enough for highly productive of bilberry.

N. F. Vasilenko ◽  
O. V. Maletskaya ◽  
D. A. Prislegina ◽  
E. A. Manin ◽  
O. V. Semenko ◽  

Objective– analysis of epizootiological manifestations of natural focal infections in the territory of the south of the European part of the Russian Federation in 2017.Materials and methods. Statistical documentation data from the Rospotrebnadzor Administrations, Centers of Hygiene and Epidemiology in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and Plague Control Research Institutes and Stations were used. The information was processed using Microsoft Excel 2010 software.Results and discussion. Epizootiological survey for 19 nosological forms of natural focal infections in the territory of the south of the European part of the Russian Federation was conducted. The total of 70155 samples of field material was tested; markers of 14 pathogens of natural focal infections were identified. The circulation of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus was revealed in 11 constituent entities, tularemia and Lyme borreliosis pathogens – in 8 entities, West Nile virus – in 7. Markers of leptospirosis, Q fever, human granulocytic anaplasmosis and human monocytic ehrlichiosis pathogens were detected in 6 constituent entities, markers of the agent of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome – in 5 entities; markers of intestinal yersiniosis pathogen – in 3 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, pathogens of tick spotted fevers group, tick-borne viral encephalitis and pseudotuberculosis – in 2. The circulation of the virus Sindbis was identified in the Rostov Region. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 91 (11) ◽  
pp. 60-65
A K Tokmalaev ◽  
V B Chentsov ◽  
V A Malov ◽  
V V Maleyev ◽  
G M Kozhevnikova ◽  

The article describes four clinical observations of patients with babesiosis detected in the European part of the Russian Federation, two of whom were under the direct supervision of the authors. The analysis of epidemiological data, clinical picture, results of laboratory studies in the dynamics of the disease. Differential diagnosis and treatment are discussed.

Andrey A. Paramonov ◽  
Sergey V. Tretyakov ◽  
Sergey V. Koptev ◽  
Aleksandr P. Bogdanov ◽  

In order to improve the accuracy of forest inventory works, tables of stem volume by height classes of willow trees in the northern taiga region of the European part of the Russian Federation were created. Forest inventory standards have not previously been developed for this species in the northern taiga region. The analytical technique proposed by I.I. Gusev in 1971 for spruce forests of the European North was used in compiling the height class volume tables. It was later adopted for the description of other tree species as well. Diameters and heights of trees were measured at 41 sample plots laid out in the Verkhnyaya Toyma and Arkhangelsk forestries of the Arkhangelsk region; 105 model trees were sampled. In most cases, sample plots were laid out in mixed plantations with the predominance of willow. The data obtained on the sample plots served to determine the parameters of the height class scale. The information source for stem volume of willow trees used to be the stem volume tables for aspen trees. A comparative analysis of the tables compiled for willow trees stems with the tables for aspen taken from the Forest Valuation Handbook for the Northeast of the European part of the Russian Federation was carried out. The analysis shows significant discrepancy in the scales for willow and aspen. The use of aspen height class volume tables for willow leads to a systematic overestimation of wood volumes. Tables of stem volumes by height classes of willow trees are used to determine stand stock with the enumeration data by 4-centimeter diameter classes. The developed tables meet the forest practice requirements. The volume tables by height classes are used to calculate timber reserves when laying out sample plots; to determine the damage level in case of stand damage; and for other practical purposes. For citation: Paramonov A.A., Tretyakov S.V., Koptev S.V., Bogdanov A.P., Tsvetkov I.V. Stem Volume Tables by Height Classes of Willow Trees in the Northern Taiga Region of the European Part of the Russian Federation. Lesnoy Zhurnal [Russian Forestry Journal], 2021, no. 6, pp. 69–78. DOI: 10.37482/0536-1036-2021-6-69-78

2020 ◽  
Vol 92 (8) ◽  
pp. 24-28
I. V. Maev ◽  
D. N. Andreev ◽  
V. M. Govorun ◽  
E. N. Ilina ◽  
Yu. A. Kucheryavyy ◽  

Aim. Determine the primary antibiotic resistance of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) strains isolated from patients living in the European part of the Russian Federation. Materials and methods. As part of a clinical laboratory study, from 2015 to 2018, 27 gastrobiopsy samples obtained from H. pylori-infected patients were analyzed. H. pylori infection was verified using a rapid urease test or a 13C-urea breath test. The values of the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of antibiotics were determined by the diffusion method using E-test strips (BioMerieux, France) according to the recommendations of the manufacturer. The sensitivity of the isolates was determined for 6 antibacterial drugs (amoxicillin, clarithromycin, metronidazole, levofloxacin, tetracycline, rifampicin). Results. According to the data obtained, resistance to amoxicillin was 0%, clarithromycin 11.1%, metronidazole 59.3%, levofloxacin 3.7%, tetracycline 0%, and rifampicin 14.8%. Dual resistance to clarithromycin and metronidazole was recorded in two isolates (7.4%). Conclusion. Thus, the first results of the evaluation of H. pylori antibiotic resistance in the European part of the Russian Federation indicate a low resistance of the microorganism to clarithromycin and quite high to metronidazole.

M. Yu. Pukinskaya

The paper discusses changes in forest-forming species in the nemoral spruce forests of the Central Forest Reserve (Tver Region, the Russian Federation). A comparison is made of the characterization of vegetation in the reserve spruce forests, carried out during the first survey of the reserve by Ya. Ya. Alekseev in 1931 (Alekseev, 1935) with the descriptions of vegetation made by the author from 2011 to 2019. It is shown that the coverage of nemoral herbs in the spruce forests of the reserve has increased over the past 90 years. In addition, three types of broadleaf trees (Tilia cordata Mill., Acer platanoides L. and Ulmus scabra Mill.) have greatly increased their abundance in the stand, most notably the linden. In recent decades, the decay of nemoral spruce forests has been taking place in the Central Forest Reserve. The birch-aspenspruce stand is not replenished with spruce renewal but is replaced by linden-maple forests. The vitality of spruce undergrowth is deteriorating. After the decay of a spruce forest, a change of the tree dominants occurs on 74% of the trial plots and the stand continues with a spruce forest on 26%. The largest part of the reserve's nemoral spruce forests arose after major disturbances 100–150 years ago (on the site of burned-out areas, hurricane windblows and cuttings). Old nemoral spruce forests were formed during the period when severe frosts prevented linden and maple from entering the stand. Currently, the coincidence of climate warming with the aging of the spruce stand and the removal of anthropogenic influence contributed to the release of maple and linden from the undergrowth into the stand and change to a spruce-deciduous forest. Under the prevailing climatic conditions, a return to the spruce forest is possible in the event of a burning out or when the climate becomes cold. The nemoral spruce forest is an ecotone type and, depending on conditions, becomes a spruce or broad-leaved forest.

Kardiologiia ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 59 (11S) ◽  
pp. 77-84
Yu. V. Badin

Aim. Analysis of antihypertensive treatment among different groups of patients with arterial hypertension from “EPOCHA” study 2017. Materials and methods. EPOCHA study is a representative sample of the European part of the Russian Federation was created in 2002 and re-examined in 2017. Results. 34.6% of the effectively treated (ET) patients had one antihypertensive drug and 32,2% of the ineffective treatment (IT) patients, p=0.16. Two-component antihypertensive therapy was 45.9% and 44.9%, respectively, p=0.56. Three antihypertensive drugs had 17.9% of the ET patients and 20.7% of the IT patients, p=0.05. Four antihypertensive drugs had 1.6% of the ET patients and 2.2% of the IT patients. The frequency of use of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system blockers in the group of ET patients was 85.0%, which was significantly lower than 91.6% in the group of IT patients, р<0.0001. Conclusion. EPOCHA study shows that structure of antihypertensive therapy does not differ between ET and IT patients what is caused lack of medical supervision for patients with hypertension in real clinical practice.

EPPO Bulletin ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 48 (2) ◽  
pp. 266-273 ◽  
A. N. Afonin ◽  
N. N. Luneva ◽  
Y. A. Fedorova ◽  
Yu. E. Kletchkovskiy ◽  
A. F. Chebanovskaya

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